SERVING THE TOWNS OF BARRE, HARDWICK, HUBBARDSTON, NEW BRAINTREE, NORTH BROOKFIELD, OAKHAM, PETERSHAM & RUTLAND SINCE 1834 ServingServing the towns the of towns Barre, of Hardwick, Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, Hubbardston, New Braintree, New Braintree, North Brookfield, North Brookfield, Oakham, Oakham, Petersham Petersham & Rutland & Rutland since 1834 since 1834 Serving the towns of Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, New Braintree, North Brookfield, Oakham, Petersham & Rutland since 1834 FEBRUARYBARRE20, 2014 GAZETTE VOL. 179, NO. 40 $1.00 FEBRUARYBARRE20,EBRUARY 2014 GAZETTE F BARRE20, 2014 GAZETTE USPS 044560 VOL. 179, NVOOL. 40. 179, NO. 40 $1.00 $1.00 USPS 044560USPSUSPS 044560 044560 A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ www.turley.com Singing the night away January 14, 2021 ❙ Vol. 186, No. 39 ❙ $1.00 Senate candidatewww.barregazette.turley.com SingingSinging the night the nightaway away visits selectmen MikeSenate ValanzolaSenateeconomy, candidateeducation and candidatecommu- nity. Of all theHubbardston candidates for the Senior visiting district towns senate seat, he is the only one that Deer rescued from Lake Lashawaywas a selectmen. He stated that local aid and Chapter 70 money Sloane M. Perron By Ellenor Downer visitsvisits wereselectmen a priority. Center Heselectmen said that now closes until Jan. 25 Staff Writer Correspondent they were the first areas cut, not the first funded. economy,He mentioned educationeconomy, and education commu- and commu- OAKHAM- Despite a Mike ValanzolaMike Valanzolathat the legislature is moreBy inter- Ellenor Downer Dr. Stauder, the medical director NORTH BROOKFIELD – On Tuesday snowstorm, Oakham nity. Of all thenity. candidates Of all the for candidates the for the ested in funding new programs,Staff Writer for the board of health. The board selectmen still held their meeting. Jan. 3, the North Brookfield Police but that new programssenate take moneyseat, hesenate is the seat, only he one is the that only one that Republicanvisiting candidate visitingdistrict for state townsdistrict towns of health planned to file a vaccina- away from existing programs. were called after reports that a deer Senate, Mike Valanzola, intro- HUBBARDSTONwas a selectmen.was a Heselectmen. stated – that HeThe stated tion that site application this week. He also said that the had fallen through the ice and was duced himself to the two select- local aid andlocal Chapter aid and 70 Chaptermoney 70 money Department ofH ubbardstonElementary and Senior Center closed Hansgate said the Hubbardston men present, EliotBy StarbardEllenor and DownerBy Ellenor Downer trapped in Lake Lashaway. Police Secondary Educationwere (DESE) a priority. was were He a priority.said that He now said that now Matthew Broderick. James Erhard until Jan. 25 due to a positive elementary school would most Sgt. David Churchey called the Staff Writera Stafffar too Writer powerful bureaucracy. of Sturbridge is also a running as a COVID-19they were case thethey firstwith were areas an the employee, cut, first not areas cut,likely not be the site for vaccination DESE adopted common core state North Brookfield Fire Department Republican for the senate seat. standards initiativewhothe without had first exposurea vote funded.the first toHe some funded.mentioned seniors. He mentioned of residents. Hubbardston has over Valanzola saidOAKHAM- he hoped to visitOAKHAM- the Despite aDespite a and Environmental Protection of the legislature thator input the fromlegislature is more inter- selectmen in all 28 towns in the The building wasthat alsothe legislature cleaned. is more 1,000inter- seniors age 75 and older. Officers to assist the animal. Tuesday snowstorm,Tuesday schoolsnowstorm, Oakham districts. Oakham Selectman Senate district. He stated that he Outsideested in fundingfoodested distribution newin funding programs, wouldnew programs, She also said Hubbardston’s first Starbard said that he did not agree A command was set up near served selectmentwo terms on still selectmenthe heldWales their still meeting. held their meeting. with the incomecontinue basedbut thatnet school newduring butprograms that this new taketime. programs money Town take moneyresponders and some other com- 37 Shore Road as the North Board ofRepublican Selectmen and isRepublican candidate currently forcandidate state for state spending formula that determines chairman of the Tantasqua Regional administratoraway from existingaway Ryan from programs. McLane existing programs.said munities were eligible to get vacci- Brookfield Fire Department arrived Senate, MikeSenate, Valanzola, Mikehow much Valanzola,intro- a town must intro- spend on School Committee, a committee of town officesHe also were said bythat appoint the - nated in Rutland, which is already education. Starbard said the town He also said that the on the scene with a hovercraft. The 18 membersduced that serveshimself fiveduced towns.to thehimself two select-to the two select- has no way toment collectDepartment onlyany of theandDepartment of tries Elementary to meetof Elementary and out- an and approved vaccination site. She Spencer Fire Department provid- He menexplained present, to themen selectmen Eliot present, Starbard Eliot and Starbard and sideSecondary when EducationSecondarypossible. (DESE) Education He wassaid (DESE) said was Hubbardston hoped to be a ed a boat and members of the East that his Matthewfocus if elected Broderick.Matthew would be James Broderick.See Erhard SELECTMEN, James Erhard page 7 Hubbardstona far too powerful wasa far atoo greenbureaucracy. powerful commu bureaucracy.- site by February. The minimum Brookfield and West Brookfield fire Turley Publications Photo by Amber King, an intern from Quabbin Regional High School. of Sturbridgeof is Sturbridgealso a running is also as aanity, running which as a means the town has number for a site was 200. The departments were also on hand to DESE adoptedDESE common adopted core common state core state The band Crawdad E Creek held their sixth annual bonfire and food drive on Saturday, Feb. 8 at American Legion Post 2. RepublicanRepublican for the senate for seat.the moresenate thanseat. 10 positive cases, but board of health would run clinics assist. standards initiativestandards without initiative a vote without a vote Valanzola saidValanzola he hoped said to visithe hoped theless to visitthan the 15. He said surrounding when various age groups were eli- Capt. David Martin and Lt. of the legislatureof the orlegislature input from or input from Stateselectmen funds inselectmen all 28 towns in allused in 28 the townscommunities into the are in the red with the gible. George Noelette from the North school districts.school districts.Selectman Selectman Senate district.Senate He district.stated that He hestatedexception that he of Princeton, which is Tax title plan Brookfield Fire Department oper- Starbard saidStarbard that he didsaid not that agree he did not agree QRSD to hold Courtesy photos bypromote the Northserved Brookfield two served termsFire Department regional ontwo the terms Wales onyellow. the Wales Hubbardston had 354 test- Town administrator McLane ated the hovercraft. The opera- State approves Pathfinder roof project with the incomewith basedthe income net school based net school A deer fell through the ice on Lake Lashaway and had trouble making Boardit to ofshore SelectmenBoard so ofandNorth Selectmen is currently anded is incurrently the past two weeks with 16 presented a tax title plan for the tors broke thepublic ice around budget the deer about 62 percent of the project cost acceptance of the cost, site, type, spending formulaspending that formula determines that determines BrookfieldConstruction firefighters led him their hovercraft. chairman of thechairman Tantasqua of the Regional Tantasquatesting Regional positive. town. He said 99% of residents but had difficulty getting the ani- or $2,003,781 of $3,273,620, with scope and timeline for the pro- partnerships how much ahow town much must a spendtown muston spend on hearing expected to begin the remaining $1,269,839 borne by posed project,” wrote John School Committee,School aCommittee, committee aof committeeVaccination of clinic pay their taxes in a timely manner. mal to safety. According to North Churchey and thePathfinder’s two member towns, based McCarthy, executive director of munities that benefit education.from the 37 pro- Starbardeducation. said Starbard the town said the town Technology,18 members health that18 members serves five that towns. serves fiveCatherine towns. Hansgate of the board Currently, $520,584.37 was owed. Brookfield Fire BARREChief Joe- The Holway, Quabbin Environmentallate summer Protection officerson enrollment. the MSBA in a Jan. 29 letter to Dr. jects slated to receivehas funding no way from hasto collectno way any to collectof the any of the after two hoursRegional of School being District in (QRSD)the devised a strategy to put a Pathfinder’srope member towns Gerald Paist, superintendent-direc- networksHe advanced explainedHe to explainedthethe selectmen $4 million to Communitytheof selectmenhealth Innovation said at the Jan. 11 select The third quarter taxes would be Challenge (CIC) grant program. water, the animalSchool Committeewas exhausted. will meet on around Bythe Douglas deer Farmerand use the sound of include Palmer, tor of the Pathfinder regional dis- that his focusthat if hiselected focus would if elected beboard would meetingSee be SELECTMEN, theSee board SELECTMEN, page formed 7 pagedue 7Feb. 1. He said many real Thursday, Feb. 27 at 6:30 p.m.
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