SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Development, Environment and Leisure Directorate REPORT TO CITY CENTRE AND EAST DATE 02/08/2004 PLANNING AND HIGHWAYS AREA BOARD REPORT OF HEAD OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ITEM SUBJECT APPLICATIONS UNDER VARIOUS ACTS/REGULATIONS SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS SEE RECOMMENDATIONS HEREIN THE BACKGROUND PAPERS ARE IN THE FILES IN RESPECT OF THE PLANNING APPLICATIONS NUMBERED. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS N/A PARAGRAPHS CLEARED BY BACKGROUND PAPERS CONTACT POINT FOR ACCESS Lucy Bond TEL NO: 34556 AREA(S) AFFECTED CATEGORY OF REPORT OPEN 2 Application No. Location Page No. 03/04799/CHU 84 Norfolk Road Sheffield S2 2SZ 5 03/04824/FUL Land Off Vulcan Road And Meadowhall Way 11 Sheffield 04/01305/CHU 39-41 Wicker Sheffield S3 8HS 17 04/01638/FUL 23 Homestead Close Sheffield S5 0NE 21 04/01717/FUL Land To The Rear Of 105-123 Devonshire Street 25 And Trafalgar Street Sheffield 04/01879/LBC Terminal Warehouse Wharf Street Victoria Quays 34 Sheffield S2 5SY 04/01881/FUL Terminal Warehouse Wharf Street Victoria Quays 36 Sheffield S2 5SY 04/01913/FUL Former Kendal Works 23-31 Carver Street 43 Sheffield S1 4FS 04/02142/FUL Land Rear Of Valley Works Deep Lane Sheffield 50 04/02179/CHU 141-143 Fitzwilliam Street Sheffield S1 4JP 55 04/02267/CHU 203 Bellhouse Road Sheffield S5 6HQ 59 04/02399/FUL Land Adjacent To 125 Fitzwilliam Street Sheffield 62 04/02416/FUL 575 Attercliffe Road Sheffield S9 3RB 72 3 4 SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Report Of The Head of Development Services, Development, Environment And Leisure To The CITY CENTRE AND EAST Planning And Highways Area Board Date Of Meeting: 02/08/2004 LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DECISION OR INFORMATION *NOTE* Under the heading “Representations” a Brief Summary of Representations received up to a week before the Area Board date is given (later representations will be reported verbally). The main points only are given for ease of reference. The full letters are on the application file, which is available to members and the public and will be at the meeting. Case Number 03/04799/CHU Application Type a Planning Application for Change of Use Proposal Use of building as a community centre (Application under Section 73 to vary condition 3 (opening times) imposed by planning permission 02/00012/CHU) Location 84 Norfolk Road Sheffield S2 2SZ Date Received 22/12/2003 Team CITY CENTRE AND EAST Applicant/Agent WPA Chartered Surveyors Recommendation Refuse For the following reason(s): 1 The Local Planning Authority consider that the change of hours of opening to 2200 hours would adversely affect the amenities of local residents and the character of Norfolk Road Conservation Area due to potential noise and disturbance in a predominantly residential area. As such it is contrary to Policy H10 and BE16 of the Unitary Development Plan. Site Location 5 7 2 D 9 A a O 4 7 R 4 6 b R 2 4 0 7 E T 1 L A W Z T 7 99.4m I 3 F m 6 6 8 5 . 6 9 6 0 3 7 1 M 5 B 77 6 7 9 3 96.1m 83 87 a 2 8 8 7 1 N B O M B R M F 96 B O .3 9 M LK 9m 8 90 . .60 R 0 m OA 9 D m 91 2 8 2 8 4 8 95 4 88.3m 8 1 S C 9 7 R L T E A N A T Y F 8 O L W 8 D R F 215 A A O O F O W O D O Z R L R T R K I O R D F A O D A R D O A 0 9 D 95.4m BM 91.59m TCB 89.6m CR BM 86.10m 95.0m 0 4 2 6 5 2 6 3 2 86.9m F F Gas Gov 82.0m BM 79.61m FW LOCATION AND PROPOSAL The site consists of a large detached stone built property lying on sloping ground between Norfolk Road and Granville Road. The two storey property, with additional accommodation in the roof was originally constructed as a dwellinghouse, but was used as office accommodation for approximately 40 years prior to becoming vacant in the early 1990’s. The immediate locality is characterised by large detached and semi detached dwellings in generous grounds. To the east the two to three storey detached property at No. 88 Norfolk Road, which sits about 9 metres from the approximately 2.4 metres high common boundary wall, has been split into flats. To the west the detached family residence at No. 82 Norfolk Road lies 5 metres beyond the boundary and is served by a large garage adjacent to the common boundary – an approximately 2.5 metre high stone wall. The former entrance lodge to No 82 has first floor amenity space. The site is bounded on Norfolk Road by an approximately 2 metre high stone wall and to Granville Road by a 1 metre high retaining wall with trees and shrubs over. Vehicular access is via gates on Norfolk Road and Claywood Road and is within the Norfolk Road Conservation Area. 6 The applicant is seeking to amend a condition restricting the hours of operation relating to a previous approval, Ref. No. 02/00012/CHU, for use of the building as a community centre (for details see below). Condition No. 3 restricted the hours of use between 0800 hours and 1900 hours, Mondays to Saturdays and 1000 hours and 1600 hours on Sundays and Public Holidays. Changes to the hours are proposed to extend use to 2200 hours Monday to Saturdays, for bereavement functions and counselling (no more than 4 times a year) and for Ramazan (up to 10 days per year but Ramazan is variable). RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 02/00012/CHU Planning permission was granted by the Area Board of 15 April 2002 for use of the building as a community centre. The particular use was defined by a condition to prevent other uses within the same use D1 Use Class. 97/0843P An application for the demolition of 84 Norfolk Road was refused in December 1997. It was considered that demolition would result in the loss of a substantial, attractive building, which forms part of the historic fabric of the Conservation Area and would have a detrimental impact upon the character of the area. 97/0711P At the same time consent was refused for the erection of 4 dwellinghouses with integral garages. The proposal was considered to be an overdevelopment of the site and manner which was out of scale and character with the Conservation Area. Moreover it was felt the development would have an overbearing impact on the occupiers of neighbouring properties. 96/0172P Permission was granted for the demolition of a single and two storey extension to offices, which were not part of the original building. SUMMARY OF REPRESENTATIONS Six letters and ‘e’ mails have been received representing 4 households objecting to the proposal. These representations include a petition containing 152 signatures, which was submitted in objection to the original application for change of use. Issues raised are:- - Use of the site as a community centre will have a detrimental impact on the quiet residential character of Norfolk Road. 7 - A further community centre is unnecessary taking into account the new centre at Norfolk Park, us of Stafford Road Church, student village on Granville Road and schools. - There has been no change in circumstance since the original application. - Late opening would cause disamenity to neighbours. - It would not be possible to effectively enforce compliance with limited later opening hours. - Increase in traffic pollution - Bereavement counselling does not need to be carried out at a community centre, and there may be more of a need than stated in the application. Late night opening could lead to loss of amenity due to lighting of the car park. - No changes to opening hours would be considered until the previous approval has been implemented and its impact on the area observed, which has yet to brought use, the building is still not upgraded. - Late night opening would adversely affect the amenity space of an adjacent property. - When the building was used for an event a large amount of on-street parking took place. - Other issues include a copy of deeds stating that any use of the building should not adversely affect the amenities of adjoining properties, loss of value and restricted use to Muslims only. PLANNING ASSESSMENT Policy Issues The application site lies within a Housing Policy Area. Policy H10 of the Unitary Development Plan indicates that housing is the preferred use but that community facilities and institutions are also acceptable provided the residential character of the area is not threatened. Policy BE16 of the Unitary Development Plan states that permission will only be given for proposals, including changes of use, which preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation. In considering the original application for change of use to provide community facilities it was considered that the small scale of the proposal would not pose a threat to the dominant residential character of the locality. It was also considered that as No. 84 Norfolk Road had at the time remained in a state of 8 disrepair for about a decade and is non-residential use, the changes proposed and the proposed use would not harm the character of the Conservation Area. Thus the principle of community use was established by planning approval reference number 02/00012/CHU subject to conditions including hours of operation.
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