ISSN 1211-8788 Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 93: 97–103, 2008 The subfamily Rhyssinae Morley, 1913 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in the collections of the Moravian Museum, Brno KAMIL HOLÝ Crop Research Institute, Drnovská 507, CZ-161 06 Praha 6; e-mail: [email protected] HOLÝ K. 2008: The subfamily Rhyssinae Morley, 1913 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in the collections of the Moravian Museum, Brno. Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 93: 97–103. – In total 125 specimens of six species [Megarhyssa rixator (Schellenberg, 1802), Megarhyssa superba (Schrank, 1781), Megarhyssa vagatoria (Fabricius, 1793), Rhyssa amoena Gravenhorst, 1829, Rhyssa persuasoria (Linnaeus, 1758) and Rhyssella obliterata (Gravenhorst, 1829)] deposited in the collection of the Moravian Museum, Brno are revised. M. vagatoria is a new species for the Czech Republic, M. rixator and M. superba are new species for Moravia and R. amoena is a new species for Bohemia and Slovakia. Key words. Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Rhyssinae, Megarhyssa, Rhyssa, Rhyssella, Central Europe, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic; first records Introduction Intensive research into the family Ichneumonidae has been undertaken by only two researchers in the territory of the former Czechoslovakia. František Gregor sen. collected material and published articles in the first half of the 20th century and Josef Šedivý continued up to and beyond the turn of the 20th century. Ichneumonologist Radoslav Obrtel was very active in the 1940’s and 1950’s, while Kolubajiv studied the importance of ichneumonids as parasitoids of forest insect pests around the mid-20th century. Faunistic data on members of this very large family appeared only very sporadically and publications tended to concentrate on information about rare or outstanding species. F. Gregor’s plans for a preliminary overview of the Ichneumonidae were brought to an untimely end when he perished in the death camp of Mathausen in 1942. ŠEDIVÝ (1956, 1958, 1963) carried the torch of research forward and compiled a preliminary overview of selected subfamilies. ŠEDIVÝ (1989) also published the first complete checklist of the family Ichneumonidae of the area once known as Czechoslovakia. A major part of the collection of Ichneumonidae in the Moravian Museum, Brno has not yet been studied in detail. Only Slavíèek’s collection is systematically arranged, while the remainder of the specimens are merely sorted into boxes, by collector. Knowledge of the biology and ecology of the Ichneumonidae is rather sparse, although the distribution of the family in Europe is better known. The Megarhyssa species are rare or only locally abundant in north, west and Central Europe. M. rixator is a parasitoid of Sirex and Urocerus species (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) in coniferous trees, while the remainder of European species are parasitoids of Tremex species (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) in broadleaved trees (HORSTMANN 1998). 97 K. HOLÝ R. amoena and R. persuasoria are larval parasitoids of Siricidae (Hymenoptera) and Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) and R. obliterata is a parasitoid of Xiphydria species (Hymenoptera: Xiphydriidae) and Saperda scalaris (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) (YU et al. 2005) Material and methods All European specimens of the subfamily Rhyssinae in the collection of the Moravian museum were revised for presentation in this article. One specimen from Armenia (Bjurekan, 2.vi.1973, 1♂ Svozil, A.) belongs to the genus Megarhyssa and does not therefore appear here. The nomenclature follows ZWAKHALS (2007). Determination followed the works of HORSTMANN (1998, 2002) and KASPARYAN et al. (1981). Faunistic data are listed in order: country (bold), locality (underline), code number in parentheses referring to the Central European grid for mapping flora and fauna (NOVÁK 1989, PRUNER & MÍKA 1996), date of collection, number and sex of specimens and abbreviation for collector. Unclear locality. “Kralice nad Oslavou” (on the label only Moravia - Kralice): There are two places known as “Kralice” in Moravia: Kralice nad Oslavou (South Moravia) and Kralice na Hané (Central Moravia). Kralice nad Oslavou is most probably what is meant, because it lies close to the village of Senorady where J. Matoušek very often collected insects. “Praha-Komoøany” (on the label only Komoøany): There are three places known as “Komoøany” in the Czech Republic – one in North Bohemia, another in Central Moravia and the last is now part of Prague (Central Bohemia). Koèmíd collected much of his material in the vicinity of Prague [Praha]-Komoøany, so this is most probably the correct locality. “Slovakia - Malé Kosíky” (= Malé Kosíhy?). There are two places known as “Malé Kosíhy” in Slovakia. Both are in southern Slovakia and it remains unclear which is correct. All specimens from the Slavíèek collection are without locality; only “Moravia” and a date are written on the labels. Nevertheless, most of the materials collected probably originate from Central Moravia, where he worked as a teacher (Litovel, Bouzov, Konice) (KOLEŠKA 1993). A few specimens from the same collection are without a label or feature only a determination label. These are also probably from the same localities (MALENOVSKÝ, pers. com). Abbreviations An . Karel Absolon MMB . Moravian Museum, Brno Ck . Miroslav Èapek NNR . National Nature Reserve Cu . collector unknown Nl . František Netopil Hk . Alois Honìk Ol . Radoslav Obrtel Kd . Koèmíd Ok . Jaroslav Olejníèek Kk . Ladislav Krejcárek Pn . Jaroslav Pelikán Kc . Miroslav Kocourek Sk . Samšiòák Lr . Pavel Lauterer Sa . Jaroslav Sekera Lc . Leontoviè Sl . Jan Slavíèek Mc . Jan Macek St . Jaroslav L. Stehlík Mk . Jaroslav Matoušek Tk . Boleslav Tomšík Mr . František Matzenauer 98 Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Biol. (Brno), 93, 2008 Rhyssinae (Ichneumonidae) in the Moravian Museum List of species Megarhyssa rixator (Schellenberg, 1802) Material examined. Moravia: Vranov u Brna-Útìchov (6765), 1.vi.1996, 7♂, Lr. Austria: Setzberg, 4.vii.1890, 1♀, Krchb. (= Kriechbaumer?). Specimens without label: 1♀ from the Slavíèek collection – probably Central Moravia Note. M. rixator is distributed over all of Europe except the south (YU et al. 2005). In the Czech Republic it is known from Bohemia (ŠEDIVÝ 1989). In the MMB collection are 7 males and probably 1 female (from the Slavíèek collection) from Moravia and 1 female from Austria. New species for Moravia. Megarhyssa superba (Schrank, 1781) Material examined. Bohemia: Praha-Chuchle (5952), 24.viii.1958, 1♂, 1♀, Mc. Moravia: Pouzdøany-úvoz ke stepi (7065), 18.v.1997, 1♀, Lr. Note. M. superba has a European and eastern Palaearctic distribution (YU et al. 2005). In the Czech Republic it is known from Bohemia (ŠEDIVÝ 1989). In the MMB collection are 1 male and 1 female from Bohemia and 1 female from Moravia. New species for Moravia. Megarhyssa vagatoria (Fabricius, 1793) Material examined. Bohemia: Praha-Chuchle (5952), vi.1958, 1♂, Mc; 21.vi.1958, 1♂, 1♀, Mc. Note. M. vagatoria is known from Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Romania (HORSTMANN 1998) and Poland (KAŽMIERCZAK 2004) only. In the MMB collection are 1 male and 2 females from Bohemia. New species for the Czech Republic. Rhyssa amoena Gravenhorst, 1829 Material examined. Bohemia: Železná Ruda (6845), viii.1951, 1♀, Kd. Moravia: Heømanovice (57–5870), 20.vi.1946, 2♂, Ol – Rejvíz-NNR Rejvíz (5769), 5.vii.1947, 3♂, 1♀, Ol; 8.vii.1947, 2♂, Ol; 13.vii.1947, 3♂, 1♀, Ol, on the label only Moravia (most probably Central Moravia), 7.viii.1902, 1♀, Sl. Slovakia: Turo (= Turie) (6878), 18.vii.1950, 2♀, Pn. Specimens without label: 1♀ from the Slavíèek collection – probably Central Moravia. Note. R. amoena has a European and eastern Palaearctic distribution (YU et al. 2005). ŠEDIVÝ (1989) published this species from Moravia. In the MMB collection are 1 female from Bohemia, 8 males and 4 females (including 1 female without label from the Slavíèek collection) from Moravia and 2 females from Slovakia. New species for Bohemia and Slovakia. Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Biol. (Brno), 93, 2008 99 K. HOLÝ Rhyssa persuasoria (Linnaeus, 1758) Material examined. Bohemia: Èelákovice (5854), v.1946, 1♂, 1♀, Mk; vi.1946, 1♀, Mk – Èikvásky (5458), 2.vi.1940, 1♀, Cu – Jindøichùv Hradec (6855–56), 8.vi.1941, 1♂, Tk – Kytín (6151), viii.1957, 1♂, Mc – Nepøívìc (5556), 14.v.1951, 2♂, Sk; – Pec pod Snìžkou-Obøí dùl (5260), 24.vi.1947, 1♀, (the name of the collector unreadable) – Praha-Komoøany (6052), v.1953, 1♂, Kd – Semily (5357–58), 25.v.1974, 1♀, Hk – Pøerov nad Labem (5854–55), vi.1947, 1♂, Mk – Srbsko (6050), v.1948, 1♀, Kd – Srní (6946), vi.1952, 1♀, Kd – Strnady-on the window (6052), xii.1955, 1♂, Lc (this datum is unreal – the specimen was probably hatched from a wood sample). Moravia: Babice nad Svitavou (6766), 27.v.1931, 2♂, Cu – Brno-v gymnáziu (67–6865), 25.v.1949, 1♀, Cu – Brno-Øeèkovice (6765), 13.vi.1948, 4♀, Cu – Freiwaldau (= Jeseník) (5769), (without date of collection), 1♀, Mr – Fryšták-pøehrada (6772), 21.v.1970, 1♂, Kk – Heømanovice (57–5870), 20.vi.1946, 2♂, 5♀, Ol – Horní Lipová (5768), vii.1946, 1♂, 4♀, Mk – Kouty nad Desnou (58–5968), 29.vii.1947, 1♀, Ol – Kralice nad Oslavou (67–6863), vii.1947, 1♀, Mk – Krásná-Visalaje (6476), 2.vii.1950, 2♀, Ol – Námìšť nad Oslavou (67–6862–63), 21.v.1950, 5♂, Ol – Nepøívazy (Military area Libavá) (6370), vii.1952, 3♂, 2♀, Ol – Nesovice (6868), 12.vii.1952, 1♂, Nl – Rejvíz-NNR Rejvíz (5769), 21.vi.1946, 7♂, 3♀, Ol; 5.vii.1947 2♂, 1♀, Ol; 8.vii.1947, 2♂, Ol; 25.vii.1947, 1♂, Ol; on the label only Moravia (most probably Central Moravia), 24.v.1907, 4♂, Sl; 15.viii.1916, 1♂, Sl – the name of locality is illegible, vi.1958, 4♂, 1♀, Kc. Slovakia: Banská Štiavnica (7579), vi.1955, 1♂, Ck – Kozel u Žiliny (6878), 17.vii.1950, 1♀, Pn – Kuty-Prad. (7268), vi.1946, 1♂, Sa – Podbanské-NNR Tichá dolina (6885), without datum, 1♀, St – Vysoké Tatry mountain, 20.vi.1946, 1♀, Sa; 28.vii.1948, 1♀, Cu. Austria: Badgastein, 30.viii.1931, 1♀, An. Locality not found (Slovakia or Moravia): HB (= Havlíèkùv Brod?), without date of collection, 1♀, Cu.
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