e DOMINI? MOSE 4 CR1024 ED184 11137 . g . TITLE Eilitary Curricula tor Vocational 8 Technical J Education. Sewing Machine'Maintenance 18-3. INsT*ZION Ohio State Oniv., Columbus. Wational Center for Research in Vocat5cmal EduCation.; Technical Training Center, Chanute APB, Iil. , SPOSb- ILIENC/ Baceau of OcCupatibnal and Adult Education OMER/DE', .. Raihingtom, D.C. PUB; DATE Oct 78 MOTE 110p. EDRS.PRICE 101/PC05 Plfts Postage. DESCRIPT.ORS Behavioral Object!ves. ourse Descriptions; Curri:Cultm Guides;.*E uipment Maintehance:Jligh Schools: Learning Act s: *Machine Repaireris; Postsecondary EhucatiOn: ade and IhdustriO. Education: VOralooks IDENT IFIER S Military401arriculum Prole a *Sewing MachiMe' Repairers ABSTRACT This teaching guide,student s y guide, and stadent . workbook are designed for self- or group-paced. instruction ih skill, ; and knowledge areas needed for.ewingmaintenance. They-constitute one of s number. of military-deielopedcurriculum paCkages selected for adaptstion too Vocational. instructioá and curriculum development in a civilian setting. The instructormaterials include an outline of student qualitative require.ments anda plan of instruction detailjaag criterion objectives, duration of the.lessons and support materials. neeled..Student saterials include objeqtives, information"(text), .referencese-and actitities or writtenexereises. The scope of trainina includes structural atd functional features, inspection, timing, adjustment, troufileshooting malfunctions, aid overhaul of sewing macpines used in the repair of'parachutes, fabricr'and leatkor materiali. (MEN) , jlf * Reproductions supplied by EDRS-are the best that can pe faille * * from the original document. * ****************************#*******************Ic******************* . r . .. Military Curricula fo. Vocational & Technical Educatim I A 44. I p. 41. .41 SEWING 44ACHINENMAINTENAKE 18-3 XJ N TIONAL UNTER ARCIIIN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. (fl11(1`,TAT(uNioR(,IT 414 _ This mikitery technicql trainin4 course hes keen selected andadapted'by The Center for Vocationairgducation for "Trial Xeplemeptation of a*Model System to Provide Military Curriculum Materialoa for_Use inVocational. and Technical EduceAion," a project sponsored by the Bureau'of Ocaipational and AdultEdiscat,ion,. U.S.IEepartment of Health,.Education, and,Welfare, * v. MILITAIefmammal mramAis The military-developed curriculum materiaThixT'this course package were selected by the National Centerfor Research in Vocational Education Military Curriculum Projectfor dissem- ination to the six regional CurriculumCoordinaticniCeriters and other instructional materials agencies.Mei:impose of disseminating these.00urses was tomake curriariaminoterials &veloped by the military more accessible to.vocattional educators in the civilian'setting. 3 project , The oourse netexials 4vre aoguired, evaluated by staff and practitioners in the figld, and preparedfor dissemination.Materials which were specific to.the nilitary %ere deleted;copyrightxximaterials wre either omitted or appro-, val for their use was obtained.These 'bourse packages contain curriculum resource materials-which can be adapted to support vocational instruction and curxiculumdWvelopmept. Ab Military Curriculum Materials. What Materials How Can These disseminationis. Are A101able? .Materiais Be Obtained? }-mwt. an activity to increase the acceisibility of One hundred twenty:courses on microfiche Contact the Curriculum Coordinatii n Center military-developed curriculum materials to (thirteen in paper forM) and descriptions of in your region for information onbtaining vocational and tdchnical edaators. each have been provided to the vothtional materials (e.g., availability and cost). -They Ca.riculum Coordination c.nters and other will respbnd to your request directly or refer This project,4funded by the U.S. Office of instructiol materials.agencies for dissemi- you to an instructional materials agency , Education, includes the identification and nation. closer to you:, . acquisition of curriculr thaterials in print form from the Coast Air Force, Course materialsinclude plogrammed ". I.. ., Army, Marine Corps anitf, instruction, curriculum outlines, instructor CURRICULUM COORDINAlION CENTERS 7 guides, student workbooks and technical Access to military curr t4uri materi'als is manuals. EAST CENTRAL NORTHWEST provided through a "Joirltemorandum of Rebecca S. Douglass Willlim Daniels Understanding" between U.S. Office of The 120 courses represent the following Director Diredor Educatio'n and the Depart*ntf Defense. sixteen vocational subject areas: 100 North First Street Building 17 Springfield& L 62777 Airdustrial Park The acquired materials are Hwed by.staff Agriculture Food Service 217/782-0759 Olympia, WA 98504 and subject matter specia4 t. andourses ,Avikion Health 206/753-0879 deemed aPplicable to vocatiOnalt1Ø tech- Building& Heating & Air nical education are selected rissdfrination. Construction _Conditioning MIDWEST SOUTHEAST Trades Machine Shop Robert Patton James F. Shill, Ph.D. The National Cilketer for -Resitesch 4n Clerical Management 13t Director Director Vocational Education is the U\$.:Df fice of OccupatiOns Supervision 1515 West Sixth Ave. Mississippi State University Education's designated represanicative to Communications Meteoro logy & Stillwater, OK 74704 Drawer DX acquire the materials and condUqt Ole project Drafting Navigation 405/377,0 Mississippi State, MS 39762 activities. /Electronics Photography 601/325-250 , Engine Mechanics Public Service WESTERN Projact Staff: . NORTHEAST Lawrence F. H. Zane, Ph.D. A The number of courses and the sutject areas Joseph F. Kelly, Ph.D. Wesley E. Budkeh.D.,Direc1tp represented will expand as additional mate- Director Director NatibnarCenier Glearinghouse rials with application to vocational and 225 West State Street 1776 University Ave. Shirley A. Chase, Ph.D.- technical education are identified.and selected Trenton, NJ 08625 Ho ulu, HI 96822 Project Director for dissemination..., . 609/292.6562 /948q834 Military Curricuium Materials for The National-Center Vocational and. Missionf Statement 4, Technical Education 4 0 The National Center fiw Research in Information and field Vocational Education's mission is to increase Services Division the ability of diverse/agencies, institutions, and organizations tsolve educational prbbk ferns relating to in ividual career planning, iI preparation, and Orogression. The National The N Howl! Center for fie-search Center fulfills it mission by: in Vocational Education Generating knowledge through research / / Developing educatiorial programs and prodcts /' , Eluating individual program needs arid outcomes Installing educational programs and / produas Operating information systems and services Conducting leadership development and training `programs srl FOft FORTNER INFORMATION ABOUT Military Ctirriculum Materials WRITE OR CALL Program information Office The National Centerfor Research in Vocational, Education The Ohio State University . 1960 Kenny Road, COlumbus, Ohio 43210 Telephone: 614/486-3655 or Toll Free.800/ 8484815 within the continental U.S. (except Ohio) s SEWING, MACHINE MAINTENANCE Classroom Course 18-3 C3AZR42753 minttqpictby; OomiestiomlAmat United States Air Force Tdxtiles an4 Clothing Dovelopment sod Review Detest Targat Audiancosi, October 1978, Grades 11- - Adult Print Pages: 98 Microfiche: Availability: 40 CuiriculAbOCoordinatiori Centers I I Contents: g Block SelingMacitine Allow 0 Maintenance, I. or 4 X Materials are recommended but not.provided. A - map l(anny Road Columbus, ONO 432' THE NATIONAL CENTER (614) 4664655 FOR RESEARCH IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION' TM Ohio State Univenalty C3A2R 42753 Course Description: This course contains both teacher and student materials. The printed insteuctor materials ipclude an outline of student qualitative requfrementsand a plan- of' instruction detailing th_e. units of instruction, criterion objectives,,duration of the lessons, and support materials needed. Student materials follqw the plan of instruction. Both thp, student workbook and study guide,begin each lesson with objective6. The materiaris designed fdr self-or group-paced instruclion. -Most of the materials can be adapted for individualized instruction. 4 ' a a .Classroom Course'18-3 SEWING MACHINE MAINTENANCE (USAF C3A2R42753) Table of Contents 3 Page Plan of Instruction 1 Workbooi 23 Study Guide 74 , . Topics POI Workbook Stucty Oul.de Shop Procedures & Safety Initructions 25 76 Structural & Functional Features of 31-15 Sewing Machines .23 79 Timing,'Adjustment and Major Overhaul of the-31-15 Sewink Machine '31 84 Troubleshooting of Class 31-15 Sewing Manhin'e 34 85 Stiuctural 15( Functional Features of the 111W,Series SeWing Machine 11 36 86 .Inspection, Timing & Adjustment of 111W 'Series Sawing Machines , . 13 40 90 rhau1 of the 11IW Series Sewing Mach= 15 58 92 Troubleshooting the IIIW Series Sewing Machine 17 66 94' Structural & Functional Fealures of §pecial Sewing MachineS' 19 68- 95 0 Inspection, Timing, & Adjustment-of Special Sewing Machines 21 : 97 I POI C3AER42753 000 (PVS Code CEL) ytAN OF INSTRUCTION (Technical Training), t SEWING MACHINE MAINTEMANCE If ( CHANUTE TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTER 10 October 1978-Effectiqe 10 October 1978 yith class mon- Ss. dik tor . 4 - DEPARTMENT OF I'd AIR FORCE CTS 52-b3AZR42753 000 Headquartere, Air Training C9mmand (PDS Code CXL) Randolph Air Force-Base, texas 78148 ,.25 July 1978 SEWING MACHINE MAINTENANC prescri4bed in ATCR 52t17: 1. Purpose. Thia ceuria training standard as
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