8 WEVV 1UJUK HEltALD, TUESDAY, 5jjfirrJSMBEK 16, 1879..TRIP]uE SHEET. were aud to new fouri, 108'4' for and 108»i for now Area lonoo 81 LASF 2d,cl B 58 200 do. b60 8'< """ » irregular.generally higher at the opeulr.g, but Kant Imlia, in bond, 80c. a Rjc. per gallon, arrive, limm SlL J6 IM.ArU br ml 1 H"0 do«? IS £ JSa-lteiilHI |S I closing easier. Tho sales. including 4.V».<JOt> bushels for 75c. u HOc. securities at 27for Erie com t% future wore American railway Sirm l.ouAXolt lKt.bc lot 2O0 do o deliverv. 725.<MMJ busbwls. at If I l."»a$A l« for . 8J5 No. for preferred. 7«¥ tor the new seconiI Bllt pit* American Ex.. 47K jr. K * Dop Moliien.bc 14 S& 2rud.$l 15a$l 10 for do. do. ror September, $1 IV4 m men, 50lj Atlmij* ' do 10 a #1 IB for do. do. tor a for do. do. DOMESTIC MARKETS. COMMERCIAL Km do III) fIXMIL i'» KipNM.be 102.S 14\ * HS>, lU>Chw*OJdpr....«. £; October. #1 15;\ $1 IB>4 for consols, 74U for funded lives. 114V, for confcolidateiI luut'mitoii. 42 Km <o do KM 10O MhiiUhUdu. -M'k November. SI IB a *1 17 for No. 1 white. $1 1"»?£ a Oalvkston. Kept 13, 1X79. do be 42 Km } *!' Uo * 10 X Y Klevatad la.> $1 UV\ tor do. do. tor for J IB lutr 10\c.; firsts, 44 for 1'oimaylvalue,1 54 for New Jersey Cen im) do 14' ' H8J, October, $1 14 No. while, $1 Cotton onsy: middling, lUie ; middling. 40 I'ulluiuii 1* «Sr..bc !'l K«i K & I> Moluep |il.bc 21 a ti III I'uiitrul l»a 02 7im lud C A Littiiy for No. 2 spring for October. $1 14'* a $1 tor No. 2 fibod ordinalry. 10'.c. Not receipts 4.875 bales. Exports trul. The Hank of England lost TOM.(too bullion oiI Km Slumlord N iu... be III 81*) d'32 ."Ml I'itl.burB lOIti :«W "do amber. sfl 14 fur mixed winter. $1 lH1^ u SI 1B>» for No. 1 coastwise, 1,872. 1.319. .Stock li.KAi. ? do " white for bales, 3 KM) do. 3ll-p 111 do31 *; laiK! Lukt> Sliore HttJ, 100 » September. $1 14). a $1 IB for ungraded Sent. 1*79. Stocks Stronger and Stiil balance to-day. .At l'urin the juir cent reutea rosi» |,NI do fdi.i Kpiihh* 4.VHI do !»' *») " bJ white, $1 14 a $1 15 fordo, for mixed N» w OUUUN*. 15, SO?» l'ueitic ..be 72 rod. $1 W4 Cotton HHhT; low middling. H«\c.; on . |ip i do do >,M (it W»l« 4 *,» to arrive tir»l half 14 tor steamerwinter. middling M'.jC.; to >4f. 400., and the rate of exchange Loudon wai 3>»*, 7'." 1 H, Octol»#r: $1 ord in a »v bales: gross, »m yuleksilver Miu.be 17 4(1 Pacific ol Mo., .be 1" -.(MI do.'.'. ...*..'.bS I*''. 100 Alton * T H No. 2 red aud $1 10 for No. 2 Chicago in atorc. (rood not quoted. Not receipts, 3.0U3 More Active. marked up to 25f. 31c. Mil) 47 100 do MII loo <1° }J)| The wero the 3,OXj». SiUub, 500. Stock, 8,981. Km Ouiekpllver |>t do. ' no'j '1,. following hid and asked pi ices at the second 15, 1X79. »* T ... -I RnpPALO, Sept. do he 47Ji 100 doK>>:tu lo l'«)J do . ? I'" Alton A II pf i call:.No. 2 spring, for October. $1 bid, SI usk-d; Foreign exchange in this market remains stead; No. 2 for m»'.4 W£ Flour steady : mIko. 950 bbln. Wheat very dull: no sales IIP) .7. 47 IIP) do IP1 ' iiurn do.;'.:;; HOI, i«mtL*i*»uK H;» Northwestern, October, Si 12 asked ; No. I white, 2 ill 4<»c. and are tlio rates of 11 n do 200 do.1> cca ill. Uki d« for Scptombbr, $1 IB bid. reported. 1 *01*11 dull: bales of 2 cars No. Western <juiet. Following leading 4~i% o.-t, $1 lu), asked; do., October, Out h in net at a 28c. on track ; >,p)do 48 ID Lou A oil1. aim do "" « lj $1 15\ bid. $1 H> asK< d ; No 2 red for v«; WcHtoru held 27,1ac . Nmtlivillolic winter, September dealers: do 200 do ii"0"0 do and October, $1 15*. Statu n tailing from store at 32c. a 33c. Hurley.Nothing THE "GRANGERS" WEAKER, Jin 48), Marlelt»Al.'2d|>lbc 4.'i I7n0 1«'U It; bid. |l lH^ askfd: »lo., November, held at twie. Malt.Fair j Loudon:. Counter. 2d)P do 48 Pin do.5 1-iiO do t*|S« 1,<J doH'a $1 15$* bid. <«1 H» asked ; No. 2 amber, for doing. li.vo neglected; Western Silling. September, trade demand. 10 a $1 05 a 2<m Del A II 1)1) litio do IB*)St LA K of ... $1 asked. Com was Canada barley, $1 $1 25; State, . a4.8J a 4.82 CHUalj.bc 4;»'o Mobile A Ohio, ap lo*,; B»u 1«V 15}, tirin, with a fair inquiry. Tim Sixty days'sight.... 4.80^ do Km Km) too loo do M 1«V. sales, mcludiiu bushels tor wore tfl 15. Cunt I freights higher: wheat, 8c.; corn. 7,4C.: . a 4ll'/p 1"'.1 future delivery, Demand a 4.84 4.K3'4 4.M3Ji 0.1;, do at a oil*. 5c : rye. to Sow York.; pine lumber to 141) do 41) am 1do lit do' .. ua no}, loo lh»,UJ0 bushels, 4H)3c. 4s-)Vc. lor No. 2 mixed, .>4)40. a 7\c., Cable transfers . a 4.84 a 4.hi 55c. for New York. SO; to Albanv, $2 73; stave*, to Near 4.M4)a' i. 1()0 487 g 1(10 do lib do I 40) Ui't l'») 8t i> A rt K 1,1 pf.. low mixed. 57c. a 57>4c. for No. $ Bonds Active . 2 York. W2 ton. ltuil freights 9c.; and Commercial a 4.78 a4.7'.ii4 200 West Un Tol.bc b3 15 do. 11 at) do 100 «M white. OBc. for No. 2 white for per quoted*.Wheat, Government Railway Dl.', ooi, jjv. corn, oats still nemiiial. a d->5 Iipi tu*> do loo do 4*»-c. for No. 2 8>#c.: Receipt* by Three days'sight.... a 4.HI,Si 4.82>a lUjI Motropol'ufclod.bc Xl-iPj '.*»'» 4.«J. mixed, for September;September; 5 1100 200 i. 1)4100 lam) Co 1"0 do 4S)#c. a 48)A'. fur do. do. for 80CI hbl*.; wheat. HM.8H0 bushels; com, 55 do.; Fans francs: . do pit North i'aeitie.bc p3 18 )lll'4 «> I October and 4B4gC. h 4bJic. for rniI»wadFlour,tke. and Buoyant 200 do.'.'.' 31 *' do mm Ilia Ohio A Alton do. tie. for November. The were bid and oata. 42.7tK» du bar!ev, 2.XIK) do.; rye. 5.200 do. Hy 1 s5.25 6.25 a 5.25*i HIS '*'* )*>.', uMb following the corn. Sixty days'Bight.... 5.23\ 20J Pacific M SS.be bU 32 28 North X>»cttie pt.be 40', ait) do 001. aoo Ill !"'. asked prices ut the second call:.September, steamer,. Flour, 8,395 bhli.; wheat. 070.900 bushels; 189,000 Demand 6.21Jf a 5.23 K 6.2SJK » 6.24^ JPX) do 3im s 501) aiw bid, asked; No. do.; rye, 89,300 do. Shipments by railroad.Flour, 12,900 21*4 8t L.oul* A F..bc 13?, do Hil't , »: 2, 4Sj-ae. bid. 4b?. c. asked; October, . a 5.20 6.21 a . 50 L A I M u» M . bills.: wheat. 8d,200 bushels; corn. 158,'JOO do.; oats, Cable transfers V* 400 do...! 22 200 14do 5UO do kd 00', U»» steamer, bid, asked; do., No. 2, 4h4.|C. bid, 4*vge. Kl . do.; 5,2' do. Rv canal to Wall Street, > Commercial . a 6.28J4 a 5.30 lim do... .1 21}p lo do.O 14 5110 do U»)j? 1O0 do .IT, asked; November, steamer, bid. asked; do.. No 2, 40,000 do.; harloy, 2.HO rye, fx*) do S 000 It*) do 4H)ac. asked. was tidewater.Wheat. 331.100 bushels; corn, 127.475 do.: lye, 15.0 K M. ( Three davs' sieht . a 6.24S a 5.26 S. 2!', 3(*)St L A K pf....bc IK4, do Oil il?» bid, 4B^c. Bye tirm. Sales 4.200 Monday, Supt. 3O0 do li*) StL A SK 1st ;ux» do auo do3* No. 2 Western car lots ut do.bushelsat 47,700 do. To intermediate points.Wheat, 7.000 buslods "" ' * * --1. *1.1... ,» uu v thttt thfl 31% pl.bc 43>» 8u% B7c., 1B.OOO bushels do. It WOUIU De naruiy a mm uiiug .v. Thu following wore the rates of domestic exchange 3i*J do o| Jim, 4:yi 200 d»> uo ;>o Uo 38% h7Vic. a o7?4'c and b.UOO bushels do do., seller's ( rain in store.Wheat. 510.700 bushels; corn. 951,880 do.I so 38 do tirst half of oats, 13,120 do.; ryo, 23,5J<» do.: malt, 4ti,520 do. bulls of last week had banked their tires over oil New York to-day at the undermentioned cities: do au? auo do 43% 700 Union 1'ucitic 82 option October, at B7c.; "30c. was a**) NY.LEA Wost bobJ 3(0, fx.) St L.KOJt K...be 3i% 300 do *>-'4 >*1 J" 37% but lor Statu.
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