■ 1 . CRPE PUB LIBRARY MATAWAN FREE 165 MAIN, ST _ B u l k R a t e m a t a w a n , - ; US Postage Paid P o t n n t n u / n IM 1 taioruuw n, p i j . P e r m i t # 6 6 BAYSHOREHUM SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, KEYPORT, MATAWAN, UNION BEACH AND KEANSBURG JULY 8, 1992 25 CENTS VOL. 22 NUMBER 28 K e y p o r t m e r c h a n t s ‘ugly law’ cause split ardship? o v e r S I D Page 8 Page 3 H a z l e t Is M i l l e r A v e n u e p r o j e c t d u m p e r s Page 10 Page 11 Raring to go Bobby Bodak, 8, and his sister, Cheryl, 5, are eager to head out for a day at the beach. The u i t t m g Independent focuses on some favorite places for day trips. Pages 24-26 2 JULY 8, 1992, THE INDEPENDENT 2 2 55 2 r ! t i E E EirooD 2 ? o f 2 5 ° ° blue STAB i Beautiful Color 1 Gal. Cont. ' HARDY “THE HELPFUL GARDEN CENTERS’ for RHODOS. PERENNIALS 0 0 2 5 Hundreds to choose from Beautiful Lace Leaf PRIVET Large selection-3 gal. cont. fLAMOSCAPtbiir WEEPING 7Q99 He°GE 25 for 3 f o r ' 1 0 f o r SPREADHJGW fhuit tre f* JAPANESE ' ^ 0 0 3 f0 r3 9 » ES 19.99 each if RED MAPLE 2 ’/*’ t o 3 ’ 25 6 9 " 8.95 ea.________ 1U3 Kwazan lately teg. 39.95 9 0 9 9 CHERRY ANDROMEDA (LARGE) and in 95 each. Y -------------- ea- ~s’to » B'Tall PJ RHODODENDRON J&P ROSES IN 3 GALLON CONTAINERS M in bud & bloom JO n S e r s ^ * ^ 1 0 " c , R f l e a c h ............5 f o r 3 U 00 3 for 25° t i e r 2 5 " CANADIAN 4Q99 HEM LOCK....... I5 J M U G H O P IN E 2’ TO 3’ TALL 3 FOR 50“ 3 GAL. CONT. AZALEAS 5" ea 15” T018” 4 Q 9 9 or 10 fo r 39" Reg. 29.99 I J JUMBO AZALEAS E x b u r y m3 GAL CONT . ~ QQ bag MANY COLORS 1 I I og 3 for 30°° TO CHOOSE FROM I J Cd AZALEAS 1 QS 15” TO 18” I W ' S e m n ilM Y A- Pyramidal 3-4’ ARBORVITAE ..19" p I N « O Q 9 9 k f , FORSYTHIA in fftrfio, OAK tr e e 3’ Heavy Plants lU lO l o a l i f l l S 1 H Y B R I D 18” to 24” spread lilacs RHODODENDRON 2 for 2500 J ’-3'Tall 1 0 9 FERTILIZERS ESPOMA T w in lig h t TURFTONE twinlight 30 LBS Scotts 1S.0O SQ. FT. _ S u fr e n S p e c i a l 1 0 - 6 - 4 10-10-10 LAWN TICK PREMIUM 50% ORGANIC TURFBUILDER PLUS 2 OOS9 & GARDEN F00Dc99 STOPPER Reg 39 99 ........................... DIAZINON 5G with DYLOX Res Reg. -f fl99 £ m * t Reg. 9 .9 9 D Covers INSECTICIDE 14.49 I U 4545 Sq.Ft. 5000 SQ. FT Reg. 13.99 23 Controls Grubs & Most GIANT 20,000 FT. Bag GLORION Other Insects on your DELUXE GRASS FOOD lawn and in your garden LongeMasting formula with M PR’Q I iq t ' For T u rf-15,000 FT. Reg. 11.99 8 " iron. Apply in Spring, P R IC E Summer and Fall to “ HlOfc $29.95 39 or 3 for 25.00 encourage denser, more F L O W E R uniform growth. Twinlight Scientifically blended I99 & SHRUB BEDS i nutrients feed lawns more W eed COVERS JONATHAN GREEN WEED STOPPER LAWN economically. Guaranteed 20,000' P reventer cnnn nusoanmmm n0tt0bum! Less than ‘I.OOpeMOOO Sq-Ft WEED SCREEN r U U U mwLwmcocomoL covers to 7500 sq. ft. 15,000 Sq.Ft. S o u U AT COLTS NECK ..EVERYTHING FOR LINERS by the FOOT YOUR WATER 12 F t . & m F t. w id e YEARJ GARDEN*22,32’ 35 MiL ,tliGkness available POND FISH Are In! , KOI, COMETS, Shubunkins, Fantails, Calicoes/] T O P S O IL •I Blue or Gold Catfish, Llonheads, Sarasses, or PEAT HUMUS Orandas, Snails & Tadpoles SUPPLY SHOP BACTO POTTING MIX 25 Lbs. A Complete Planting Mix R.T.U. or SELECT 1881 40 Lbs. POTTING MIX Your Choice $499U a a & FOOD FOREST BIG 3 CU .. Shredded HARDWOOD MULCH 2 5 % OF F JLPINE BARKNUGRFTS ip CEMENT ALL Shredded (From Idaho) FOUNTAIN RED CEDAR MULCH GARDEN Dehydrated HEADS COW 3Ctl.FT.JALE KAMLAR STATUARY MANURE MINI CANADIAN N U G G E T S luniu” Reg 6 99 PEAT 4 F O R 1 2 . k f f i w s s a s r coN om °NE 1 ^ 9 9 2 cu. ft. bag , „ 5 0 % o « BROCK FARMS ROTH LOG O N S PRICE POLICY ROUTE 9 NORTH We Guarantee we will not be under­ Not responsible for FR EEH O LD ROUTE 34 NORTH sold. Brock will match any Current- typographical errors. We o - r n n Newspaper advertised price on brand COLTS NECK reserve the right to limit r U U name items. Simply present the AD to quantities. Sale prices MON.-SAT. 9 AM to 7 PM 4 6 2 - 0 9 0 0 the cashier prior to purchase. Items SUNDAY 9 AM to 6 PM effective thru 7/14/92 MON.-SAT. 9 AM to 7 PM must be of equal size and quality. SUNDAY 9 AM to 6 PM “THE HELPFUL GARDEN CENTERS THE INDEPENDENT, JULY 8, 1992 3 OpSail ’92 A rea residents crowded the shore and boarded boats to view the tall ships that paraded up the Hudson R iver this weekend. P A G E 2 2 To call the Independent Advertising, 7 4 7 - 0 2 2 2 Circulation. 7 4 7 - 0 2 2 2 C lassified ... 7 4 7 - 6 5 6 5 News/Sports. , 7 4 7 - 0 2 2 2 N ew s releases or advertising copy m ay be m ailed or brought to the Independent o ffice in the Jerral Building at 766 Shrew sbury A ve., Tinton Falls, N .J. 07724. INDEX _______ Photograph by Rich Schultz AN UNDECIDED FATE ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 3 4 - 3 7 The business area of West Front Street is included in plans for a proposed, controversial Special Improvement District. AUTOMOTIVE..............................6 6 -7 1 BU SIN ESS........................................... 31 CHECK IT O U T ...................................2 3 CLASSIFIED..................................5 5 -6 5 CLUB CALENDAR............................. 1 9 SID plan divides Keyport businesses DINING .......................................... 3 8 -4 4 EDITORIALS...................... 4 n n bear. O ther concerns include the am ount of done, w e all still live together ... I ’m not ENVIRONMENT..................................1 5 Ordinan m oney that w ould go to adm inistration, and going to let our com m unity be divided,” he HEALTH................................................4 6 w orries that the SID w ould create another s a i d . IN THE SPOTLIGHT...........................1 4 form of governm ent when business owners Those in favor o f the S ID say that there LETTERS.................................................4 introduction OBITUARIES........................................4 7 are already tired o f bureaucracy. has been an abundance o f m isinform ation OLD H O U S E ..........................................5 set for Tuesday Although the ordinance to establish circulated. M ark G ale, president o f Keyport PARENTING.........................................2 0 the S ID has been drafted, officials say it is Partnership In c., said he believes the oppo­ POLICE BEAT..................................... 4 8 not yet in final form . A t the co un cil’s m eet­ sition has used scare tactics in presenting By Christine M enapace ____________________________ PROPERTY LINES .............................5 4 ing June 23, m em bers discussed for the the S ID as a tax increase rather than som e­ PULSE......................................................5 first tim e their opinions on the proposed thing that can im prove the future. K EY PO R T — An ordinance establish­ PUPIL PATTER.................................... 1 8 SID. Ed Burlew , who ow ns several properties REAL ESTATE NEWS........................ 5 4 ing a Special Im provem ent D istrict in the M ost m em bers spoke in favor of the w ithin the district and has been active in REGION ROUNDUP.................. 2 7 -3 0 borough is expected to heat up the debate plan, but em phasized that they w ould keep opposing the SID , said the fact is that the BU SIN ESS........................................... 31 between those w ho feel the district is an an open m ind. Several m em bers said they SID w ill cost each property ow ner $395. SCHOOLS............................................ 3 2 investm ent in the borough’s future and w ould do their best to determ ine w hat the “That is no scare tactic — that’s fact,” he SLICE OF LIFE ...................................... 7 those w ho feel it w ill place an undue fi­ SO CIAL................................................. 1 9 business and property ow ners in town said. H e added that im provem ents m ade in nancial burden on business and property SPORTS.........................................4 9 -5 3 w a n t . the last several years through the state- o w n e r s . YESTERYEAR.........................................5 Council members David Ham m ond and funded Neighborhood Preservation The ordinance w ill be introduced at the Robert Bergen expressed concern over who Program have beautified the tow n, but Borough C ouncil’s m eeting Tuesday.
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