Trial by Jury W: S. Gilbert Arthur Sullivan Scene: A court of 'rwshce' rhe Bench faces thb rturlienee, and eatends along the baek court. ?he Judgels desk c., with canopg of the ooerhead.' ,rury-boa 8., counselb seati ,t. Barristers, Attorneys, ,furgmen, and public discoaered. Itlo. 1. "Hark, the hour of ten is,, Opening Chorus and. Solo Ensemble and Usher Piano Printed 30209 r in the U.S.A. by G. Schirmer, Inc - (Curtain) Ch o rus SOPRANO and ALTO Hark, the hour of ten is sound Hearts with anx TENOR and BASS L_--',,...--- 1',: - C u-: --:---- fears are bound Hall of Jus - crou'ds sur - round t----- 39209 39209 Breath- ing hope a An- ge- li - na, Short- ly will ap - pear. For day flft, Sum- moned stern d;Ly 1n this sub 1l&, fe 11&, sum- moned by Alternative Parts na, Short- lY - na, Short- Hark, the is sound - Hearts with anx ious fears are bound - Hal1 Jus - tice Breath-ing hope and For to-day this a- re- na, 6 fTeqor may double Bass here 39200 8 Morlerato Noui Ju - ry - men, hear my ad - vul-gar pre- mind, From . bi - as free of ev 'ry tri - al 39?00 f r-- s----1 Si - lence! From bi- as free of ev-'rv kind.This lis - ten to the plain- tiff's case: ob - serve the fea- tures of her face- The bro - ken- heart - ed kind, This 39209 Cho rus Unison the plain-tiff's shrieks, The ruf- fian - ly de - fen- dant speaks-L'p- .------. .----..--. ----._-- kind, This r----J-_1 Court!- Chorus Unison From bi AS free must be -*.- ----- I =I nD. t2 No. 1a. "Is this the Court of the Exchequer" Solo and Chorus Defendant and Ensemble Defendant Allegro vivacc (g ttte r Dqfendu n.t,,L. ) the Court of the cheq - uer? be firm, my the De- fen-dant! Lawyers and Pu blic Jurymen I\{on - ster, dread 4haking thezr fists) ,- llon their Dread D efend ant Hear me, hear me, if youplease,Theseare ver-y strangepro-ceed-ings-For,per_ 39209 (De/endant bechorts to Jurgmen.. 'I'/reg leuue tlte bott and gutlter round htm as they sing the of my plead- ings, You're at .fottoring.) Chorus (sutiricultyl his plead-ings \\'e're .t5 No. 2. "When first my old, old love I knew,, o Lllj. lll T,i,,",', "," "i"'"T " 1. When first old love I kneu', My bo - somwelled joy sant palls thesense; And love un-chansed My es at her feet I vasa And be-came a bore Un - to her No terms seemedtoo_ ex- trav - a-gant Up - on her to_ em- With fit - ful glim- mer burnt my flame, And I grew cold _ and 39209 I tused mope, and pant, Just like a sick At last, morn - be- came An - oth- er'.'; sick boy! boy.-- Chorus , Tink - p I used +:-1.tlt6-4 ,. - 4^-1,Ldrl[, - dL last, - Q\ Qna uerse onlg) sigh, and pant, Just like a love- sick I be - eame An- oth- er! love- sick - - tank, tink, Tink- a-tank. f I-listesso tempo Chorus of furymen (aside, adaancing stealthilg) I u'as like that when a lad! shock- ing youngscamp of a rov- er, be- haved a reg- But that sort splen-dent; And, there - fore. I have- rit a r.Jap Of sym- pa- thy Allegretto tre:rt us n'ith arl'e, Usher, Defendant, and Foreman, with SOPRANO Sing-ing so mer- ri - ly- ;J9'20 () (Ihey enter tke jurg -boc.1 Usher (on bench) Si - lence in Court! zl No. 3. '411 hail , great Judge!" Chorus and Solos Ensemble, Judge, and Usher And"ante maest,oso (Enter Judge on bench) hail, great Judge!_ To yorrr bright rays, We nev - er grudge_ 22 each de cree As stat_ute And er be ---G- Re -versed For these kindwords ac-cept my thanks, I But first - ly, if the time you'll not - be-grudge, I'11 a Judge. Chorus a tenE o He'lI tell us horr' he f J. +'h He'll tell us 39209 24 tell us horv horv he came to Judge, to be_ J - he be- you how' Judge, He'll tell us Judge, He'l us hou', Judge, plHe'l tls ho't'r', .t He'11 t-__.r-- f f 26 us Judge! f=----flru I f came to- be Judge! hos' he came to be Judgel - rfL-- Let him speak, Let him speak, it6 Let pp speaks, Hush! Hush! dim. frU sher lence in Court! raltr. Hdll tell us how, te11 how. he came to be a Judse! - 27 No. 4. "When I, good friends, was called to the bar" Solo and. Chorus Judge and Ensemble Allegro vivaee t. When I, gbod friends,was 2. In West-min-ster Hall I called to the bar, IU ap - pe-tite fresh heart But danced a dance, Like sem-i-de-spon- fu For I I was, as man-y young bar - ris-ters are, An im - Pe thought I nev- er should hit on a chance Of -ad - dress - ing a 39209 +\-.J IHa s-w'al-1ow-tail coat- beau- ti - ful A- Rut I soon got tired third - class neys, And and a brief rvhich I bought bv- A coup - le of lvith a rlin - ners of bread ter; So I fell in Ch orus coup-le col-lar or tlvo, Anrl a ring that looked like a ru - by! He'd a - So he fell rich at - tor - nev's Eld-er-ly, ug - ly daugh ter. a by! co1-1ar or t*'o,And a ring that looked like ru - rich at - tor - ney's Eld-er-lY' ug - lY daugh-ter. 3tr?o9 Judge pro jJ. fond The troop - ing 4. The the the re -u'ard ions: "\brr shall the ly, And day "y soon get used Bai - ley and IIid - dle - sex - cient thieves rvho could Ses - sions of An - t'Ant herl She may looks," said he, tions, And fees af - ford Re ty - three In with a I ight rb - stored To and his Chorus her!" She ruay ver - y lvell pass for for - ty- three In the t ions. And man-y a bur - glar he's r-e - stored To his - dusk, u'ith a friends and Judge 5. At length I be-came as as the Gur-neys-An in-cu-busthen I - thought I threlv o-ver that tor - ney\ Eld- er - ly, \.J:_ rny- char-ac-ter high Tried vain- ly to dis daugh-ter. The rich at - tor-ney - 3l 7.} a,temlro par age - And now, if you please,Iin read-y to of Prorn-ise of 4\ And nolr', if you please, hets Breach of Prom-ise of For now Iin a Judgel Yes, now Iin a Judge! man-agedby a job- It rvas rnan-agedby a jobi And a good Judge,too! And a And a good job, too! And a s2 rnll, and pause 2nd tirne Though all my Iarv be fudge, Yet ne\'- ert ne\'- crbudge, But It is pat-ent to the rnob, That be- ingruade a nob Sas good Judge, too! good job, too! tvll. anrl pause 2ncl tinrc r 7 live and die a Judge! It \\'as fect- ed by a job. Anrl a good job, too! A And a good Judge, too ! And a good job, f A iE. -4 q?,t?f Cqu4set ptainttff. Ee tuhes his pluce sets seats.) for dn ft,ont rout of Coun., /--t - ; - ^. traF B--: ^i 33 No. 5. "Swear thou the Jury!" R,ecitative, Solo, and Chorus Counsel, Usher, Defendant, Judge, and Jury Cou nsel ry-men, oh, Andante (Att ttte Jury A'neel. irt the .rurgr-boa, and so are hirtrten from audience.) Usher Oh, will you swear _ by yon der skies, What- er ques - tion may a-rise,'Twixt rich and poor-'twixt lorv and high, That 34 (.furgnt.en, raise their lLart'ds, u;hich ulone Jury tr ( re uisible.) p this we - (AlI rise uith the last note') Cou nsel try! Jud ge <a> U sher try! n'e'il A 36 No. 6. "'Where is the Plaintiff?,' R,eeitative, Cb,orus, and Solo Counsel, Usher, Bridesmaids, and plaintiff Allegro grazioso Cou nsel now be brorrght. (Echo, behind the scene) 7aA Come thou in- to Court! A 80209 Chorus (Bridesmaidsl Comes the bro - ken flow Comes thecheat-ed maid- Though the tem-pest low O rnaid, these Tho'thy beau - ty are Shame theblush-ing ros - es- They are pass-lng They Pass-ing - (fhe ,fudge, haaing taken a great fancg to lhe fit'st Brides' iita. seids her ahote by the tlsher, uhich she reads, hisses trrptit,t'ouslg, und plaees itt her bosortt.) flow - ers they- j- (Enter Pla,intiffS 39209 Plaintiff 'i;{;;'rrn-T";;:fl:/, ,r';;},7;,%i,;:{1;};1,!#"i1";i:;,;:,r;?,,!: ,"^?'i,!i{{;,,#,,:3!;,:1, it, kisses tt t,upturottsly, un,tl pluces it in her bosotrt.) Chorus (Bridesmaidsl they - I Plaintiff Iamno py maid, un - 42 No. 7. "Oh, nevef, never, lrever" Solos and. Chorus Judge, Foreman, Plaintiff, Usher, Jury, and Bridesmaids L'istesso tempo Judge Jury {shatttns tlnir fore. Ah, sly dog! Ah, fingers at him) JUdge tto lurgl Horv say you, she not 4S FOf eman fuftur consutting uith the Jurgl Plaintiff kurtsesingl is- Rap-ture! Your kind- ness, Jury Bridesmaids (shuhing their .fore- f!*rs ut 'rury1 and n'ouldmakeyou ours! Ah, sly dogs! Ah, sly dogs! fond- 1y', and rvould nrake you,rvould rnake 44 Jury (shaking their fists at the Defendant) Presto furioso f, fu ryl NIon- s*'er t dread our es! sub - darn- ag- 3 ! z? datrr-ag-esl ;9209 t5 No.
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