PAGE 2 PAGE 9 PAGE 12 Confirmation Woman cares for Booth set up for all ages Romanian orphans at bridal show TheTHE NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO A A SECTION OF THE ANGnLICAN JOURNAL g l www.tiorontoc.anglican.ca n MARCH 2014 New church for Scarborough Building ‘geared for today’ BY STUART MANN FOR Ryan Ramsden, four years of hard work finally paid off when Bishop Patrick Yu cut the blue ribbon to officially open the new Grace Church in Scarborough on Jan. 25. “I think that was the moment when a lot of people realized, we’re here,” said Mr. Ramsden, who has helped the church at every step of the way, from the initial amalga - mation of four parishes into one to the construction of the new build - ing at 700 Kennedy Road. “It was a special moment be - cause it has been such a long process,” he said. “Everything seemed to be so far away, and now, all of a sudden, we’re here and the building is open and we’re all together. It’s a really good feeling to know that our ef - The procession approaches the altar at Grace Church in Scarborough, the newest church in the diocese. ‘The place looks amazing,’ said Bishop forts amounted to something.” Patrick Yu. PHOTO BY MICHAEL HUDSON His relief and joy were shared by many who packed the church of York-Scarborough. “Kudos to tranceway of the church, Bishop bon to officially open the dio - and a Eucharist. Bishop Yu blessed on Jan. 25 for an open house and all four congregations who came Yu, following tradition, said, “Let cese’s newest church. a number of items, including the a service of dedication. together to do this. They worked the doors be opened” and banged The service that followed was lectern, the font, the altar and a “The place looks amazing,” said very, very hard.” his staff on the door leading into rich with joy and thanksgiving. It microphone. Bishop Patrick Yu, the area bishop As natural light filled the en - the sanctuary. He then cut the rib - featured singing, guest soloists Continued on Page 6 As election approaches, Local priest takes on Anglicans step up advocacy dual role BY MURRAY M AC ADAM mum wage receives only $20,020 “Some in our small town com - annually, well below the $23,105 munity require assistance,” says BY STUART MANN WITH a provincial election expect - poverty line for a single person. Ms. Ambrose. “Many work at min - ed this year, Anglicans are in - Anglicans are also working imum-wage jobs that actually give GROWING up in Uganda, the Rev. creasing their efforts to ensure with community partners on them less income than social as - Canon Dr. Isaac Kawuki Mukasa that poverty-related issues re - poverty issues. For example, Kelly sistance. Use of food banks are wanted to be a diplomat. In his ceive the attention they deserve. Ambrose, a member of the Social part of their lives as they struggle new role as African relations offi - A motion for vestry meetings Justice and Outreach group at St. for basic essentials. Their quality cer for both the Anglican Church calls for an increase in Ontario’s Mark, Port Hope, is active in the of life is severely compromised by of Canada and The Episcopal minimum wage from $11 per hour Northumberland Poverty Reduc - a lack of affordable housing.” Church (formerly the Episcopal to $14.50 by 2015. The motion ac - tion Action Committee. It recently She adds, “Many of us have so Church of the United States of The Rev. Canon Dr. Isaac Kawuki knowledges the government’s re - wrote to Premier Kathleen much in our lives to give, and our America), his dream has come Mukasa cent increase to $11 per hour, but Wynne to urge her government faith clearly calls us to respond. true. notes that this new rate still “to become a leader in economic The time has come to step up and “This is what I want to do—to U.S. and Africa” said Canon leaves a full-time minimum wage and social change,” through a perhaps out of our comfort zone, build bridges and create opportu - Mukasa, who is a priest of the worker in poverty. A person work - substantial minimum wage in - and take action.” nities for conversations between Diocese of Toronto. ing 35 hours per week at mini - crease. church leaders in Canada, the Continued on Page 9 Continued on Page 11 ICE CHAPEL OPENS FOR ANGLERS – SEE PAGE 10 2 The Anglican N E W S March 2014 Confirmation for any age, church finds Candidates are all adults BY CAROLYN PURDEN adding that there are people who, ON May 18, St. Leonard, Toronto, for a number of reasons, may nev - will hold its first confirmations in er have been confirmed. He him - 10 years. Even more remarkable, self was not confirmed until he all five candidates are adults— was in seminary and teaching a and three are over 60 years old. class for confirmation candidates. The unusual event shows a For a lot of his congregation, need to rethink our assumptions the Second World War broke out about the rites of Christian pas - when they were of confirmation BOOK LAUNCH sage and when they take place in age, and such events can distract Sally Armour Wotton holds a copy of her new book at Wycliffe College on Jan. 29. The book provides examples a person’s life, says the Rev. Greg people from the regular rites of and techniques for expressing deeply held beliefs through stories. Ms. Wotton teaches storytelling and writ - Fiennes-Clinton, incumbent. passage, he says. ing at Trinity College. The book is available at Crux Books at Wycliffe College and at Amazon.com. PHOTO BY He says the confirmations have At first, no one responded to his MICHAEL HUDSON come about because of a number suggestion of a confirmation of steps he took after arriving at class, but then a couple of people St. Leonard’s just over a year ago. stepped forward. After that, oth - One of the first things he discov - ers joined in. ered was that the baptismal font The confirmation, to be con - was tucked away in the transept, ducted by Bishop Patrick Yu, area behind a couple of pews. bishop for York-Scarborough, is #! “The majority of our congrega - an exciting event for the parish, # ! tion is 75-plus,” he says. “We have and it will be a celebratory occa - #$" # very few regular attendees under sion, says Mr. Fiennes-Clinton. 40. When you have no babies in So far, the five candidates for the congregation, you don’t use confirmation range from a mar - */,*).,%/.%*).*.$!%*!-!*"*,*).*) ! !-%#).! .*-/++*,. the font.” ried couple in their 80s to a He moved the font into a more woman in her 20s. Others may 6 */,,%-$ prominent position, and one Sun - step forward. Mr. Fiennes-Clinton 6 %.$*,&- day the entire congregation stood has had other enquiries, includ - 6 $!%-$*+7-*(+)3-/++*,.%)#'!,#3 %).%(!-*")!! around it and everyone renewed ing one from a woman with a 6 $!)#'%)%*!-!*"*,*).**/) .%*) their baptismal vows together. teenage child. 6 )3*.$!,+,.*".$!$/,$''"*, !.%'- Last September, he took anoth - “In our parish, we’re having to er step. He encouraged congre - rethink confirmation as some - gants to practice devotion beyond thing for those in that teenage the hour they spend in church, us - stretch of life,” he says. “For us *,(*,!%)"*,(.%*)+'!-!'' ing tools such as morning and here, at least this year, it’s not the !.!,%-%-4!& %,!.*,*".!1, -$%+!0!'*+(!). evening prayer at home and Bible norm.” !2. 5 readings. He reflects that it is never too Then in October, he began talk - late to step forward and make a ing about the idea of having con - personal intention. “I think firmation. “I was intentional to there’s always a season for invita - say that confirmation can be for tion and accepting an invitation,” people of any age,” he says, he says. ȱ 6W-2+1·6&(0(7(5< $QJOLFDQ3DULVKRI6W-2+1·6&+85&+(DVW2UDQJHYLOOH ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱdzȱ ȱȱȱ ¢ȱ¢ȱ ȱȱȱ ȱȱŗŞŗŘǰȱǯȱ Ȃȱȱȱ¢ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱǰȱǰȱȱȱ ȱȱǯȱ )25,1)250$7,213/($6(&217$&77+(&+85&+ +,*+:$<&$/('2121/.* &!8 ANGLICAN BELLNETCAWWWSTJOHNSHWYCALEDONCA ȱ 6W-RKQ·V'L[LH(%!$' "+" 6W-DPHV·(# ' 6W(-%R!K$Q'·V1%R&*UZ,D\ ȱ &H P H#W H(U \&, & &UH P#(%&")#DWRULXP & HP #H WH( U&, &\ &U H#(%&")#PDWRULXP & H P#H W(H U&, &\ &U H#(%&")#PDWRULXP .(,-+'XQGDV6WUH H W-,-(DVW +&$'3DUOLDPH Q(--+W6WUH H W- $(",-)().LQJVWRQ5RDG The Diocese is on 0LVVLVVDXJD21/<%$,,$,,." 7)RU+R)Q(W-R)210;5 7)R+U)R(Q-W)R210/6 Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. 3KRQH#)( 3#)(KRQH #)(3KRQH Z0Z0Z0V,W-M%R)K#Q(V,GL[$1LH$ FRP)' 0Z0Z0Z,V-%WMD'P H,VFDW-#KH GU+DO&R)Q(FD ZZ0Z0V0WMR,K-%Q)V#Q(R,UZ()D+\0FHP2H)W+H"U\FD To connect, visit &&)!).+*+)* +-$ ,)!! + www.toronto.anglican.ca 5IF%JPDFT&)("0$-#-#FJTPO !)&&)0$(",'BDFC P+/$P L, 5XJUUFSBOE:PV5VCF 5PDP O OF DU W JTJU X XX UPSPOUP BO HMJD BOD B 2013 WITH YOUR HELP IN 2013 FAITHWORKS RAISED $1.58 MILLION ON BEHALF OF OUR MINISTRY PARTNERS THANK YOU All Saints Church – Community Centre Anglican Appeal AURA The BRIDGE Prison Ministry Couchiching Jubilee House The Dam David Busby Centre Downsview Youth Covenant Flemingdon Park Ministry LOFT Community Services WE WHO North House Philip Aziz Centre ARE MANY 1 COR 10.17 PWRDF Samaritan House Community Ministries ARE ONE BODY Toronto Urban Native Ministry For details, see the April 2014 issue of The Anglican. CONNECT WITH THE ANGLICAN DIOCESE OF TORONTO ONLINE facebook.com/torontoanglican | twitter.com/anglicandioto | youtube.com/tordio135 4 The Anglican C O M M E N T March 2014 Time for a renovation? The Anglican e are redecorating ARCHBISHOP’S DIARY It might be an old routine that once was help - The Anglican is published under our apartment – ful but stopped being of use years ago.
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