File No.1 1017 L5blfr16€Cd{ Pt Pt

File No.1 1017 L5blfr16€Cd{ Pt Pt

File No.1 1017 l5Blfr16€cD{ # Anncxure-l (Refur Para 4.3 of Scheme Guidellne) Dlstrihutlon of Shts es Fr tha Catryory o0fu lnrtlutions S.No. Crtegory hot"t Total fnstitutions slots I Enginecring pt 3330 ITs tr I 760 il. NITs _pr I 173 ]lt IIITs w 242 tv. Other Central Govt. Institutions p il9 Govt. Institutes of Information 45 yl Other Non-Golt. Institutes V 5l 2 Menegement F 23S t. IIMs Fo 190 ll. Govt.Insti0rtss 28 1ll. Non. Govt.Institutes t7 r Law- r t8t 3 t75 ll vate lnstitutions I 6 4 Medicsl pt 177 1. Covt. Institutions 6 100 ll. Govt. Institutions $ 7t It Covt. Institutions ] 6 5 and Allled $ciences- Central lnstitotes {0 6 NIFT 6 55 6E 7 65 lI. Institutes ^, Clubs- I 75 I CPL Inctltuteg V {7 I t5 ,ll TOs U rv ATOs I 9 atlonal Insdtutes t8 l0 ll *' FIle fl o.1 1 01 7r58f20l 6€gD-l Totsl 420() File t{o.1 1017 lfin0l 6€CD{ -* Annexure-2 (Refer to oara 6.3 of Scheme 6uidellnel ffi of Insdtutlonc Criteria for Merlt list o. Engineering IITs Rank ln JEE Advanced ) NITs Rank in JEE Mains 3 IIITs Rank in Jf;[ \4ains 4 Other Central Govt. lnstitutions Rank in JEE Mdns 4(i) Indian Maritime University, Rank in IMU CET 4(ii) lnstitute of Space Science and Rank rn JEE Thiruvananthapuram Advanced 5 oovt. Institute-tllTM-K Entrance test of TIITM-K 6 vate lnstitutions- BlTs Rank ln tltTSA't nagement 7 tIMs Ranh in CAT 8 Govt. Instinrtes 8(i) tRMA Rank tn CAT/XAT 8(ii) lnstitute of Forest Managentent, Rank ln CAT/XAT iii) rMS Rank in CAT 8(iv Rank in CAT 8(v) Rank in IIFT 3n[ ex&nl 9 Govt Institute e{i r lnstitute of Managernent , R"ank in CAT ryii) biosis lnstitute of Busine Rank in SNAP e(iii) ratiVidyipeeth B.MAT 9(iv) I School of Business and H Rank in XAT Iamshedpur l0 Rank in CLAT ll Institutes r r (i) Pune Rank tn MHC]ET ll is Law Rank in SLAT t2 Govt Institutions Rank in NEET @ += Flls No.1 101 7r5E/201 6€CD{ t3 Cther Govt. Institutions Rank in NEET I4 Non Govt. Institutinns Rank in NEET l5 Agrlculturel and Allled Sclences- Central Govt. lnstitutes rs (i) I ndian Veterinary Research lnstitute ICMR Ent test r 5tii) Indian lnstttute of Plantation Management IIPM Ent Test r s(iii) National lnstitute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj l5(iv) National lnstitute of Food Technology IEE Mains rank Entrepreneurship and Management INTFTEM] I 5iv) lndian lnstltute of Science Education and TISER Ent test Research, Trivandrum l5{vi) ndian lnstitute of Science Education and tISER Ent test Research, Tirupati l5{vii) lndian lnstitute of Science Education and TISER Ent test Research, Berhampur l6 Fashlon- NIFT NIFT Ent test tnl, Hospltellty | 7(i) lHMs NCHMCT JEE Test l ?(ii) Private lnstitutes (HhartiyavidyaBhawan) BV Ent Tcst t8 Flylng Clubs l 8(i) CPL institutes lnstitute Ent Iest Ent r 8(ii) ATOs [nstitute Test r 8(iii) Private ATOs lnstitute Ent Iest l9 !{etlonal Insdtutes r p(i) Deen Dayal Upadhyay lnstitute for the lnstitute Ent Physical ly Handicapped TEst te(ii) Ali Yavar tung National lnstitute for the lnstitute Ent Hearing Hadicapped Test I 9{iii) National lnstitute for the Visually lnstitute Ent Handicapped Iest l9{iv) {ational lnstitute for empowerment of lnstitute Ent Persons with Multiple Disabilities fest 20 Miscellsneous 2tlti) fata lnstitute of Social Sciences Institute Ent Test 20tii) Film and Television lnstltute of lndia Ioint Ent Test 20(iii) lndian lnstitute of Mass Communication lnstitute Ent fest .€' ! S.No. Name of the lnstitute location State Courses No. of proposed slots 1 lndian lnstitute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, new Delhi-110015 Delhi Engineering L20 2 lndian lnstitute of Technology PO llT, Chennai-600036 TamilNadu Engineering 120 Chennai 3 lndian lnstitute of Technology Kharagpur, lndia - 7 21 3O2 West Bengal Engineering L20 Kharagpur 4 lndian lnstitute of Technology PO llT, Kanpur-208O75 Uttar Pradesh Engineering L20 Kanpur 5 lndian lnstitute of Technology Powai, Mumbai-4O0 076 Maharashtra Engineering 720 Bombay 5 lndian lnstitute of Technology lnstitute of Engineers Building, Assam Engineering 100 Guwahati Pan Bazar, Guwahati- 781 039 7 lndian lnstitute of Technology Roorkee - Haridwar Highway, Uttarakhand Engineering 100 Roorkee Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247 667 8 lndian lnstitute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University Uttar Pradesh Engineering 100 Banaras Hindu University Campus, Uttar Pradesh 221005 9 lndian lnstitue of Technology, (lSM) Main Campus llT (lSM), Dhanbad Bihar Engineering 100 Jharkhand, lNDlA, 826004 10 lndian lnstitute of Technology, Old Residency Road, MBM Rajasthan Engineering 80 Jodhpur Campus, Ratanada, Jodhpur-342 ()1 1 ) ) 4 ) 11 lndian lnstitute of Technology Samantapur, Bhubaneswar- Odisha Engineering 80 Bhubaneswar 751 01 3, Odisha t2 lndian lnstitute of Technology Vishwakarma Govt. Engineering Gujarat Engineering 80 Gandhinagar College at Chandkhedka, Gandhinagar-382 424. 13 lndian lnstitute of Technology Nangal Road, Rupnagar, Punjab- Punjab Engineering 80 Ropar 140 001. L4 lndian lnstitute of Technology I.l.T. Patna, NaVin Govt. Bihar Engineering 80 Patna Polytechnic Campus, Patliputra Colony, Patna-800 013 15 lndian lnstitute of Technology l.l.T. Hyderabad Ordnance Telangana Engineering 80 Hyderabad Factory Estate, Yeddumailaram- 502 205 16 lndian lnstitute of Technology P.W.D. Rest House, Mandi-175 Himachal Pradesh Engineering 80 Mandi 001 t7 lndian lnstitute of Technology M-Block, lET, DAW Campus, Madhya Pradesh Engineering 80 lndore Khandwa Road, lndore452017, Madhya Pradesh. 18 lndian lnstitute of Technology, GEC Campur, Sejbahar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh Engineering 20 Bhilai Chhattisgarh-492015 19 lndian lnstitute of Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka-580011 Karnataka Engineering 20 Dharwad 20 lndian lnstitute of Technology, Goa Farmagudi, Ponda-403401, Goa Goa Engineering 20 2t lndian lnstitute of Technology, Jagti, NH-44, PO Nagrota, Jammu & Kashmir Engineering 20 Jammu Jammu - L8t22l J&K 22 lndian lnstitute of Technology, Tirupati, Venkatagiri Road , Andhra Pradesh Engineering 20 Tirupati Yerpedu Mandal, Chittoor (Dist.)- 517 619, A.P. 23 lndian lnstitute of Technology, Ahalia lntegrated Campus, Kerala Engineering 20 Palakkad Kozhippara P. O I Palakkad, Kerala I Pin: 578557 Sub total E 1760 24 National lnstitute of Technology fathimanagar, Telangana Engineering 50 Warangal Telangana- 506004 25 National lnstitute of Technology NH 66, Srinivasnagar, Surathkal, Karnataka Engineering 50 Surthkal Mangalore, Karnataka - 575 025 26 National lnstitute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha-769008 Odisha Engineering 50 Rourkela 27 Malaviya National lnstitute of Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Rajasthan Engineering 50 Technology Jaipur Jhalana Gram, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017 28 National lnstitute of Technology anjore Main Road, NH67, near TamilNadu Engineering 50 Trichy BHEL, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620015 29 Motilal Nehru National lnstitute of Barrister Mullah Colony, MNNIT Uttar Pradesh Engineering 50 Technology Allahabad Allahabad Campus, Teliarganj, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 211004 30 National lnstitute of Technology, Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, West Bengal Engineering 50 Durgapur Durgapur -713209 l I -I 31 Maulana Azad National lnstitute of Link Road Number 3, Near Kali Madhya Pradesh Engineering 40 Technology Bhopal Mata Mandir, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, lndia 462003 32 National lnstitute of Technology NIT Campus P.O 673 601, K€rala Engineering 40 Calicut Kozhikode, lndia 33 National lnstitute of Technology P.O: NIT Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Engineering 40 Jamshedpur Jharkhand, lndia, PIN: 831014 34 Visvesvaraya National lnstitute of South Ambazari Road, Nagpur- Maharashtra Engineering 40 Technology Nagpur 440 010 35 Sardar Vallabhbhai National lchchhanath Surat- Dumas Gujarat Engineering 40 lnstitute of Technology Surat Road, Keval Chowk, Surat, Gujarat 395007 35 National lnstitute of Technology Hazratbal-'1 90006 Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir Engineering 40 Hazaratbal Jammu and Kashmir, 190006 37 National lnstitute of Technology G.E. Road, Raipur Chhattisgarh Engineering 40 Raipur Chhatisgarh - 492010 38 National lnstitute of Technology Kurukshetra-1361 19 Haryana Engineering 40 Kurukshetra 39 National lnstitute of Technology NIT Silcha, Pin code-788010, Assam Engineering 40 Silchar Silchar, District-Cachar, Assam 40 National lnstitute of Technology Himachal Pradesh, Pin No. Himachal Pradesh Engineering 40 Hamirpur 177005 47 Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National G.T. Road, Amritsar Bypass, Punjab Engineering 40 lnstitute of Technology Jalandhar Jalandhar (Punjab), lndia - 144011 42 National lnstitute of Technology Ashok Rajpath, Mahendru, Bihar Engineering 40 Patna Patna, Bihar (800005) @ 43 National lnstitute of Technology P.O.: NlTAgartala Tripura Engineering 30 Agartala Barjala, Jirania, TRIPURA (W) Pin: 799046 44 National lnstitute of Technology Yupia, District-Papum Pare-791 Arunachal Pradesh Engineering 30 Arunachal Pradesh 112 45 National lnstitute of Technology Sector-A-7, Narela, Delhi- Delhi Engineering 30 Delhi 1 10040. 46 National lnstitute of Technology GEC Campus, Farmagudi, Goa Engineering 30 Goa Ponda, Goa403 401 /qt National lnstitute of Technology Langol, lmphal-795004, Manipur Manipur Engineering 28 Manipur 48 National lnstitute of Technology Bijni Complex, Laitumkhrah, Meghalaya Engineering 28 Meghalaya Shillong-793 003. 49 National lnstitute of Technology Chaltlang, Aiaral,-796 01 2 Mizoram Engineering 28 Mizoram 50 National lnstitute of Technology, Chumukeidma, Dimapur, Nagaland Engineering 27 Nagaland Nagaland 797103 51 National lnstitute of Technology Puducherry, Nehru Nagar, Puducherry Engineering 28 Puducherry Karaikal-609605 52 National lnstitute of Technology Ravangla

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