Distribufion Weatkei Today N ctonta by tt f M)BANK 17,475 MMtiyV toolfht ud Friday. Hl|fc today Jl; kw tw!|ht •«; twnorrair 75-». tee weather, I UOHBAV THMVCU /MD*Y-t8T. OH Dial SH I-0010 • M» •>« Kin et Iiiutd tally, ICooAiy uuoatfi Friday. Secocd CUM Fonts* RED BANK, N: J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1961 7c PER COPY VOL. 84, NV). 61 puj it K«d Bank ml at Additional ltallliv Officu. PAGE ONE Dressing for Date—With Esther ¥&%' Hurricane Skirts Shore, Rips New England Coast Cape Cod Damage In Line Here Is Of Storm Minor BOSTON (AP) — Hurri- Gale winds, rain, and cane Esther's furious winds tides, two to. three feet aimed today at Cape Cod, above normal were Mon- site of the Summer White mouth County's experience . House at Hyannis Port. as Hurricane Esther's fly- Waterfront resident, and ^ packing wjnds up U{ ing skirts brushgtt-the area boat own.r, made mighty^ ^ . afl hour> hurf early today. preparation* yeiterday a. tnejcan). ^^ g drivjng rajn jn,0 shore are* was placed on|the southern New England The shore region was hurricane watch. William coastal area. Winds mounted pared the brunt of the ca- pricious storm when it hourly as the storm approached. eered slightly to the east from The center of the storm was its earlier northward bearing Bright, having already board- 65 miles south of Block Island, R. I., at 6 a.m. 'esterday. Mid-morning advi- sories indicated it .would slam Gusts as high as 90 miles an entrance to his property with hour were reported at Montauk Into the eastern New England sand bags in photo above. Point on the eastern tip of Long coast at about 10 a.m. Mr. Schell. his wife and two Island, and up to SO miles at There was considerable volun- Block Island, R. I. daughters then sought higher tary evacuation of low-lying At- Hyannis Port police said ev- lantic and Raritan Bayshore are* John Scartino, in erything appeared to be normal homes in the face of tidal flood photo left, hoists his boat at the home of former Ambassa- threats last night and early to- from Highlands marina for dor Joseph P. Kennedy, where day. Most of the evacuees re- the President'* son and daugn- turned to their homes this morn- trailer trip to safer ground. ter spent the night along with ing and little flood damage was six cousins. reported. mound Sea.Brighter* built on Some fear was expressed on ESTHER'S TRAIL — Path «f Hurricane Esther, wall off the New Jersey shore, is in- 50-Mile Wind the summer resort island of Mar- municipal beach to protect dicated in chart abeva. Storm's canter was reported b'y Weather Bureau at points William D. Martin, U.S. weath- tha's , Vineyard, off the Cape, er observer at Long Branch, oceanfront buildings.'" that the expected passage of A, i and C at 2 a.m., 4 a.m. and 6 a.m., respectively, as it headed for contact with said winds there reached peaks the hurricane center approxi- the mainland at a point on the Rhode Island or Massachusetts coast. Center was of 50 m.p.h. A total of 1.64 inches mately at high tide might cause about 120 miles east of Red Banlc at 6 a.m. with hurricane force winds reaching only of rain had fallen there at 7 some lowland flooding. ,, .. , . a.m. Mr. Martin said the storm's More than an inch and a halfl U ml1*' )c w"* af "nt*r- ©•>• wndl """"d 200 miles to west. center passed 100 miles to sea of rain fell at Boston in little off Long Branch this morning. more than eight hours, and thej Partial "clearing wa» forecast Weather Bureau predicted 3 to for this - atternoon as Esther 4 inches. i Monmouth County National moved northward. The hurricane slammed past | The hurricane watch was elim- the eastern end of Long Island! inated at 6 a.m. state Civil De- this morning, lashing out withj fense officials reported. It had winds above 100 miles an hour. been called off along the coast Proposes Another. Merger south of Manasquan at 1 a.m. But the effect on the island and Gale warnings continue^ to be dis- in the populous metropolitan area RED BANK - It waj_«n directors of the two institution provided for a further increase played along the state's entire appeared to have been mild. nouoced by George L. Bielitz, have agreed to consolidate them in capital funds. shore area, however. The most serious consequences president of The Monmouth Coun- under the name and charter of It is proposed that the capital High tide at Long Branch was listed in first reports were ty National Bank, and William The Monmouth County National stock of the bank will be in- failures affecting several at 5:34 a.m. The northerly di- A. Kielmann, chairman of the Bank. creased from $1,300,000 to $1,326,- thousand homes, flooding of high- rection of the wind, Mr. Martin board, and Paul G. Wehle, presi- Mr. Bielitz also announced that 000 by the payment of a stock ways, broken windows, downed the board of directors of The pointed out, helped to keep tides dent of The First National Bank dividend and that the capital stock signboards and trees, and a few Monmouth County National Bank will be further increased to $!,- down. of Freehold, that the board of minor injuries to individuals. declared a stock dividend and 600,000 by the sale of an additional Power Failures 274,000 shares of $1 par value The Jersey Central Power and In Iteyport stock which will be offered for Light Co. reported that crews Car Crashes subscription at $4.50 per share to working throughout the night all shareholders of The Mon- have kept "pretty well abreast" State Problem mouth County National Bank on of the storm damage to power Into Window, Propose $100,000 a pro rata basis after giving ef- lines throughout the area. fect to the proposed stock divi- The only major power failure Two In ured dend. occurred in Holmdel when the A special meeting of the share- Crawford Corner substation was Chamber Executives Hear i Beach Fill Project knocked out by a tree falling KEYPORT—Two men were in- holders of The Monmouth County on a cable. About 1,000 homes jured in an automobile accident KEYPORT — Borough Coun- of Navigation, the borough would National Bank has been called yesterday on West Front St. cil last night outlined a new plan were without power for 25 min- pay {50,000, the state $40,000 and utes there. Police said that a car driven for a $100,000 beach fill project, the county, $10,000, Mayor action upon the proposals to in- About Transportation Woes Aside from this instance there by James P. Leach, 128 First to run from Broad St. to the Charles E. Applegate reported. crease the capital. The increases EATONTOWN — The ills be-;New Jersey Association of Cham-Louis'Tonti, executive director St., went out of control after col- Aeromarine industrial complex in The purpose of the plan would will become effective only upon were never more than 200 homes liding with an auto driven by the issuance of a certificate by letting .the transportation indus- ber of Commerce Executives, of the New Jersey Highway Au- East Keyport. be to reclaim the beach front, (See ESTHER, page 2) try in th* New York-New Jersey | "Our generation has inherited thority, said. Joseph Tetro, 817 Second St., The special meeting was at- the Comptroller of the Currency prevent future erosion, and pro- approving the proposed stock di- metropolitan area were outlined a hodge-podge of transportation The panel discussion in Old Union Beach, and crashed tended by 18 of the 48 property through a plate glass window of vide a public beach area. vidend and the issuance of addi- yeaterday to members of the 1 that is unbelievably bad," D, Orchard Country Club was at- owners involved. West's Furniture Store. Beadlestrin_ {resent tional shares. Guest House tended by representatives of the If the project goes through, State Assemblyman Alfred N. ne accldent The shareholders of both banks Hudson and Manhattan line,; the! ocewti at H:30 according to the state Division j Beadleston, who attended the am will vote on the consolidation at Burned In Middletown Commuters state Highway Department; the ; session in behalf of 'he state Di- New Jersey Turnpike Authority; Both drivers were issued sum- a meeting to be held in the near vision of Navigation, said the future. Mr. Tonti of the Garden Stats monses for careless driving re- turnable in municipal court Oct. Parents' Vote consent of property owners Largest in 2 Counties Long Branch May Get More Service Parkwal and HaydeT ^ would be needed to lease the deputy director of port develop- After the consolidation, the LONG BRANCH - Wind-swept land to the borough. bank will-have assets in excess lames early today destroyed a TRENTON — Middletown trainPenn Station at 4:55; 7:50 and ment the Port of New York Mr. Leach was listed In fair condition this morning in River- On School The state wants an answer by of $83,000,000, making it the larg- small two-story guest house at eommuters will get more local 10:40 p.m. will make stops at Authority. view Hospital, with face cuts, a Tuesday as to whether Keyport est bank in Monmouth and Ocean the rear of 459 Ocean Ave., near lervice, but those in southern Middletown at 6:04; 8:59 and Herbert Thomas, executive di- possible concussion and chest in' Counties.
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