Entomologist's Record Journal of Variation Edited by C.W. PLANT, B.Sc.,F.R.E.S. CONTENTS Vol. 116 2004 ISSN 0013-8916 THE ENTOMOLOGIST'S RECORD AND JOURNAL OF VARIATION World List abbreviation: Entomologist's Rec. J. Var. http://www.entrecord.com Editor C.W. PLANT, B.Sc, F.R.E.S. 14 West Road, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM23 3QP. Telephone/Facsimile: 01279 507697 E-mail: [email protected] Registrar Hon. Treasurer R.F. McCormick, f.r.e.s. C.C. Penney, f.r.e.s. 36 Paradise Road, 109 Waveney Drive, Springfield, Teignmouth, Devon TQ14 8NR Chelmsford, Essex CM1 7QA WHERE TO WRITE EDITOR: All material for publication, including books for review and advertisements REGISTRAR: Changes of address TREASURER: Subscriptions and non-arrival of the Journal BACK ISSUE PURCHASE - Paul Sokoloff, F.R.E.S. , 4 Steep Close, Green Street Green, Orpington, BR6 6DS Readers are respectfully advised that the publication of material in this journal does not imply that the views and opinions expressed therein are shared by the Editor, the Entomologist's Record Committee or any party other than the named author or authors. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation is a non profit-making journal, funded by subscription, containing peer-reviewed papers and shorter communications. It is published by the Entomologist's Record Committee, comprising the Editor, the Registrar and the Treasurer, from the Editorial address. An Editorial Advisory Panel exists to assist the Editor in his work. The annual subscription for year 2005 is £28 for individual subscribers or £40 for institutions. INSTRUCTIONS TO CONTRIBUTORS • This journal publishes peer-reviewed papers and shorter Notes that are reviewed by the Editor. Contributions are accepted on merit, with no regard whatsoever to the occupation or standing of the author. All contributions should bear the name and postal address of the author(s), but titles or honours are not permitted and will be removed. One e-mail address may also accompany the contribution. First time authors and non-subscribers are welcome to send material for publication. We are able to include colour photographs from time to time at no cost to the author(s). Good quality monochrome photographs are always welcomed. • The journal is concerned with British Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). We also accept contributions on British Coleoptera (beetles), British Diptera (flies) and other groups at the Editor's discretion. We also print Subscriber Notices at no cost on behalf of current subscribers; non-subscribers pay a fee for this service. We also publish Reviews of entomological books and other publications relating to all aspects of world entomology if these are sent to the Editor at no cost to him. It is our policy not to accept unsolicited book reviews from third parties. • We may also accept contributions on European insects if these are likely to be of interest to British readers, such as species likely to colonise Britain (especially where these contributions include identification keys or photographs), or accounts of entomological trips to places that may be of interest to other readers. • Papers should be at least 2000 words in length. Acceptance is not automatic. They will be peer-reviewed by two referees. Authors must be prepared to make modifications suggested by the referees. Papers must cover their subject matter to a far greater depth than Notes and should present original material or a broad-based review of existing knowledge. Descriptions of new species may be submitted. Authors of papers are expected to follow the house style and conventions as closely as possible. The Editor reserves the right to convert papers into Notes. • Notes are the meat of the journal! Most contributions will fall into this category. They will normally be less than 1500 words in length and can be very short indeed as long as the information they impart is interesting. We welcome Notes. There is no limit to how many you can contribute. Authors of Notes should try as far as possible to follow the house style and conventions, but the Editor will attend to these if errors are made. • We accept all formats from hand-written notes upwards. However, we prefer submissions via e-mail, or on floppy diskette. Files must be in a PC-compatible format that is readable by Microsoft Word 2000. Originals are required for all photographs, drawings, diagrams, graphs, histograms and similar, though Tables may be incorporated into word processor files. For details, visit the web site or contact the Editor direct. CONTENTS 1: PEER-REVIEWED PAPERS A (An) analysis of moth wings found at the feeding perch of a Brown Long-eared Bat Plecotus auritus (L.) (Chiroptera:Vespertilionidae) in Bluntisham, Cambridgeshire, from 1980-1983. J. Nick Greatorex-Davies, Eddie John and Henry R. Arnold, 241-257 Araschnia levana (L., 1758), a new species for the Macedonian butterfly fauna (Lep.: Nymphalidae). Dime Melovski, 273-275 D Diasemia accalis (Walker, 1859) (Lep.: Pyralidae) an adventive species new to Britain. David J. L. Agassiz, 159-160 E Ectoedemia hannoverella (Glitz, 1872) (Lep.: Nepticulidae) new to the British Isles. A. W. Prichard and J. Clifton, 153-157 Experiences from breeding Apatura iris (L.) Nymphalidae in Switzerland from 1982 to 2002. Dennis Dell, 179-187 I (2000) Immigration Review. Bernard Skinner and Graham Collins, 1-24 L Lunulation and genetic analysis in Aricia butterflies. Bill Smyllie, 161-172 (The) larval habits of snakeflies (Raphidioptera: Raphidiidae). K.N.A. Alexander, 113-114 M Microlepidoptera Review of 2003. J. R. Langmaid and M. R. Young, 193-214 N More aberrations of Colias electo electo L. (Lep.: Pieridae) from the Cape, South Africa. Leonard McLeod, 85-89 o On the early stages of the Reed Leopard Moth Phragmataecia castaneae Hb. (Lep.: Cossidae. David Wilson, 49-53 R Resident and regular migrant butterflies on the Isles of Scilly. Ian C. Beavis, 97-102 s Some observations on the Slender-striped Rufous moth Coenocalpe lapidata (Hb.) (Lep.: Geometridae). Paul Waring, 173-178 Sturmia bella (Meigen) (Dipt. Tachinidae). New to Wales. Eddie John, 75-77 The Green Vegetable Bug Nezara viridula (L., 1758) (Hem.: Pentatomidae) new to Britain. M.V.L. Barclay, 55-58 u Unusual partial second broods of Lepidoptera in north-east Scotland during 2003. Roy Leverton, 25-32 iii (The) utilisation of six metre countryside stewardship scheme grass margins by the Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonus (L.) (Lep.: Nymphalidae). R.G. Field and C. F. Mason, 107-117 (The) utilisation of two metre countryside stewardship field scheme grass margins by Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina (L.) (Lep.: Nymphalidae). R.G. Field and C.F. Mason, 61-67 2: NOTES A Applications for permits to collect Lepidoptera in Spain for scientific purposes. Colin W. Plant, 241-272 Argyresthia cupressella Walsingham, 1890 (Lep.: Yponomeutidae) a possible means of range extension by road. R.J. Heckford, 12-13 B Barberry Carpet Moth Pareulype berberata (D. & S.) established in Lincolnshire. Paul Waring, 262-263 Black-veined White Aporia crataegi (L.) (Lep.: Pieridae) egg-laying on Amelanchier ovalis (Rosaceae). David Gall, 228 Bloxworth Snout Hypena obsitalis (Hb.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) overwintering in Devon. Roy McCormick, 90 Bright Wave Idaea ochrata (Scop.) (Lep.: Geometridae) captive-reared for five generations solely on Hare's-foot Clover Trifolium arvense L. and Common Chickweed Stellaria media, with minimal intervention. Roy Leverton, 138-139 (The) Brimstone Moth Opisthograptis luteolata (L.) (Lep.: Geometridae). Comments on the early generation. B. K. West, 226-227 (The) Burren - a brief summary of its butterflies in 2003. Michael O' Sullivan, 127-127 Butterfly Recording Scheme for Cyprus - a request for records. Eddie John, 262 C Chloroclysta truncata (Hufn.) (Lep.: Geometridae): the return of ab. russata Hb. to north-west Kent. B. K. West, 223 Cochylidia implicitana (Wocke) (Lep.: Tortricidae) in south-west Scotland. K.P.Bland, 12 Colephora hemerobiella (Scop.) (Lep.: Colephoridae) - the second Hampshire record. Rob Edmunds, 70-71 Comments on the Buttoned Snout Hypena rostralis (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Hertfordshire. Colin W. Plant, 78-79 Convolvulus Hawk-moth Agrius convolvuli (L.) (Lep.: Sphingidae) in Hampshire. K.J. Coker, 90 Cosmopterix zieglerella (Hb.) (Lep.: Cosmopterigidae) new to Hampshire. Rob Edmunds, 70 D (The) decline in incidence of ab. ruficosta Lempke of the Brimstone Moth Opisthograptis luteolata (L.) (Lep.: Geometridae) in north-west Kent. B.K West, 54 Dewick's Plusia, Macdunnoughia confusa Steph.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Hampshire. Alec S. Harmer, 11 (The) doubtful Moray record of Eepyrus capucinus (Schaller) (Col.: Curculionidae). M. G. Morris, 73 E Ectoedemia amani Svensson (Lep.: Nepticulidae) second British site. Barry Dickerson, 118 iv Ectropis bistortata (Goeze) and Biston strataria (Hufn.) in January. B. K. West, 221 Editorial Note on Lymantria monacha (L.). C. W Plant, 266 Entomologists - born or made? Paul Waring, 122-124 European Corn Borer Ostrinia nubilalis (Wo.) (Lep.: Pyralidae) on hops in Kent. Colin A. M. Campbell and Emma Tregidga, 219-220 Further observations and comment on the flight times of the Straw Dot moth Rivula sericealis (Scop.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) from a rural garden on the Norfolk/Suffolk border. Mike Hall, 149-151 F Further records of the Lead-coloured Drab Orthosia populeti Fabr. (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Devon. Roy McCormick, 152 Further records of the Queen of Spain Fritillary Issoria lathonia (L.) (Lep.: Nymphalidae) in Britain during 2003. Jan Koryszko, 228 G (The) generic names of the British Phytophaga (Coleoptera) explained. A. A. Allen, 74 Geranium Bronze Cacyreus marshalli (Butler, 1989) (Lep.: Lycaenidae) and other interesting butterflies on Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. Benedicto Acosta Fernandez, 258 Geranium Bronze Cacyreus marshalli Butler (Lep.: Lycaenidae) on the Riviera. Martin White, 43 Grass Eggar Lasiocampa trifolii (D. & S.) (Lep.: Lasiocampidae) intersex female. Roy Leverton, 130 H Hazards of butterfly collecting - Good for a rainy day - Sa Pa, Vietnam, September 2003.
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