Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, August 31, 2017 OUR 127th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 35-2017 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] ONE DOLLAR Prospect Street Blaze Claims Life Of 19-Yr.-Old Man, Family Dog By PAUL J. PEYTON on the second floor of the home. year-old young man lost his life. The Specially Written for The Westfield Leader The home, located at 1260 Pros- cause of the fire is under investiga- WESTFIELD – Firefighters battled pect Street, is near Brightwood Park. tion,” Mayor Andrew Skibitsky said an early morning fire Monday on the Tax records list the homeowner as in a statement released Monday. 1200 block of Prospect Street that Alison Tooley. Ms. Tooley is the “Westfield is a community in mourn- resulted in the death of 19-year-old mother of Jake and his older brother, ing today. We cannot imagine the Jake Tooley as well as the family’s Sam. pain and grief the young man’s family puppy, Moo. “There were no other injuries to is feeling, and our heartfelt thoughts Fire Chief David Kelly told The firefighters or others in the family,” and prayers go out to his family and Westfield Leader that when Chief Kelly told The Leader. friends.” firefighters arrived after receiving the While the chief did not have infor- Jake Tooley was a 2016 graduate call at 2:45 a.m. they “encountered mation on what other fire depart- of Westfield High School (WHS), heavy fire conditions.” The three- ments assisted Westfield at the fire and a student at Monmouth Univer- alarm fire took two hours to bring scene, he said around 50 firefighters sity according to his Facebook page, under control, Chief Kelly said. Ac- battled the fire at the height of the and was a member of his school’s golf cording to news reports, the blaze blaze. An NBC News report stated and cross-country teams. Sam Tooley began in the living room. Chief Kelly that nine other agencies assisted is the cross country and track coach at said two persons managed to escape Westfield. WHS. while firefighters attempted a rescue “Unfortunately, despite valiant ef- Jake was predeceased by his father, when told a third person was trapped forts by the first responders, a 19- Michael G. Tooley, who passed away suddenly on November 18, 2016, according to his obituary. A gofundme page (www.gofundme.com/the-tooley- fund) was set up to raise funds for the family had raised $178,588 as of Wednesday morning from 2,219 dif- ferent donors. Paul Lachenauer for The Westfield Leader “In the fire the Tooleys lost nearly FAMILY TRAGEDY...An early-morning fire on the 1200 block of Prospect Street in Westfield claimed the life of Jake all their possessions, as well as their Tooley, a 2016 graduate of Westfield High School (WHS), as well as the family’s dog. Services are scheduled for 11 a.m. today everyday necessities...All donations at the Presbyterian Church in New Providence. Inset, a photo from Facebook of Jake, right, at his WHS graduation with his will be given directly to the Tooleys brother, Sam. to aid them in regaining their every- day necessities and assist them in their continued move forward as a Town Schools to Open Wed. With family,” according to a statement on the gofundme page. Sam released a statement on Mon- day. Two New Principals, 35 Teachers “My brother was an amazing man. Christina M. Hinke for The Westfield Leader Young, but wise beyond his years out of By PAUL J. PEYTON retired. principal at Westfield High School and REBUILDING SUBSTATION...The PSE&G substation in Cranford is in the Specially Written for The Westfield Leader The district’s new staff institute was later assistant principal at Edison. “She process of being rebuilt. It is seen on Saturday from the outside patio of the River necessity due to what life had dealt him & Rail restaurant across the street. over the last few years... Our house can WESTFIELD — Public schools held Tuesday and Wednesday for the is well prepared for her position,” Ms. be rebuilt. Our possessions can be re- open this Wednesday, September 6, for new teachers. Dolan said. placed. My little brother, however, will 6,300 Westfield students, the same num- During an interview with The Also, the board of education ap- BOE OKs New Asst. Principal; be forever missed,” he said. ber as last year. Students will be greeted Westfield Leader on Friday, Margaret proved the appointment Tuesday night Funeral services are planned for by new principals at Jefferson Elemen- Dolan, Ed.D., superintendent of of Paul Duncan as the new assistant today at 11 a.m. at the Presbyterian tary School and Roosevelt Intermedi- schools, said Susie Hung, Ed.D., who principal at Franklin Elementary Election Candidates Declared Church in New Providence, accord- ate School and 35 new teachers who are previously was principal at Walton School. He was most recently with ing to NJ.com. replacing mostly teachers who have School in Springfield, is the new prin- Warren Public Schools, where he taught By MICHAEL BONACCORSO teaching fourth and fifth graders. He cipal at Jefferson. Prior to Springfield, and was head of the summer program. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader was assistant principal and supervi- she was a teacher at Tamaques Elemen- He replaces Scott Lipson, who took a WESTFIELD – At Tuesday’s board sor for Warren Township’s summer Cranford’s Court Hearing tary School in Westfield. Ms. Hung principal’s position at Tinc Road El- of education meeting Paul Duncan school. He also co-chaired the War- replaces Jeanette Munoz, who has re- ementary School in Mount Olive, Mor- was approved as Franklin Elemen- ren Technology Subcommittee assist- tired. ris County. tary School’s assistant principal. Su- ing district strategic planning efforts. Postponed to September 19 “I think she is going to be a great The district also has hired Tom We- perintendent Margaret Dolan recom- “I am honored to be joining the contribution to Jefferson School,” Su- ber as the new supervisor of visual and mended Mr. Duncan for final board Westfield Public School District be- By CHRISTINA M. HINKE Surenian was newly returned from perintendent Dolan said. performing arts and Enrique Pincay as of education approval. An interview cause of its commitment to educa- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader vacation and sought the one-cycle Mary Asfendis is the new principal at supervisor of world languages and En- committee selected him through a tional excellence. I’ve already re- CRANFORD — A hearing, origi- adjournment to enable him to respond Roosevelt, where she replaces Stewart glish as a Second Language. Mr. We- 120-applicant vetting process. ceived a warm welcome,” Mr. Duncan nally set for Friday, September 1, that to Hartz’s filings.” Carey, who has retired. She comes over ber, who comes over from the Egg The interview committee included said. could allow the township to amend its “In its letter requesting the adjourn- from Edison Intermediate School, Harbor, N.J., school system, previously Franklin School Principal Eileen On school election night, Tuesday, fair-share housing obligation has been ment, however, Cranford does not where she was assistant principal. In taught with the New Jersey Workshop Cambria, teachers Kerry Lyman and November 7, five candidates will con- postponed to Tuesday, September 19, request the adjournment on the turn, Crystal Marsh has been named the for the Arts here in town. His career Nancy Rygiel, Human Resource Spe- test three board of education seats. at 1:30 p.m. grounds on which it solicited and new assistant principal at Edison Inter- spans 22 years in arts education. Mr. cialist Barbara Ball, and district K-12 Declared candidates include incum- Cranford has requested a motion obtained my consent. Rather, it seeks mediate School. She most recently was Weber replaces Linda King, who re- supervisors, Mathematics Supervisor bent Peggy Oster, Lynn Brenner, for leave to amend a judgment of the adjournment so that it can pursue a science teacher at the Salk School of tired after 30 years with the district. Regina Kiczek, Science Supervisor Simon Cirasa, Kent Diamond and compliance and repose and related ‘confidential’ communications with Science Middle School in Manhattan. Mr. Pincay comes from the Tom Patterson and Special Educa- Anthony Marotta. relief with the state Superior Court is the Special Master from which Hartz The superintendent said Ms. Asfendis Hillsborough Township Public Schools, tion Supervisor Andrea Lo. Ms. Oster is the only board mem- in regards to the Mount Laurel law- is excluded.” started her career as a Spanish-lan- where he held a similar position to his “I am confident that Dr. Duncan is ber of three whose term is expiring in suit filed by Cranford Development In Hartz’s brief it outlines its de- guage teacher at Edison and later be- new administrative post in Westfield. an excellent fit for Westfield and the January 2018 who is seeking reelec- Associates, a.k.a. S. Hekemian Group. fense why it should be privy to these came the head of world languages from He replaces David Greer, who left to Franklin School community,” said Su- tion. Board members Christopher The postponement comes after Hartz communications. 2004 to 2012 for Bernards Township become director of the Office of Aca- perintendent Dolan. Langhart and Mark Friedman will not Mountain Industries LLC requested Hartz states in the brief that it is schools before returning as assistant CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 Mr. Duncan replaces Scott Lipson, seek reelection.
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