~26U.Amzud J~~fTe&tiod fTekucuy 21 -2~ t2!}cJ %urscfay, :Fe6ruary 25 8 p.:Jvf. :;{es6urgfi Library Yluaitorium PLAYS INCLUDE: I-ll;,- KING'S • Who's Afraid of IVJLANOR Virginia Woolf! • Seascape • The Zoo Story • The Sandbox • The American Dream Visit Chicago by day and dine at a medieval manor by night. 6 course meal and 2 and half hour show complete with knights in shining armor, fair maidens, and jousting! $30 ~e6roary '2 7 !Bus Ctaves Main Circle at 1 P.'M. !Fret. timt in Cfiicaoo from 2 . 6 P.'M. , ~tum to 9{. 'D. at 12:30 JJt..'M. TiCkets available at Lafortune Information Desk. SCHOLASTIC NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE Entertainment reviews and previews and a . Coming Distractions pull-out calendar of NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE , i events. In depth sports coverage. Read one for the Gipper! CampusWatch plus Week in Distortion and On Other Campus. 4 Drier Straits News articles and Campus Life stories thatlet you know what's happening on campus. 8 Looking for a Leprechaun Remember: If you see news happening ... you're probably reading Scholastic! 14 The Birth of Tradition 16 A Job Well Done Ifyou don't have time to write home every week, let us do it for you: Give your parents a subscription! 11 . Out of Bounds 18 Oklahoma! ~---------------------------------------Please send years of Scholastic to: 2 Editor's Notes 19 The Heidi Chronicles Name: ______________ 7 Campus, Watch 21 On Other Campuses Address: _____________ City: ______ State: __ ZIP code: ___ Enclosed is a check payable to Scholastic Magazine for $25.00 x __ years =' $ __ Cover photo by Matt Cashore Please send this form with payment to: Business Manager Scholastic Magazine 303 LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, IN 46556 SCHOLASTIC NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE Entertainment reviews and previews and a . Coming Distractions pull-out calendar of NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE , i events. In depth sports coverage. Read one for the Gipper! CampusWatch plus Week in Distortion and On Other Campus. 4 Drier Straits News articles and Campus Life stories thatlet you know what's happening on campus. 8 Looking for a Leprechaun Remember: If you see news happening ... you're probably reading Scholastic! 14 The Birth of Tradition 16 A Job Well Done Ifyou don't have time to write home every week, let us do it for you: Give your parents a subscription! 11 . Out of Bounds 18 Oklahoma! ~---------------------------------------Please send years of Scholastic to: 2 Editor's Notes 19 The Heidi Chronicles Name: ______________ 7 Campus, Watch 21 On Other Campuses Address: _____________ City: ______ State: __ ZIP code: ___ Enclosed is a check payable to Scholastic Magazine for $25.00 x __ years =' $ __ Cover photo by Matt Cashore Please send this form with payment to: Business Manager Scholastic Magazine 303 LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, IN 46556 r'i I I ! . I. i' I Parisi's i 'Italian Dining With an Irish View' Parisi's wishes the best of luck to Coach Pat Murphy and company for the 1993 spring campaingn. And we would love to see them return to the NCAA tournament and then move on to the college world series. Parisi's, not far from the Notre Dame campus, is undoubtedly the best Italian Restaurant for any fighting Irish Sports fan. 1412 South Bend Avenue 232-4244 SUBWAY Has A Sandwich , the Notre Dame mascot. If all candidates are Jason Conte's cover story takes a look at the considered equally, this year's mascot (or F or ANY Size Appetite! ! ! under~publicizedNotre Dame baseball team. mascots) may raise a few eyebrows among As he points out, the baseball team has been those expecting a more "traditional" Lepre~ the mostconsistentIy successful Notre Dame chaun. Also this week, Shannon De Vema Light Appetites: Big Appetites: sports team (with the exception offootball) looks at the university's alcohol policy~ for the last five years. Take a look at this Readers will find weekly columns like Week 6 Inch Meatball Sub 6 Foot Party Sub preview of a team which is bound for in Distortion, Coming Distractions, greatness in the upcoming season. CampusWatch and Out of Bounds in this issue as well. In This Issue In Campus Life this week, writer Michelle David J. Holsinger Crouch delves into the selection process for Executive Editor ScholJNic isp!lblisMd wtekly Ihroughoullk school y.ar txcqJI during !.ellerslo Scholllsticmusl btlyptdandincluklkwrila·s7lJlmt.tldd,eSs umni7llllionandrxu.,ionptriods."k UnivasityofNol,eD=.Not,e and phont numbtr. University slu.dtnls should incluk lhei, yw in Dame.lN.46556 and prinltdal The Paptrs.lnc.,Milford.lN 46542. The schooland colltge. Facultymtmbtrsshould induk lhei,dep,,,fmenl. All subscription ,"e is $25.00/y.ar and Ixl<k issues lITe avaj/ablt., $1.25/ Itllers musl be .;gntd. Names will be wiJhhtld upon ,equesl in cerlain copy. The opinions uprtSStd in Scholastic.,. lho .. of Ik aUlhors and inslances. edilorsand do nol ntcessorily reprtstnJ Ikopinions oflk enli,e edilorial ScholJNic ,lStrves Ikrighl to ,ejeclltll.,s lhollITe libelousoro&scene by boardofScholaslicoroflk UnivasityofNoln: D=,ilsadminislralion. Ik Imus of Ik Uniled 51., ... Scholastic also will edil for cupyfilling. facullyor slu.dtn/s. Ediloria1ssigntd Scholaslic reprtstnllk opinion of grammatical 0' spelling errors and Scholastic slylt. &cause of spw:. Ik majority oflk executive editorial board. Manuscripls lITe welcome. ScholJNic CJlnnol prinl all Idlers ,eceived. .. All unsolicilitd materials become Ik prupoty of Scholaslic. Address all correspondence 10 : Copyrighl1993ScholaslicMagazint. Allrighlsrtstrvtd. Reproduction • SR 23 At Ironwood in wholt or in parI wilhoul wrillen permission is prohibiled. ~ - \'" ' :". '.' ,-'~ 'r',.. ,', • US 31 N (By North Village Mall) r'i I I ! . I. i' I Parisi's i 'Italian Dining With an Irish View' Parisi's wishes the best of luck to Coach Pat Murphy and company for the 1993 spring campaingn. And we would love to see them return to the NCAA tournament and then move on to the college world series. Parisi's, not far from the Notre Dame campus, is undoubtedly the best Italian Restaurant for any fighting Irish Sports fan. 1412 South Bend Avenue 232-4244 SUBWAY Has A Sandwich , the Notre Dame mascot. If all candidates are Jason Conte's cover story takes a look at the considered equally, this year's mascot (or F or ANY Size Appetite! ! ! under~publicizedNotre Dame baseball team. mascots) may raise a few eyebrows among As he points out, the baseball team has been those expecting a more "traditional" Lepre~ the mostconsistentIy successful Notre Dame chaun. Also this week, Shannon De Vema Light Appetites: Big Appetites: sports team (with the exception offootball) looks at the university's alcohol policy~ for the last five years. Take a look at this Readers will find weekly columns like Week 6 Inch Meatball Sub 6 Foot Party Sub preview of a team which is bound for in Distortion, Coming Distractions, greatness in the upcoming season. CampusWatch and Out of Bounds in this issue as well. In This Issue In Campus Life this week, writer Michelle David J. Holsinger Crouch delves into the selection process for Executive Editor ScholJNic isp!lblisMd wtekly Ihroughoullk school y.ar txcqJI during !.ellerslo Scholllsticmusl btlyptdandincluklkwrila·s7lJlmt.tldd,eSs umni7llllionandrxu.,ionptriods."k UnivasityofNol,eD=.Not,e and phont numbtr. University slu.dtnls should incluk lhei, yw in Dame.lN.46556 and prinltdal The Paptrs.lnc.,Milford.lN 46542. The schooland colltge. Facultymtmbtrsshould induk lhei,dep,,,fmenl. All subscription ,"e is $25.00/y.ar and Ixl<k issues lITe avaj/ablt., $1.25/ Itllers musl be .;gntd. Names will be wiJhhtld upon ,equesl in cerlain copy. The opinions uprtSStd in Scholastic.,. lho .. of Ik aUlhors and inslances. edilorsand do nol ntcessorily reprtstnJ Ikopinions oflk enli,e edilorial ScholJNic ,lStrves Ikrighl to ,ejeclltll.,s lhollITe libelousoro&scene by boardofScholaslicoroflk UnivasityofNoln: D=,ilsadminislralion. Ik Imus of Ik Uniled 51., ... Scholastic also will edil for cupyfilling. facullyor slu.dtn/s. Ediloria1ssigntd Scholaslic reprtstnllk opinion of grammatical 0' spelling errors and Scholastic slylt. &cause of spw:. Ik majority oflk executive editorial board. Manuscripls lITe welcome. ScholJNic CJlnnol prinl all Idlers ,eceived. .. All unsolicilitd materials become Ik prupoty of Scholaslic. Address all correspondence 10 : Copyrighl1993ScholaslicMagazint. Allrighlsrtstrvtd. Reproduction • SR 23 At Ironwood in wholt or in parI wilhoul wrillen permission is prohibiled. ~ - \'" ' :". '.' ,-'~ 'r',.. ,', • US 31 N (By North Village Mall) director of residence life. "The university young people ages 15 to 24. College people moves the problems related to underage and has chosen to recognize the privacy of an fall into that age group," said Pogue. problematic drinking elsewhere," he said. individual student's room. Notre Dame al­ In the efforts to curb abusive drinking, the According to Pawlicki, this increases the lows for responsible action on the part of . OffIce of Student Affairs has adopted its occurrence of drinking and driving. current alcohol policy, worked with student Because students are forced to drink only activities to provide students with non-alco­ behind closed doors, they are put in a situa­ Drier Straits holic social activities and established the tion of hiding their actions, according to Fr. OffIce of Alcohol and Drug Education. Newton. He advocates a more open ap­ The OffIce of Alcohol and Drug Educa­ proach to drinking and an increased integra­ tion was originally established through a tion of learning about alcohol into the "edu­ A new halls' council on alcohol once again focuses attention on the ever­ grant, but Notre Dame has continued the cational package" at Notre Dame. "This service in an effort to display a commitment way problems can be spotted quickly and evolving alcohol policy and its effect on the campus to addressing the problems of abusive drink­ clearly and hall staff can then intervene," he ing on campus, noted Pogue.
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