of Factiouul Strife "Mother Nurseries" Children to Fill morrow afternoon at tho Hotel Astor.' (lieprinttd from vetterday'* late editionti Plans Gonevieve Hampor nnd Genovieve Of Teachers To Be Further Work YOUR TOWN Reynolds will appear ln a scena from I May Baskets With "Komeo um! Juliot." Minnu Gule .Mi.*.,-* Hnynes n.i Udy Mucbeth will rea I the Drama Aired at I aiu-rlit on Emily Whcoler Expcols to letter scene nnd Dimes for Freneh than one Tom Wlio will nnpeur evldence ns Add to Day !lom<-s for ]%l'i'l;i:'" that spring Falstaff, here nnd that aumnier ia rnp- !New York Bables idly approaching can bc notod at varl< A pOSt*30S80n review bill of l'rov "I>«rk Rosaleen," a Horse Race ^Kadu-aP aml "Conserva-* io oua timos during thoao bulmy .lnv.i in incotown will be for day thousands of children are Funds Will Bo Rnised in ,'.»(> Central Park, All th- wook playi given one Play of Ireland, nt DREICER&CO Irft ln tho care of "stgna" are beglnntng to morrow at thc tive" Leaders Will d»y nurftorloa ln thero from oarly until ufti r i rovincetown Sprak New Vork while Stutea to Care for thc morning Playhouac, 133 Macdou thc Belasco thew mothcra rurn u dark, KSl Street. The pUys nre "The An, e! on Freedom in Schools at living. ln 18S0 the i tfomeleaa Little Onea Un¬ Tho morning houra l>rin<,: out the Intrudcs," by Floyd Doll; "Tho ftopo," day nursery as an lonjj rows of bnhy carriagea, trundlod by bugono o'Noill; "Tlcklesa Time," ^Dngagernentcrttngs Hotel insti¬ hy mir.se Rirls, who show of hav¬ by Susan and By Heywood Broun DIAMONDS OF SUPREME QUALITY McAlpin Saturday independent, til Parenta Can Itnihl of aigna Glaspsll Georgo Cram IN DKSIICEF* tution wns uii- ing pont mosl their time rec< ntly ''Ook, nnd "Cocalne," by Pendleton A good many typcs of plnys are SETTINGS known here. indoors. Flocka of children accom- King. combined in The pany the 1:1 "Dark Rosaleen," which Tho strife which has been going on tirst was carriagea and play the FIFIM AVKNUE cit FORTY SIXTM started with one May baskets filled with dimes for not-yet green graas, Governor Smith nnd a partv of frirnds was presented et tho Belasco Theatre for months between "radical" and were woman, ono child Freneh children are to take the place Lator in the day, when tho schonlp present, nt. last night's perform¬ last night. "In Old Ker.tucky" nnd "conservative" factions of the tcaching and two rooms. let out, these intruders nre ance of "A Prince There Was." 3E this year of tho old-fashioned flower- the BUpplanted "Romeo and Jtwrit" have been com- staff of the city's public school?. will The woman v.'ns fllled hy youngsters who believe in lay- Fred and the Miss M. baskets which children used to iiiK aside their homework until some Hcider and his partnor. Bcttie bincd, resulting product trana-' be brougt into the open at a luncheon- Einily 1 a W h e e 1 o bang on their time later in the arker, song nnd dance team well forred to Ireland. W. D. it an r, vice- playmatos' doorknoba in day, while they >ro known m Hopcnstall contains abundanco of comic the Sign of tho Croaa," from the Polish conferenco under the auspices of the cut nnd havo their vaudeville, have. entered the and a chalrman of the celebration of springtime. game of baseball, east of "Listen Whitford Kane, the authora of thc scenes, little genuine sentimont and iv ki, and a ballet, "A Ve- Pub'.ic Education Association in tho Bleecker Street tag or whatever it he. Tl en Lester" at the Knicker- now enough of a imitation sert Covernors of thirty-six states have twi muy bocker Iheatre. romantic farcc-comody, seem more craditable, Moon Fantafcy," given by Ivan Hotel McAlpin on Saturday noon. Memorlal Day light. to make it serve as good theatrical en- Taras-jff and a of dancers promised the American Committee for That is there interested in the comic possibilities tertainment for the company "Freedom and Initiative in the Nursery and pio- when, days, the park The name of average theatre- The audience was iarpc and enthQBi- neer in this work. Dcvastated France, to appoint May Day begins to hum with Hammcrstein is not lost of intensive studies in local color: goer. That is if we know tho astic. be as a an activity. Symposi- to vaudeville. average Schools" will the subject for dis¬ She met special day for of ums, adjourr.ed since last nre Arthur Hnmmerstein than in theatregocrs, and inded if there is with between tho intcrehau'gc fall, be¬ will give plot. The story of the play any cussion. This will be treated from plenty of grcetings children of the ing renewed. Nightly, one ean hear Sunday night concerts at the is such person. For the rest there are opposi¬ Lnited Sttes and of France. the Caaino Theatre, slight and halting. Although "Dark; moments Mariouettes the radical and conservative points of tion and discouragement at first. But Postcards high-pitched voice of some orator lalent beginning May 4, using true of fine playing by Miss Tony Sarg's she bearing gaily painted May baskets, with to to his drawn from his three musical Rosaleen" ia a play about a race horse,' Huban and Miss Morcer. "which should \iew by Dr. Henry Linville, president had optimism and determination. nve holes into which trying explain group the shows: At the Punch antl and in courso of time a children may slip whys and whercforcs of the of "Sometime,""Sornebody'a Swcet- the authors are seldom willing to give be. sufflcient reward. The best of the Judy ot" the Teachers' Union, and Dr. John substantial five dimes, have been the league heart," and "Tumbie In." work of Kano and The little Punch and L. associate board stood behind her. The nursery, prepared by nations- or some other important topic. the piece its head. Most of the fun Hepenstall is excel¬ Judy Theatre Tildsley, superihtendent thousands for tho committee nnd are ln other lent. The worst is a good deal worse. last first started on East Sixth grew now words, Central Park is liv¬ New *' of the night fulfilled the purpose for of schools, respeetively. to Street, being distribnted all over the to productions of "Lightnin' and entertainment lies in the David Belasco has assembled a such dimensions that a new build¬ ing up its reputation of being a 'Three V, iso de-j good i's name. it was in "More general phases of the problem country. barometer for who Fools" are being made velopment of the comic possibilities east and has workod the possibilities of which, by will be touched upon Zecheriah ing had to be put up on the same site. In addition to those want to know for Australia Smith tended by To-day it houses from many May parties what season of the year it. is. by and Golden. of characters who are often slightly local color to the last possible quaver- by housing Tony Sarp's highly Chafee, assistant professor of law at eighty to ninety which children will hold in their homes Ihe original companies of these plays, ing note of the inevitable blind liddier intelligent and band of Harvard, and Dr. George Drayton children. each little guest with his at the conclusion of their Xew York connected with the themc of the play. Dark Rosaleen herself diverting pup- Miss Wheeler was coming May These interludes are shrcwd- appears on the pets. a dramatization Strayer, president of tho National largely respon- basket filled with dimes for Freneh engagement, are destined for London generally stage, and we found her a but They presented sible, also, for the some seven ly devised. and in some cases brill- pretty of Education Association and professor opening, children, ihere will be a Children's Chicago and Sari Franeisco will havo a rather horse from a rac- Thackeray's "Tho Rose and the years ago, of the Bleecker Street chance to mntly acted, and served to amuse unimpreasive of educational administration in Teach¬ Me- Garden Fete under the auspiee3 of the see "Lightnin"' first, how¬ they inp standpoint. We doubt if she could ;.! which thc Thackerayan sa morial for Italian and ever. the firat-night audience to a Ring," ers' College. Nursery children. committee at, the Cosmopolitan Club. Plays Players high carry much weight over a distance, but 'rain Whatever ensue A new and is now be¬ Mrs Cass degrce. tiric is very mild indeed. it is fireworks probably larger building Gilbort, chairman of the None of the then thero are probably few Eternals will come the of Dr. ing erected on this site. Children's Committee of the The Sisters will be possibilities of the Irish or or a fairy talc, filled with incident, hov- during speeches "The American Dolly starred by question is allowed to the Billy Kellya such like in Ireland, Tildsley and Dr. Linville. The former day nursery stands first, for Committee for Devnstated is Morris Gest arrived in New York Elliott, Comatock and Gest in go by boards. Her was to one. nml she ever, which allows opportunity for a the France, "Oh, Whcnever the have been price twenty ai hss been most active in the preservation and maintenance of arranging the city-widc and aftcr a six week's to Look," the musical in which playwrighta won in a common canter. she did really g display of marionette quashing the celebration, yesterday trip comedy in any doubt as to what to do next Still, icss.
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