§ 52.1124 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition) I of the Clean Air Act as amended in (b) The inventories are for the ozone 1977, except as noted below. In addi- precursors which are volatile organic tion, continued satisfaction of the re- compounds, nitrogen oxides, and car- quirements of Part D of the ozone por- bon monoxide. The inventories covers tion of the SIP depends on the adoption point, area, non-road mobile, on-road and submittal of RACT requirements mobile, and biogenic sources. by July 1, 1980 for the sources covered (c) Taken together, the Springfield by CTGs issued between January 1978 nonattainment area and the Massachu- and January 1979 and adoption and sub- setts portion of the Boston-Lawrence- mittal by each subsequent January of Worcester nonattainment area encom- additional RACT requirements for pass the entire geographic area of the sourceovered by CTGs issued by the State. Both areas are classified as seri- previous January. ous ozone nonattainment areas. (b) The above requirements for con- [62 FR 37514, July 14, 1997] tinued satisfaction of Part D are ful- filled by Massachusetts Regulation 310 § 52.1126 Control strategy: Sulfur ox- CMR 7.18(17) and a narrative commit- ides. ment to review CTG IIIs issued in the future. Both were submitted on Sep- (a) The revisions to the control strat- tember 9, 1982. Additionally, each indi- egy resulting from the modification to vidual RACT determination made the emission limitations applicable to under 310 CMR 7.18(17) will be sub- the sources listed below or resulting mitted as a SIP revision to incorporate from the change in the compliance the limitation into the SIP, and DEQE date for such sources with the applica- will propose regulations for CTG III ble emission limitation is hereby ap- category controls if the controls are proved. All regulations cited are air appropriate for the State. pollution control regulations of the State, unless otherwise noted. (See [45 FR 61303, Sept. 16, 1980, as amended at 48 § 52.1125 for compliance schedule ap- FR 51485, Nov. 9, 1983] provals and disapprovals pertaining to one or more of the sources listed § 52.1124 Review of new sources and below.) modifications. Regula- (a) Revisions to Regulation 310 CMR Source Location tion in- Date of adop- 7.02(2)(d) submitted on March 30, 1979 volved tion are disapproved because they do not Deerfield Spe- Monroe Bridge 5.1.2 Oct. 17, 1972. satisfy the requirements of § 51.161. cialty Pa- [39 FR 7281, Feb. 25, 1974, as amended at 40 pers, Inc. Hollingsworth East Walpole .. 5.1.2 June 29, 1972. FR 47495, Oct. 9, 1975; 45 FR 2043, Jan. 10, 1980; & Vose Co. 51 FR 40677, Nov. 7, 1986; 60 FR 33923, June 29, Pepperell Pepperell ........ 5.1.2 Nov. 29, 1972. 1995] Paper Co. Stevens Paper Westfield and 5.1.2 July 27, 1972. § 52.1125 Emission inventories. Mills, Inc. South Had- ley. (a) The Governor’s designee for the Tileston and Hyde Park ...... 5.1.1 Nov. 21, 1972. Commonwealth of Massachusetts sub- Hollings- mitted the 1990 base year emission in- worth Co. All sources in ........................ 5.1.2 Do. ventories for the Springfield nonattain- Berkshire ment area and the Massachusetts por- APCD. tion of the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester ozone nonattainment area on Novem- (b)(1) Massachusetts Regulation 310 ber 13, 1992 as a revision to the State CMR 7.05(1) (formerly Regulation 5.1) Implementation Plan (SIP). Revisions for the Pioneer Valley Air Pollution to the inventories were submitted on Control District, which allows a relax- November 15, 1993, and November 15, ation of sulfur in fuel limitations under 1994, and March 31, 1997. The 1990 base certain conditions, is approved for the year emission inventory requirement following sources. All other sources re- of section 182(a)(1) of the Clean Air Act, main subject to the previously ap- as amended in 1990, has been satisfied proved requirements of Regulation for these areas. 7.05(1) which stipulate that sources are 130 Environmental Protection Agency § 52.1126 required to burn residual fuel oil hav- All other sources remain subject to the ing a sulfur content not in excess of previously approved requirements of 0.55 pounds per million Btu heat re- Regulation 7.05(1) which stipulate that lease potential (approximately equiva- sources are required to burn residual lent to 1 percent sulfur content.) fuel oil having a sulfur content not in excess of 0.55 pounds per million BTU Deerfield Specialty Paper Company, Monroe Bridge; Amherst College, Amherst; Brown heat release potential (approximately Company, Holyoke; Monsanto Polymer and equivalent to 1 percent sulfur content Petrochemical Company, Building 21, fuel oil). Springfield; Monsanto Polymer and Petro- American Optical Company, Southbridge, chemical Company, Building 49, Spring- Wyman Gordon Company, Grafton, James field; Mount Holyoke College, South Had- River—Massachusetts Inc., Fitchburg, ley; Uniroyal Tire Inc., Chicopee; Smith Fitchburg Paper Company, Fitchburg (only College, Northampton; West Springfield boilers which emit through the 55 meter Generating Station, Western Massachu- stack). setts Electric, West Springfield. Central Massachusetts APCD Pioneer Valley APCD Borden, Inc., Chemical Division, Leominster Belchertown State School, Belchertown (conditioned upon first completing con- James River Graphics (formerly Scott struction of new stack and certification of Graphics), south Hadley (conditioned upon completion to the EPA by the Massachu- operation of the boilers on only one of the setts Department of Environmental Qual- two stacks at any given time, and oper- ity Engineering.). ation being so restricted in the source’s op- Gardner State Hospital, Gardner. erating permit granted by the Massachu- Grafton State Hospital, Grafton. setts Department of Environmental Qual- Haywood-Shuster Woolen, E. Douglas. ity Engineering.) Cranston Prints Works, Webster. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Com- Baldwinville products, Templeton—(condi- pany, Springfield. tioned upon first completing construction Northampton State Hospital, Northampton. of new stack, and certification of comple- Springfield Technical Community College, tion to the EPA by the Massachusetts De- Springfield. partment of Environmental Quality Engi- Stanley Home Products, Easthampton. neering.). Stevens Elastomeric Industries, Easthampton. (d) Massachusetts Regulation 310 Ware Industries, Ware. CMR 7.05(1) (formerly Regulation 5.1) Westfield State College, Westfield. for the Southeastern Massachusetts Westover Air Force Base (Building 1411), Air Pollution Control District, which Chicopee. allows a relaxation of sulfur in fuel University of Massachusetts, Amherst. limitations under certain conditions is Mount Tom Generating Station, Holyoke. approved for the following sources. All (2) Massachusetts Regulation 310 other sources remain subject to the CMR 7.05(1)(e)(3) for Pioneer Valley, as previously approved requirements of submitted on March 2, 1979, and May 5, Regulation 7.05(1) which stipulate that 1981, which allows sources in Hamp- sources are required to burn residual shire and Franklin Counties rated at fuel oil having a sulfur content not in less than 100 million Btu per hour heat excess of 0.55 pounds per million Btu input capacity to burn fuel oil having a heat release potential (approximately sulfur content of not more than 1.21 equivalent to 1 percent sulfur content.) pounds per million Btu heat release po- New England Power Company, Brayton tential (approximately equivalent to Point Station, Somerset; Montaup Electric 2.2% sulfur content) is approved for all Company, Somerset Station, Somerset such sources with the exception of: (limited to 75% capacity while burning higher sulfur fuels.) Canal Electric Com- Strathmore Paper Co., Montague. pany, Sandwich; Taunton Municipal Light- (c) Massachusetts Regulation 310 ing Plant, Somerset Avenue, Taunton. CMR 7.05(1) (formerly Regulation 5.1) Southeastern Massachusetts APCD which allows a relaxation of sulfur in L&O Realty Trust, Taunton. fuel limitations for the Central Massa- New Bedford Gas and Electric, New Bedford. chusetts Air Pollution Control Dis- Texas Instruments, Attleboro. trict, except in the City of Worcester, Arkwright Finishing Incorporated, Fall is approved for the following sources. River. 131 § 52.1127 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition) Foster Forbes Glass Company, Milford. Metropolitan Boston APCD Owens Illinois Inc., Mansfield. General Motors, Framingham. Harodite Finishing Corporation, Dighton— Polaroid Corporation, Norwood. (conditioned upon prior removal of rain- Bird and Son, East Walpole. caps from stack, and certification of com- Massachusetts Correctional Institute, South pletion to the EPA by the Massachusetts Walpole. Department of Environmental Quality En- Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater. gineering.) Hanscom Field, Bedford. Polaroid Corporation, New Bedford. Wellesley College, Wellesley. National Tanning and Trading, Peabody. (e) Massachusetts Regulation 310 General Tire, Reading. CMR 7.05(1) (formerly Regulation 5.1) General Food Corporation, Atlantic Gelatin, for the Merrimack Valley Air Pollu- Woburn. tion Control District, excluding the Massachusetts Correctional Institute, Bridgewater. City of Lawrence and the towns of An- W. R. Grace, Acton. dover, Methuen, and North Andover, Massachusetts Correctional Institute, Con- which allows a relaxation of sulfur in cord. fuel limitations under certain condi- Danvers State Hospital, Danvers. tions, is approved for the following New England Power Company, Salem Harbor sources. All other sources
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