•> \. T H U R SD A T , a u g u s t 8,1944 1 M anh^ter Evening Herald Average Daily Circulation The W'eather leS.tWELVfi - For tbo Moath U Joly. 1S44 Foreeaet o f L . 8. Weotber Boreou the boyt to appear again this fall Workmen from the Connecticut HS the men at the hospital en­ Organ Recitals 8,728 Fair tonight nnd ^.^rday; l!t-i Miss EUa Shay. ' of Power Co. were working this Fine ProWam lie temperoture rhange# tonlghl; auffered a fractuit- of the leit ar n joyed the bouts very much. G. E. W ILLIS & SON, INC. morning on what they thlnx la the Feature Services Member of tbo Audit contlDued hot Soturdny. 'About Town ^ ^ a y when her horse sudjlcnly solution to the static InUrference Jtareaa of drcnlattoa# stoppU to eat grass at the road- baa been oauslng poor recep­ Given V^ts Lumber of All Kind* sIg*' S>h? And about eight other Gerarcl St. House Mancheeter— A City of Village Charm tion for radio Jiatenera within a A serie# of organ r e c lt ^ wiU iU r. and Mr*. WllUam 3. Helm, jriris had hired theU’ mounu from radius of one mile from the Cen­ Mason Supplies— Paint— Hardware the Adnsn Stables on tba new be played at the union aervlcea Jl W Cooper street, h*''^ "**" ter. A wire located on a pole oj^ N o^h End Boys’ Club Is Sold by Siiiilh (CIn##lfi#d AdverUalag «a Fa'go IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, ‘AUGUST 4. 1944 (TWELVE PAGES) , PRICE THREE CENTS Stifled that their son, C orral Bolton road. posite the poet office waa crossed of the Manchester ' Methodist Balsam W ool Insulation VOL. LX IIL . NO. Z6(T liy W . Helm was wounded using *m Bnglish * " ■with a wire guide cable and wras Presents Bouts and En­ church and the Second Congrega­ m in Trance on July 14, and hM was thrown clear causing a short circuit. This wire tional church on Sunday morn­ Eten awarded the Purple Hea^ She was treated at a local, doctor s waa attached to the street lights. tertainment Last Night Edward B. Hutchinson has sold ings during toe month of August COAL COKE OIL • ia,making good office and then remove t«^ her A s ' residences seemed to get the his seven - room residence with 2 from 10:30 to 10:45 o’clock at toe Guard Iiisperts Liberty Bell . car garage,at 2 Gerard street to recovery. Corporal Helm is home. static only when the street lights The North End Boys’ club and Methodist church by the organist Tel. 5125 Mr. and M,.i. Willard Rowley of 2 Main St. Bcned to the A.A.A., and was .were turned on this is seen to be the local Marine Corps' ‘League and choir director, Mra. David M. Bradley Team Drives East Hartford. Mr. Hutchinson is Reds Advance Within to BngUnd In February. Be- Yaeterday afternoon at * o'clock. a possible solution of the problem. Detachment entertained the vet­ Bennett, whb la well known in ^ going overaeas he w m sta- Burke’s ambulance was called to erans at Newington hospital with planning to move to Massa­ muBlcal circles of Manchester. ^m I*iU ^m p Haan, Califomia. remove Mrs. G. Southerland from The expense of the fire protec five boxing bouts and several acts chusetts. The neW owners will ’this Sunday’s program w ill con­ move to Manchester about Sept. her apartment in the Sheridan tion supplied for the V.F.W /i c « - of vaudeville last night. The rey sist of compositions of the classic M r. and Mra. Alonso Foreman hotel to the Manchester Memorial nival was ix^iially shared by toe suits of the boxing matches will 1. The aale wat made through the works, including Grieg’s "Morning hospital. Mrs. Southertand Is Robert'J. Smith Inc., Agency. , ' Ontentry. formerly « f tnia sponsors and the carnival owners. be found below. Mood,’’ "Adagio” from Mendels­ Near to St. Nazaire; 91 Miles of Silesia; N. * . y have'had as their guest. suffering from a serious leg ail­ Although the carnival lost Ifi Miss Bertha Wells, pianist, ac­ The Smith Agency has also sold sohn’s First Sonata; a Bach air, AK GRILL' „ Foreman’s slater, who was ment. workmen shortly after the circus a 2 1-2 acre place with hpakt and "When Thou A rt Near,” and "L a r­ companied Enrico Gentllcore, vo­ “WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER“v route to her home in P>ti»- tent fire In Hartford’ It neverthe­ calist, In several numbers and barn on North Main street for Mr. go” by Handel. ^ after attending a meeting Miss Shirley Tedford of 49 less ■ continued here under agree­ played many old favorites which and Mrs. Oliver Mansur to Mr. and Recitals on the following Sun­ the CJiriatlan Science Mother Academy aUra^A anct Mrs. Mar- ment with the V.F.W. All toe men Joined in tinging. Mrs. Arthur Ott of Tolland. days will include works of French DINE AND DANCE ireb In Boeton. loiits Sullivan, are spending a Jessie Williams sang "Thunder- and American composers, and toe East Prussia Shelled Slices Off Peninsula week at the Stony Creek D\ide Mrs. Mary Wllkqlls, wife of heads Sausage Machine," a comic final one on August 27 will be a « To the Lilting Tunes of Rev. Theodore Palmer, who ar- Ranch on Lake George In upper Joseph^ Wilkolis, of 86 North songi which drew a big hand. Don- requeat program. THE OAK GRILL SWINGSTERS FOR TOP VALUE Md in town -yeaUrday from New York State. street, was admitted to the Man­ ni« 'Brennan tap danced several \ DELICIOUS FOOD — MODEST PRICES! Dazzling Pare Believed >| rorcester. Masa, wUl' ®cc“ Py chester Memorial hospital at an numbers, Raymond Karas gave IN A NEW HOME love Within 58 Miles llpit of Emanuel Luthe^ Member of a team which spe- early hour today for an emergency Impersonations of several movie ALICE OOFRAN Krakow Over Dif-' Myitkyina Captured Entry Into Florence To Have Established S f U Sunday at 10:8° lu ciallzea tn savjng airmen forc^ operation for appendicitis. start, the Axis leaders and of Sefi the Ones Being Built By (Known As Queen Alice) BR O ILED LO B S T E R ' ' first time as down at sea Corporal Henry T. President Roosevelt SPIRITCAL MEDIUM CHICKEN CACCIATORE ^^AL jficult\ Hill Country; Them in Much Great' service wUl be the first of toe Coleman of 2S Garden street. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson of The Boys’ club enjoyed a picnic GREENBROOKE * Seventh Daughter of n Seventh Son ROAST PORK ROAST TURKEY Pine Forest are spending a two er Area Than 65-Mile ||Sm services of toe Concordia Manchester, shared in the com­ lunch after the shbw and thank* Born With n Veil. Tanks Patrol Shores After Bloody Siege Appears Close Now fifiOsran church and Emanuel, at mendation given this Eighth A. weeks’ vacation on Cape Cod. the North End bualnea* men .and HOMES, IN C ReiuIingB Daily, Including Snnday, Our Kitchen Closes At 11 P. M. Wefige, 30 Miles Wide, S ? u 5 te r church. A. F. Fighter W ing for Its Air- the Frank J. Mansfield detachment 9 A. 51. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint­ O f Gulf ^ Riga, and mton services of toese tw Sea Rescue control work by Lieut. Mrs. David J. Heatley who has for their splendid aupport m fur­ On Walker Street ment. In the Service of the Peo­ Which Late.st Reports^ General James H. Doolittle, com- been visiting for the past three Striking EasfxToward Germans Falling Bdck (JermailS M aV S ^ b e s have been '‘ •W nishing transportation,, equipment For fnrtber Informatloii eall at ple for 30 Years, 30 OAK STREET „ TEL. 3894 La.t Remnant, »/ f«plLabor Ceilings Sgoeordia Uithertti building. ifikndlng Eighth A ir Force. With weeks with her husband’# parents. 169 Church Street, Hartford, Conn. Fine Wines — Liquors and Beer Show; Hard for G ^ this, toe oldest operstlonar con­ and entertainers. Alexander Jarvis Co. oltlce on City and A ls o \ ^ e »t Gorrisoft EithcT Jkifi^il ^ Before Unrelenting^ ./ Mr. and Mrs. David B. Heatley of The North End.-boys featured Phone 6-2024 ' trol wing In toe European theater, Lydall- street, was honored with a Center street or at 26 Alexander inqns to Hold Lihes. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. O. B ^ond Hui- flve boxing bouts, The boys are ’Toward Latvia . Pfir^ Mop- Pressure o f New Zea- LcaVC FraUCC Corporal Coleman la a radio oper­ miscellaneous shower last night at street. Or Captured in ^ o f Phelps Road and children trained by Tommie O'Neill at the Set to Boost ator in toe Air-Sea Rescue, com­ the home of Mra. Henning Ander Phones: 4112 or 7275 land. So. Africa Units. oto accupy a cottage at Crescent North End >’¥ ” and gave a good lip af Burma City. Supreme Headquarters V —w Niantie, for the greater munications section and his job son of East Middle Turnpike. Moscow, A u g ." ' 4.— (/P)— contributes materially to the com­ account o f ther.iselvee. Results lied Expeditionary i^rce, NUrt ^ August. Russian hosts which smashed Arms Output Bulletin! As Allies___ _ Push munications which m\iat be nial"* Postal cards calling attention of o f ooutS'Were; Solitheast Asia Command Donnie Ellsworth, fit lbs.. Cov­ Aug. 4.— (JP)—-Lieut. Gen. talned between the' base and the Chamber of Commerce members to the German Vistula river line Rome, Auff. 4.— (fl*) — The ' entry V#. Donnie Brennan, 88 lbe„ HeadquaYlers, Kandy, Ceylon, plane Irt distress.
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