Beacon of Light Beacon of Light A Commemorative Book on National Professor Jamilur Reza Choudhury cªKvkK Published by: Qazi M Arif KvRx Gg Avwid Secretary, Communication & Publication, BUET Alumni F3YL,F.YNEYP~ÔYC._H\gT8*MYJEY% cªKvkKvj Published on: Electronic Edition : April 2021 %gMZE.PVkL<*ZFM P~ÔYCEYFOC Board of Editors .Y5[*J$YZLG__$YQzYT. Qazi M Arif | | Convener NYJP\YJYEGYLÀ. Shamsuzzaman Farooq =YgQLPY%G Taher Saif GYLQY=f5ZLE Ferhat Zerin *f.*JJYP\C AKM Masud .YZLNJYf3jD\L[ Charisma Choudhury Masud Ur Rashid JYP\C'LLZNC To those of Tomorrow - P~ÔYCEYPQgKY0[ Editorial Support Who shall Build a Humane World by the Strength of P\M=YEYfLgH.Y$Y/=YL Sultana Rebeka Akhter Dream, Integrity, Compassion and Technology EYPL[E5YQYE Nasreen Jahan gPYQYEY=YE5[J Sohana Tanzeem Umme Mahfuza Haque 'g~JYQG\5YQ. DEDICATION ZHgNO.d==Y Special Acknowledgement Z5TY,TYC\C Zia Wadud JYQH\H\LfL5Yf3jD\L[ Mahbubur Reza Choudhury 0YZG,ZHEYP Graphics & Layout =YgCLFZ= JYP\C'LLZNC Masud Ur Rashid 'AFxP==YPVgHCEN[M=Y$YL.YZL0ZLC=YZCgTUP0 g3jD\L[F=[.HR\TY Chowdhury Pratick Barua KYLY0RgH$Y0YJ[L*.JYEZH.FdZBH[ NYQ ZLTYLQYPYE Shahriyar Hasan Fp4C Cover J\§YGY/YZMCFMYN Mustapha Khalid Palash 00vnP¥{ Copyright: BUET ALUMNI, Bangladesh 2021 www.buetalumni.org [email protected] ISBN ZHgNOCÍH Disclaimer: 0gvnF.YZN=P.MFH¶fM/g.LHYZ0=J=YJ=,CdZÍIZLDYL.f.YEIYgH%H\gT8 Statements, Comments and Observations mentioned in the Articles published in this book reflect & represent the opinion & perspective of the respective *MYJEY%*LET_ author only and does not incur any responsibility of BUET Alumni. 0 gvnHHÖ=P.M$YgMY.Z3¨PJaQZHZIExJYDJ,Pa¨gBg.PV0eQ[=_5YEY$5YEYgP%P.M The Photographs used are collected from different media and sources which HYZ,F Z=ÎYgELF Z=.e==Y_ are gratefully acknowledged. ®$YgMYLFBKY¨[¯P~ÔYCEYFOgCL.BY Beacon of Light- From the Board of Editors H\gT8*MYJEY%*LPIYFZ=5Y=[T$DYF.5YZJM\LfL5Yf3jD\L[FTY=QgMEFYT*.H4LQg=3MM_ It is nearing a year since the passing on of the President of BUET Alumni, National Professor =XYL*%$.YMFnYgELfNY.PVZNÒÍP.Mg.*/gEY$Yp4Ex.gLfLg/g4_$YJYgCLPJgTL$E=J.[Z=JYE Jamilur Reza Choudhury. We are still reeling from the shock of his sudden demise. This *%JQYEHZg.=XYL.JJT$E\.L<[TH<Y;5[HEg.L<.LHYL$YLP~YE5YEYHYL5E*%YL. commemorative book is an attempt to remember and pay respect to the imitable and 0vnZ8F.YNEYL'gCY0ZEgTg4H\gT8*MYJEY%_*%$YgTY5EPGM.LHYL5E*.Z8P~ÔYCEYFOCZH0= celebrated life and work of this extra-ordinary personality of our time. A board of editors was .gT.JYP.Y5.gLg4_*%FOgCLPCPHdgwCL$gEg.%FHYgP.JL=_$v§L5YZM.fKY0YgKYg0L'FLZEIL formed to steer this initiative. With many working overseas, the committee members regularly met on the internet to exchange views and monitor progress of respective assignments. .gL%=XYLYPVZNÒÍP.MCYZT={FYME.Lg=Pg3ÍfBg.g4E_ The contributions compiled in this volume were received from all over the world in response P~ÔYCEYFOgCL'E\$YQzYgE,PZEH¶$E\gLYgDPYRYZCgTg4EPYLYZHNHYF[HPHYPL=$DYF.5YZJM\L to an open invitation and some targeted requests from the board. The contributors include fL5Yf3jD\L[LÉIY.Yq[PQ.J[4Y¨ZN.$Y=[T*HV.Yg4CagLL$gE.$05,$E\5ZFT5E_ Professor Jamilur Reza Choudhury’s well-wishers, colleagues, students, teachers, relatives, and =YgCLf4Y8HRfM/YgMYg.%C\%JMYg8LJYg6PZExgHZN=.LYQgMY_ people who witnessed his unparalleled human qualities from near and far. FY¹fM/YgMY0gvn$v§I\.LHYLfg¨PYZQ=JYEHYZNÇ<Y<J\/ZH3YKZ4MEY_F.YZN=HH, Literary value was not a consideration for selecting these articles included here. The publication J=YJ=*.Yv§%fM/g.L_P~ÔYCEYL.Y5Z8J\M=HYEYEZH¿Y8$YLHY.L<ZHOT.¨ÀZ8fJY3gELJgD% committee fully respected the personal views of the authors expressed in the articles as much P[JYH±Z4M_f.YBY,f.YBY,J\CEFJYCQT=LgT%f0g4_*%fg¨ZHFY9g.LJYP\wCLCdZÍ.YJEY as possible, and limited its purview to fixing spelling and grammatical errors. The board takes .LZ4_ responsibility for and requests esteemed readers’ sympathetic views of errors that remain. In their writings, the authors have shared stories from their encounters at various stages of the $DYF.5YZJM\LfL5Yf3jD\L[LP\C[1.JJT5[HgEL$gE.$Y/YE*.YZD.L3EYg=K\0FUIYgH'ZMÒZ/= illustrious career of Professor Jamilur Reza Choudhury. There are unavoidable commonalities, QgTg4_$gE.18EYLF\ELYHdZ¥M.LYKYgH_fM/.HdgwCLZE5ACdZÍIZ$YL$ZI=YLFZ=P~YEFaH. but each painted with uniqueness of personal experience and viewpoint. *%ZHOTZ8PYEgwC0QE.LYQgTg4_ The articles received were either in Bangla or English, and the Bangla articles have been placed HYVMY $BHY %VgLZ5 IYOYg= fM/Y FYZ9gTg4E PEYZE= fM/.HdwC_ 0gvnL FBJ ZCg. HYVMY *HV =YLFgL first in the book. The articles are arranged in alphabetical order of the surnames of the authors. %VgLZ5L3EYgMYPY5YgEYQgTg4_fM/g.LEYgJLfNONg½LDYLYZHZQ.=YTL3EYgMYLPaZ3ZEDYL<.LY A life sketch of Professor Jamilur Reza Choudhury has been compiled based on information QgTg4_ZHZIExP\¨fBg.FY,TY=gBLZIZ¥g=$DYF.5YZJM\LfL5Yf3jD\L[L5[HEHd¥Yv§P~ÔYCEY.LY received from various sources. The life sketch along with a chronology of significant events in QgTg4_0gvnLfNOIYg05[HEHd¥Yv§*LPYgBPVgKYZ5=QgTg4*.Z818EYF[_P\ZHNYM*.5[HEg.*.Z8 his life is available toward the end of the book. This s a humble beginning to capture the life FH¶$BHY=YZM.Yg=P~Ôa<.LYP~|HET_FLH=[f.YEPVkLg<*gMYJNFa<=YFYgHfP%8\.\$YNYHYC of a rare gem with the hope that similar commemorative compilations in future will take it to completion. In order to keep them in one place, all pictures received with the articles and HY.LYKYTZHE[=IYgH_$gE.fM/.fM/YLPYgBZ.4\4ZHPVK\.gLg4E_fP%4ZHgMYPQ$EYE memoirs are placed among the appendices at the end. Excerpts from Professor Jamilur Reza P~ÔYCEYFOC $gE.PV0dQ[=4ZH*.Z8®Z:Z58YM$Y.Y%I¯*LY/HYLHYHnY.LYQgH$Z3gL%_0gvnLZHZIExFY=YT Choudhury’s speeches and interviews are suitably distributed throughout the book. Board of Editor $DYF.5YZJM\LfL5Yf3jD\L[LZHZIExHe=Y$YLPYY=.YLfBg.'gMÒ/gKY0$VNZHgNO'U.ZM=QgTg4_ PH5E Ng±T $DYF. fLQJYE fPYHQYE *% 0gvnL J\/H¶ ZMg/g4E_ FY=ZQ. HY§=YL JYg6 $=v§ ®$YgMYLFBKY¨[¯ Acclaimed economist and public intellectual, Professor Rehman Sobhan has written the Beacon of Light- $Yv§ZL.=YLPYgBZ=ZE=YL3EY.gLg4E_=XYLFZ=*%FOgCLP[JYQ[E.d==Y_FdZBH[LZHZIEx*MY.YfBg. 5Y=[T$DYF.5YZJM\LfL5Yf3jD\L[YL.0vn Foreword of this book. Board of editors expresses deep gratitude to him for this intense and A Commemorative Book on N=HY§=YLJYg6KYLY*%'gCYg0PYRYZCgTZEg5g.K\.gLg4EZFTN½YHZMZCgTL<.gLg4E*% passionate contribution despite his extremely busy schedule. We take this opportunity to National Professor Jamilur Reza Choudhury JQYF\LÀOg.=YgCLP.gMLFZ='Ì$ZIHYCE_P~ÔYCEYFOgCLPCPgCL'FL*%CYZT={$F<.LHYL sincerely thank all the contributors from across the globe. All members of this board are .Y5[*J$YZLG__$YQzYT. 5EH\gT8*MYJEY%*L8YZÑfHY:,ZEHYQ[FOgCLFZ=.d==Y_$ZF=CYZTg={LFZ=.=8YP\ZH3YL.LY honoured to be entrusted with this responsibility. We assure that it was executed with full Qazi M Arif | | Convener NYJP\YJYEGYLÀ. QgTg4=YFY9.LY%ZEDYL<.LgHE_ZEÎY$YLPVgHCEN[M=YL$IYHZ4MEYfP8\.\$.Fg8HMYKYT_ commitment. Success of the outcome is left to the judgment of learned readers. Shamsuzzaman Farooq =YgQLPY%G *.5E$YgMYZ.=5YZJM\LfL5Yf3jD\L[LFZ=ZEgHZC==XYL5[HECNgEP==YZEÎY$YLP=,P\wCgLLFZ= Taher Saif GYLQY=f5ZLE The stories in this book collectively sketch a portrait of Professor Jamilur Reza Choudhury - his Ferhat Zerin $ZH3M $YnYL .BY% $E\LZ<= QgTg4 HYLHYL _ ®$YgMYL FBKY¨[¯ fP% ZQLET $YgMYg.L 'CKYFE KY *f.*JJYP\C philosophy of life built on unwavering and uncompromising commitment to honesty, integrity, AKM Masud $E\gFLEYQgTBY.gHF5EfBg.F5gE_ .YZLNJYf3jD\L[ beauty and truth. This commemorative book is a celebration of that beacon of light to inspire Charisma Choudhury JYP\C'LLZNC generations to come. Masud Ur Rashid ®$YgMYLFBKY¨[¯P~ÔYCEYFOC*LFg On behalf of the Board of Editors- .Y5[*J$YZLG_$YQzYT._;Y.Y_*ZFM Qazi M Arif | Convener | Dhaka. 20 April 2021 05 04 | Beacon of Light | A Commemorative book on National Professor Jamilur Reza Choudhury Av‡jvi c_hvÎx | RvZxq Aa¨vcK Rvwgjyi ‡iRv ‡PŠayix ¯§viK Mªš’| ‡RAviwm m¨vi‡K †hgb †`‡LwQ mZ¨ cªmv` gRyg`vi 88 ey‡q‡Ui †h‡Kv‡bv mvdj¨B Zuvi gb‡K Av‡›`vwjZ KiZ G †K Gg gvmy` 90 5YZJM\LfL5Yf3jD\L[*.$PYDYLEHZ={$YJYgCLFBFCN. †bmvi Avn‡g` 92 Avwg Avgvi ¸iæ‡K nvivjvg AvBbyb wbkvZ 94 RvZxq Aa¨vcK Rvwgjyi †iRv †PŠayix ¯§i‡Y Avãyj gwZb cv‡Uvqvix 96 5YZJM\LfL5Yf3jD\L[LFBJJd=\HYZO.[WZEgIf0g4*.Z8HYZ=1L G Gm Gg Kv‡mg 98 ‡RAviwm m¨vi wQ‡jb RvwZi wk¶K AvwZDi ingvb 100 Wt †RAviwm cyi‡KŠkj feb wecª`vm ivReskx 104 ¯§…wZPvi‡Y Aa¨vcK †RAviwm my‡L›`ª Kygvi miKvi 106 GB gnvcªv‡Yi g„Z¨y nq bv mvivn Zvmbxg 108 gvbyl "Wt †RAviwm"-D”P hvi wki ‡gvt nvwej DwÏb 110 Avgvi eÜy Rvwgjyi †iRv †PŠayix J\QY~C%'EaP 112 Avgvi fvB‡qi mv‡_ n‡¾ hvevi †QvU `y‡Uv ¯§…wZ wRjøyb bvnvi †PŠayix 17 aªæeZvivi g‡Zv †RAviwm m¨vi dqmvj Be‡b nvB 49 m~wP kª×v I ¯§…wZ‡Z †RAviwm m¨vi ‡gvt bvwdmyi ingvb 61 | | Contents fvjevmvi Mí iPTCJQY~CfL5Y 67 Rvwgj gvgvi Abb¨Zv nvwmbv Rvgvb 83 10 Forward Rvwgjyi †iRv †PŠayix: huvi gv‡S eyw×i Zx¶èZv Avi webq G‡m wg‡kwQj bvwf` mv‡jn 105 ‡`k‡cÖwgK GKRb cÖ‡KŠkjxi cÖwZ”Qwe BiwZkv` Avng` 12 GKwU wbDwK¬qvm Gi cª¯’vb Avey mvC` Gg Avn‡g` 14 m¨vi †R Avi wm †eu‡P _vK‡eb wbiewa gybxi DÏxb Avn‡g` 18 My Best Friend Qazi Ziauddin Ahmad 116 Rvwgj (JRC) m¨vi ¯§i‡Y Gg, kvnwiqv Avjg 22 In Remembrance of National Professor Dr. J. R. Choudhury M. Feroze Ahmed 120 W. Rvwgjyi †iRv †PŠayix gkûiæj Avwgb 26 Litmus Paper We Have Lost Nizamuddin Ahmed 124 FRy-`„p B¯úvZ mg cwiwgZ di‡gi Quv‡P my-`„p KswU weKvk mD` Avbmvix 28 Av‡jvi c_hvÎx KvRx Gg Avwid 30 Mejonana Sajaa Ahmed Mahaa Ahmed 126 Mvwn Ze Rxe‡bi RqMvb mvw`Kyj Bmjvg fyuBqv 32 An Icon and Guiding Star- A Personal Tribute to Our JRC Sir Sayeed Ahmed 132 wc‡·‡ji evB‡i GKRb W.
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