THE CITY RECORD PRICE 10 CENTS oL. 1.X XI Nl FIBER 21382 NEW YORK, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1943 THE CITY RECORD MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 46/0 155 OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Applications are now being received by the Municipal Civil Service Commis- Published Under Authority of Section 872•a of the New York City Charter sion for the following positions: STEPHEN G. KELLEY, Sorzavisoe HANDYMAN HANDYMAN, PROMOTION TO—DEPARTMENT OF WILLIAM VIERTEL, EDITO1 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan, WO rth 2.1800 HOSPITALS LIFT SPAN OPERATOR Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. Detailed information regarding above applications may be found on page 3809. Subscription: $20 a year; $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, 10 cents a copy (by mail, 15 cents). Applications are being received continuously for the following license examina- SUPPLEMENTS: Official Canvass of Votes, $1 (by mail, $1.15); List of Registered Voters, tions : Master and Special Electrician; Master Plumber; Master Rigger ; Motion 25 cents each assembly district (by mail, 30 cents). PUBLICATIONS ON SALE: Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, prices vary; Assign- Picture Operator ; Portable Engineer (any motive power except steam) ; Portable OTHER meats of Justices and Rules of Practice of the Municipal Court, for 1943, 25 cents (by mail, 27 cents); Engineer (steam) ; Refrigerating Machine Operator (ten ton capacity) ; Refrig- Building Laws (in four volumes), complete, $4 ($4.10 by mail); separate volumes, each containing a erating Machine Operator (unlimited capacity) ; Special Rigger; Stationary Cumulative Supplement to the New York City certain part of the building laws, $1 (by mail, $1.10). Engineer, First, Second and Third Grades; Stationary Fireman ; Structural Charter and the Administrative Code, to July 1, 1941, $1 (by mail, $1.10); also Annual Supplements to Welder ; Oil Burning Equipment Installation. the New York City Charter and the Administrative Code, from July 1, 1941 to July 1, 1942, and from 60 cents); Detailed List of Exempt July 1, 1942 to July 1, 1943 (two volumes), 50 cents each (by mail, Properties, $2 (by mail, $2.10); Digest of Election Law Decisions, $1.50 (by mail, $1.55); Electrical License applications and detailed information may be obtained at the Bureau Code, 30 cents (by mail, 35 cents); Fire Department Specifications, 15 cents (by mail, 18 cents); of Information of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, 299 Broadway, Land Value Maps, complete for the City in one volume, $2 (by mail, $2.15); New York City Charter 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Index to New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Official Manhattan. Directory, 50 cents (by mail, 55 cents). Animal Compilation of the Rules and Regulations of the New York City Agencies, 1942 (from Dec. 1, 1941 through Nov. 30, 1942), $1 (by mail, $1.10). Cumulative Compilation of Rules and Regulations of New York City Agencies, through Nov. 30, 1941, $2 (by mail, $2.10). Order must be accompanied by currency, money order or check drawn to the order of "Supervisor Claims Allowed—Personal property damage, 1; real property damage, 2; refunds, 3; Of THY CITY R00011)." salaries, 15 ; contracts, etc., 1; pursuant to section 93d-9.0 of the Administrative Code, 8. ADVERTISING: Copy must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the Claims Disallowed—Pursuant to section 93d-9.0 of the Administrative Code, 1 ; salaries, first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, copy must be received THREE 10 ; taxes, 1: contracts, etc., 5; personal injuries, 1; personal property damage, 4; real (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Entered as Second•clue Matter, Post Office at New York City. property damage, 1. Orders, Etc., Filed—Orders, 32 ; summons, 2; summons and complaint, 6. TABLE OF CONTENTS Opening of Proposals The Comptroller by representative attended the opening of proposals at the following Assessors, Board of—Notice to Pre- Municipal Civil Service Commission— departments, viz.: sent Claims for Damages 3810 Notice to Applicants 3805 Department of Hospitals—Repairing and strengthening of coal hoppers in coal yards of Board Meetings 3808 Notices of Examinations 3809 power house of City Home and Metropolitan Hospital, Welfare Island. Furnishing labor Brooklyn, President Borough of— Official Directory 3808 and material to make certain repairs 2nd replacements on one chain grate stoker of boiler Sale of Old Materials 3809 Police Department—Owners Wanted No. 9 at Kings County Hospital. City Planning Commission—Notice of for Unclaimed Property. 3808 Department of Housing and Buildings—Demolition of buildings, 91 Douglas st. and Public Hearings 3811 Public Works, Department of—Pro- other locations in Brooklyn. posals Comptroller, Office of the— 3811 Department of Purchase—For furnishing and delivering as follows : Bedside tables ; Abstract of Transactions for Week Purchase, Department of— printing continuous forms ; paper products ; medical and surgical specialties of American 3805 Ended October 2, 1943 Notice re Bid Forms for Hire of Cystoscope Makers, Inc.; surgical dressings ; repairs to pneumatic 3810 tire casings; miscel- Interest on City Bonds and Stock Motor Trucks 3809 laneous paint, pigments and allied materials. Vouchers Received October 20, 1943 3805 Proposals 3809 Correction, Department of—Proposals 3808 Queens, President Borough of—Pro- President, Borough of Queens—Construction of combined and sanitary sewers and Education, Board of—Proposals 3809 posals 3811 appurtenances in various locations. Estimate, Board of— Regulation Adopted by Board of Esti- Water Supply, Gas and Electricity—For proposed grading and paving for drainage Notices of Public Hearings 3811 mate on May 21, 1942 3812 ditch at Hillview Reservoir, LEWIS F. LANG, Secretary to the Department. Public Improvement Matters 3811 Richmond, President Borough of— Estimate, Board of—Bureau of Real Proposals 3808 Estate—Corporation Sale of Certain Supreme Court, First Department— MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Real Estate 3811 Filing Second Amended Tentative Hospitals, Department of—Proposals 3810 Decree—Notice to File Objections 3812 Manhattan, President Borough of— Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to Eligible List Promulgated October 20, 1943 Proposals 3810 File Objections 3812 Marine and Aviation, Department of— Supreme Court, Second Department— Promotion to Janitor Grade 3, Department of Public Works Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 3811 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to (Subject to Investigation) Markets, Department of—Rules and File Objections 3812 Regulations Relating to the Bronx Transportation, Board o f— 1. Walter A. Hayden, 88-11 Sutphin blvd., Jamaica, 85.370. Terminal Market 3810 Notice of Public Hearing 3809 2. Joseph Hanlon, 52 Chambers st., Manhattan, 84.020. Municipal Civil Service Comtnission- Proposals 3809 3. John J. F. Scollard, Hall of Records, Bklyn., 81.580. Eligible List Promulgated October Proposals—Notice to Bidders 3809 4. John E. Woodlock, 114 Albemarle rd., Bklyn., 81.145. 20, 1943 3805 Sale of Scrap Track Timber Material 3809 5. Henry V. Donnelly, 39-28 28th st., L. I. City, 80.865. 6. Lester Bricks, 1465 Jesup ave., Bronx, 80290. 7. Edward W. Cook, 4556 171st st., Flushing, 79.980. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 8. Arthur A. White, 96-20 Pitkin ave., Ozone Park, 79.650. 9. Frederick W. Scott, 158 Graham ave., Bklyn., 79.070. Abstract of Transactions for Week Ended October 2, 1943 10. Lowell E. Baker, 88 Adelphi st., Bklyn., 76.690. 11. Walter H. Hawkins, 601 E. 167th st., Bronx, 76.650. Claims Filed—Personal injuries, 12 ; personal property damage, 1,018 ; real property 12. Thomas A. Carren, Queens County Court Bldg., L. I. City, 75.930. damage, 1; contracts, etc., 2; refunds, 8; salaries, 8; pursuant to section 93d-9.0 of the 13. Francis E. Blank, 146 Newell st., Bklyn., 75.490. Administrative Code, 9; services, 1; labor law wages, 186. 14. Philip Lisi, 250 Mulberry st., Manhattan, 75.200. Contract Tickler Contract OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Tickler No. Name of Payee No. Amount No. Name of Payee No. Amount VOUCHERS RECEIVED IN THE OFFICE OF THE 143382 Jewish Memorial Hosp. 190879 483 33 143365 Stock Sons, F. W. 190925 2,224 20 COMPTROLLER ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 143385 Long Island Coll. Hosp. 190880 483 33 143400 Swedish Hosp. 190889 483 33 20, 1943. 141237 Low, Inc., N. S. 190867 54 94 137788 Tufano Contr. Co. 190846 96 03 Hereinbelow is a statement of all vouchers received in 142988 Mascal Sons, Frank 190838 23,068 90 137787 Tufano Contr. Co. 190847 55 43 the office of the Comptroller on this date in which is 142806 Maust Coal Coke Corp. 191125 6,695 25 137789 Tufano Contr. Co. 190848 75 15 shown the contract number (if a contract), the name of 134566 McDonald, Wm. P. 190834 185 30 137784 Tufano Contr.. Co. 190849 50 04 payee, the Department number (if other than a contract), 134563 McDonald, Wm. P. 190835 21 29 137785 Tufano Contr. Co. 190850 52 46 the tickler number and the amount of the voucher. 135255 McDonald, Wm. P. 190836 19 56 137786 Tufano Contr. Co. 190851 54 75 JOSEPH D. McGOLDRICK, Comptroller. 136098 McDonald, Wm. P. 190837 20 71 141186 Tully & DiNapoli, Inc. 191127 30,933 91 131283 McDonald, Wm. P. 190843 115 97 143081 Turecamo Contr. Co., B. 190852 32,616 63 138674 McDonald, Wm. P. 190844 76 27 140468 Turecamo Contr. Co., B. Contract Vouchers 190854 768 59 137778 McDonald, Wm. P. 190845 54 74 142728 United Carting Co. 190415 749 43 Tickler 127741 Meehan & Son, John 190839 74 73 143420 Unity Hosp. 190890 966 66 Contract 143387 Methodist Hosp. 190881 483 33 142914 Valley Forge Flag Co. No. Name of Payee No. Amount 190831 3,221 40 143361 Mfrs. Trust Co. 190930 2,625 70 143068 Vanbro Constr. 190757 14,535 00 143404 Bauer Black Div. 190928 $3,500 00 142992 Milljay Constr.
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