~~~~~~~·J.J ~~J:':Q~~ UA·K·ER., TH . -l.!.l_j~;;:i>--~ .- ol. XXXVIII No. 5 Salem Bigh School, Salem,. Ohio - Nov. 7 Price 10 cents TRC· Plans School Drive SC Elects Three Students, Nation Elect lk:e -.1ed Prexy Pearson Officers, Plans Helmsman Ship Of State By Ray Teac!:1ing Day 9£ Between Nov. and 15, Salem high school students will have "As' goes Salem, so goes the nation," was the saying when · opportunity to enroll in the Junior Red Cross. Students may Charles Jones, Joan Schuller, Dwight Eisenhower captured 462 of the 738 votes ca~t at Salem nroll either by making voluntary contributions or by . expressing a and Ramon Pearson were elected high last Tuesday. Twelve hours later, the ~ation pro'ved th~ state­ 1esire to give volunteer service through the Red Cross. vice-president, secretary, and treas~ ment when, after hours of close balloting, Eisenhower was swept into office after Adlai Stevenson graciously ·conceded victory to ":' he Junior Red Cross is the urer, respectively, at the last two mior division of membership in Hi-Tri Initiates; meetings of the Student Council. his opponent. e American National Red Cross. The meetings which were held on Oliio also followed suit after . students here chose Frank J. ' is the American Red Cross in J>lans Dance Oct. 23 and Nov. 5 were busy ones 1e public, private, -and parochial Lausche and John W. Bricker for· ·hools of the United States and The Hi-Tri held two meetings for the council and several plans governor and senator respectively. ' teuitories. this week, one on Nov. 3 and the for the future were made. When results of the national e- To further the development of 1·next one· on Wednesday, Nov. 5, Noon movies this year will be lee ti on were out, the Salem tab u- h lation showed the SHS students organizatio_n in Sa_I em high, II w en new 11.rnmb. ers. were in.·tr_ o- held on Mondays a. nd Tuesdays and ~s . had shown the trend. ·-' JRC council met recently to duced to then' big sisters. Imt1a- Larry Stoffer was put in , eharge The An{erican history and gov­ lect officers and plan their year- tion plans were made, the in- of this project, with Jim Fife, ·Bob ~nd 1 ernment classes who supervised · program.. The representatives formal initiation was held yester- 1 Conroy, Jim Beard, and Roger the' election commented· on the nd alternates chosen :from each 1 ' day. 1 Jones work1'ng under h1"111 . fact ihat school voting was heavy ~ meroom ·elected Ray Pearson (90 per cent of the students voted) >resident; Bob Stockton, vice- The club has announced th~ ~· act Dec. 3 is the date set on which and that· much interest was shown president; and Sylvia. Wiess, sec- tha•t it will sponsor a gridiron s<tudents will take over the high in the .election . ·etary. dance honodng the football play- h 1 I h f Student Of 14 precincts; taking ballots, . ers mana ers the football irl sc 00 :· n c airge 0 This year . members a_re planmng .h ' t g d' h. d ' gTh' Teachmg .. day. are Sandra Kroner, only two shqwed a majority for . er cour, a:n t e1r ates. · e ·w ,, d 1 D · .o send gift boxes e>verseas and d . b , ·h - d s· d en e 1 unn, Jeanette Harns, Stevenson. The "farm vote" was · · . 1 ance w1 11 e e1 on atur ay · · , · · .- , ;arry out_ many e>ther proJects.. .. h. _t· N . h . h .; ·1 - . Patt Ross, and Bob Wmkler. also . heavy in "Ike's" behaJf. · · . mg , ov. 15 , t e mg ·t ..,o 1owmg JRC last year sent. gift boxe~, ·Sale1n's last football game. Rose~ Another item discussed . was a The American history and gov­ 3ponso·red the makmg of music marie Faini, in charge 'oi · the movie whieh would be inade of stu­ ernment classes wisb to thank ! e.lbums, and helped the adult Red dance added that it will be held dentll' activities .. in the · school. all the citizens who helped make 1 Dwight D. Eisenhow-er Cross with various projects. ,from 18 :30 to 11 :30 p.m., and ·that Charles Rogers offered to make the election possible, some of An . a.dvisory council consisting· the "honored guests" will be ad- the movie, if the council wished to them being: the art dep't., Cou~cil­ Elizabeth Viola, who mimeograph. ilf MarjO-rie Nestor, Margie Han- mitted free; purchase the film. man Michael Schuller, the Golden ed all 850 ballots. nay, Marjorie Jensen, Pat ._Ranson, . , Eagle, Brant's grocery, Republican library, the typing· classes ano The price for other students will The annual Christma.s assembly •Dick Ward, Gary Moff.e.tt, aind be 85 cents per person and 50 cents plans -we1,e begun, and Dorothy Bob Rea will assist the officers per couple. Alek and Paul Hannay were made Si~ SHS Citizens Out To Make with the planning of :projects. co-chairman of a planning com­ Those girls who have become T1re council, _representatives for mittee. Working with · them will Life Better For Their Horses , this year are1,Shirley Werner, Ar­ members were invited to join ac- be Vicky Paparodis, Mary Mercer, By Mary Mercer cording to their scholastic stand- nold Ping, Betsey Moore, Melissa Bob Early, and Jack Ference. ings and are junio1s and seniors. The Salem Colts and Fillies is a. club which was organized early Layton, Ann Hansteen, Melvin last summer by a group of Salem youth§ interested in horses, and Deutsch, Bruce; Wilson, $ally Ris­ They are: Dorothy Alek, Carol Jo An installation asselnbly was Byrns, Barbara Cameron, Sandra also discussed, but no decision was has as its aim better horsemanship, which includes better apprecia­ h ~ ck, George Kubas,· J"im . Gow, tion, understanding, and handling of horses. Each of the 2o active Mairilyn Dodge, Gloria Andrews, Chµrch, Donna Cocca, Helen Dicu, reached. Marilyn D.odge, Janice Gro'l.es, members has his o~n horse or ----------- -­ "Es·tella Sweeney, Bob Rea, Caro­ Nora Guiler, Marilyt Hartsough, access to one. Salem , high stu­ lyn Hoopes, Roberta "Gallagher, Debates Begin Mil;rjorie J·ensen, Helen Kornbau, dents who are members of the club Eldon Bentley, Bonni·e Zimmerman, Four Positive TB Jane Myers, Joanne Petras, Mar­ ar~ Barbara Beery, Walter Beery, . Marilyn Schramn, Marlynn Mal­ Busy Year lene Schmidt, Joan Schuller, ·Bar­ Reactinµs Tallied John Deagan, Virginia Lukanus, lery, Faye Lippi·att, J a·mes Kelly', bara Smith, Barbara Todg, Ann The debate tea1~1S for the year James Duncan, Bob De Crow, When the reactions . froim th Mary Mercer, and Ed Sullivan. Zuber. 1952-53 have been selected by John Carol Brautigam and Bob Brant­ patch tests which ,;,,ere given t~ . The club is headed by Vonda Lee Sponseller, a 1952 Salem high Guiler, debate soach. La.st year's Tentative plans were 'made for freshmen here were tallied, only ingham. Mrs. Helen Mulbach is the graduate. Her associate officers debate team composed of Nora adviser of the council. Mrs. Thom­ a formal initiation, but they can't four. reactions were listed as posi- Guile-r, Pat Schmidt, Bob Rea, l!.nd be completed until pins for new tive and . those students will be are Hazel Blickenstaff, vice­ as .Mercer is the city-wide JRC president; Barbara Beery, secre- Sandy Hansell will be working membe·rs arrive. X-rayed in the near future. chairman. tary; and Marilyn Cameron, trea­ again this year. The new members The purpose of the tuberculin surer. The summer and fall acti­ are Ann Baker, Ronald Slutz, Gale patch-testing on the freshman level vities of the club included a drill­ Fair, Jim Barcus, Richard Jour­ The Golden Voice Of Rome, " _ was to demonstrate the val_ue, or team performance at the half ney, J1;1net Patterson, and Walter Deming. lack of value, of the prog'ram, to time of a polo game and at both Lisa ~ergio To Address Town Hall Debate ,n1eetings will be held d~ " an experimental case-finding Mahoning and Columbiana County Tuesdays and Thu-rsdays aiter The st;cond meeting of the 1952-53 Salem Town Hall will be held program, and to provide an edu­ fairs. Me m b ~rs spent hours school. These meetings will be used next Thursday, Nov. 13, in the Salem high auditorium, with the cational experience for freshmen through the summer training their to discuss this ye•a,r's debate featured speaker being Miss Lisa Sergio, a distinguished authority since not all students remain in horses in these precision r~utines. question and to g·ather required in­ on world affairs and a noted radio commentator. school become juniors and sen- Also, mounted contests, games, to formation about this. year's topic iors. and relays were held at Reilly which concerns world government Her past achievenients all poill't . field twice during the month of to Miss Sergio's thorough knowl­ This program was earned out m October. Among these unusual and the U.N. The first debate edge of world events. At various the East Liverpool, Wellsville, and events were Helpful Hanna; fire­ tournan1ent will be held in Al­ liance ·sometime in F'ebniary. times in her life she was associ­ Salem schools because the com- bug, ·and turn:around races, musi~ ate editor of a literar}' weekly, ,bined schools have a registration cal chairs, egg and spoon, and Da·tes have not yet been set. general secreta.ry of the Interna­ of -approximately 1,000 students a balloon-popping contest. tional Association of Mediterran­ in the freshman class, because C1ub.performa,nces for the public Latin Club Introduces ean Studies in Rome, and she be­ these -students come from areas will be discontinued .
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