Newington and St Andrew’s AAP Preferred Options – Results of consultation 21st Feb. – 3rd Apr. 2008 All representations received during Newington and St Andrew's Area Action Plan's Preferred Options formal consultation are available for inspection at the Planning Department, Planning Policy, Kingston House, Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3ER, during normal office hours. To make an appointment, please phone 01482 612391. This table lists representations by areas, as referred in the Preferred Option document e.g. ’Area 4 – Hawthorn Avenue’. For ease of use, more specific streets which the representation relates to are also indicated. Any note/clarification made by the Council is indicated in italic and in square brackets eg. [No area specified]. Please note that references to third parties have been removed in accordance with their rights under Data Protection Act (1998); some comments/language which may be deemed inappropriate have been omitted and replaced with: […]. An asterisk* in the ‘Comment’ column shows that this is the case. Large background documents which have been submitted do not appear in this table - this is indicated in bold when this is the case. However, they are available for inspection, along with all representations, at the Planning Department as described above. Name Organisation Document Type of Area Street / Site Document Comment Response to comment comment reference Miss Preferred Supporting [No area Medium [No specific comment provided]. Noted. Jacqueline Options specified] Option Hoe Plan Mr and Preferred Supporting [No area [No specific comment provided]. Noted. Mrs Wride options specified] A. Fenton Preferred Objecting Area 1 – Page 38- [No specific comment provided] Noted. Options Albert 7.2.5 Avenue Albert Preferred Objecting Area 1 – 6 Don’t build any houses. Most of the site is already allocated Hancock Options Albert for housing in the existing Local Avenue Plan. Barbara [Not Area 1 – [No specific comment provided] Noted. Curty stated] Albert Avenue Carole Access Preferred Area 1 – Page 36 Demolition or redevelopment of terraces/courts supported as these have Noted. Sewell Improvemen Options Albert always caused difficulties for wheelchair and scooter users due to their t Group Avenue narrow access routes. Point on language usage, in Hull the court housing is commonly referred to as terraces and a distinction needs to be made between terraces and terraced housing which is not in the courtlayout. Craig Preferred Supporting Area 1 – I believe the frontage improvements in the area will improve the look and Noted. Towse Options Albert feel in the local community. I do believe that the properties in this area Avenue are in need of a make-over and with that this will influence all residents to take better care of their properties. The presentation of these Page 1 of 141 properties does drag down the general opinion of the area and I believe that the preferred option scheme will improve the opinion of Newington and St Andrew’s. This will give the residents not only something to be proud of but something to be thankful of the Council for restoring some faith that may have been lost by previous bad publicity and having a history of undesirable tenants as neighbours. David Sustainabi Objecting Area 1 – Page 30 – “Development in the northern area of NaSA may result in the The AAP proposes significant Bradley lity Albert Biodiversit loss/degradation of several SINC and/or LBAP habitats. Any loss of improvement to open space and Appraisal Avenue y wooded area and scrub should be replaced elsewhere in the area to biodiversity ensure there is no net loss of biodiversity within Hull” The preferred options report recommends new housing builds on most of the remaining Greenfield land and scrubland but plays down the extent of this. As a consequence, the preferred options report has failed to replace the significant loss of Greenfield land and scrub. Miss Preferred Supporting Area 1 – Frontage I think it would be a great idea to give all the houses around this area a Noted. Emma Options Albert Improvem facelift as it really improves the look of the area. I am behind the idea. Ransom Avenue ents Mr and Preferred Supporting Area 1 – Page 36 Can you let us know when work will start? No objection Noted. Timescales are indicated in Mrs Option Albert Frontage the phasing plan, as part of the AAP. Hodgson Avenue Improvem ents Mr R. Preferred Supporting Area 1 – Page 36 No comment provided. Noted. Prew Options Albert Frontage Avenue Improvem ents W and A [Not Area 1 – [No specific comment provided] Noted. Page stated] Albert Avenue Keith Preferred Supporting Area 1 – Albert Area 1 – I am, in general very much in support of the Preferred Option given on The preferred option has been Philip Options Albert Avenue Albert page 38 - it strikes a good balance between what is feasible and pursued and the AAP reflects these Mawer Avenue Avenue – practical as opposed to what would be wanton and wholesale (and comments. Pages 35- probably far too costly!). 38 The Maximum Option given on page 36 outlines the clearance of a large number of streets ‘courts’ off De La Pole Avenue an Albert Avenue – while my personal property would remain intact it would include the demolition of my mother’s home in Astley Street where she has lived for over 67 years – at 88 years of age, she was dreading the prospect, moreover the house is structurally sound with recent re-roofing, modernisation etc. So I strongly support the finding that this proposal would NOT be generally acceptable to local people (page 37). So I DO fully endorse the proposed Frontage Improvement Scheme for the area – if it is in any way similar to those in St Georges Road, Sandringham Street etc. My only caveat being the evident reluctance / inability of some households to participate in the schemes – I would appreciate more information on their reasons, as the overall effect is less than ideal. I applaud the possibility of creating better access to West Park through the Council housing area. The mention, elsewhere in the proposals, of providing soft traffic engineering solutions would be vast improvement for this area – the Page 2 of 141 present traffic humps cause considerable pain to anyone (like me) with a back condition, and are not much better for my eco-friendly Smart Car – the ones down St Georges Road have now destroyed the last link to Hessle Road for shopping. Meanwhile, the use of Albert Avenue as a major route for large vehicles continue to shake my foundations more than the recent earthquake! Immediate consideration needs to be given to means of slowing the traffic at the Spring Bank end as it revs up to get through the traffic lights – speeds are regularly far in excess of 40mph in both directions. A simple flashing warning (as in villages) might ameliorate the situation. Mr and Preferred Supporting Area 1 – Albert Timescale We live in the centre of Albert Avenue. We have observed closely the Noted. The Area Action Plan Mrs R. Options Albert Avenue Figure 8.5 vast improvement to Plane, Glencoe, Melrose and now St Georges proposes streetscape improvements Burnett Avenue Road. The results are fantastic. for Albert Avenue. We live in a large house, as our neighbours either side, and feel, this being the main thorough fare (with Walton Street) i.e. queues of traffic am and pm and a lot of people visiting from out of town, we often wonder what they think, sat in the traffic? Or more so, how would you view Albert Avenue like the other streets that have already benefited from the funding, Albert Avenue should have been first on the list as it is a main thoroughfare and our new stadium is only behind us. So which route do all these out of town visitors take I wonder? I have a copy of an old photograph of Albert avenue at the turn of the century 1900, Let’s put her back as she was in the picture. Please. Mr P. Preferred Supporting Area 1 – Albert Page 36 I am in full support of the Council in their efforts to improve the area. Noted. Cockerill Options Albert Avenue 7.2.2 Albert Avenue has some well built old large family houses with big Avenue Maximum gardens. I hope the Council can bring forward any improvement scheme Option as soon as possible to stop any decline in the area that would happen if there is a long delay. Mrs Mary Preferred Comment Area 1 – Albert Area 1 – New ways to reach the park/walking/the cut which is between land for Noted. Mawer Options Albert Avenue to Albert sale and Council houses to Lowther Street. Parsley Street towards Avenue west Park avenue Walton Street passing the school on the right, through bungalows to pages 36- entrance to park. 38 Sarah Preferred Supporting Area 1 – Alliance I am very pleased that the run down frontages of Alliance Ave and De La The parks will be improved and Fisher Options Albert and De la Pole are going to be improved. I would like to see more green down access will be a key part of this. Avenue Pole these streets if possible. I am also interested in the regeneration of the Avenues Riley College site and in the proposed green area. I would like to see a and Riley safe area for children to play ball games/ if dog walking is allowed bins College for dog waste, (that are emptied often) and a small play area for young site children with slides/ a mix of swings and perhaps other apparatus. Please can this be accessible to pushchairs- the closest play area at West Park is difficult to use if you have a younger child with you in a pushchair- as a result of this we walk to Pearson Park instead.
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