July 13, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1399 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS AMENDING PUBLIC HEALTH SERV- CONGRATULATING THE MENTAL members volunteer and maintain the expense ICE ACT WITH RESPECT TO NA- HEALTH CENTER OF CHAMPAIGN of the Hampshire County Library. In 1926, the TIONAL FOUNDATION FOR THE COUNTY ON ITS 50TH ANNIVER- auxiliary assisted the Legion in designing an CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL SARY honor roll plaque for the World War I service- AND PREVENTION men of Hampshire County. HON. TIMOTHY V. JOHNSON Post No. 137 has an active membership of OF ILLINOIS 400 in Capon Bridge, WV. Post Commander SPEECH OF Bob Brasher is assisted by President Sally IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Reid and Larry LaFollette, head of the Sons of HON. DANNY K. DAVIS Thursday, July 13, 2006 the Legion group. OF ILLINOIS Mr. JOHNSON of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I rise Each of these organizations provides a today in honor of the Mental Health Center of venue for fellowship, volunteerism, and patriot- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Champaign County on the celebration of its ism. The service each member has given to Tuesday, July 11, 2006 50th anniversary. their Nation and community shall be forever The Champaign County Mental Health Clinic cherished and represented. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Benjamin opened its doors 50 years ago as a program f Disraeli once exclaimed, ‘‘The health of the of the Champaign County Mental Health Soci- PENCE CALLS ON CONGRESS TO ety. On July 22, 1968, the Mental Health Cen- people is really the foundation upon which all STAND FOR THE SANCTITY OF ter became incorporated and changed its their happiness and all their powers as a state LIFE depend.’’ name to the Mental Health Center of Cham- paign County. Throughout its years of service Rooted in this reality, the Centers for Dis- to the community, the Mental Health Center HON. MIKE PENCE ease Control and Prevention lead vital public has continually expanded mental health serv- OF INDIANA health initiatives to prevent and control infec- ices to meet the needs of the public. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tious and chronic disease, injuries, workplace The Mental Health Center of Champaign Thursday, July 13, 2006 hazards, disabilities, and environmental health County is committed to providing critical men- Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, in the coming threats. However, the effectiveness of its work tal health services to the community. Since its days, Congress will consider legislation to depends on its strong partnerships with other inception, the Mental Health Center has pro- make taxpayer dollars available for what is organizations, notably, the National Founda- vided residential, outpatient, school-based, known as embryonic stem cell research. tion for the Centers for Disease Control and and 24-hour crisis services to promote the re- Stating the case for an imminent presi- Prevention. covery, awareness, and the understanding of dential veto, in 2001 President Bush made the mental health and related illnesses. The National Foundation was founded by moral dimensions of scientific testing on The citizens of the 15th district and I are human embryos clear. Congress in 1995 to bridge outside resources very proud of the Mental Health Center of These are the principles: It is morally wrong and partners with CDC scientists, and it has Champaign County for their continued efforts to create human life to destroy it for research. greatly enhanced the CDC’s impact in such to provide quality services to those in need of Also, it is morally wrong to take the tax dollars areas as global health, anti-microbial resist- them. We look forward to a prosperous future of millions of pro-life Americans and use them ance, the obesity epidemic, healthy aging, and in which the Mental Health Center will con- to finance research that they find morally ob- emergency preparedness and response. Most tinue its dedication to mental health services. jectionable. The choice of our time was de- recently, the foundation created the Emer- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me scribed millennia ago: ‘‘See, I set before you today in recognizing the Mental Health Center gency Preparedness & Response Fund. This blessings and curses, life and death. Now of Champaign County on its 50th anniversary choose life that you and your children may fund will provide the CDC with resources it of service to our community. needs for rapid response to large-scale public live.’’ I urge my colleagues to stand for the f health emergencies, such as terrorist attacks sanctity of life at every level. Stand with Presi- dent George W. Bush. Reject taxpayer funding or an avian flu pandemic. Given this organiza- TRIBUTE TO AMERICAN LEGION of human embryo research. tion’s immeasurable contribution to national POST NO. 91, NO. 137 AND AUXIL- f public health initiatives, I urge members to IARY UNIT NO. 91 support S. 655. This bill proposes increased ANNIVERSARY OF ADVANCEMENT funding for grants to the foundation, allows for HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO VIA INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION more voluntary service to the CDC by founda- OF WEST VIRGINIA tion individuals, and permits the CDC Director IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DANNY K. DAVIS to provide facilities, utilities, and support serv- Thursday, July 13, 2006 OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ices to the foundation if doing so is advan- Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, today we recog- tageous to CDC programs and the American nize the American Legion Post No. 91 and Thursday, July 13, 2006 people. Provisions of this bill will indeed Auxiliary Unit No. 91 in Romney, WV, and Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, it is my strengthen the CDC and National Foundation’s Post No. 137 in Capon Bridge, WV. Both are pleasure to rise in celebration of the trail- partnership and result in better public health located in my district, Hampshire County. blazing work done by Advancement Via Indi- outcomes for our Nation. Post No. 91 has a long tradition of monthly vidual Determination. Twenty-five years ago, meetings since 1920, sponsoring strong child Thomas Carlyle once said, ‘‘He who has Mary Catherine Swanson founded an organi- and youth programs, and flying flags on holi- zation rooted in the belief that, if the desire to health, has hope, and he who has hope has days such as Memorial Day, Flag Day, the go to college is met with a willingness to work everything.’’ Let us ensure that we do every- Fourth of July, and Hampshire Heritage days. hard, then those students who are capable of thing in our power to improve the health status Post Commander Madelaine Shallcross has completing a rigorous curriculum but are fall- of our people. In doing so, we will most cer- boosted membership to 450 members. ing short of their potential can realize their de- tainly ensure the productivity and fruitfulness Auxiliary Unit No. 91 is led by 7-year Presi- sire if schools provide them with the nec- of their lives. dent Diana Haines. Founded in 1926 with only essary tools. 22 members, it has now grown to be part of AVID expands opportunities to those stu- the third largest unit in the State. The 435 dents who have traditionally been neglected ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:53 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\E13JY6.REC E13JY6 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1400 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 13, 2006 by the system. AVID is changing the belief Before coming to Lake Land, Dr. Luther As long as Hamas embraces terrorism and system of entire communities by showing that served on Governor Jim Edgar’s Integration of refuses to acknowledge the right of Israel to low-income and minority students can achieve Workforce Education task force and Governor exist, terrorists will persist in the Palestinian at the highest levels and succeed in college. George Ryan’s Illinois Workforce Investment lands. In 2004–2005, 49.4 percent of AVID students Board. Upon arriving at the college, Dr. Luther Earlier this week, Hizballah kidnapped two were Hispanic and 17 percent were black. The faced many challenges in reforming and im- Israeli soldiers in Northern Israel. Israel has success of these students is critical to closing proving the college’s educational system and responded in an effort to rescue these soldiers the achievement gap. atmosphere, including reversing a substantial and diminish the ability to Hizballah to launch In Chicago is a legendary educator named budget deficit and shrinking student enroll- missiles into Israeli population centers. Marva Collins. She argues, ‘‘When we cease ment, as well as beautifying a deteriorating I rise to express support for our ally, Israel, destroying [students’] self-esteem by making campus. as it deals with yet more terrorist acts . the them doubt their abilities and leading them to Today, the college operates on a stable kidnapping of its soldiers during late June and believe that their worth is unimportant and val- budget and is considered one of the most the continuing barrage of rockets launched at ueless, we shall see the poor student become beautiful places in central Illinois, but Dr. Lu- Israeli citizens from Gaza and Lebanon. a good student, and the good student become ther considers his greatest accomplishment to The kidnapping of the Israeli soldiers can a superior student. Creating doubt in the mind be increasing the college’s headcount enroll- certainly be considered a provocation of war.
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