PRSRT STD U.S. 3267$*( 3$,' The Roundup ECRWSS Postal Customer Phone (406) 433-3306 Fax (406) 433-4114 %XVLQHVV2IÀFH 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV E-mail address: /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ P.O. Box 1207 [email protected] 6LGQH\07 6LGQH\07 www.roundupweb.com Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Volume 46 • Number 41 Richland County Fair Announces Sidney To 2021 Featured Entertainment Host A The Richland County Fair and Rodeo has announced Brett Young and The Bellamy Brothers as fea- Variety Of tured entertainment for 2021. The Richland County Fair and Rodeo will take place Aug. 4-7 and the concert will take place Aug. 7. Tickets sale Small-Town dates have yet to be announced. &KHFN WKH )DLU·V )DFHERRN SDJH and future editions of The Roundup for updates. Christmas Brett Young %UHWW<RXQJ·V VRSKRPRUH DO- bum Ticket To L.A. hit #1 on the Billboard Country Albums chart upon Events its Dec. 2018 release. The album fol- lows his colossal 2017 self-titled debut, which dominated the Top 20 RQWKH&RXQWU\$OEXPVFKDUWIRU weeks and quickly reached RIAA PLATINUM certification. Deliver- ing four consecutive No. 1 PLATI- 180FHUWLÀHG KLWV<RXQJZDV UH- Brett Young FHQWO\QDPHG$6&$3·V&RXQ- try Songwriter-Artist of the Year for his ´PHORGLFFUDIWVPDQVKLSµ %LOOERDUG DQGKLV;3/$7,180 VPDVKKLW´,Q&DVH<RX'LGQ·W.QRZµZDVEHVWRZHGZLWK the top honor at the BMI Country Awards as their Song of the Year. Young has also garnered nominations from ACM, Billboard, Teen Choice, CMT and CMA Awards as he contin- XHVWRUDFNXSQRQVWRSKLWVDV´RQHRIFRXQWU\PXVLF·VPRVW reliable new hitmakers” (Tennessean). Along with the indus- try successes, his relationship with fans found Young selling out every stop on his debut headlining Caliville Tour and HDUQLQJQHZIROORZHUVRQWKHURDGZLWK7KRPDV5KHWW·V/LIH Changes Tour. Young is set to join Kelsea Ballerini in 2019 on the Miss Me More Tour. For additional information, vis- it brettyoungmusic.com. The Bellamy Brothers +RZDUGDQG'DYLGFRQWLQXHWRSURYHWKDWWKHWUDLOWKH\·YH Bellamy Brothers ridden to fame has been as unique as their music itself— )ORZµKDGGRQHLQWKHSRSPDUNHW,WSURYHGWREHWKHÀUVW music that is now celebrating over 40 years of success. By Anna Dragseth of a string of 14 No. 1 singles in the U.S. alone. The road that started on the pop music charts in the 7KLV\HDU6LGQH\·V6PDOO7RZQ&KULVWPDVHYHQWVZLOO $ORQJWKHZD\+RZDUGDQG'DYLGFUHDWHGDSDWHQWRQ ¶V WRRN D ZLQGLQJ WXUQ LQWR FRXQWU\ PXVLF LQ WKH ¶V include Parade of Lights, Social Distancing with Santa, 18th WKHQHZO\FRRO´GXRµFDWHJRU\LQFRXQWU\PXVLF,QWKHHUDRI paving the way for duos to come, such as Brooks & Dunn, Annual Parade of Trees, Winter Light Up contest, Christmas the 2000s, The Bellamy Brothers hold the record in both the Montgomery Gentry, Big & Rich and previously—The Judds. Cash, and the Big Bucks Program. Academy of Country Music (ACM) and the Country Music But before the road forked into country, the musical odyssey 6LGQH\·VDQQXDO3DUDGHRI/LJKWVHYHQWZLOOVWDUW Association Awards (CMA) for the most duo nominations. of brothers Bellamy started creatively smoldering in their p.m., Friday, Nov. 27, at the south parking lot of Western +RZDUGDQG'DYLGFRQWLQXHWRSHUIRUPDQGÀOP79VSHFLDOV home state of Florida, before exploding nationally amidst &KRLFH &RRSHUDWLYH DQG /XFN\ /LO·V &DVLQR ´7KHUH ZLOO in Europe and around the world. WKH·VSRSPXVLFFXOWXUHRI/$ be some great local entertainment including the Sidney The Bellamys are opening up their lives to television 7KH EURWKHUV ÀUVW RIÀFLDO JLJ ZDV LQ SOD\LQJ D Rockettes! Santa Claus will make a pit stop at Reese and DXGLHQFHVZLWKWKHLUKLWUHDOLW\VKRZ´+RQN\7RQN5DQFKµ free show with their father at the Rattlesnake Roundup, Rays IGA after the parade for cookies and cocoa (or cider) 7KHVKRZZDVRULJLQDOO\EURDGFDVWRQ´7KH&RZER\&KDQ- San Antonio, FL. with the kids,” stated Kali Godfrey, Sidney Area Chamber nel” (a subsidy of RFD-TV) and streamed around the world. 7KHLUÀUVWEUHDNFDPHLQWKHIRUPRIWKHKLW´6SLGHUV RI&RPPHUFHH[HFXWLYHGLUHFWRU7RUHJLVWHUIRUDÁRDWLQ 6HDVRQWZRRI´+RQN\7RQN5DQFKµDLUVQRZRQ7KXUVGD\ & Snakes,” written by David and recorded by Jim Stafford. the parade, visit the Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce HYHQLQJVDWSP(7RQWKH&LUFOH1HWZRUNDQGZLOODOVR The song became a smash, eventually selling more than Facebook page or website: www.sidneymt.com. be available for worldwide streaming in the very near future. three million units worldwide. 7KLV\HDUWKHWUDGLWLRQDO´%UHDNIDVWZLWK6DQWD··HYHQW The Bellamy Brothers celebrated their 40th anniver- Now known by their music and the company they were hosted by the Boys and Girls Club, will temporarily be sary with the release of a two-CD collection, 40 years, an NHHSLQJ7KH%HOODP\VRIÀFLDOO\OLIWHGRIIWKHODXQFKSDGLQ replaced with Social Distancing with Santa. This event will ambitious project containing 20 of their biggest hits and 20 ZKHQWKHLUVLQJOH´/HW<RXU/RYH)ORZµEHFDPHDQ be 9-11 a.m., Friday, Nov. 27. There will be donuts, letters brand-new songs. In 2019, the Bellamys released Over the instant smash in both the U.S. and Europe. In Germany to Santa, and photos with Santa at the LYREC Lower Yard 0RRQDVZHOODVWKHLUÀUVWERRN/HW<RXU/RYH)ORZ²WKH alone it perched at No. 1 for more than two months. :+ROO\6W 7KHFRVWLVRUDIUHHZLOOGRQDWLRQWR Life and Times of The Bellamy Brothers. Their most recent %\WKHODWH¶V7KH%HOODP\VZHUHHPHUJLQJRQWKH the Boys and Girls Club. SURMHFW%XFNHW/LVWGHEXWHGLQ-XO\ZLWK´5HGQHFNV FRXQWU\FKDUWVZLWKDQRWKHUERQDÀGHVPDVK´,I,6DLG<RX The 18th Annual Parade of Trees will be Monday, Nov. /RRNLQ·IRU3D\FKHFNV µOHDGLQJWKH(3%XFNHW/LVWDOVR +DG$ %HDXWLIXO %RG\ :RXOG<RX+ROG ,W$JDLQVW 0H µ )ULGD\1RY7KHSXEOLFZLOOKDYHWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WR LQFOXGHV´1R&RXQWU\0XVLF)RU2OG0HQµDFROODERUDWLRQ originally scrawled on a dinner napkin by David, rocketed view holiday trees, wreaths, ornaments, and centerpieces with longtime friend John Anderson inspired by the loss of WKHPWRWKHWRSRIWKHFRXQWU\FKDUWVWKHZD\´/HW<RXU/RYH through the windows of the Yellowstone Marketplace build- Kenny Rogers. ing. The public will have the option to bid virtually on these SLHFHVIURP1RY,ILQWHUHVWHGLQELGGLQJ\RXFDQWH[W BGCtrees20 to 76278. The Winter Light Up contest is a brand-new event that 'DQ%URZQ%HQHÀW:DWIRUG&LW\'HF will take place throughout December. This is a Christmas Dan and LeeAnn Brown have been a part of the Watford so he can try and continue working knowing he has to drive lights contest divided into three categories: Residential, City community since 2011. The Browns have been giving the same 100 miles back to Bismarck that same day for the %XVLQHVVDQG1RQSURÀW6FKRRO(DFKFDWHJRU\KDVDÀUVW back to this amazing community by helping people move, next day of treatment. LeeAnn manages the Long X Liquor SUL]HRIVHFRQGSUL]HRIDQGWKLUGSUL]HRI ÀQGLQJVKHOWHUIRUIDPLOLHVGXHWRWKHWRUQDGRKROGLQJIDPLO\ Store during the week and has been able to spend time with 7KHUHZLOODOVREHD3HRSOH·V&KRLFH$ZDUGRI3HRSOH DFWLYLW\HYHQWVDQGKHOSLQJKRPHEXVLQHVVHVVWD\DÁRDW Dan when he is able to come home to Watford City, from FDQYRWHIRUWKHLUIDYRULWHSDUWLFLSDQWRQWKH6LGQH\+HUDOG·V As 2020 has not been hard enough, Dan was diagnosed Bismarck on the weekend. Facebook or Website. Participants must be entered into this ZLWK VWDJH SURVWDWH FDQFHU RQ 6HSW 6LQFH WKHQ WKH The Watford City community has always helped one FRQWHVWE\6DWXUGD\'HFWREHSXWRQWKHORFDO:LQWHU cancer has been so aggressive that it has passed from the another in dire times of need and now it is time to come /LJKW8SPDS*RGIUH\VDLG´7KLVHYHQWLVDFRRODGGLWLRQ lymph nodes and now attaching to other organs. together to help Dan & LeeAnn as they have for others in WRRXUQRUPDO&KULVWPDV6WUROOWKDW·VYHU\´&29,'IULHQGO\µ 'DQ·VFXUUHQWWUHDWPHQWKDVGHÀQLWHO\QRWEHHQHDV\ the past. and adds to the holiday spirit.” +HLVFXUUHQWO\WDNLQJKHDY\GRVHVRIUDGLDWLRQWUHDWPHQW 7KH%URZQEHQHÀWZLOOEHKHOGSP6DW'HFDW The Christmas Cash program started at the beginning ÀYHGD\VDZHHNDQGZDVSUHVFULEHGFKHPRWUHDWPHQWLQ Watford City Eagles Club and will include great food, music RI1RYHPEHUDQGLVVFKHGXOHGWRZUDSXS7KXUVGD\'HF the pill form, which he has to take seven days a week. The DQGDVLOHQWDXFWLRQ7KHEHQHÀWJRDOLVWRUDLVH )RUHYHU\VSHQWDWSDUWLFLSDWLQJEXVLQHVVHVDFXVWRPHU FRVW RI 'DQ·V WUHDWPHQW LV D GD\$IWHU LQVXUDQFH 7KLVZLOOKHOSHOLPLQDWHWKHEXUGHQRI'DQ·VWUHDWPHQWVDQG ZLOOUHFHLYHDQHQWU\LQWRDGUDZLQJWRZLQXSWRLQ Dan and LeeAnn are left with the patient responsibility of WKHÀQDQFLDOVWUDLQRI'DQ·VGULYLQJEDFNDQGIRUWKRQWKH Chamber Bucks. The drawing for Chamber Bucks will be DQGZHUHWROGWKLVZRXOGEHWKHLUQHZQRUPDOIRUWKH weekends just to be able to see his wife, his best friend, for KHOG6DWXUGD\'HFDWSP3HRSOHFDQWXQHLQRQ next two years. KRXUVEHIRUHKDYLQJWRUHWXUQWR%LVPDUFN or Facebook Live on the Sidney Chamber of Commerce Dan and LeeAnn have been doing everything they can. Thank you, Watford City, for everything, anything helps Facebook page to see if they have the matching ticket(s). :LWK'DQ·VUDGLDWLRQWUHDWPHQWLQ%LVPDUFN0RQGD\)ULGD\ & God Bless. :LQQHUVZLOOKDYHPLQXWHVWRFRPHLQWRWKH&KDPEHURU he is forced to commute a 100 miles one way to Dickinson FDOOWKH&KDPEHUDWWRFODLPWKHLUSUL]H´, FDQ·WZDLWWRJUHHWWKHZLQQHUVRIVRPH&KULVWPDV&DVK, ZLOOEHOLYLQJYLFDULRXVO\WKURXJKWKRVHZLQQHUVRQ'HFµ added Godfrey. The Big Bucks is a unique loan program, in which Holiday Lights Tour, Light Up Harmon Park Nov. 27 Williston VXFFHVVIXODSSOLFDQWVFDQUHFHLYHDORDQRIXSWRWR This year, in lieu of a parade, the Williston Area Cham- of participating businesses, courtesy of Williams County! purchase their holiday season needs. The loan is paid out EHURI&RPPHUFHZLOOEHRUJDQL]LQJWKHÀUVWDQQXDO+ROLGD\ Voting for best-decorated business will be at willistoncham- LQ´%LJ%XFNVµZKLFKDUHGROODUVWREHH[FOXVLYHO\XVHGDW
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