THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE OVERSEAS PRESS CLUB OF AMERICA, NEW YORK, NY • January 2015 Junger to Give Keynote at Annual Scholars Luncheon be, a former Wall Street EVENT PREVIEW lawyer who, as acting By Jane Reilly CEO for the Wash- Award-winning journalist, film- ington Post Company, maker and author Sebastian Junger had a special apprecia- will be the keynote speaker at the tion for journalism and annual OPC Foundation Scholarship journalists. (See page 8 Luncheon on Friday, Feb. 20, 2015, for more details.) at the Yale Club. At the event, the “In my 20 years of Foundation will award a combina- serving as president of tion of scholarships and fellowships the Foundation,” said Hetherington Tim to 15 graduate and undergraduate OPC Foundation Presi- Sebastian Junger poses for a photo taken by his college students aspiring to become dent Bill Holstein, “I friend Tim Hetherington, who was killed while on foreign correspondents. have seen the impor- assignment in Libya in 2011. The winning recipients are from tance of our mission be- we have seen in Syria and Yemen.” Columbia University, New York come more critical with each passing Given the perilous climate, Hol- University, Northwestern Univer- year. News media organizations have stein said that Junger’s selection sity, Oxford University (England), pulled back on maintaining their own as keynote speaker is “the perfect Tufts University, University of Cal- networks of seasoned correspondents choice for these troubled times.” ifornia-Berkeley, University of Tul- and are relying more heavily than Besides being among the foremost sa, and Yale University. For the first ever on young correspondents like freelance foreign correspondents of time this year, the Foundation will our winners. At the same time, in his time, Junger is also the founder be presenting the Fritz Beebe Fel- zones of conflict, these young, most- of Reporters Instructed in Saving lowship. The award, which supports ly freelance reporters face mounting Colleagues (RISC), an organization business journalism, is endowed by dangers. They have become targets as (Continued on Page 4) Anne and former OPC president Larry Martz and is named for Bee- Cartoonist to Speak on Free Expression Inside. Award for best cartoon on interna- EVENT PREVIEW: Feb. 12 Jaime FlorCruz Retires....................2 tional affairs. The massacre of the Charlie Heb- The evening will include an add- Review: Risen’s ‘Pay Any Price’......3 do journalists in Paris has focused the ed bonus: A drawing lesson in which China Hands E-book.......................4 world on the challenges Kal will teach the audi- faced by international edi- ence how to draw Barack Holiday Party Photos.......................5 torial cartoonists. Obama. The OPC will One of the best in the provide drawing paper and Recap: 2015 Forecast Breakfast.....5 business, Kevin (Kal) Kal will bring copies of People Column................................6 Kallaugher, cartoonist his latest book, Daggers for The Economist and Drawn: 35 Years of Car- New OPC Foundation Fellowship...8 The Baltimore Sun, will toons in The Economist. Press Freedom Update...................9 talk to OPC members The program at Club on Feb. 12 about how Quarters will get under- Q&A: Andrew Meldrum..................11 he deals with freedom way at 6:30 p.m. on Thurs- of expression challenges. Kal day, Feb. 12. Admission is free and New Books....................................12 won the OPC’s 2013 Thomas Nast open to the public. Jaime FlorCruz Bids Farewell to CNN, Offers Wisdom By Chad Bouchard Beijing bureau chief and served until his retirement. OPC member and CNN Beijing bureau chief Jaime He has lived and worked in China since 1971, ex- FlorCruz retired at the end of December after working as cept in 1999, when he spent the year at the council of a correspondent in China for more than three decades. foreign relations in New York as the Edward R. Murrow He arrived in China in 1971 while on tour as a student Press Fellow. from the Philippines, but was stranded when President “Nice to get paid to meet interesting people and ex- Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law. Blacklisted by his plore exotic places,” FlorCruz advises students and young own government and briefly journalists eyeing overseas stateless in China, circum- jobs as correspondents. stances launched him into “But if you’re aspiring to an expat life and journalism become a multi-million- career that spanned upheaval aire, you may be on the and massive transformations wrong career track.” in China’s history. “Learn about other As career highlights, peoples, cultures and FlorCruz cited covering countries. Learn a foreign the Tiananmen square pro- language or two. Go out tests in 1989 and breaking and travel. Get lost, get the news that Jiang Qing, sick, get into (minor) trou- Mao’s widow, committed ble, and extricate yourself suicide a few days before out of them,” he said in state news agency Xinhua. Chan Wifred an email. “Learn the art of He also recalled with fond- interviewing and the sci- Jaime FlorCruz takes a curtain call with friends and ness memorable visits to co-workers at CNN’s Hong Kong newsroom after ence of research. Master Tibet, Xinjiang, Mongolia announcing his retirement. the skills of writing, story- and North Korea, as well as telling and analysis. Most the “charting of ebbs and flows of Deng Xiaoping’s re- important, have fun. You will only succeed when you are forms” while he was leader of China from 1978 to 1992. enjoying it.” After graduating from Peking University in 1981, Flo- FlorCruz is considered by the Beijing press corps to rCruz served as a stringer for Newsweek, as Time maga- be the longest serving China correspondent to date. He is zine’s Beijing correspondent and later bureau chief for a also co-author of Massacre at Beijing, a book about the total of 18 years. In 2000, he joined the CNN team as crackdown in Tiananmen Square. OVERSEAS PRESS CLUB OF AMERICA • BOARD OF GOVERNORS PRESIDENT ACTIVE BOARD Azmat Khan Martin Smith Emma Daly PAST PRESIDENTS Marcus Mabry Jacqueline Albert- Investigative Reporter President Communications EX-OFFICIO Editor-at-Large Simon BuzzFeed News Rain Media Director Michael Serrill The New York Times U.S. Bureau Chief Human Rights Watch David A. Andelman Politique Internationale Dan Klaidman Liam Stack John Corporon FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Deputy Editor Reporter Daniel Sieberg Allan Dodds Frank Calvin Sims Rukmini Callimachi Yahoo News The New York Times Senior Marketing Alexis Gelber President and CEO Foreign Head of Media Outreach William J. Holstein International House Correspondent Evelyn Leopold Seymour Topping Google Marshall Loeb The New York Times Independent Journalist Emeritus Larry Martz SECOND VICE PRESIDENT United Nations Professor of Abi Wright Roy Rowan Abigail Pesta Jane Ciabattari International Journalism Executive Director, Leonard Saffir Freelance Journalist Columnist Paul Moakley Columbia University Prizes Larry Smith BBC.com Deputy Director Graduate School Richard B. Stolley THIRD VICE PRESIDENT Photography and Charles Wallace of Journalism Pancho Bernasconi Chris Dickey Visual Enterprise Financial Writer Columbia University EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Vice President/News Foreign Editor Time magazine Awards Patricia Kranz Getty Images The Daily Beast, ASSOCIATE BOARD Paris Robert Nickelsberg MEMBERS OFFICE MANAGER TREASURER Freelance Brian I. Byrd Boots R. Duque Tim Ferguson Peter S. Goodman Photojournalist Program Officer Editor Editor-in-Chief NYS Health EDITOR Forbes Asia International Lara Setrakian Foundation Chad Bouchard Business Times Co-Founder & CEO SECRETARY News Deeply Bill Collins OPC Deidre Depke Charles Graeber Director, Public & ISSN-0738-7202 Journalist and Freelance Journalist Business Affairs Copyright © 2015 Author and Author Ford Motor Comapny Over seas Press Club of America 40 West 45 Street, New York, NY 10036 USA • Phone: (212) 626-9220 • Fax: (212) 626-9210 • Website: opcofamerica.org OPC Bulletin • January 2015 • Page 2 James Risen’s New Book Says Freedom Is at Stake By Larry Martz Defense Department’s supervisor of the giant contract tried James Risen, the New York Times reporter, who has to crack down, demanding detailed accounting for the bills become emblematic of the Obama administration’s crack- KBR was submitting, he was replaced and forced to retire. down on leakers and the journalists who report their whis- But the costs of the war go far beyond money. Risen tle-blowing stories, has won his long battle to protect his goes on to document the war’s more serious and lasting sources. The Justice Department has accepted his refusal price. to testify against a former CIA agent accused of leaking, He adds to the all-too-familiar story of the Bush admin- and won’t call on Risen at the trial. istration’s “enhanced interrogation techniques,” inflicting Risen’s fight for journalistic principle has gone on for torture on America’s prisoners. The story of one of the tor- seven years, and its ending sets no precedent and settles turers, now a tormented wreck who relies on marijuana to nothing. But Risen has published a new book, Pay Any keep his demons at bay, illustrates how “torture corrodes Price: Greed, Power and Endless War, that amounts to a the mind of the torturer.” But not all the perpetrators suf- defiant flag nailed to the mast to signal the threat posed to fered. James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, the psychologists America by the government’s war on terror. who sold their torture tactics to the CIA, walked The title is an ironic play on John F. Ken- away with millions in classified contracts. nedy’s famous promise that America would Risen also deplores the way the war has “pay any price, bear any burden” to preserve eroded Americans’ freedom in the name of se- liberty. Risen’s book makes a powerful case curity – not just hassling travelers at airports, that the ultimate price of the war on terror but encroaching on everyday life to “transform threatens to be liberty itself.
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