Vol. 113 Takoma Park, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., November 12, 1936 No. 56 The More Abundant Life BY C. P. BOLLMAN HE phrase, "a more abundant life," used more or less in connection with the late Presidential campaign, is derived from the words of our Saviour, recorded in John 10:10: "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; but I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abun- dantly." This, then, is the truly abundant life, yea, the more abundant life. But during recent years, beginning perhaps with the repeal of prohibition, the idea has become current that the more abundant life is one of freedom from restraint. "Let the youth develop naturally," is the plea of those who would break down, or rather who have already broken down, the restraints which in former times were imposed by parents upon adolescent boys and girls. Indecent moving pictures have done much to corrupt the minds of the young. Some efforts have been made to correct, or rather to eliminate, this evil, but without much success. The drinking of intoxicating liquors is on the increase among the young. Family life, as it was known years ago, exists today only as a memory in the minds of the more elderly fathers and mothers, who now spend their evenings at home alone, while their sons and daughters are out, they know not where, cultivating the so-called "more abundant life." And such life is "more abundant"—in evil. Note the increase in crime among the young! It is truly alarming. Think also of the tobacco habit among the young. At an age at which girls, a few years ago, knew nothing of the use of tobacco, they now smoke openly, and appar- ently feel no shame. And such is now called the "abundant life! "—a life of so-called pleasure, which gives no opportunity for cultivating the finer feelings and instincts of the soul. But the truly abundant life, yea, the more abundant life, is the life that Jesus came to this sin-cursed world to give to all who desire it, that they may have that which is truly life, and may have it more abundantly. Are we as Adventists doing by our example all that we might to stem the tide of evil which is sweeping so many down to destruction? It is said that "familiarity breeds contempt," but it also breeds tolerance, and too often, some measure of participation. It has been truly said that— "Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, As to be hated needs but to be seen: Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, We first endure, then pity, then embrace." It is an old saying that we cannot keep the birds from flying over our heads, but we can prevent their building nests in our hair. We cannot turn back the tide of evil that is sweeping the world to destruction, but we can, by divine grace, lay fast hold upon eternal life, the true "more abundant life," and living indeed for that, we can both save ourselves and be the means of saving others from the false, soul-destroying life that is fast engulfing the world, leading to perdition vast multitudes who mistake it for the more abundant life. This false more abundant life is indeed more abundant, but only in evils that corrupt and destroy all that might otherwise, by the grace of God; be made beautiful and eternal. al" + very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulcher, bringing the HEART-TO-HEART TALKS WITH OUR READERS s spices which they had prepared, and By The Editor 5 certain others with them." Luke S 5 24:1. This shows the faithful and + conscientious regard of the intimate I disciples of Jesus for the Sabbath of the Lord. Christ and the Sabbath 19. How Did Paul, the Great Apostle to the Gentile World, Employ the Sab- Questions and Answers Pertaining to the Sabbath Institution bath Hours? Part Five It was his practice, as it was the practice of his Master, to attend the THERE is a beautiful consistency in a man who had a withered hand. synagogue for divine worship. This the work of God through all the ages. Those present, in order to entrap is plainly stated in the divine record. He does not approve in one age what Him, inquired : "Is it lawful to heal "They came to Thessalonica, where He condemned in another. And the on the Sabbath days?" Christ re- was a synagogue of the Jews: and converse is equally true,—that He minded them that any man who pos- Paul, as his manner was, went in does not curse in the new dispensa- sessed a sheep would, on the Sabbath unto them, and three Sabbath days tion what He blessed in the old. day, help it from a pit into which reasoned with them out of the Scrip- Christ was the creator of the Sab- it had fallen, and that a man's life tures." Acts 17 :1, 2. At Corinth this bath. He used it as His own day of was of much greater value than the experience was repeated, where, it is rest and refreshing after creating life of a sheep. "Wherefore," He declared, "he reasoned in the syna- the material world and the human declared, "it is lawful to do well on gogue every Sabbath, and persuaded family. He commanded Adam and the Sabbath days." If it was lawful the Jews and the Greeks." Acts 18 :4. all his posterity to honor and revere to do well on the Sabbath day, then And when he was at Antioch, he not their Creator by keeping holy the it was in harmony with the divine only used the Sabbath as the day on day He had made holy by His special law of which the Sabbath was a part. which to preach to his former breth- blessing. Through the prophets of Hence, Christ, in His teaching, recog- ren, but when the Jews rejected the old, Christ by His Spirit enjoined the nized the binding perpetuity of the gospel message which he brought observance of the Sabbath of rest. law of ten commandments, and He them, "the Gentiles besought that In His own earthly pilgrimage and recognized the Sabbath institution as these words might be preached to in His ministry as a teacher, did He a part of that law. Read this record, them the next Sabbath. And the take a different attitude regarding as contained in Matthew 12:9-13. next Sabbath day came almost the whole city together to •hear the word the Sabbath from the attitude He 18. Ho•w Did Christ's Intimate Friends and took in the old dispensation? As- Disciples Show Their Veneration of God." Acts 13 :42-44. suredly not. God is true. In Him is for the Sabbath of the Lord? 20. On What Day Does John the Revela- no inconsistency, neither variableness Christ was crucified upon the sixth tor State That He Was in the Spirit? nor shadow of turning. day of the week. Late in the day The apostle states : "I was in the The Sabbath is a part of the divine His body was taken from the cross Spirit on the Lord's day." Rev. 1:10. law, and from its violation Christ and borne to Joseph's new tomb. On what day of the week was this? came to save men. In His life He Christ's intimate associates saw the Many have claimed that this was the obeyed this law, giving His followers place where the body of the Master first day of the week, and that in this an example of righteous living. He was laid. They did not have time declaration by the apostle there is died and rose again, that by His before the setting of the sun to do found authority for the observance grace and by His own righteousness, the necessary work preliminary to of Sunday. But this claim is made imputed and imparted, man might be the final interment. This is the di- without one scintilla of evidence that able to keep the law, not as a yoke of vine record: "That day was the prep- the Lord's day here brought to view bondage, but as an expression of lov- aration, and the Sabbath drew on. was the first day of the week. On ing, loyal service. And the women also, which came the contrary, the Scriptures repeat- 17. How Did Christ Show His Regard for with Him from Galilee, followed edly emphasize the fact that the the Sabbath Institution? after, and beheld the • sepulcher, and seventh day is the Sabbath. This is The example and practice of Christ how His body was laid. And they clearly stated in the Sabbath com- in respect to Sabbath observance returned, and prepared spices and mandment contained in the deca- clearly revealed His great reverence ointments; and rested the Sabbath logue, "The seventh day is the Sab- for the day. He lifted from its ob- day according to the commandment." bath of the Lord thy God." Ex. servance the needless exactions and Luke 23 :54-56. 20 :10. traditions of the Pharisees, and These followers of the Lord con- Again, in the fifty-eighth chapter taught the true manner in which the sidered the Sabbath so sacred in its of Isaiah, the Lord declares that this Creator designed it to be observed. character that they did not even pre- same seventh day is "My holy day, It was customary for Christ to at- pare the body of their Master, upon .
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