Government of Nepal National Reconstruction Authority District Level Project Implementation Unit (DLPIU) Grant Management and Local Infrastructure (GMaLI) Manthali, Ramechhap Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Project (EHRP) Environmental and Social Safeguard Work Completion Report of Parthala-Surke-Gadi Gaon Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Doramba Rural Municipality-01, Dadhuwa Prepared by: Submitted to: District Level Project Implementation Unit Central Level Project Implementation Unit GMaLI, Manthali, Ramechhap Jwagal, Lalitpur ESMP Approval Date: 2076/01/16 July, 2019 Table of Contents 1. Sub-project background ...................................................................................................... 1 2. Relevancy of sub-project selection ..................................................................................... 1 3. Sub-project activities .......................................................................................................... 2 4. Original condition of sub-project ....................................................................................... 2 5. Intervention/activities carried out ....................................................................................... 2 6. Total cost incurred .............................................................................................................. 3 7. Photographs ........................................................................................................................ 3 8. Sub-project implementation modality and sustainability ................................................... 3 9. Benefits of sub-project........................................................................................................ 4 10. Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 4 Annexes...................................................................................................................................... I Annex I: Photographs ............................................................................................................ I Annex II: Copy of approval of sub-project selection ............................................................ II Annex III: Design drawings ................................................................................................. IV Annex IV: Construction schedule ......................................................................................... V Annex V: Cost breakdown ................................................................................................... VI Annex VI: Consultation list .............................................................................................. VIII Annex VII: Google map of sites/location ............................................................................ IX i 1. Sub-project background The sub-project is located at Dadhuwa, Ward No. 01 of Doramba Rural Municipality of the Ramechhap district. The geographical location of the site is 27° 29'54" N and 85° 59'11"E. The climate of the area is cool temperate zone with temperature range from 5 to 100C during winter. The average annual temperature and monsoon rainfall will be 200C and 1500 mm. The sub-tropical forest species vegetation including Pinus (Pinus roxburghii), Rhodondron (Rhododendron arboreum), Utis (Alnus nepalensis), Chilaune (Schima wallichii) etc. are found in this area. According to Census, 2011 the population of Ward No. 01 of the rural municipality was 4730 of which 2162 are male and 2568 are female with total households (HHs) of 1016. The area is dominated by Thami, Tamang, Magar, Chhetri etc. ethnic communities and is mostly Hindu by religion. 2. Relevancy of sub-project selection However, the water scarcity is not a project induced issue but significant number of beneficiaries living in ward no. 01 of Doramba Rural Municipality, Dadhuwa are facing water deficiency for housing reconstruction during dry season. As per 2075/09/30 EHRP-MIS data in Ward No. 01 of Doramba Rural Municipality Dadhuwa, the total housing reconstruction beneficiaries were 1019 of which 911, 741 and 508 have already received 1st tranche, 2nd tranche and 3rd tranche respectively. Also according to NRA's vulnerable criteria, of the total housing reconstruction beneficiaries 44 HHs of this ward are under vulnerable by child headed (1 HH), disability (1 HH), single women (21 HHs) and old aged (21 HHs). The additional demand of water after earthquake for the reconstruction activities and resulting impact on water availability for drinking purpose and to maintain personnel hygiene is considered as significant, site specific and short term impact of the project but during site verification on 6th of Falgun 2075 along with Environment Specialist, Social Development Specialist and Engineer, the site lacks the water for drinking as well as reconstruction activities and local peoples reported that most of the water sources are depleted or extinct from existing area after earthquake. So to ensure availability of water for continuous and quicker completion of the reconstruction work the sub-project was selected for implementation. 1 3. Sub-project activities To ensure availability of water without interruption on continuous and quicker completion of the reconstruction work, the collection and storage of existing night water discharge in large quantity by maintaining intakes at sources, distribution systems (leakage maintenance) and enhancing capacity of distribution tanks with construction of 2 ferro-cement tanks (capacity 4 m3 each) was carried out. 4. Original condition of sub-project About 150 HHs were using the water supply system. The water was collected from source through 2 intakes but the intakes at sources are not functioning properly after devastating earthquake. There was leakage of water from intake. Also, there was leakage in distribution pipelines from reservoir tank. The broken water supply pipes may also caused water contamination. Along with reservoir tank there were 2 small distribution tanks (capacity about 1000 ltr.) near the village and are unable to collect the huge quantity of water as per growing demand due to their limited capacity. Local users are demanded to enhance the capacity of distribution tanks to collect water discharge and maintenance of leakage from distribution pipeline. The delayed in the housing reconstruction was due to water shortage. 5. Intervention/activities carried out The major activities/component of this project was maintenance of intake at sources, distribution system (leakage maintenance) and capacity enhancement of 2 distribution tanks with the construction of ferro-cement tanks of capacity 4000 ltr. each. 500 m HDPE pipe of 25 mm was used for the leakage maintenance. Instead of installation of ferro cement tank the overhead PVC water tank was thought but we found that the various literatures stated the installation of ferro-cement tank will be environmentally sustainable and durable than the overhead PVC water tank and it seems cost effective during its lifespan. After construction of distribution tanks it is also useful for collect existing water discharge in large quantity. Hence, the issue of water deficiency rises during orientation and consultation program for the reconstruction was addressed after the rehabilitation of this water supply scheme. 2 6. Total cost incurred The total cost incurred for ESMP implementation from DLPIU-GMaLI is NRS.3,64,659.00. 7. Photographs Original/situation (Photos) After intervention (Photos) Photo (a): Existing Distribution tank (1000 ltr.) Photo (b): New distribution tank (4000 ltr.) 8. Sub-project implementation modality and sustainability The sub-project was implemented after Rural Municipality level consultation, reviewing various documents, field verification/validation, measurements and detail estimate, ESMP preparation and approval from DLPIU-GMaLI. The implementation of mitigation measure was carried out through User’s Committee (UC). The rehabilitation work of Parthala Surke Gadi Gaon drinking water supply scheme was implemented through the contract with water user's committee i.e., Parthala Surke Gadi Gaon Khane Pani Marmat Upavokta Samittee, Doramba Rural Municipality-01, Dadhuwa. Formation, mobilization and management of the UC were as per the district and GoN rules and regulations. The implementation of mitigation measure involved small-scale civil works, which may give rise to health and safety risks of minor accidents and injuries. The members of User’s Committee (UC) will be made aware of safety risks and how to manage these risks during field visit. The monitoring mechanism was as per the revised Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF). District Environment and Social Safeguard Unit developed its field monitoring plan and monitored the compliance of the ESMP and progress of sub project activities accordingly and submitted monitoring report. 3 After completion of rehabilitation works of Parthala Surke Gadi Gaon Drinking water supply sub-project the night water discharge collected was released according to the daily routine. Hence it is insured the availability of water would be continuous and the remaining reconstruction works will completed without any disturbance. 9. Benefits of sub-project After implementation of ESMP of Parthala Surke Gadi Gaon Drinking Water Supply Scheme sub-project the beneficiaries would be benefitted by following: Accelerate private housing reconstruction
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