4 THE TEESDALE MERCURY Wednesday, 7th July, 199$ Some visitors use £455 for research Mothers raise over £9,000 in up parking places On behalf of the Barnard MERCURY COMMENT fn Castle branch of A rthritis walk on Great Wall of China but spend nothing Research I would like to say other towns which undergo B B Thank You to all who gave (And look who is holding the Mercury) Let’s put up bridge or road repairs. j jH Along with many other peo­ support to our garden party at A m ajor question is over how H I ple living w ithin our rural I’m grateful for all Barningham Park. with bridge shops in the town will be affect­ communities, I understand the Farmer ( Thank You especially to Sir ed. Som e traders fear a drop in economic benefits that visitors the coal tub help iedLandS Anthony and Lady M ilbank for scheme and takings, but visitors will still j bring, M iddleton being no May I through your newspa­ jpto action allowing us to hold the event be able to get in and out of the e x c e p tio n . per express my sincere thanks in their beautiful garden. look on the town with ease, and through- They bring much needed to all who gave me a donation launched Thanks also to Barnard Castle routes will still be in operation revenue to local businesses towards m aking it possible to Youth Band. bright side for long distance tourists. I a „ and attractions. People who erect a monum ent to Even- Despite the rain an hour After all the talking over have holiday homes, who use It is hard to imagine that ^ wood m iners and coke work­ after opening a very enjoyable the camping and caravan sites, the past two years the m any families planning a day | J | f | ers? Thanks to firms and indi­ and profitable afternoon raised guest houses and hotels in the bridge closure is alm ost out in Barnard Castle will b e l^ ^ j viduals who helped make this £455 for research. The teddy’s dale are an essential part of upon us, and we will all put off by the bridge work. U n i I possible, especially Evenwood birthday was 30th May. It was the rural economy. They all soon know w hat the im pact O n ly s h o p s o n T h e B a n k will j fonn, Startf Engineering, who have been won by M. Nelson. play their part in boosting the on Teesdale w ill be. b e c u t o f f f r o m th ro u g h -traffic, I feme's very supportive; Johnny W eir JOAN TURNBULL revenue of local traders. It has to be said that the and it is to their credit that {jedare that: for building the plinth; and Bartlemere, Barnard Castle A problem which needs to be ladies who organised the county council has bent over they are making efforts to I 0 fone addressed by both the parish re c e p tio n . backwards to get the job done draw attention to themselves and district councils is how Many thanks m ust go to Ian Flaming June as speedily as possible and at by putting on weekend enter­ Delos start M iddleton copes w ith visitors t a i n m e n t . T h a t p o s itiv e action I Stephenson for the endless Since arriving back in this the tim e of year m ost dale resi­ H i who use the village as a stag­ is so m uch better than sitting hours he spent renovating the country it has done nothing but dents thought best. ing post for their outdoor back and moaning. coal tub. W ithout his expertise rain, so I thought this poem There can be no perfect tim e activities: the people who it would never have happened. quite appropriate: Eastenders actress Carol and sons Jack and Digger. for a main road scheme like W hat is needed now is six arrive early in the morning, I do hope it is left to be w hat Nicholson is flanked here by The ladies trudged up the this, so a crucial point m ust be w eeks of good w eather, because park their cars, don their It rained and rained and rained it is m eant to be - a monu­ Mrs Clarissa Milbank of f a m o u s 1,000 steps on the wall to get it over and done w ith as that always has more bearing walking boots, or offload their The average fall was well maintained ment and not a new climbing Dalton and M rs M oppet Cooke- and then down again before the quickly as hum anly possible. on th e num ber of shoppers-j proctor, and< m ountain bikes, and head off And when the tracks were simply bogs frame. Thank you once again Hurle of Startforth, who have actual walk. They spent the W ith that in mind six weeks lo c a l a s w e ll a s v is itin g - than leaving valuable parking It started raining cats and dogs for all your help. just completed a 100 kilometre first night in army barracks in high summer must be the any tem porary road closure. spaces taken up for the day. After a drought of half an hour PEGGY FLEMING walk with her along the Great and then stayed in fairly basic best bet, w hereas it could have W hatever happens it is I was in M iddleton to do We had a most refreshing shower Tidy Village Committee, Wall of China. accommodation at intervals dragged on for a lengthier peri­ worth looking on the bright c w a t B some shopping on a Saturday. And then the most curious thing of afl: 1 Neville Close, Evenwood They spent five days on the along the route. od in late autum n or winter. side. T he ancient bridge is to be I took the tim e to notice five A gentle rain began to fail long trek, and between them Mrs Milbank, treasurer of An important fact is that put in good shape to last for cars come into the village, Next day also was fairly dry the two dale ladies raised over the Richmond appeal commit­ school transport will hardly be m a n y m o r e d e c a d e s - an d that teoc W i parking at various places, and Dismal news about Save for a deluge from the sky £9,000 for the Children’s tee of the Children’s Society, affected. Some dale residents is b etter than the risk of it col­ saw the occupants of all five Marks & Spencer Which wetted the party to the skin - Society. In all 110 took part and said they were grateful to will face longer daily journeys, l a p s i n g i n t o t h e riv e r. That put on their walking boots and And after that the rain set in! o v e r £ 200,000 was raised to receive sponsorship money but the inconvenience will not would really be a cause for head off out of the village. As I donned my St Michael DOREEN READSHAW help under-privileged children. from many people in this part be as great as suffered in some wholesale grumbling. An alternative parking area shirt this morning, I heard the New Zealand Mrs Milbank said she rec­ of the world as well as others needs to be found and long news that one of our good in­ (formerly Hutton Magna) eived great support and around the country. stay visitors need to be made stitutions, M arks and Spencer, PEEPS INTO THE PAST encouragement from her hus­ They have not done any seri­ aware of it, and the benefits to is beginning to splutter. band David and sons James ous walking before but said 5 years ago dom ino league title for the all of using it. We all w ant the Surely a prime example of and Nicholas. Mrs Cooke- they enjoyed the trek, especial­ After 71 years of trombone third successive year were village to prosper and be a good m arket force, fair price, G ospel choir had Hurle was given sim ilar back­ ly as it will do so m uch good for playing Mr Jack Ellerton of M alcolm Parkin, Alan Place, popular place for people to fair play etc. But, though audience standing ing by her husband Johnny needy children. California Row, M iddleton, B rian Tate, Ron Tate, Alan visit, but the present situation starting off as a penny stall­ took part in his last perfor­ W e ls h , A la n H u tc h in s o n , Phil- is doing nothing but ham per­ holder there is the other hold­ to clap and cheer mance at Teesdale Brass Band ip Carrick, Percy Patey, Laur­ ing the efforts to highlight er in the offing, ready to snuff The Youth Explosion Gospel Rotary honour for Norman Jackson contest. He had played three ie R utter and Jim Atkinson. I M iddleton and its attractions. out M&S. Who might you ask Choir from Durham, North tim es for the Queen M other. 20 y e a r s ag o P A U L K A N E is the villain of the piece? The Carolina, received a warm recep­ Artist Mrs Judy McLean of M iddleton School pupils Revelin Cottage, Newbiggin shareholder of course.
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