E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2015 No. 98 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was heard this morning in my morning MORNING BUSINESS called to order by the President pro briefing and then the news accounts of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under tempore (Mr. HATCH). this sickening revelation of what took the previous order, the Senate will be f place in South Carolina last night. in a period of morning business for 1 Think about this. The sanctity of a PRAYER hour, with Senators permitted to speak house of worship was violated as a gun- therein, with the time equally divided, The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- man opened fire in the historically fered the following prayer: with the majority controlling the first Black Emanuel AME Church in half and the Democrats controlling the Let us pray. Charleston, SC. Eternal God, You are perfect in wis- final half. dom and goodness. Thank You for the We know now at least nine people are Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest great and mysterious opportunities of dead, and others, of course, are hurt. I the absence of a quorum. our lives. Empower our Senators to don’t know how to describe it. This in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The seize these opportunities, thereby, ful- dividual was like a wolf in sheep’s clerk will call the roll. filling Your purposes for their lives in clothing. He sat among the congrega- The legislative clerk proceeded to this generation. May Your Spirit guide tion for a substantial amount of time call the roll. them in their thoughts, words, and before he pulled out a weapon and Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask deeds, providing them with the wisdom started firing at people. The thought of unanimous consent that the order for they need to navigate through life’s people who were in a house of worship the quorum call be rescinded. turbulent seas. Keep their thoughts being gunned down as they gathered to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without pure, their words truthful, and their pray is heart-wrenching, devastating, objection, it is so ordered. actions trustworthy, giving them con- and is the ultimate act of cowardice f sciences void of offense toward You or and hatred. As our good Chaplain said, our hearts TRAGEDY IN CHARLESTON, SOUTH humanity. Lord, inspire them to be CAROLINA mindful of their eternal destiny and go out to the families and friends of their accountability to You. Use them the people who were gunned down in Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, typi- today as instruments for Your glory. that church. It is hard to even com- cally I would come to the floor and And, Lord, comfort the families and prehend anything so awful. So, on be- talk about the business at hand before loved ones of the victims of the half of the Senate family, we send our the Senate, but I think that in light of Charleston, SC, church shooting. support and our sympathy. the horrific news we all woke up to this We pray in Your merciful Name. We hope Charleston law enforcement morning, I wish to touch briefly on the Amen. are able to capture this murderer, and tragic events that unfolded overnight f the perpetrator be swiftly apprehended in Charleston, SC. Although we don’t know all the facts, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and brought to justice. Mr. President, I had some remarks I by all appearances, the gunman tar- The President pro tempore led the was going to give, but they could be geted worshippers while they were in Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: deemed partisan in nature and I can church in a way that certainly shocks I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the give them some other time. I don’t feel all of our conscience and sensibilities. I United States of America, and to the Repub- it would be appropriate for me now to think it is the sort of act that we all lic for which it stands, one nation under God, find hard to understand, and it is truly indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. talk about these things that are defi- unspeakable. f nitely inappropriate today with this pall hanging over our country. Law enforcement is doing what it RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY Based upon that, I would ask that the does best, which is conducting its in- LEADER Presiding Officer announce the busi- vestigation, including looking for the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ness of the day. suspect. HELLER). The Democratic leader is rec- I think it is appropriate that we all ognized. f offer our thoughts and perhaps say a f private prayer for all of those who were affected by this senseless and horrific TRAGEDY AT EMANUEL AME RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME tragedy. CHURCH The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Obviously, the Senate has some im- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I don’t the previous order, the leadership time portant business to do, and I will come know another way to describe what I is reserved. back later and talk more specifically ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S4255 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:49 Jun 19, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JN6.000 S18JNPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S4256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 18, 2015 about the Defense authorization bill to the future of the world; and, C, we— don’t observe that rule. In other words, and the next business we have in line, people—are largely responsible for it. if you just keep planting and abusing which is to make sure that our troops Fundamentally, this is a moral and the land, He said—this is again quoting get paid and that we provide them the ethical issue. It has always occurred to God here in Leviticus 25: ‘‘Your land resources they so justly deserve and me in two moral and ethical contexts. will become desolate.’’ There is an in- are entitled to. One is that I don’t understand what teresting observation. God said: With that, I yield the floor. right several generations of people on Your land will become desolate, and your I suggest the absence of a quorum. this Earth have to use up a finite re- cities will lie in ruins. Then at last the land The PRESIDING OFFICER. The source that was created over millions will enjoy its neglected Sabbath years as it clerk will call the roll. of years. It took 3 or 4 million years to lies desolate while you are in exile in the The legislative clerk proceeded to create the oil and gas that is under- land of your enemies. Then the land will fi- call the roll. neath our Earth. How do we have the nally rest and enjoy the Sabbaths it missed. Mr. KING. Mr. President, I ask unan- right to use it all up in 200 or 300 years? The concept is we have an obligation imous consent that the order for the That assumes we are the only people to the land, to the Earth that has been quorum call be rescinded. who will ever occupy this planet. In- given to us. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. deed, I don’t believe that is the case. Then, we skip all the way from the ROUNDS). Without objection, it is so or- Obviously, it is not the case. There are beginning of the Old Testament to the dered. generations that will come after us—6, end of the New Testament to the Book f 7, 8, 10 generations of people who will of Revelations, and there is a kind of come after us. Why do we have the admonition, I think, for all of us in TRAGEDY IN SOUTH CAROLINA right to use resources that the Earth terms of our stewardship of the Earth. Mr. KING. Mr. President, before be- created for all of time? In Revelations 11:18, the Chapter ginning my remarks, I want to express One of the fundamental premises of says: ‘‘But your wrath came, and the my profound sorrow, sympathy, and the Old Testament is, of course, the time for the dead to be judged, and for condolences to the people of South Ten Commandments. One of the basic rewarding your servants . and for Carolina and the people of Charleston Ten Commandments is ‘‘Thou shalt not destroying the destroyers of the for the tragedy that occurred last steal.’’ I believe we are stealing re- earth.’’ night. To my colleagues, Senators sources from future generations by That is something we ought to take SCOTT and GRAHAM, and to all the peo- simply using them up in our lifetimes. very seriously; that the time will come ple of South Carolina, these things are That is moral and ethical issue No. 1. for the destroying of the destroyers of very hard to understand, very hard to The second ethical issue is the funda- the Earth. This is all about morality, fathom, and I think I speak for all of mental ethical and moral principle of theology, and ethics. This is about sim- our colleagues when I say our hearts go stewardship. The first line of the Bible ply taking care of the asset the Good out to the people of South Carolina says: ‘‘In the beginning God created Lord gave us—whatever Name you give this morning concerning this unspeak- the heaven and the earth.’’ God cre- to the Good Lord.
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