Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations Recueil des Traitis Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris ou classjs et inscrits au re'pertoire au Secritariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies Copyright © United Nations 2000 All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America Copyright © Nations Unies 2000 Tous droits rdserv6s Imprimd aux Etats-Unis d'Am6rique Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered orfiled and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations VOLUME 1774 Recueil des Traitis Traitjs et accords internationaux enregistris ou classes et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies United Nations e Nations Unies New York, 2000 Treaties and internationalagreements registeredor filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations VOLUME 1774 1994 I. Nos. 30881-30919 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and internationalagreements registeredfrom 1 April 1994 to-21-A-ril 1994 Page No. 30881. United Nations and Syrian Arab Republic: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning arrangements for the United Nations Workshop on the use of space techniques for monitoring and control of desert environment, held in Damascus from 14 to 18 November 1993. New York, 2 July and 1 September 1993 ...................................................... 3 No. 30882. Spain and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement to derogate from certain provisions of The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduc- tion. M adrid, 22 July 1991 ......................................................................................... 5 No. 30883. Spain and Chile: Agreement on the reciprocal protection and promotion of investments (with pro- tocol). Signed at Santiago on 2 October 1991 ....................................................... 15 No. 30884. Spain and Hungary: Treaty of friendship and cooperation. Signed at Madrid on 6 February 1992 .......... 41 No. 30885. United Nations and India: Agreement regarding the Headquarters of the Asian and Pacific Centre for the Transfer of Technology (with annex). Signed at New Delhi on 7 April 1994.... 69 No. 30886. United Nations and Lithuania: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning arrangements regarding the Seminar on Human Rights to be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, from 12 to 14 April 1994 (with annex). Geneva, 4 March and 7 April 1994 .............. 107 Vol. 1774 Traitis et accords internationaux enregistrs ou classis et inscrits au r pertoire au Secriftariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies VOLUME 1774 1994 I. NOs 30881-30919 TABLE DES MATIERES I Traits et accords internationaux enregistrisdu jer avril 1994 au 21 avril 1994 Pages NO 30881. Organisation des Nations Unies et Rkpublique arabe syrienne: tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif aux arrangements pour un atelier de travail de l'Organisation des Nations Unies sur l'emploi des techniques de i'espace pour observer et contr6ler l'environnement du d6sert, qui a eu lieu A Damas du 14 au 18 novembre 1993. New York, 2juillet et ler septembre 1993 ...... 3 NO 30882. Espagne et Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord : Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif Ala ddrogation de certaines dispo- sitions de la Convention de La Haye sur les aspects civils de l'enl~vement international d'enfants. M adrid, 22juillet 1991 .................................................... 5 NO 30883. Espagne et Chili : Accord relatif A la protection et h 1'encouragement r6ciproques des investisse- ments (avec protocole). Sign6 ASantiago le 2 octobre 1991 ................ 15 NO 30884. Espagne et Hongrie : Traitd d'amiti6 et de coopfration. Sign6 AMadrid le 6 f6vrier 1992 ............. 41 NO 30885. Organisation des Nations Unies et Inde : Accord relatif au siege du Centre de l'Asie et du Pacifique pour le transfert de technologies (avec annexe). Sign6 ANew Delhi le 7 avril 1994 ............. 69 N0 30886. Organisation des Nations Unies et Lituanie: tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif aux arrangements en vue du Semi- naire sur les droits de l'homme devant avoir lieu AVilnius (Lituanie), du 12 au 14 avril 1994 (avec annexe). Gen~ve, 4 mars et 7 avril 1994 ................................ 107 Vol. 1774 VI United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1994 Page No. 30887. Multilateral: Convention on the contract for the international carriage of passengers and lug- gage by road (CVR). Concluded at Geneva on 1 March 1973 ............................. 109 No. 30888. United Nations (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) and Albania: Agreement on the establishment of a United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees field office in Albania. Signed at Tirana on 13 April 1994 ................... 163 No. 30889. United Nations and Ukraine: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning arrangements regarding the Symposium on Energy Efficiency Management and its Widespread Dis- semination in Central and Eastern Europe, of the Economic Commission for Europe, to be held in Kiev, from 18 to 22 April 1994 (with annex). Geneva, 9 November 1993, 21 February, 5 and 14 April 1994 ............................................ 197 No. 30890. Estonia and Denmark: Agreement concerning the promotion and reciprocal protection of investments. Signed at Tallinn on 6 November 1991 ................................................................... 199 No. 30891. Estonia and Denmark (also on behalf of the Faroe Islands): Agreement concerning mutual fishery relations. Signed at Copenhagen on 1 May 1992 ..............................................................................................................................235 No. 30892. Estonia and Denmark: Agreement on the development of economic, industrial and technical cooperation. Signed at Tallinn on 28 July 1992 ............................................................................. 263 No. 30893. Estonia and Denmark: Agreement on international transport of passengers and goods by road. Signed at Tallinn on 5 M arch 1993 ............................................................................................ 291 No. 30894. Estonia and Latvia: Treaty concerning the restoration of the state border (with annex). Signed at Valga on 20 M arch 1992 ....................................................................................................... 319 No. 30895. Estonia and Poland: Treaty on international road transport. Signed at Tallinn on 9 September 1992 ...... 355 No. 30896. Estonia and Netherlands: Agreement on encouragement and reciprocal protection of investments. Signed at Tallinn on 27 O ctober 1992 ....................................................................................... 383 No. 30897. Estonia and Sweden: Agreement regarding mutual assistance in customs matters. Signed at Tallinn on 18 F ebruary 1993 ....................................................................................................... 399 Vol. 1774 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuel des Trait~s Page,s NO 30887. Multilateral: Convention relative au contrat de transport international de voyageurs et de baga- ges par route (CVR). Conclue b Gen~ve le ler mars 1973 .................................... 109 NO 30888. Organisation des Nations Unies (Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les r6fugiks) et Albanie : Accord relatif A l'dtablissement d'une d6gation du Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les r6fugids en Albanie. Sign6 A Tirana le 13 avril 1994 .... 163 NO 30889. Organisation des Nations Unies et Ukraine: tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif aux arrangements en vue du Sym- posium sur I'administration de l'efficacit6 de l'6nergie et sa dissemination g6ndrale en Europe centrale et en Europe de l'est, de la Commission 6co- nomique pour i'Europe, devant avoir lieu Z Kiev, du 18 au 22 avril 1994 (avec annexe). Genive, 9 novembre 1993, 21 fvrier, 5 et 14 avril 1994 ....................... 197 N0 30890. Estonie et Danemark: Accord relatif A la promotion et h la protection r6ciproque des investissements. Sign6 A Tallinn le 6 novem bre 1991 ....................................................................... 199 NO 30891. Estonie et Danemark (6galement au nom des iles Fkro6) : Accord relatif A l'accis , la p&he de l'autre pays. Sign6 A Copenhague le Ier mai 1992 ..............................................................................................................................235 N0 30892. Estonie et Danemark: Accord relatif au d6veloppement de la coop6ration dconomique, industrielle et technique. Sign6 A Tallinn le 28 juillet 1992 ............................................................ 263 NO 30893. Estonie et Danemark : Accord relatif au transport routier international de voyageurs et de marchandises. Signd A Tallinn le 5 m ars 1993 .................................................................................. 291 NO 30894. Estonie et Lettonie : Trait6 relatif au r6tablissement de la frontire d'6tat (avec annexe). Signd A Valga le 20 m ars 1992 ........................................................................................................... 3 19 NO 30895. Estonie et Pologne : Accord relatif au transport routier international. Sign6 A Tallinn le 9 septembre 1992 ..............................................................................................................................35
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