ALEC's 21st Annual Meeting Tampa, Florida August 3-7,1994 I •••••111 Tl 16281235 TI16281236 Florida Host Committee Rep. Debby P. Sanderson MERON ALEC State Chair EGISWT ^ Host Committee Co-Chair XCH4NGE Mr. Frank Messersmith OUNCIL Messer. Vickers Host Committee Co-Chair Mr. Henry T. Vinson Welcome to Tampa Electric Company Host Committee Co-Chair Sen. Pat Thomas Tampa by the Bay President of the Senate Rep. Bolley Johnson Speaker of the House Tri-County Hosts Sen. John Grant Table of Contents Sen. James Hargrett Sen. Malcolm Beard Welcome 2 Sen. Rick Dantzler Sen. Curt Kiser Conference Agenda • 5 Sen. Toni Jennings General Information 23 Sen. John McKay Sen. Don Sullivan 1994 Thomas Jefferson Freedom Award 24 Sen. Charlie Crist Sen. Jim Scott 1994 Adam Smith Free Enterprise Award 25 Secretary Doug jamerson Awards 26 Rep. Sandra Mortham Rep. Peter Wallace ALEC Officers & Board of Directors 29 Rep. Dennis Jones Rep. Buddy Johnson Task Force Chairs 30 Rep. Lars Hafner Rep. Tom Feeney ALEC State Chairs 31 Rep. Brian Rush ALEC Private Enterprise State Chairs 32 Rep. R. Z. Safley Rep. Jim Davis ALEC National Staff f 33 Rep. John Morroni Rep. Elvin Martinez Speaker Biographies , 34 Rep. Bill Sublette Rep. Mary Brennan Annual Meeting Sponsors 42 Rep. John Laurent State Level Supporters of the ALEC Program 44 Rep. Ron Glickman Rep. Marvin Couch ALEC's Private Sector Members 45 Rep. Les Miller Rep. Carl Littlefield Rep. Kimberly Shepard Rep. Bill Posey Rep. Bob Sindler Rep. Victor Crist Rep. Bob Starks Rep. Mark Ogles Rep. Harold J. Brubaker North Carolina ALEC National Chairman Mr. Ronald F. Scheberle GTE Corporation ALEC Private Enterprise Chairman Mr. Samuel A. Brunelli ALEC Executive Director Til 6281237 ya-~ $atth Carolina Genual ^ssenblg jKaust of JReprrataUti&r* £brtr JSeji»Uh"De ^Builiing JU(riSli27EDl-ln3e •IP HWOLDj am«uKRt Mr-RsmcT COWMIIttS A1HBVW1 N K M JutliCt wo PUiLC S*»* T Httl t» no Hvuui Stiver* MmwtStwat Juoouvn V<1 Dubious* Deai* ALEC Colleague: Welcome to Tampa, Florida and the American Legislative Exchange Council's 31st Annua.' Meeting. This year promises to continue ALECs tradition of bringing together state legislators, leaders of the business community, leading national political figures and policy experts for the purpose of furthering the pro-freedom, pro-free enterprise agenda. It is this unique public-private partnership that has served to make ALEC such a dynamic success in the past, and It will continue to do so. At this Annua/ Meeting, we have the opportunity to explore policy solutions and discover the ideas that have been successful In other states. We assemble here to redouble our efforts to bring common sense to the debate In the states. We come together to fight for economic policies that create Jobs rather than destroy them, to look for free market solutions to the problems facing us today, and to revive the fading notion of individual liberty. ^Keeping the American Dream Alive," that is our mission. This year, ALEC has the honor of presenting its Thomas Jefferson Freedom Award to the Honorable William Bennett, nationally known advocate of conservative principles and Co- Director of Empower America. The efforts of former Secretary Bennett, who will be addressing us at the Jefferson Awards Banquet, have been innumerable over the years. Working for two administrations in many different capacities, he has been a leading national figure in the public policy debate at all levels of government. We are very pleased that he is with us and we look forward to his address. I would also like to thank the Honorable George McGovern, Senator Don Nickles, Congressman Newt Gingrich, the Speaker of the Florida House Rolley Johnson, the Honorable Bret Schundler, and the rest of our featured speakers for their contribution to this important gathering. I know you will leave Tampa armed with an In-depth understanding of the cutting edge of public policy debate and return to your state determined to Implement the principles which have brought us together. I have enjoyed working with you in my tenure as National Chairman, and 1 look forward to an ongoing relationship as we confront the immense challenges facing America today. Sincerely. ETE GTETetophont Optratlons 600 Hiclcen Rirlgp. HOE01H52 y^x^^^^ju^c- P.O. Box 152092 Irving. TX.'bU'b-lMS;? Representative Harold Brubaker, North Carolina 214 718-340J ALEC National Chairman Dear Annual Meeting Participants: ' Welcome to Tampa, Florida and the 31st Annual Meeting of the American Leg­ islative Exchange Council CALEC). We are pleased to see so many legislators and representatives from business, industry, trade associations and foundations reg­ istered for this annual meeting to discuss free market solutions to the problems facing the states. The Ideas and talent brought to ALECs unique public-private sector partnership have stimulated an exchange of ideas and Information among the various states and made this past year one of the most successful yet for ALEC. ^WW On behalf of ALECs 450 private sector members, I would like to express appre­ 11 L-., . .h^^^^^^^^^^^m ^^^Ff- - ' - : ciation to the ALEC bi-partisan legislative members for the opportunity to work, : " '£79^^B with you in developing publlo policy based on the Jeffersonian principles of Indi­ ^^^K^l^^H.4-'r • TV'X^^^^H jJJ^Bfe'- vidual opportunity, limited government and free markets, upon which ALEC was founded. ^^^^K?* '?3^H jj^Hr* .:» Within the past two years, nearly 1.300 pieces of model legislation developed by ™t! *ta*&™ ALECs 16 Task Forces were introduced in the various states. Many of these SSB^HL--. •*—*. - ** - •' r ALEC model bills led to the discussion and passage of significant legislation in 1 I^BT" ? -S wmM , <1' ;< 1 the various states. Tj^^^^Ki'ajCTj I would like to encourage each of you, who have Joined us for the first time at. M- M L ^BDP^ Tii"" "3"^ **iF this annual meeting, to get involved with the ALEC team and its many excellent S^-» ' sSr task forces and workshops. We want you as new members. For those of you -. j^^ who arc ALEC members, keep up the good work. We couldn't be successful with­ out you! Enjoy your stay In Tampa and have a great Annual Meeting! Warm personal regards, Ronald F. Scheberle Chairman. ALEC Private Enterprise Board Assistant Vice President. Government Affairs GTE Welcome to ALEC's 21st Annual Meeting Keeping the American Dream Alive ALEC's 21st Annual Meeting Where Action Turns Ideas Into Results August 3-7. 1994 U Tampa, Florida Dear ALEC Members: RurldiilloM Cttinmillee Rep. Debty 1*, S:irA*r\i>n "Welcome to ALEC's 21st Annua] Meeting In Tampa by the Bay. AI.KC Siaic flwiiTiMii HUM riiniimlicc Cf-C'bjir This meeting Is an exceptionally important one as ALEC celebrates Mr. ('rank Mc^ciMiiiih Mcwx. VicXcn another successful year as the nation's premiere state-level public policy IlitV. Coniniilkv C'o-Cluir organization dedicated to the Jeffersonian principles of free markets, lim­ Mr. Henry T. Vinxm ited government and individual liberty. With our growing membership of TWO Hiwrt-y, Inc. state legislators and leaders in the business community working together Hn>. CtttmniUcc Co CIMII in a true public-private partnership, ALEC continues to apply the princi­ Sni. P:i. Thiinnv ples of our Founders to the debate in the states, and we are winning. We hcMik'iii i>I" The S. ii Jtc have a long way yet to go, however, and must maintain our efforts to Rep Htilte> JchiiMin SpciU'rol'Thi' I'ltiuv,' work together toward our shared vision of a free and prosperous Amer­ ica. This is what brings us together for this Annual Meeting. Tri-County HiM* Sen. John (ir.tnl Sen, J.wiei Hurpvit Gathered here in Tampa are hundreds of legislators, private sector dele­ Sen Maleolin Brtml SHI. RieW IJjttl/Jcr gates and other community leaders dedicated to the goal of Keeping the Sen, Curl KIMT Sen.Tcni JcnniRjls American Dream Alive. Gathered here are the people who make ALEC •Sen. John Mr Kay such an important state-oriented public policy organization. This is the .Sen. Don Sullivan Sen. CluuliuCriM winning team of ALEC. Sen. Jim Semi Sccrclurv Doug J;UIWIMIII Rep. S;imlr.i Mofllumi Again this year we are honored by the presence of many distinguished Rep, lVierWalUc Rep. Dennis Jniwv speakers and guests. Joining us on the cutting edge of the public polioy Rep. HuiMy Jutiittuii debate are nationally known experts on the various issues confronting Rep. Lmllal'ner Rep. Turn l-'eeiiey state governments today. Governors, members of Congress, former cabi­ Rep. Knun Ru\li net secretaries, and company presidents have all decided to join our state Rep. R 7. Sallev Rep. Jim Davl-, legislators and private sector leaders here in Tampa to build on ALEC's Rep. John Wnirtmi Kcp. Klvin MwlilKV record of turning ideas into action. Rep. Bill SuMetlc Rep. M:iry Rreiinjn Rep. Ji<hn l..inrem This success could not have heen achieved without the commitment and Ritp.KtiiifilicLtn.ut support of our ALEC legislative and corporate members, the direction and Rep. X1.II v in (.'«MH.h Rep. U» Milter leadership provided by our public and private sector National Chairman Rep Ortljillcltcltl Rep KimKilv Mtqvtnl and Joint Board of Directors, and the ALEC staff. Rep BilllWy Rep Bui* .Stinllct Rep Victor (*n*J Thank you for joining us here in Tampa. I know you will discover that Rep. Hi* XUILN ALEC is where the action is! Rep Xti.rL, Ogle* Hqi.Har..lJJ.»ruKiLer Sincerely, V.mlil :trt>lnu \I„U" Mjti.nijltluiiiM.il Mr.RmtUdl XheSwrfc Cil'l- t*i»*pi>rjumi ALK't'iiuic Samuel A.
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