HSlbU A T m «c« Dally N«t Pnm Ron TU W4 For tiM WMk B m M laC lU IL '' April IS, 19M 1 3 ,9 5 1 Olovd^. ooot, pori#6o i t toolglit u d Isai i n aw. t0 W IS MiA Mtmlwr of th« Audit mgk twaorrow alM la Sta. Butmu of ClrculaUon Maneheater^A CUy o f ViUago Charm VOL. L X X X m , NO. 171 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1964 (OtaarifM M FOffO U ) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Johnson Reports A ccord Events Rail Mediators Report On N-Explosives Cutback In State Governor Firm NEW YORK (AP) — Presi-^ated Presi luncheon In NewApoeetble information helpful to dent Johnaon announced today York their discussion of American On Session Limit ‘Definite Gains’ to LBJ a new cutback in the production "I am happy to aay,” John­ policy.” Johnson said such dis­ of nuclear exploalve materlala son added "that Chairman cussion must be responsible and and said Soviet Premier Khru- Khrushchev has now indicated in protecting U.S. security "par­ HARTFORD (AP) — ■hchev haa indicated that he too to me that he intends to make tisan politics must yield to na-_ Governor Dempsey today "intenda to make a move in the a move in this same direction.” tlonal need.” stood firm on a bipartisan aame direction.” In a wide ranging foreign 3. If there is to be any im­ H ard Ii^8ues Johnaon aald that the “ aub- policy speech, Johnson said: provement In relations between agreement that the Special atantlal reduction” in the output 1. The U.S. policy of trying to the United States and Red China Session of the General As­ of enriched uranium will be "isolate Cuba” from the rest of the Chinese Communists “ must sembly opening tomorrow Still Remain, carried out over a four-year pe­ the Western Hemisphere and re-examine their view of the be limited to congressional riod. Together with other reduc- defeat its efforts to spread com­ world” and change their ways. tlona, the new cut means “ an munism "is working.” Johnson Johnson declared that "so long redistricting. The Demo­ R eedy Says over-all decreaae in the produc­ said "we will continue this as the Communist Chinese pur­ cratic chief executive noted tion of plutonium by 20 per cent policy with every peaceful sue conflict and preach violence that he had an agreement there can be no easing of re­ and of enriched uranium by 40 means at our command.” with the “Republican lead­ WASHINGTON (AP) — per cent.” 2. He has instructed the Cen­ lationships." 4. If (E g r e s s cuts the pro­ ership that the session The White House said to­ “By bringing production in tral Intelligence Agency and the day federal mediators have line with need, we reduce ten- State and Defense derartments posed foreign aid program this would be called for one item alon while maintaining ail nec- "to be ready to provide major year as it did last year the ef­ and one item only.” reported to President John­ fect will be to “directly dimin­ •aaary power,” he said in a candidates” in the presidential "I hops that ws can live up son "some definite firains” in ■peech prepared for The Aaaocl- election campaign with "all ish the security of the United States” and Johnson will sub­ to that agreement,” he added. emergency railroad bar­ mit new requests for supple­ His comments came as GOP gaining talks aimed at mental approiwiatlons. leaders and in dividual legisla­ averting a nationwide 6. The United States is in the tors indicated they would like to open the scope of the session 6 _<.!>> strike. battle against communism in "However,” said White House South Viet Nam as long as its on several other matters. Laos Coup Falls, Republican party and legis­ press secretary George Reedy, help is wanted and its assist­ lative leaders over the weekend "there are some very difficult ance needed. Johnaon said "no Issues that still remain.” negotiated settlement in Viet indicated they would like to have the session consider a new Reedy said one of the media­ Nam is possible as long as the tors told him that the talks have U.S. Opposed It Commimists hope to achieve item . what to do with a re­ cently up redlceted $18.8 mil­ now reached a stage "where to victory by force.” gain an inch la as difficult as it 6. In Western Europe "In- lion state surplus. They suggested it might be was to gain a foot a week ago." Reedy said intensive talks will SAIQON, South Viet Nam^Souvanna, but he was believed (See Page Eight) used for additional aid to local (A P)—U.S. diplomatic sources in Vientiane, which was reported education or cutting the sales continue, with Johnaon main­ said today the right-wing army calm. tax from three to one half to taining close liaison with the coup in Laos had collapsed aft­ "The situation in Vientiane three per cent. mediators. er one day. U.S. opposition to appears to be gradually revert­ The GOP leaders stressed Asked whether Johnson was the coup apparently was a ma­ ing to what it was before," an Mrs. Johnson that at the time they agreed satisfied with the report, made \ jor factor. American diplomat said. with the governor to limit the at about 10 p.m., Sunday, Reedy "The situation is back where In Bangkok, however, the agenda to congressional redls- said; "Obviously the only thing R was 36 hours ago,” said an newspaper Thai Rath said that On Plane Hit tricting they were not aware of that would be satisfactory is a American diplomat who had after the report of the coup’s i the prospects o f a big surplus, settlement.’’ been in contact with the U.S. collapse, Vientiane radio re­ which was reported a few days He said Johnson commended Embassy in Vientiane, the-Lao­ peated Sunday's communiques B y Lightning ago by State Competroller Ray­ both sides "for the gains they tian capital. from the military committee mond S. Thatcher. have made, and urged them to He said reports were still which staged Sunday's predawn CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) — The republicans said they re-double their efforts" to settle sketchy, but that diplomatic dis­ coup. Lightning struck a four-engine will honor their committment the five year long work rules patches from Vientiane said Leonard Unger, U.S. ambas- United Air Lines plane carrring but added if the governor ....tv dispute. neutralist Premier Prince Sou- .sador to Laos, had brought pres- Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson here "wants to talk about using Johnson reportedly met with ▼anna Phouma had been re­ ■sure on Gen. Koupraslth Abhay, today from Washington. Radio this surplus intelligently rather Yanked from the ground (at left) by a balloon line near Mill Valley, Calif., federal mediators and negoti­ leased from house arrest and the anti-Communist career offi­ antennae of the plane were than spending it for political Danny Nowell, 12, was lifted to 3,000 feet before the pilot saw him and descend­ ators for both sides Sunday idght leaders of the coup had apolo­ cer who led the army group damaged slightly, and the purposes, we are ready and for a report on the 10-day-old gised for their attempt to topple that overthrew Souvanna's co­ bright flash frightened passen­ eager teo do sp this week.” ed. Boy is shown at right in a San Francisco hospital today, where he is being talks, which he hopes will avert the coalition government alition. gers. The (xmgresslonal 'redistrict- treated for shock and a chafed left hand. (AP Photofax.) a nationwide strike Saturday. The dispatches said the rebel Secretary of State Dean Rusk, No one was injured aboard Ing plan worked out by the He had oailed for a report by leaders also apologised to Gen. who had been visiting South the plane, lyhich the First leaders of both parties, is being today but apparently Sunday Phouml Nosavan, right - wing Viet Nam, said before leaving Lady's party of 20, shared with night’s session covered the leader in Laos, who was not for Washington that the United regular passengers on a Vk- fort democnito. by Walling I B lx t t o O ll P u U s ground. linked to the coup. States disapproved of the coup hour flight that weather made In telegrams to Governor Travel Snarl Seen Reedy described the negotia­ There was no immediate in- rough all the way. Dehpsey and Democratic C^ialr- tors and mediators as "a group fopnation on the whreabouts of (See Page Bight) A United spokesman said lat­ man John M. Bailey, the Wal­ Boy to Height of very weary men." er that "a static discharge from lingford Town Committee pro­ They have been talking for 10 the clouds struck the top and tested the proposal to include Schemed for Fair dgys ^ c e Johnson won a volun­ bottom radio antenna, and they their town in the new fifth dis­ Of 3,000 Feet tary strtkd postponement for 18 trict al<mg kdtli MifIden, days, whUn expires at 12:01 Poll oia O P Leadership were slightly damaged.” "This sort of thing is a fairly Walerbury and Naugatuck. a.m. Saturday. The Wallingford Democrats MILL VALLEY, Calif. (A P)— NEW YORK (A P)—Plans for«>Congress. Former Presideht "The men aren't just sitting common occurrence,” he add­ Danny Nowell will be the center ed. said they want to remain in civil rights demonstrations on Harry S.
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