In Memoriam: Pray for the deceased clergy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore Please pray for these members of the clergy who served in the Archdiocese of Baltimore and died in the months of May through December. MAY May 2 Father Felix Barrotti, 1881+ Monsignor Eugene J. Connelly, 1942+ Monsignor William F. Doyle, 1976+ Father Pompeo Vadacca, C.M., 1982+ May 3 Father Mark Rawinisz, O.F.M. Conv., 1956+ Deacon Harry Carpenter, 2005+ May 4 Monsignor Clare J. O’Dwyer, 1982+ Monsignor Edward R. Braham, 1984+ Father Jeffrey W. Carlsen, 2005+ May 5 Father William A. Richardson, S.S.J., 2005+ May 6 Monsignor Edward L. Buckey, 1948+ Monsignor Francis J. Childress, 1991+ Monsignor William T. McCrory, 1993+ Father John A. Delclos, 2007+ May 7 Father Joseph P. Josaitis, 1980+ Deacon William H. Kohlmann, 1986+ May 9 Father Joseph J. Dulski, 1906+ Monsignor W. Paul Smith, 1946+ Father Joseph D. Fuller, 1969+ Father Robert E. Lee Aycock, S.S., 1977+ Father Thomas Simmons, 1987+ Father John F. Kresslein, C.Ss.R., 1992+ May 10 Father John J. Bowens, 1925+ Father John J. Reilly, 1949+ Father Joseph A. Stepanek, C.Ss.R., 1955+ Father Joseph A. Graziani, 1966+ Monsignor Edwin A. DeLawder, 1980+ Monsignor John C. Collopy, 2015+ May 11 Father Paul John Sandalgi, 1960+ Deacon John J. Boscoe Jr., 2014+ May 12 Father Patrick J. O’Connell, 1924+ Monsignor William J. Sweeney, 1967+ Father Claude M. Kinlein, 1976+ Monsignor Joseph M. Nelligan, 1978+ Monsignor Edward F. Staub, 2000+ May 13 Father James Sterling, 1905+ Father Theodore S. Rowan, 1989+ May 14 Father Edward L. Devine, 1931+ Father Stephen J. Chylinski, 1963+ May 15 Monsignor James M. O’Brien, 1928+ Father Robert J. Froelich, 1953+ Father George William Glick, 2000+ May 16 Father James D. Marr, 1914+ Father Henry G. Sandkuhler, C.Ss.R., 1926+ Monsignor John T. Whelan, 1928+ Father R. Cotter Fitzgerald, 1940+ Archbishop Michael J. Curley, 1947+ Monsignor William A. Toolen, 1954+ Father Thomas Delea, 1973+ Monsignor Edward Vincent Echle, 1997+ May 18 Father Edmund Didier, 1903+ Monsignor Michael J. Riordan, 1943+ Father Balthasar Chang, 1993+ Monsignor John Harold McCall, 1997+ Monsignor Melville Taylor, 1997+ May 20 Father Francis X. Dotzler, C.Ss.R., 1954+ Father Lawrence J. Hunt, S.J., 2008+ May 21 Father John T. Coolahan, 1932+ Father Vincent J. Tomalski, 1981+ Deacon Watson Fulton, 2005+ Deacon Michael Zusi, 2006+ May 22 Father Bertrand S. Piot, 1882+ Father Stanislaus F. Ryan, 1903+ Father Francis X. McKenny, S.S., 1917+ Father William V. Knell, C.Ss.R., 1945+ May 23 Father Robert Petti, C.M., 1984+ Father George Keaveney, C.Ss.R., 2008+ May 24 Father Thomas E. Gallagher, 1921+ Father Michael J. O’Neil, S.S., 1969+ Father Michael J. Finnerty, 1953+ Father Vincent J. Severino, S.S.J., 1976+ Deacon Norman E. Colson, 2001+ Deacon Henry L. Siarkowski, 2013+ May 25 Monsignor Nicholas William Dohony, 1996+ Father Kevin W. Brooksbank, 2008 May 27 Father August B. Haneke, 1898+ May 28 Father Patrick H. Lenaghan, 1906+ Monsignor William Kailer Dunn, 1964+ Father James M. Hogan, 1970+ May 29 Father Richard O’Neill, 1920+ Father Hyacinth Rosinke, O.F.M.Conv., 1982+ May 30 Father Thomas E. McGuigan, 1927+ Father Austin Fleming, 1940+ Father John M. Walsh, 1943+ Father Thomas J. Crowley, 1948+ Father Patrick Joseph Begley, 1997+ May 31 Father Vincent Wolski, O.F.M. Conv., 1964+ Father Thomas B. Loftus, 2015+ JUNE June 1 Father Michael P. Gallagher, 1869+ Deacon John Martelle, 2002+ June 2 Father J. Carroll Moore, 1952+ Father Leo V. McGrain, 1979+ Father Francis J. Schmutz, S.S.J., 1986+ June 3 St. John XXIII, pope, 1963+ June 4 Father Charles C. Pise, 1866+ Father Walter J. Paulits, 2011+ June 5 Father Andrew C. Englehart, 1916+ Father Bernard J. Lennon, 1928+ Father James P. Tower, 1934+ June 6 Deacon John Parrish, 2015+ June 7 Father Joseph A. Little, 1945+ Father Patrick J. Veale, S.S.J., 1993+ June 8 Father Bernard Bak, 2007+ June 9 Father Matthias Alig, 1882+ Father Sidney S. Hurlbut, 1920+ Father Martin Oktavec, C.Ss.R., 1957+ Father L. Berkley Kines, S.J., 1979+ June 10 Bishop Augustin Verot, 1876+ Father James E. Connell, 1935+ Monsignor John I. Barrett, 1945+ Father Michael J. Flaherty, S.S.J., 1979+ June 12 Father James M. Connelly, 1918+ Father Charles J. Crowley, S.S.J., 1990+ Father George F. O’Dea, S.S.J., 1997+ Monsignor James Hobbs, 2012+ June 13 Monsignor C. O. Rosensteel, 1940+ Monsignor Charles H. Yingling, 1974+ Monsignor John U. Lyness, 1983+ Father Raymond B. Meyer, S.S., 1985+ Father Timothy J. Holland, S.S.J., 1993+ June 14 Father Dominic Cohee, C.P., 1980+ Deacon James Awalt, 2008+ June 15 Father John J. Dillon, 1918+ Father Francis W. Kunkel, S.S., 1951+ Father Louis Lulli, S.A.C., 1987+ June 16 Father Thomas J. Monteverde, 1905+ Father Carroll J. Noonan, S.S., 1981+ Deacon Thomas A. Wilson, 2000+ June 17 Father Valentine F. Schmidt, 1917+ Deacon John Briscoe, 2007+ June 18 Archbishop Leonard Neale, 1817+ Father Thomas C. Leonard, 1900+ Father Henry J. Hughes, 1995+ Deacon Alexander P. Szuchnicki, 2000+ June 19 Father Arthur R. Murphy, 1959+ Father Felix J. Malmberg, S.J., 1979+ Deacon Arthur L. Micozzi, 2008+ June 20 Father John P. Hagan, 1897+ Father Matthias A. Fenne, 1916+ Deacon Norbert J. Miller, 1993+ Father John Joseph Tierney, 1997+ Deacon Walter Shipley Jr., 2007+ June 21 Father John R. Roth, 1922+ Father Peter V. Smith, 1978+ Deacon Herman Grabenstein, 2006+ Deacon T. Russell Gibson, 2007+ June 22 Father John Joseph Keane, 1918+ Father Joseph P. O’Callaghan, 1935+ Father John P. Gallagher, 1946+ Father John S. McDonough, S.S., 1977+ Father Louis H. Pabst, 1995+ June 23 Father Joseph A. St. Laurent, S.S.J., 1935+ Father Joseph A. Garvey, 1941+ Father George E. Shank, 1961+ Father George Wichland, C.Ss.R., 1992+ June 24 Father Francis J. Tewes, 1889+ Father Martin L. McNulty, 1950+ Father James P. Campbell, S.S., 1973+ June 25 Deacon John Simpson, 2007+ June 26 Father James C. Murphy, 1943+ Father John S. Franey, S.S., 1992 June 27 Father Edward Caton, 1862+ June 28 Father William J. Kane, 1924+ Father John E. Dunn, 1927+ Father John G. Link, 1969+ June 29 Father George H. Tragesser, 1948+ Father Francis J. Tighe, S.S.J., 1975+ Father Theodore M. Hemelt, 1976+ Father Dominic A. Bonomo, 1978+ June 30 Father Norman J. Perrin, 1991+ Father Gerard M. Kurek, C.Ss.R., 2007+ JULY July 1 Father Michael J. Brennan, 1898+ Father Gerard Ellinghaus, C.Ss.R., 1985= Father James Pauli, C.Ss.R., 1990= July 2 Father Francis J. Connell, 1963+ Monsignor David Ignatius Dorsch, 1996+ Monsignor Simon E. Kenny, 1999+ July 3 Father Patrick Coyle, O.F.M., 1981+ Father Robert G. Hawkins, 1999+ Father Patrick E. Coyne, 2001+ July 4 Father Thomas J. Foley, 1905+ Father Thomas A. Hardesty, 1969+ Father John D. Maher, S.S., 1974+ Father Charles McBride, S.J., 1981+ July 6 Father Joseph H. Flottemesch, 1908+ Father Thomas J. O’Toole, 1922+ Father J. Alphonse Frederick, 1936+ Father Felix Pasko, O.F.M. Conv., 1975+ Father John F. Mendelis, 1982+ Father John Mackey, 1996+ July 7 Father John E. Graham, 1940+ Father Patrick J. Ritchie, 1953+ July 8 Archbishop Francis Patrick Kenrick, 1863+ Monsignor John A. Dunn, 1982+ July 9 Father John B. Manley, 1939+ Father Stephen H. McCabe, 1951+ Father Francis J. Egan, 1953+ July 10 Father Joseph Kaiser, 2003+ July 11 Father Alfred A. Curtis, 1908+ Father Thomas J. Kervick, 1929+ Father Maurice R. Alexander, 1946+ Father Thomas E. O’Connor, S.S., 1984+ Monsignor Hugh J. Phillips, 2004+ July 12 Father Maurice J. Cahill, 1923+ Father Godfrey Hunt, O.F.M., 1934+ July 13 Monsignor Don Luigi A. Sartori, 1933+ Father Frederick L. Kunnecke, 1937+ Father Bernard McWilliams, C.Ss.R., 1983+ July 14 Father Eugene E. J. Ahern, S.J., 1974+ Father John G. Guntner, C.Ss.R., 1974+ Father James J. Kortendick, S.S., 1986+ Father John Henry Patrick, 2002+ July 15 Father Phillip J. Walsh, 1920+ Monsignor Louis J. Mendelis, 1982+ Deacon Daniel P. Murphy, 1995+ Monsignor Joseph P. Bradley, 1999+ Father Francis H. McGauley, S.J., 2008+ July 16 Father J. Cyril Dukehart, S.S., 1960+ Father Callistus Connolly, C.P., 1980+ Deacon John Potyraj, 1983+ Father Joseph V. Messer, 2014+ July 17 Father Francis X. Wills, 1987+ Deacon James E. Bee, 2015+ July 18 Father J. Carroll McHugh, S.S., 1988+ July 19 Father Francis M. Fowler, 1901+ Father Joseph S. Gallen, 1910+ July 20 Father Joseph L. Andreis, 1903+ Father Bernard P. Scheiner, C.Ss.R., 1969+ July 21 Father Henry Myers, 1873+ Father Henry Hoffman, 1882+ Father John E. Wade, 1928+ July 22 Father Joseph A. Lietuvnikas, 1943+ Father John C. O’Shea, S.S.J., 1975+ Father Joseph V. Nevins, S.S., 1979+ Father Joseph Kitko, 2009+ July 23 Monsignor John F. Fannon, 1948+ July 24 Father Thomas R. Leigh, S.S., 1974+ Father Edward B. Hemler, 2011+ July 25 Father Lawrence S. Malloy, 1885+ Father John J. Farrell, 1942+ Monsignor Joseph C. Antoszewski, 1992+ July 26 Father Michael J. Brennan, 1885+ Father Michael A. Dausch, 1892+ Monsignor Joseph A. Ells, 1974+ Monsignor Carroll Satterfield, 2003+ July 27 Father Jeremiah Hendricks, 1875+ Father Raymond F. Castaldo, 1972+ Father Theophilus Kujawa, O.F.M.Conv., 1975+ Deacon George Marick, 1986+ Father Paul F. Genovese, 1992+ Father Paul Dougherty, 1994+ July 28 Father Christian J. Olert, C.Ss.R., 1930+ Father Chester J. Czyz, 1965+ July 29 Father Thomas A. Becker, 1899+ Father Andrew F. Marzecki, 1909+ July 30 Father Charles Ott, C.Ss.R., 1981+ Father Edward A.
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