2015 F250 CREW CAB XLT 4X4 2017 F150 SUPERCREW LARIAT 4X4 2015 RENEGADE SPORT 4X4 16-7TH AVENUE, GIMLI, MB $29,995 $47,995 $19,995 SALES - 855-963-1818 Dealer All prices are plus taxes. See dealer for details. #5358 VOLUME 5 EDITION 10 THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2018 SERVING LUNDAR, ASHERN, ERIKSDALE, MOOSEHORN, FISHER BRANCH, RIVERTON, ARBORG, GIMLI, WINNIPEG BEACH, ARNES, MELEB, FRASERWOOD USED SNOWBLOWERS Ice racing Cub Cadet 10.5 HP - 28” E/S ........ $890.00 Master Craft 10 HP - 28” E/S ........ $590.00 White 8 HP - 26” E/S ........ $590.00 White 10 HP - 28” E/S ........ $590.00 CUB CADET 2 x 28” SNOWBLOWER 4 Only 0% - 12 Months - 15% down 28”, 277 c.c. Electric Start/Light Steerable Wheels 3 Years Warranty Reg. $1499.00 $ Now 1099.00 EXPRESS PHOTO BY PATRICIA BARRETT John Rooney from St. Andrews, with Eva Semkiw, took part in the Ice Man Motorcycle Race at the Gimli Ice Festival this SHACHTAY past weekend. Rooney has been racing since 1984, competing in ice races and hare scrambles (off-road motorcycle SALES & SERVICE racing). Racing on ice requires specially built tires with studs and modifi cations to the carburetor for cold weather. Arborg, MB It also comes with physical challenges: “It’s very demanding, especially when you’re a bit older like me!” said Rooney. 204-376-5233 “You’re working pretty hard out there, moving forward on the bike for cornering and moving back when you come out of the corners.” news > sports > opinion > community > people > entertainment > events > classifi eds > careers > everything you need to know If you are interested in advertising here, contact Branden Meier. (204) 641-4104 [email protected] 2 The Express Weekly News Thursday, March 8, 2018 Minister grilled in Gimli over investigation into Salkeld By Patricia Barrett investigation and taking it very seri- Apart from saying that it’s a complex ously. When that investigation con- investigation, Sustainable Develop- cludes, depending on the outcome, ment Minister Rochelle Squires, who there will be signifi cant consequenc- held a meeting in Gimli March 1 with es, and again I can’t speak about an fi shers, shared few details about the investigation that is ongoing.” department’s enquiry into Northern Lake Winnipeg Co-management Walleye’s Donald Salkeld and his Board representative and Lake Win- involvement in the shipment of fi sh nipeg fi sher Kris Isfeld said there from four sheds that’s left them about seems to be a “slant” or double stan- $1 million out of pocket. dard at play involving “characters” The meeting, which about 40 fi shers trying to push the government’s open and industry representatives attend- market mandate and fi shers who’ve ed on short notice by the department, made paperwork mistakes under the came almost two months after the new regulation. minister announced she’d be launch- “I fi nd it odd that somebody who’s Deputy Minister Rob Olson told Sustainable Development min- ing an investigation into the matter. exported $1-million-plus dollars’ fi shers the department has to de- ister Rochelle Squires said the In addition to providing Squires worth of fi sh from the province is still termine who’s telling the truth investigation into Salkeld is com- with ideas about how to revamp the able to operate and still has a permit, before a fi sh dealer licence can be plex. new Fish Marketing Regulation (see whereas Bruce here is going to court suspended. story next edition), fi shers asked her for three charges of paperwork issues to account for the failure to revoke without the right to go to a judge [fi sh- Salkeld’s licence and stop him from ery appeal board] and have it heard,” operating as a fi sh dealer. said Isfeld, referring to fi sher Bruce “There is a full investigation that is Benson. “The government seems to underway — the investigation hasn’t be not acting in one case, but when it concluded. It is very complex,” said comes to the fi shermen making mis- Squires. “We’re dealing with multiple takes, you’re all over us.” players, multiple individuals, stake- With reference to his charges, Ben- holders, dealing with people in other son told Squires that fi shers were jurisdictions. It’s a very complex in- once seen as honourable, hard-work- vestigation. And we’re following our ing people but now seem to be “vili- NORTHERN INTERLAKE HAS SOME BEAUTIFULLY GROOMED TRIALS POKER DERBY SEASON IS IN FULL SWING WHY NOT ENJOY THEM ON A NEW SLED, EXPRESS PHOTOS BY PATRICIA BARRETT STILL LOTS OF SNOW!! West Interlake Reeve Randy Helgason (second row, right) asked the minister to put safeguards in place. fi ed” by the government. Before the open market came “None of those charges have any- into effect Dec. 1, 2017, fi shers said thing to do with me taking one fi sh Salkeld personally visited sheds or out of the lake that I wasn’t entitled their AGMs with a Northern Walleye to,” said Benson. “I messed up on the price list and told dozens of fi shers he paperwork. You have to understand would buy their fi sh. when you’re working 12-18 hours a Gimli MLA Jeff Wharton had intro- day, you might mess up on your pa- duced Salkeld to fi shers at a meeting perwork. You’re tired.” in Gimli on Dec. 15, 2016, at which Industry analyst and Lake Winnipeg Salkeld stated he intended to mar- fi sher Bill Buckels said the new regu- ket their fi sh. The meeting came with lation clearly stipulates that fi shers a press release, which contained a have to be paid within seven days, but quote stating: “Northern Walleye will EARLY SPRING BLOW OUT SALE ON IN STOCK in the case of the four sheds — Ash- purchase and process all species of ern, Eddystone, Waterhen and Daw- fi sh from Manitoba Fishers and we 2017 POLARIS 600 2018 POLARIS son Bay — it wasn’t “followed.” assure the Fishers that they will have (up to $2000 rebates) & OR 600 & 800 SWITCHBACK Not only did Salkeld fail to provide the same benefi ts that are afforded to 800 XCR (up to $2500 rebates) ADVENTURES full payment (he alleges he paid out them now such as EI Benefi ts, CEDF some monies) to fi shers within sev- Loans etc.” Come check out our trails Saturday March 3rd for our Annual Poker Derby en days, but he also failed to com- In earlier interviews with the Ex- plete paperwork, did not post his fi sh press, Salkeld denied he was a “buyer” HYW#6 & PR #513 dealer licence at the sheds, and may of the sheds’ fi sh, denied he owed ST MARTIN, MANITOBA have committed multiple violations, them money, denied having a part- 204-659-5250 including food handling practices, ac- nership with American fi sh processor cording to fi shers and sources close to Mike Schafer and denied having any- the investigation. www.stmartingarage.com Continued on page 4 The Express Weekly News Thursday, March 8, 2018 3 Olympic sports talent search coming to Manitoba Submitted combines happening across the coun- organizations in hopes of re-energiz- talent scouts from National Sports Athletes from across the region en- try in 2018. ing a dream or being discovered and Organizations — Canada Snowboard, couraged to see if they might be suit- Top performers attending the Win- directed toward an Olympic sport. Canada Basketball, Cross Country ed for an Olympic sport RBC Train- nipeg events (any athletes deemed to The long-term goal is to help fi ll a Ski Canada, Wrestling Canada and ing Ground gives local athletes — no have Olympic potential) will advance hole in Canada’s amateur sport sys- Speed Skating Canada will join re- matter what sport they are involved to a Manitoba regional fi nal on May 5 tem (talent identifi cation in a country turning partners Athletics Canada, in — the chance to test their strength, or begin further testing with specifi c as big as Canada) and to then provide Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton, Canoe speed, power and endurance in front sports. the uncovered talent with the high- Kayak Canada, Cycling Canada, Row- of offi cials from 14 Olympic sports, In addition to training support from performance sport resources they ing Canada, Rugby Canada, Freestyle and earn “Future Olympian” funding. a national sport organization, the need to achieve their podium dreams. Canada, Judo Canada and Water Polo On Saturday, March 17 at the Da- athlete may not have considered, top WHO: Hundreds of athletes from Canada — searching for hidden gems kota Community Centre Field House performers also win Future Olympian Manitoba, from a wide range of com- and potential cross-over talent. in Winnipeg, Olympic offi cials will be fi nancial support from RBC. munities and from traditional and bringing the search for young athletes Any athletes from the region (be- non-traditional sports; offi cials and Continued on page 7 with raw talent to the area for the fi rst tween the ages of 14 and 25) curious time ever. about whether they might be suited A second event will be held Satur- to an Olympic sport are encouraged day April 7 at Winnipeg’s Sport for to sign up in advance at rbctraining- Life Centre. ground.ca. This Canadian Olympic Commit- At the events, they will be measured tee (COC) and RBC initiative to bring for anthropometric suitability (things new and undiscovered athletes into like wingspan and body type) and Canada’s Olympic talent pool is an perform speed, power, strength and Complete Den stry open talent discovery event.
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