• ,. - Serving the Stat. TheW.ath.r rille University of Iowa Partl, ~1_dJ IIId rolder todl,. Low .1. hlrlt 55. Campus and I!urdl , fontilluH elou­ d, lad cooler " 'ith dl_­ rgaret, Iowa City en In the _th perUea. Esl. 1868 - AP leased Wire, Wirephoto - Fllo'. Clift'S Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, March 11. 1955 This FalJ. ~----------------------------~----------------------- ---~~---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 ics of Kina Edward VIII's abo dicstion In 1.936 for the love 01 Am.erican divorcee Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson. British law requires members of the immedIate roya l family who arc younger than 25 to have armers the consent :>f the sovereign for ',i { ;, marriage. Church Bars Remarrlare Queen Elizabeth would find it Snow Stays in New York * * * hard to give formal conscnt lor Soviet Radio her sister's wedding to a divorced Will I man. The Queen is thc "defender 1I'Iie Pledges' Troops Slay in Europe, WASHINGTON (IP) - Presi- __~ ____.... i ---------------- dent Eisenhower pledged T~urs­ ample, that when German armed cause df French opposition. * ... * day the U.s. will continue to strength is 'added to that of oth­ 1n reaffirming Ametican in­ Briton Says Allies fIlllintain Q "lair share" of its er European nations. the U.S. tentions of staying In Europe, would take its, t, oops off the the Presideht noted thnt agree­ Must Hold Europe land, sea and air forces in Eul'­ LONDON (,4» - Delense Min­ continent. • ments made in London and Pari' ister Harold MacMillan said MOSCOW (Friday) (A') -The ope to guard ogainst Communist . Some six divisions of Ameri­ last September would enable! attack. can troops arc now stationed Thursday allied armjes must Soviet ,overnment today for­ West Germany "to make its con­ stand read:y to block Ruasia from throughout Western Europe, mally notified the Unlted Stlltes In a special message to the tribution to peace and security." be- grabbing wmern Europe it would lik~ to send a delega­ premiers of seven 'European al­ most of them in West Germany. Euro.,.au Union cause "once occupied, It cannot lies. the President said he will 18 W~uP The new plan fJf I'ontrolled be liberated." t ion of Sovl t Camlers to the keep American units deployed in Backing these troops up are Ge-l man reannament is called Speakin, before n lu"cheon of US. and around Europe "while a 18 wings of American ,bombers, the Western 'European Union. Of the association ot Amerfc3fl. cor­ threat to that area exists." lighted. transports and troop the s~ven mempQr countries, on- respondents in London. MQeMllI­ Six Pledles carriers, and the U.S. 6th Fleet ly Brllaln has completed parlla- an ~B ld the new mlclear weipons in the MediterJ anean. mentary ratification. Haly, would bar all.led reconquest of This pledge, one of sile made The President·s new pledge. Franoe. West Germany and Bel- the continent as in World War public by the White House, was addressed to the leaders of Bri­ gium have Won apPI'oval of their II. llimed at prodding European tain, F'rance, West Germany. It­ lower house. Luxembourg Jl nd "Are you going to liberate countries to speed up parliamen­ aly, Belgium. the Netherlan ds the Netherlands have taken no European countries by dropping t .. "lr., ... I., tary approval of an angements and Luxembourg. was Intended action. nuclear bombs on them?" he AS SPItlNC ENTERED IOWA 1Il0W " '18 Ult piled to , ... iee the fot rearming W_ Germany, in to replace a similar policy dec­ The timini or the President's asked. bela1d of a ear Oil a hl~hw.)' two mite from WI' t Leyden. N.l: .• U.S. Agrees to Admit line with the London-Paris laration made last April 16. 'I1his message Will obviously designed Asked about tht: Weat's em­ Thlll"ll4a.y. """wa, 111(111 .t lOme point. on the "Mul re .1m00li' 11 Red Student Editors agreements nearly six months lapsed ·after earlier plans for to exert J'!lax imu.m eftect upon ployment of nuc1i&r weaporu in obliterated. ago. bringing West\ German aImed ~he Frencll Council or the .Re- any future war, lytaeMlllan gald WA IUNOTON (JP}-The U. The promise Wlis designed to forces into the European De­ p)J-blic. which expects to debate "they would have to be graded" Keturn Jl"portant l(1'ttd Th lU'ldu. .fter montlul (ense Community collapsed be- the measure later Ihis month. accordlrli to power. allay ny fear in France, for ex- "Account mlllt ~. t~ken not of df'lIbenUon. to IN 11 RIIIII.n # ,j Rccordin, to {'he numb:'!' ot hec­ tudl'n' tdltors OIly • vlsl' to Ho~gh Backs Dow,. lares (Russlnn land measure) Amerlt.n co linI' . >;own to one cro;l or nnoL.'l r, nor In ord.r for the II to 1M' Id· Asks Higher Early Spring IK'C rdlnlt to the nLOr r or cot­ PETER TOWNSEND AND Tax Cut' Debate tle. but nccord n:c to th amount mltttd It w. n('(''' ry und"r Princess Marraret shown dur· of !!r. in. pototQe.5 lilA veg.1 :J<b1 s thl' Me arran·W.ItC'r Immlna· iIlC' a. royal tour of South Afrl. Balmy Weather Sets Caffrey Di$put~ In' ilY Ihe per hl'Clare. and Quantity .Jon aet, whIch. ba ommunlats. ca In 1947 when TOWlllienli I.e' MargilnOn r :. All .. Time Record DES MOINES (JI» - lown---:---...:.....------ of meol. milk. wool and other Opens in Se 'n~te lor the eerata!')' 01 a\ate Ie comPlmlec1 the Royal pariy 'lI products of onhnnl husbondry," A biJh temperature of 87 de- senators Thursday hailed Go v' l mission who III aCcQPtllble to the recommend to the JUJIUC!! de. equerry. WlASHIINGTON (IP)- A major ' Leo Hoegh's reappointment of senale. .' it .ald. ci'"l..a te 011 tax IPOl;'cy opened I'n I'teJ!s Wednesday In the Towa L. L. Caffrey, Cresco Democrat, 2. Ho could name a Repll lican Th pllln Wa'\ txorked Ollt by partml'nt that Ute trip w In the of the faith" and the Church 01 Stock Buying ""u • millions of Am~ric an$ next year. t England bars the remarriage of the senate Thur.ooay, with ~ n . Bot:h. are oppos.!ld .py the' Eisen- City area set a new all. Ime I"C<:- to the state bODl'd of social wel- (rom th . northeast district. If he the 'CenLral committee of the n.tlon.1 Interest. a divorced pet'son, WASHINGTON (A»-MaJ"l'iner Harry F. Byrd CD-Va.) declar- hower administration and some oro, tor the second straLght day. tare as a move to settle the long did this he would hav to wlIh- e. 'l'mv~l - I Darty ar,d the Coun­ For this reason. the. best opin. S. Eacles called Thursday for iag the giOvernment is "mort- Democrats like Byrd and Sen, Thls, topped the preViOUS mark controversy over the state high- draw one of his other nomi- cil of Ministers. ion in London is that announce· hlfdher maJ'gibuln 10d~ stock bUmbying gaged to th~ hilt" and cannot af- Waller F :- Geonge (D-Ga.). 01 '63 degrees set in 1930. way commi sion. nations and submit instead th h t OVl'rpiannl'd ment of lhe engagement will be an ome 109 to co a ford to cut taxes without Cllttilllg But what the next move ..... ould name or a DeJllocrat. since the delayed until after Margaret's what he Clllled "eleme-nts ol real !\/>Cnding. $20 Cut A IUgtI at 68 'Ibursd;ay f<lUed ~ to finish bl·taking the dispute low provides that the commis iun The broadcast I;>iamed the So­ birthday. danger" to ~he economy. IBYil'd, chaimlan of the senate The first b a Ibm, passed by to top the r(>oCOf'd temperature of over the commission nominees shall be composed of three mem- viet Union's cUIT!'nt dlstr ss ov r ta.lIing icultural output Buckingham Palace maintain. Eccles was ooail1lTlan of the finance committee, said, " rt the. h OllSe, to ~ut •,axes by $20 f or 70 d egrees.se t on ......u_ rc h 10 , 193·y. was t h e su bJ ec t o( speculatlon. bers 0,• one ,arty nd two 0 t the to ""bureaucratic. exe~:llvely in­ ed silence as rumors o! the royal board of governors 01 the Fed- . tAd eral Reserve board jn the Roose- shouLd be the considered joudg- every m(:o ,~. ta)(lpare.r an,\ e- Tu66day's temperature 01 82 HoeCh had nominated Robert other. Clated pl.nn • and ml kt d r(;mance spread Uu-ough London. It d Tr dmin' tr ment of everyone of us that the pendent be~ J1e~t Jan. 1. ~5ed :i iu,:h of 61 5et in K. of <A:ntervlllei Russell In Brussels, Townsend told a oro ra irom department he dB. onUo a r>gi IS _ft;deral <Ieht should not be :¥2, .. 101l,6lll'I\.ePt J.898. · · , ot D .Moines; Chris Lar corrliSpondent of the pro-royalist ~~ns s~ma; ~- In~ \~PiU\tUdOrt· ~;Qaye~r.:. ~ ' HI\II1~Y Ch h'll H II rt Usted a number ot cn~e ' . e ~o n r k- creased eXC'elPt for extreme na f" '0 .. sen ot Sioux City and Caffrey U.... I a' s 1)Vltt Oovemm"lli Apet! London Daily Sketch, "I cannot Quir~nt. tor Ibuytng stoc Il tional emer.getllcy." The om so would 'e'xtend to·· .Wealiher lIudl' as Iowa City {or term~ on the highway com- ' I ; ~ w h c l' e "ho.ckn y p1 nnin,," answer questions about it be· should be tncreas.cd promptl.y to The debt now stands at $280 ohl! year th~.
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