US 2011 0078564A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0078564 A1 ALMODOVAR HERRAIZ et al. (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 31, 2011 (54) CONVERTING TEXT MESSAGES INTO Publication Classification GRAPHICAL MAGE STRINGS (51) Int. Cl. G06F 7/24 (2006.01) (76) Inventors: Daniel ALMODOVAR (52) U.S. Cl. ........................................................ 71.5/262 HERRAIZ, Madrid (ES); (57) ABSTRACT Francisco Javier RUBIO To generate graphical image strings that graphically represent ANDRES, Madrid (ES); Miguel the full meaning of the content of text messages, a text mes Angel TOUSET RIOS, Madrid sage containing at least one sentence to be converted into (ES) graphical format is first analyzed to identify, for each sen tence: the subject; the at least one verb associated with the Subject, if any; and the Substantives not referring to a person, (21) Appl. No.: 12/862,031 if any. A graphical representation of the Subject is then obtained for each sentence. Likewise a first graphic database (22) Filed: Aug. 24, 2010 is accessed to obtain a graphical representation of the Sub stantives not referring to a person included in each sentence. A modified graphical representation of the Subject is then (30) Foreign Application Priority Data obtained showing the Subject performing the action indicated by the at least one associated verb. Finally, these graphical Aug. 24, 2009 (ES) ................................. P2OO930619 representations are combined into a graphical image string. Patent Application Publication Mar. 31, 2011 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2011/0078564 A1 Patent Application Publication Mar. 31, 2011 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2011/0078564 A1 Status: Thinking of my birthday Status: Driving home Status: Thinking of California J CALFORNA Patent Application Publication Mar. 31, 2011 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2011/0078564 A1 Status 3: Status 4: Patent Application Publication Mar. 31, 2011 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2011/0078564 A1 Status: Thinking of a red car US 2011/0078564 A1 Mar. 31, 2011 CONVERTING TEXT MESSAGES INTO message, leaving only nouns and Verbs, accessing a graphic GRAPHICAL MAGE STRINGS language database and an annotation database in order to locate the graphical images having annotations that corre FIELD OF THE INVENTION spond with the extracted context. Once the graphical images have been located, the images are combined into a graphic 0001. The present invention is comprised within the field message, which normally includes words or phrases inter of methods for converting text information into graphical spersed throughout the string of graphical images in order to format. The invention is more specifically aimed to convert interconnect the graphical images, to obtain an understand the status information of a user in an Internet Social network, able message. Such as Facebook, into a graphical image string, so that other 0008. The present invention seeks to address the short contacts can easily, and graphically, obtain the status of said comings in the known methods for converting text messages USC. into graphical image Strings. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION 0002. The current scenario about the status of contacts in 0009. The invention relates to a method for converting text Internet Social networks is a collection of separate sources messages into graphical image strings according to claim 1, to with different formats. The status can be user-generated, a system according to claim 11 and to an electronic device when Internet users write their own messages, or automati according to claim 10. Preferred embodiments of the system cally-generated, when the servers or the devices automati and of the method are defined in the dependent claims. cally generate registers of presence or activity. 0010. The object of the method of the present invention is 0003. The user-generated status, dominant in the Internet to generate graphical image strings that graphically represent Social networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), consists generally the content of text messages. The method comprises: in text messages. It’s a phrase with a verb and a noun but in 0011 obtaining a text message containing at least one Some cases is a more elaborated phrase. These textual phrases sentence to be converted into graphical format; are shown in a text like a book and usually using time as the 0012 analyzing the at least one sentence to identify, for only parameter to put them in order. Only the more innovative each sentence: webs like ZYB have a friend player with these messages and (0013 the subject: you can forward or rewind the time where the messages 0014 the at least one verb associated with the sub appeared. ject, if any; 0004. The automatic registers generated by servers, fixed/ 00.15 the substantives not referring to a person, if mobile network nodes or devices have very different and any: disparate formats, and are not collected or available. 0016 obtaining, for each sentence, a graphical repre 0005. The status is then a feature common in all the social sentation of the Subject; networks. The status generally is just an answer to the ques 0017 accessing a first graphic database to obtain a tion “what are you doing now?'. Most of the social networks, graphical representation of the Substantives not referring aggregators and Software used to follow the friend's updates to a person included in each sentence; provide special relevance to this information. In addition, it is 0.018 obtaining a modified graphical representation of possible to get status also from communication networks, the Subject showing the Subject performing the action such as the IMS presence features in the fixed and mobile indicated by the at least one associated verb: telecommunication systems. 0.019 combining graphical representations previously 0006 Web and mobile services (such as Facebook, ZYB, obtained into a graphical image String. Twitter) send you continuously a lot of information about 0020. The method can further comprise: different people. Also the mobile telephony networks have 0021 identifying, for each sentence, the substantives registers of IMS presence, made calls, missed calls, Voice referring to a person included in the sentence, if any; mails, lack of coverage, etc. The problem arises because there 0022 obtaining, for each sentence, a graphical repre is so much information to process and read from all those sentation of the Substantives referring to a person different Sources (e.g. social networks, telecommunications included in the sentence. networks) and contacts (e.g. friends, workmates, family 0023. In a preferred embodiment the method also com members). prises: 0007 US Patent application US2007239631 discloses a 0024 identifying, for each sentence, the at least one method for generating a graphical image string to convey an verb associated to each Substantive referring to a person, intended message. The method enables a user to select one or if any; more graphics from a graphic language database, wherein the 0.025 obtaining a modified graphical representation of annotations (or descriptions) associated with each graphic each Substantive referring to a person showing each selected can be combined to convey the intended message. A Substantive performing the action indicated by the at common sense augmented translation of the combined graph least one associated verb. ics can also be performed in order to convert the graphical 0026. The method preferably comprises: image string into a text message. In addition, US2007239631 0027 identifying, for each sentence, the adjectives discloses (in FIG. 4) a method for translating a text message included in the sentence associated with Substantives not into a graphic message. However, said method performs a referring to a person, if any; primitive and poor translation, since it only translates nouns 0028 obtaining a modified graphical representation of and verbs and normally the result is a graphic string combined the Substantives not referring to a person showing the with text message to convey an understandable message. The Substantive modified by the quality of the corresponding method is carried out by extracting the context of the text adjective. US 2011/0078564 A1 Mar. 31, 2011 0029. In yet another preferred embodiment the method 0047 obtain a modified graphical representation of the also can comprise: Subject showing the Subject performing the action indi 0030) identifying, for each sentence, the adverbs cated by the at least one associated verb: included in the sentence, if any, and the verb or adjective 0.048 combine graphical representations previously associated to each adverb: obtained into a graphical image String. 0031 for each adverb associated to an adjective, obtain 0049. In accordance with yet a further aspect of the present ing a modified graphical representation of the corre invention there is provided a system for converting text mes sponding Substantive not referring to a person showing Sages into graphical image strings, said graphical image the substantive modified by the quality of the corre strings graphically representing the content of the text mes sponding adjective modified with the adverb: sages. The system comprises: 0032 for each adverb associated to a verb, obtaining a 0050 a first graphic database storing graphical repre modified graphical representation of the corresponding sentations of Substantives not referring to a person; Subject showing the Subject performing the action indi 0051 an electronic device configured to: cated by the associated verb modified by the adverb. 0052 obtain a text message containing at least one 0033. The text message is preferably the status informa sentence to be converted into graphical format; tion of a user in an Internet Social network, the Subject of each 0053 analyze the at least one sentence to identify, for sentence is preferably said user and the graphical representa each sentence: tion of the subject is preferably an avatar of said user in said 0054 the subject: Internet social network. 0.055 the at least one verb associated with the sub 0034.
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