S O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news W ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of E ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek- Americans N c v A wEEkly GREEk-AmERICAn PublICATIOn www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 15, ISSUE 783 October 13-19 , 2012 $1.50 Protests After German Chancellor’s Visit, What is Greece’s Next Step? Against Merkel’s Trip Signals Eurozone Seeks to Fed Judge Be More Supportive Garaufis By Andy Dabilis TNH Staff Writer Jurist Maligned ATHENS – Declaring German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s six- for Affirmative hour visit to meet him a sign that Greece has ended its inter - Action in FDNY national economic isolation, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras By Mosi Secret turned to the more difficult task The New York Times of convincing international lenders to sign off on a package of $17.45 billion in spending One after another, nearly 150 cuts and tax hikes needed to re - white firefighters approached a lease more welfare aid to the lectern facing a federal judge government. and, voices sometimes trem - Guarded by 7,000 police, bling with anger, decried what snipers and with army and navy they called a perversion of jus - commandos on standby as tice. Years of hard work to make 50,000 protesters were kept far it into the ranks of the depart - away, Merkel offered praise to ment were being tossed aside to Samaras for continuing her de - make way for unqualified mi - PHOTOS: ASSOCIATED PRESS mands for more austerity, but nority candidates, they said, all PM Antonis Samaras and Chancellor Angela Merkel paid close put forth no relief in what was in a questionable effort to end attention to each other (top). They were also attentive in dis - seen as a symbolic gesture of discrimination. cussions with officials and businessmen (left.) In the street, cit - support. The target of their wrath sat izens were not impressed. Riot police fight demonstrators in Germany is the biggest con - silently before them: Judge front of the Parliament (bottom, left) and men dressed as Nazi tributor to a first round series Nicholas G. Garaufis of Federal soldiers are seen in front of a banner reading "Merkel out, un - of $152 billion in rescue loans District Court in Brooklyn, desirable.” from the Troika of the European whose expansive rulings have Union-International Monetary forced the New York Fire De - Fund-European Central Bank partment — “a stubborn bastion (EU-IMF-ECB) but the last in - of white male privilege,” in his stallment of $38.8 billion is on words — to overhaul its prac - hold until the new austerity plan tices to hire more minority can - is passed by the Parliament the didates. government controls. Also in One fireman, Sean Fitzger - limbo is a second bailout of ald, bluntly accused the judge $173 billion. of playing a “social experiment” “The Greek people are bleed - and questioned whether he was ing,” Samaras said of the aus - driven by “socioeconomic prob - terity sacrifices imposed by the lems, personal ambition or inner country’s lenders that he sup - guilt.” ports, adding that Merkel has The remarkable demonstra - displayed understanding and re - tion of opposition, which played spect for those sacrifices, al - out over four days in federal though protesting Greeks were court last week, underscored the furious at her visit. degree to which Judge Garaufis Samaras has Finance Minis - has emerged as the most promi - ter Yiannis Stournaras negotiat - nent and provocative figure in ing with Troika envoys to settle New York City’s most con - differences of $3.2-$4.5 billion tentious integration battle in in the budget plan for 2013-14. decades. Critics have dubbed Samaras wants the deal settled him “Emperor Garaufis” and before a meeting of EU leaders have accused him of being a on Oct. 18 because he said publicity-seeking liberal cru - Greece only has enough money sader whose imposition of racial to operate until the end of No - quotas has jeopardized public vember. Without continued for - Continued on page 4 Continued on page 9 WITH THIS ISSUE Greek Jobless Nick Gage’s Rate Hits New Sister, Eleni’s High of 25.1% Daughter, 79 ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Un - Worcester Telegram employment in Greece hit a record high of 25.1 percent in Ylekeria (Gatzoyiannis) July as the country's financial Economou, whose courageous crisis continues to exact its escape during the Greek Civil heavy toll, official figures War at age 15 to join her siblings showed Thursday. in Worcester, MA was recounted And all indications are that in two books, died here Monday unemployment in Greece will be at Holy Trinity Hospice, sur - heading higher for some to rounded by her family, after a come. The country is widely- long illness. Known as “Lillia”, predicted to enter a sixth year she was born in Lia, Epirus, of a recession, that's already Greece on January 3, 1933. seen economic output slump by As recounted in the book and a quarter and youth unemploy - 1984 film “Eleni” by her brother, ment push way above 50 per - author and producer Nicholas cent. Gage, and in his subsequent "This is a very dramatic result book “A Place for Us”, when Lil - of the recession," said Angelos lia’s mother, Eleni (Haidis) Gat - For subscription: Tsakanikas, head of research at zoyiannis, planned a nighttime 718.784.5255 Greece's IOBE economic re - escape from their Communist- [email protected] search foundation. Tsakanikas held village in 1948, an order added that he does not expect Tourism Minister at Greek Investment Forum in New York came from the guerrillas for two employment to pick up signifi - women from their house to har - cantly for at least a year. In foreground: Yanos Gramatidis, Pres. American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Nikos Kara - vest grain. The mother chose halios, Secretary Gen. of National Tourism Organization (GNTO), Minister of Tourism Olga Ke - Continued on page 8 falogianni, at the Press office of the Greek Mission to the UN. See story p. 2. Continued on page 6 2 COMMUNITY THE NATIONAL HERALD, OCTOBER 13-19, 2012 Greek Investment Forum Assembled in NYC GOINGS ON... n OCTOBER 12 Artist: Mario Frangoulis with By Constantine S. Sirigos clined from about 600,000 in CLEARWATER, FL – The Holy Vasiliki Lavina & Alexandros TNH Staff Writer 2009 and 2010 to less than Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Belles and a 15-Member Orches - 500,000 this year. They know is holding its annual Greek festi - tral Ensemble Conducted by the NEW YORK – Greek govern - they must take a different ap - val at 409 South Old Coachman Composer. Sunday, Nov. 4 at the ment officials and private sector proach with the lucrative U.S. Road from Friday, Oct. 12 to Cooper Union, Great Hall. 7 E. leaders arrived in New York this market, which Sunday, Oct. 14. There will be 7th St. in Manhattan at 4PM. week with a dual message: The Kefalogianni said is a priority, Greek food and pastries, and a Tickets: $50 $75 $100 $125. For Greek government is finally im - something that during the Q & raffle with a Chevy Camaro as a information and reservations: plementing reforms to make the A some guests testified was not grand prize. There will also be a 718-204-8900. country more attractive to in - always the case. The Minister children’s area with activities. For [email protected] vestors and that the “New said they welcome the assis - more information call 727-799- Greece” abounds with opportu - tance of the Greek-. 4605. n NOVEMBER 16 nities in a number of areas Karahalios noted the impact MANHATTAN – The 24th annual where the Greek economy has of negative publicity, but he also STAMFORD, CT – The greater Dinner Gala honoring New York great potential. A press confer - seemed outraged that in the past community is invited to view the State Senator Michael Gianaris, ence on October 9 focused on two years “there have been no American Hellenic Institute 12th District for his Dedication the critical tourism sector and advertising, media, or PR cam - (AHI) documentary “Cyprus Still to Public Service and Attorney featured the Minister of Tourism paigns in the United States,” and Divided: A U.S. Foreign Policy of the Year Kirk Karabelas, Esq. Olga Kefalogianni. that “market research that has Failure” at 6:30 PM, Friday, Oct. Karabelas and Papagianopoulos, At the heart of the trip, which not been conducted for the last 12 at the Annunciation Church LLP and Chairman, Alma Bank. includes visits with investors, decade.” However, he said they of Stamford. After the viewing, The Black Tie Optional affair experts, and key business orga - are now devoting resources now there will be a panel discussion will be held on Friday, Nov. 16 nizations is “The Greek Invest - TnH/COSTAS bEJ to research and that “Instead of including Nick Larigakis, Presi - at the Pierre Hotel in Manhattan. ment Forum in New York,” Minister of Tourism Olga Kefalogianni with Deputy Minister just making plans in Athens we dent, followed by a panel discus - Cocktails at 7PM, Dinner imme - which was held from October 9- of Development Notis Mitarachi at a press conference. are here, and we are having sion. The event is FREE but diately following. Live entertain - 11 and is the joint effort of the meetings with specialized firms reservations are required at ment by Panos Chrysovergis and American-Hellenic Chamber of for those seeking a clear picture jects that have been stuck for who know the tourist business http://ahiworld.org/rsvp or by Aphrodite Daniels. ADVANCE Commerce (AHCC), represented of the current status and poten - decades are now going through, and with people who are skilled calling the church at 203-322- RESERVATIONS ONLY – NO by its president, Yanos Grama - tial of the Greek economy, and including the granting of li - at getting into the minds of 2093.
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