Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 2-20-1995 Columbia Chronicle (02/20/1995) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (02/20/1995)" (February 20, 1995). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/316 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. THE mLUMBIA COLLEGE Moore Runs for 16th Ward Alderman By Sergio Barreto verse constituency with largc Afri­ Editor in Ch ief can-American and Latino popula­ tions, as wcll as whites and Asians. John Moore's bid for aldennan Moore is running against six of the 16th ward is an offshoot of other candidates, including incum­ what Moore does every day as as­ bent Coleman and Hal Baskin, an sociate dean of students at Colum­ advisor to the gang-related 21 st bia College. He educates and serves Century V.O.T.E. organi,.ation. All young people. something he arc Dcmocnlts. Moore has financed stretches into the neighborhoods. "I have been doing work Lhal the his campaign mostly through per­ sonal funds, and has run it from his alderman should have been doing for years," Moore said. "I have own house. "A lot of great work has been helped young people get intern­ done by volunteers, mostly young ships, I helped establish a center for and old people," Moore said. "Last seniors and the handicapped." weekend, they spent hours posting Witl, the Feb. 28 elcction only a Oyers allover the .neighborhood in week away, Moore received a ma­ 5-degree temperatures. But I need jor boost when the Chicago Sun­ more voluntecrs, especially during Times endorsed him for alderman this last week." of the 16th Ward. The incumbent Moore's campaign motto is is Ald. Shirley A. Coleman. "Education is the Key." He aims to Moore. who has lived in the help area young people start careers Southwest Side ward for 40 years, in business, industry, law, sports decided to run for alderman ia"l fall and the media; to establish a Job because he fclt the community was Da ta Bank for the community; 10 Photo by Nobuko Oyabu poorly represented. "I acquired all attract light industry to the area; 10 Trumpeter Kenny Anderson of Ensemble Kalinda Chicago plays for a crowd in the Holdn my professionalism in this neigh­ combat crime, violence and sub­ borhood," Moore said. "My wife stance abuse in a humane manncr; Annex on Thursday, February 16th_ was born here, my children were 10 lower employmcnt taxes on small born here. I have very deep roots businesses; 10 provide shelter and in 01is community, and I want to security to disadvantaged scniors Columbia Celebrates give back to it." and youths. In its Feb 13 issue, the Sun­ Columbia's administrators have Times staled that Moore "inspires been very supportive of his bid for confidence that he has more energy African-American Heritage alderman, Moore said. Moore has By Diane J. Bell showcases the many talents of Co- .Feb. 24. The Ensemble and initiative to tend 10 basic ser­ been at Columbia for 30 years, and CJ:n-mponthnt lumbia students. Kalinda will give a lecrure dem- vices than incumbent Ald. Shirley he plans to continue working as its ·Feb. 16, at 12 p.m., Lee Cloud onstration entitiled, "The African A. Coleman." Dean of Students if he wins the The purpose of this year's cel- of the Ensemble KaUnda will lee- Diaspora" at 6:00pm. (Location to The 16th ward includes three election. "There's no conflict of in­ ebration of African American His- tore in the Hokin Annex. be announced.) neighborhoods: Englewood, Back terest, with the way City Council is tory Month at Columbia College is ·Feb. 20 at 2 p.m., a panel dis- .March I , the Rubber Room of the Yards, and Gage Park. It has set up," he said. a high crime nlte and a highly di- two-fold. It promises to be a color- cussion on "Journey to Success," will be performing at 1 p.m. in the ful reflection of the past contribu- in Hokin Hall. Hokin Annex. tions of African Americans while ·Feb. 21 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 .March 2, Obert Davis will ~ocusing on the jowney to success p.m., The AfricaD Heritage Cel~ give a musical perfonnance at 12 of our cont(jmporaries. ebration Opening. p.m. in the Hokio Gallery followed This year's theme, " Reflect and ·Feb. 22 at 12 p.m., Film Lec- by an African Heritage Closing FO"; lIs on the Journey to Success" ture Screening of Ron Pitts ' Reception at 4 p.m. in the Hokin fittingly describes the schedule of Work. (location to be announced.) Annex. events ranging from student art dis- ·Feb. 23, three events will take . March 3, Columbia'S plays to prominent guest speakers place. Artist Greg Coates will Showtime at the Apollo at 6 p.m. students won't want to miss now I visit Columbia at 3 p.m. At5 p.m. in the Hokin Annex. Cash prizes through March 3. Here's a run- the African Art Exhibit Recep- will be awarded to those demon- down: tion strating the most talent in the per- ·The Exbibition of African • Film producer Robert forming arts. Cash Prizes of $100 American Student Art is the first Townsend will host a rap session for first place, $75 for second place, of ten events. The collection of at 6 p.m. in the Getz Theater. and $50 for third place. Pregnant Student Labors • In Line to Register By Don Woo lf lecn mmutcs later. Chicago Fire thought she could ma ke it through l · 'lIrl< ' pt.md'~lI t Depllrtment P,lrumcdics rushed thc process. She didn't want to go King to Northwestcrn Mcmorial to the hospital." SC lmc Columbia studcnls wi ll do Hospilnl where shc later gave birlh Cohen contacled Columbia sc­ llJlylhing 10 avo id wailing in long 17 b b bo , . .,. ' . " ff 10 a 6 pOlln( ounce a y y. curity. Sgt. Al IlSon was Ihen dis­ rrgl.'i u.llIon hnes. scream <It s ~ , "Thcy asked me if I was in patched 10 the sixth floor. Ihm.\\' tempe r tll/llrums a~c.I net l!kc pain," King said. rcferrins to the " I asked her how far apart her b<lhiCs . K lI nhcr ~ y AntoOleti c Kmg receptionists in thc financial aid contractions werc and shc said uS..: d ~l more umque approach: shc rfi "I II ,I 1 . I bo Moore hat a 8achtlor" n..,..1n jourDalbm aDd a Muter'lla Unlulstla. He h d b b O Ice. to ( ulC m was tn a r about fOUf minutes," Sgl. Itson II abo. c.wtIfI«l MKiIl worker and • member otth. Ford FouDdaUon" Schol .... a K~n ~: walked into the finan- but 1 wnnted to rcgister bcf?rc !,had said. " I told her she had to go to Ihlp Commltt... the s..luUoa Army, 11M Antericaa AaodaIJoa 01 Colleat·le 14. the hospi ta l now or else she was Reabtan aD4Acb..-on. 0trk«'I. the Cbkqoluad MlnlJten' ~Clon. the co­ cial aid ofri ce in thc 6(X) S. Michi. the btlby. il ~fo re th~ deadli ne. pllnner 01 dI. EaaItwood Back·t.o-Sdtool P ....de. 11M rormer pre:ddenC or Ihe gall building: last Thursday at 12:40 Co lu J ~ b la Registrar M ~ ~ v ln See Baby page 4 Eqlewood lAUure 'I'De Couadl, ..4 a FKlUlator ror the Natllxla' LeIIdenhlp p.m. in visible pain to register. Fif- Cohen Witnessed the event. Shc For.. :. 0. FaUll ud YahNa, cba ..... b1 U.s. Vk:e PreIkltntAaMrt Gore. 2 FEBRUARY 20, 1995 By Sieve Corman Director, fJ/'Oadcast Journalism Prog ram A reminder that auditions for the two anchor positions on "600 South ," Columbi.l's cablc television newsmagazine progf'Jm, will be held on March 2 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. A ud itions are open to broadcast journalism <Iml television m,ljors for the award -;.win ni ·~g program. "600 South" recently won lOp honors in the NationaJlAssocia. tion of College Broadcasters competition fo r best Publio Am{irs/ Magazine Program. Among the finalists in the category 1t b~aLo !Jt were the University of Southern Californ ia; Ithaca College in New York; University of North Dakota; and Valparaiso Univcrsit¥ in India na. Anchor camlidates will be required to read articulately and smoothly from a teleprompter, A script will be prepared for each student to read during the tryouts. Those auditioning mllst be available on the Wednesdays of March 29, May 3 and May 31 from I p.m. to 6 p.m. That's when "600 South" is videotaped. To reserve an audition time, contact Lh e Television Departmcllt by telephone at extension 410 or in person al the 600 S. Michigan building, Room 1500. The two anchors during the fall semester were Kelley Gibbard Job Fair Attracts Minorities m ,d Juan Garcia. By Diallc J. Bcll «Hives were Jmmie Lum, reponer Ala <.:oachin g session on how to CCJrre·~r(Jnd(!1I1 for WON-TV; Art Normn n, re­ makc Lhc most of a job fair, pancl­ poner/ anchor for WMAQ-TV; ists told hungry, aspiring journal­ Endowment Gives The compe tition was fierce .
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