University of Mississippi eGrove Newspapers and Journals Citizens' Council Collection 5-1-1967 The itC izen, May 1967 Citizens' Councils of America Follow this and additional works at: https://egrove.olemiss.edu/citizens_news Part of the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Citizens' Councils of America, "The itC izen, May 1967" (1967). Newspapers and Journals. 66. https://egrove.olemiss.edu/citizens_news/66 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Citizens' Council Collection at eGrove. It has been accepted for inclusion in Newspapers and Journals by an authorized administrator of eGrove. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. 11 """Y. 1967 NO. 8 c EDITORIAL o p N ION CONTE N TS World Rea lignment? EDITORIAL QPL'IION 2 "Realignment" is a word sug­ evertheless, leaders of the so· THE SIC ISSUE FOR 1968 RACE 4 gesting to most citizens a new called legro Revolution, however John J. Synon political structure in which, say, dependent on white accomplices, \ VKAT IS THE CAUSE OF RACIAL Vrou:.. ~CE? 8 "Conservative" and "Liheral" increasingly reveal that the basis Robert B. Patterson would, as party lahels, supplant of their militant solidarity is hostil­ MLXED DATh"C AND DUTH ......... ......... 10 "Democrat" and "Republican" - ity toward the white world. An AP Reprinted from New York \Vorld Journal Tribune Dot, necessarily, respectively I A dispatch &om "United Nations, halfway house to such realignment . Y." tells of a resolution by the "\\o"E Tow You So" DEPARTMEz.., . ... .... 12 was - or so many thought-the American Negro Leadership Con­ Co!oIPUTE. LISTING OF AVAILABLE LITERATURE .... 14 coalition of Midwest Republicans ference on Africa calling for use and Southern Democrats which of military force-by Britain, the flourished under the late Senators UN, the U. S., somebody, anybody Harry F. Byrd and Robert A. Taft, - "to overthrow the Smith regime" Editor . ......... .. .... .. ... \V. J. Simmons opposed by a somewhat more shad­ in Rh odesia. Joining in this helliger­ ~I anaging Editor .... ..... , . .... Medford Evans owy, if not shady, alliance of ADA ent demand were Nohel Peace Business Manager ........ •. ... Louis \V. Hollis Democrats and Me-Too Republi­ Prize-winner Martin Luther King; cans of the Eastern Seaboard. the "moderate" N.A.A.C.P. execu­ Today a new sort of realignment tive Roy Wilkins; and silk-stocking .. ~ ' . .. .. is in the making--{)f worldwide integrationists' favorite Negro, Ur­ SUBSCRIPTIONS $3.00 PER YEAR scope and epochal importance. It ban League leader Whitney M. Back issues, as available .. .......... 504 each is in part a division by continents: Young, Jr. On the subject of Rho­ Asia, Africa, and South America desia, and no doubt of South Africa against Europe and North America; as well, these nonpareils of non­ P~b~~ed . monthly with. ~ C'O~bined July-August issue at Jackson, in part a racial division: colored violent nonraciaJism are at one with MlS5I.liSlPPI . by The Citizens Council. Inc. Second-Class mail privileges authorized at Jackson, MWi.ssippi. against white; in part a rising of the most pugnacious paladins of The opinions expressed in signed arti<:les appearing herein do the "have·nots" against the "haves." Black Power. not necessarily represent official views of The Citi:teru' Councils o( America. Official policy statements are plainly designated. Yet any of these pairings, or all of At one, too, on Rhodesia are a1l The Citizen is not responsible (or unsolicited material submitted for pouible publication. All such material should be ac:companied them together, can at most suggest, sorts of "Conservatives" - from by a seU-addressed 5 tam~ envelope if its return is desired. not explain, what is bappening. For Westbrook Pegler to William F. the leaders on both sides are rich, Buckley, Jr. About most subjects, white, and of European descent. "Right-Wingers," heing individual· while the masses of humanity in ists, disagree, not onl y with the Asia, Africa, and Latin America, Left, but also with each other. But the CITIZEN of whatever color, are inclined to they all agree today ,vith author favor the traditional system in re­ Douglas Reed in this: "Rhodesia OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITIZENS COUNCILS OF "MERICA sistance to the revolutionary attack is no djstant, isolated African epi­ 3 15-352 Plaza Building • Jackson. Mississippi 39201 which is heing directed in their sode; it reaches into your very name. home, however far away you be," 2 THE CITIZEN Analyst Spells Out- The Big Issue For 1968 Race JOEIN J. SYNON lohn I. Synan's keynote speech at the New Orleans Leadership Con­ When I was a boy, my buddy mother. The lady, as was her morn­ ference of the Citizens Councils of America in February is published was a skinny kid named Mike. Mike ing custom, was sweeping her herewith in response to demand both from those who heard it and was an inoffensive youngster and porch. those who wish they had. Newsman and old campaignfl1" Synon once how it was he came to be the "Back to schoo~ is it Mike?" she said he "writes by ear." Critics think it comes out real good. favorite target of the neighborhood asked, by way of good morning. bully I never knew. But he was. · Yes, Ma'am," Mike repHed. Every time Big Beef spotted Mike, • And what are you going to study alone, he gave him a good cuffing. this year, boyr - foreign and domestic - living and of ideologues posing as re­ Once, in a fit of temper that bor­ "Things ain't no different, Mrs. on the product of my sweat, my porters who spew distorted versions dered on mania, Big Beef put Mike Jenkins: my buddy said. "I'm still taxes, and with being repaid for of my people. I am up to here with in the hospital. Mike still wears studying how to give Big Beef a my largess in venom and hate. anger at such maHgners of the scars Big Beef infHcted, 40 years whipp.ing." That, too, is the issue. South. That is the issue. ago. That was the issue with Mike, a I am dog-tired of cynica~ addJe­ Parenthetically, I am dog-tired of Hfetime ago. And I am, now, as That was the situation one Sep­ headed legal opinions handed my accent being ridiculed. I would Mike was then, dog-tired of being tember day as Mike and I dragged down by a nefarious Supreme point out it was a Southern accent kicked around. Moreover, I am of off for the first day of a new school Court, a court neither competent that first gave utterance to The year. It had been a long, fun-filled the opinion a growing majority of nor morally honest. That is the is­ Declaration of Independence and summer. the American people - North as sue. to The Bill of Rights. That is no Our route led past the home of well as South - share my feeHng. I am dog-tired of preachers, issue but it certainly is an inspira­ Stove in as we are, things ain't no a Mrs. Jenkins, a friend of Mike's priests, and rabbis who turn their tion. different; we are still studying how backs on God Almighty to forage And I am dog-tired of unpun­ to give the Left Wing a wbipping. in sociological fields - again, at ished crime and flagrant rapine. The American theory of govern­ my expense, at a cost in equity to That is the issue. ment.turns upon equity, upon jus­ me - because they have lost the tice, upon equal rights for all, and faith of their fathers. I want back I am dog-tired of young men of I believe in that theory with all my the old-time religion. That is the my race being sent to war at a heart. Therefore, as one American, issue. proportionate ratio of three-ta-one I am - as I imply - dog-tired of I am dog-tired of seeing innocent simply because others are too stu­ being denied my rights because I children driven from pillar to post pid to pass an elementary mental am a White man, a Southern White for the political aggrandizement of test. And I am doubly tired at man. I am fed up with being a cotton-picking, red-neck scala­ having our men embroiled in a pushed around. wag, he and his coterie of Hmp­ war they are not allowed to win; That is the issue. wrist, fellow-traveHng socialists. dying for nothing. That is the issue. I am fed up with working for That is the issue. I am dog-tired of certain doctprs strangers. I am fed up with gen­ I am dog-tired of the unctuous who so generate the procreative eration upon generation of reliefers tones of cynicaJ TV newscasters, faculties of these people that they THE CITIZEN MAY Ige7 breed in lots of five. That, too, is try, I shall be prone to listen to seen often; nor to Roy Harris, Dor hIe we have known since that Black the issue. the whistling wind of false leaders. to Bob Patterson, nor to a host of Monday of 1954. They would con­ I am dog-tired of red-wired Pied And there will be false leaders, others, such as are gathered in this solidate their gains, through com­ Pipers who mislead ignorant peo­ that I can promise you, risen from room. promise, only to march upon us ple, whisper in black ears that the our own ranks, the ranks of South­ Rather, I refer to new voices, again, as chance afforded. berughted are not blue-ribbon win­ ern people. They are being bought, such as that of the Nobel Laureate We should have learned - and ners because such as I deny them now - I am speaking of the gov­ from Stanford University, Dr.
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