MEf\IOR/\NIHJM THE WHITE HOUSE WASIIINGTON May 3, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: DAVE PARKER FROM: DAVE GERGEN SUBJECT: Prominent Wome~l Last year, you were int( rested in some recomrrj "c1ations of women who might be invited to a special dinner with the President. That idea never got off the ground, and I understand that there are no plans for such a dinner at :lis time. In looking through our past files, however, I have come upon the list which we compiled at that time, and it occurs to me that there Inay still be a number of opportunities when you would want to have prominent wom.en invited to st~~ dinners on an individual basis. For that purpose: I am sending along to you a copy of some other li i~S we once compiled. It would probably be an easy task to come up with additional nm, ~cs if you so desire. cc: Barbara Franklin r-------------------------------------------------------------- Acaflemic Hanna Arendt - Politic'al Scientist/Historian Ar iel Durant - Histor ian Gertrude Leighton - Due to pub lish a sem.ina 1 work on psychiatry and law, Bryn Mawr Katherine McBride - Retired Bryn Mawr President Business Buff Chandler - Business executive and arts patron Sylvia Porter - Syndicated financial colun1.nist Entertainment Mar ian And ",r son l Jacqueline I.. upre - British cellist Joan Gan? Cooney - President, Children1s Television Workshop; Ex(,cutive Producer of Sesaxne St., recently awarded honorary degre' fron'l Oberlin Agnes DeMille - Dance Ella Fitzgerald Margot Fonteyn - Ballerina Martha Graham. - Dance Melissa Hayden - Ballerina Helen Hayes Katherine Hepburn Jv1ahilia Jackson Mary Martin 11ary Tyler Moore Leontyne Price Martha Raye B(~verley Sills - Has appeared at "\V1-I G overnmcnt /Politics ,'. He len Bentley - Chairn1an, Federal Mar itime COD1n1is sian ',' Pat IIarr is - Lawyer, fonner An1bas sadar Ovcta Culp TIuhby - Former Secrebry, HEW -2- ... Govcrnmenl/Poljtics Virginia Knauer Claire Booth Lucc Ivy Baker Preist Jeanette Rankin - First woman to serve In Congress; celebrated her 90th birthday laf-;t year Margaret Chase Smith Juanita Stout - B lack judge in Philadelphia Eartha Whitc - Black recipient of 1970 Lane Bryant Volunteer Award; me"nber, Board of Directors, National Center for Voluntary Action ':~Mary Brooks - Director of the Mint Literature Gwendolyn Brooks - Distinguished blacl~ poet Pearl Buck Willa Cath( Marianne Moore - America 1 s foren10st female poet Laurence Stapleton - Great Milt. scholard Barbara Tuclunan Endora Welty Military Anna Mae Hays First women Elizabeth P. Hoisington generals Philanthr opy Mary Lasker Press Judith Crist - Movie revie\.\'er Pauline Koel - :Movie reviewer Ann Lanuers - Largest circulation of any colul1Htist in the country and a political force, too, as her "cancer 11 COh.111111 proved IIe len Tho1l1as - N c\\' spaper \\,0111<1n Barbara Walters -3- Re ligior. Lois Harkrider Stair - First woman rnodcrator of United Presbyterians Science /Sociology Anna Freud Margaret Mead Barhara McClintock - Won Medal of Science Dr. Minna Spiegel Rees - Mathematician, Dean of Graduate Studies at City l.'niversity of New York, and first woman President in 112 year history of the Am.er ican As sociation for the Advancenlent of Science Lisa Richetle - \\T !'ote The Throwaway Children Societ~ Mme. Chennault Alice Roosevelt :r ,ongworth Mrs. Walter (Bennitta) Washington - Besides being married to the Mayor of Washington, D. C. she is a professional in the field of education ..... Partial List of Prominent WOD1en Invited to the White House Conference on Youth, 1971: Eloise Hardison '~anl:::s - Publi~;hcr-Ec1itor, Ari7.ona Tribute Vree]dy Newspaper Carolyn Black - Director, Counseling Center at Howard University, and first woman director of a Peace Corps territory (the Caribbean Islands) -- the girl in charge of Adult Delegate Selection at the WHCCY says she IS really "with it" Mary Bunting - President, Radcliffe College Pauline Frederick Sister Ida Gannon - President, 1v1.undelein College, Chicago Hon. Nora GUilcll - Esk:.10 Judge, District Magistrate, Fairbanks District Court, Bethal, Alaska Nancy Hanks Elizabeth Koontz - Director, U. S. Dept. of Labor Womens Bureau Mary Wells Lawrence - Presid.:mt, Advertising Agency Dr. Helen Nowlis - Research Consultant, Prof., at Univ. of Rochester (again, the girl at the WHCCY says she I s very good) Dr. Eileen Sarll ~n June Tapp - Prof., Lech1rer, Criminologist at the Univ. of Chicago Mr s. Theodore "Wedel - President, United Council of Churches '~-., ... - The Following List was Prepared by the Research Team of Cox, Srnith and Whittel: Cox Cher Bono - Half of "S0 and Cher" singing duo, AnlCrican Indian, just begetl l ,irst TV show, she and her husband have been very active in Drug Abuse Prevention and PO"\V causes Carol Burnett (or Lucille Ball) - Or any other "with it" 1971 c0111ediennes who are popular with the "whole" family Roberta Flack - Black voc~~list who got her start just in the past few years in D. C" very pleasing style that agrees with just about everyone Elizabeth Pond - Reporter with Christian Science :t-.10nitor.vho was capturC"~ early this year by the V. C. 1 but was either released or escaped Esther Peter son - Fir st ConsuIn,er Advisor (Kennedy appointed her), now an advisor with Giant Food Diana Ros s - Needs no intro except that she's" super tough" Buffy St. Marie - American Indian, popular folk singer, aln almost positive that she's not a radical - "(as on Johnny Carson several lll.onths ago and was very sensible, articulate and all in all a very beautiful person Dionne "\Varwick - Sanle as Diana Ross except that in addition she is the Chrm. of the Bd. of her own record company and is nl.uch more educated (has degree in nlusic) Smith Hon. Shirley Chisholm Mrs. Catherine Marshall - Married to the latc Peter Marshall, Chaplain of the U. S. Senate in the early 50s, and has written many best sellers re: hiIn and Christianity in general . -2- Irene Ryan - "Gra)J11Y Clampctt" on the Beverly HillbilJies (Ed. Note - I hope Marie's not for rcal on thi s one) Marie Smith - Society columnist with ·Vrasl'~ngton Post Dionne Warwick l,Vhittcl Ella and Pear 1 Lauren Bacall Ingr id Bel' gman Marlene Dietrich Betty Furness Louise Day Hicks (? ) Mrs. Coretta King Mrs. Joan Whit·,ey Payson - Owner of the N. Y. Mets and civic worker Katherine Ross Gloria Steil~ :lTI Abigail Van Buren Amy Vanderbilt Dionne Warwick Jacqueline ·Wexlel·- Presidellc, Hunter College, had to cope with qu;te a lot of campus unrest last year . The Following List was Cornpiled b) the Registrar I s Office at the Columbia University, New York, on 1he D-'sis of Infornl~~t:ion they received on their 1971-72 Fresh:: Ian CIas, An, ~la Davis Lady Godiva Jacqueline SusannO Isadore Duncan Mata IIari Lady Macbeth Linda Kasabian Mary McCory Bernadine Dohrn Betty FreiJ<il1 Myra Breckinridge The 'Wicked 'Witch of the \\Test Bella Abzug Virginia 'Wolf Martha Mitchell Bettina Aptheker Jane Fonda Bernadetie Devlin Gr acie Slick .
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