■ THE AYIATIOI HISTOEICAL 30CIETT OF AUSTEALIA JOURML YOL. II Io.;:5 MAY 1961 HOUTHLY lOTES In TAA*s fourtii i*atal accident since inception of the airline in 1946^ DOUGLAS DG-4 YH-TAA. "latkin Tench" crashed near Brisbane on 24*5.61 (see page 4U), It ms the flagship of lAA's cargo fleet, having been con­ verted to CAEGOMASIEE configuration in their "rorkshops some years ago 'sshen sufficient YISGOUHTS were in service. The aircraft which was on a Belbpufneii Sydney-Brisbane cargo flight arrived at Brisbane in the early hours of the morning and crashed in mangrove swamps. The niud and undergrowth has hampered recovery of instruments and engines which will be required for the Air Accident enquiry. TilA’s BRISTOL FEEIGHIEE Mk»31M's have arrived in Australia, The first landed at Bahkstosm on 19,5,61 and the second on 26,5,61, Both aircraft have full camouflage with Pakistan Air Force markings painted over, tor the ferry flight, the first carried registration AP-AME and it is ex PAF S4427, Gontrary to the report in the last issue (page 11,25), it will become YH-TBA, The second FEEIGHIEE which is ex PAF S4432 is YH-TBB and this registration has been painted over the oamouflage so that crew training can commence as early as possible while the first aircraft is being overhauled by Bristol Aviation Services, lAA have also bought two additional FEEIGHTEES (PAF' serial nos * S4434 and 443?) to 'sdiich registrations YH-TBC and TBD have been allotted. However, these two may not be activated but may be caahabilise,%;ih“''due course to maintain the first two aircraft. Ansett-AHA's YIGKEES YISGOUIT YH- on a flight from Sydney to Melbourne mid-morning on 27,5,61 made an unscheduled landing at Wagga,- HSW, when Air Traffic Control at Melbourne Airport received a phone call to the effect that a bomb had been placed on the aircraft at Sydney, The aircraft ims cleared and searched but no explosives were found^and the flight continued after a delay of three hours. As a result of a similar alarm several months ago, the airlines and DCA have established procedures to deal with such emergencies. On 26,5,61 BEECH SUPEE^IS-JE628B arrived in Sydney after a five- day ferry flight from USA via OalclandyHonolulu-Canton Island-Hadi-Sydney, The aircraft, which was delivered by two professional ferry pilots, Capt, D, Cairns and First Officer G, Burt, carried a 300 gallon rubber fuel cell in the cabin in place of normal furnishjng. After overhaul by DH at Bankstoim, the aircraft will be used by Flinders Island Airways for delivery of Melbourne newspapers to country tovms in Yictoria,,..and will probably be registered YH-FID, * - 36 - Un 3<«5»61s the first lAI Pacific through-flight by jet arrived at Sydney Airport. Previouslydue to lack of an adequate strip at Tahiti, the DC<=8 flights had terEiimted at loumea and passengers had continued to Los Angeles by DOUGIAS DC-7. Since 20,4,61, LOCKHEED L,749 COISTELLATJOl freighters of Shyways of London have arrived at Sydney Airport each Tuesday night and departed the next afternoon. The aircraft, which have strengthened floors and wide doors, are painted in the blue and white colour scheme of the operator. Two G0ISTELLATI0I5 which have been noted are G-ALAK and G-AMJE, On 20,5,61, a CZL L,20Q Morava (c/n 041l) arrived at BankstoTO as a demonstration aircraft fqr Dulmison Aircraft Ltd, On El.b.Bl, Bahkstown Airport was closed for 30 minutes to permit a number of Czech aircraft to be demonstrated by Dulmison Aircraft Ltd, and for an aerobatic display by the WorldAercfcatic Champion, J» Blaha, in a ZLIN 526 TEEHEE ilASTEE After a formation fly-past by the four aircraft, each made an Individual run before the spectators, Blaha then proceeded iTith a: polished spectacular display of precision aerobatics which left no doubt of his stature in this field. The following aircraft were demonstrated i- CZL L,40 BETA SOKOL YH-DDP CZL L,200 MQEAVA OK-OHC SUPEE AERO 145 ¥Ii-DDH ZLIl 326 TEENER MASTER OK-OHC On 22,5,61, FLETCHER FD-24 'VH-BuM landed at Moorabbin, presumably as a replacement for TO-BOT which had plunged into the Barwon River (see Accidents, page 40), It would be one of the few occasions on which an FU-24 has operated in southern Victoria, all aircraft of this tpje being_ owned by agricultural operators in NSl, On 18.5.61, EDGAE PEECI¥AL EP-9C VE^BOG of the same firm, Airfarm Associates, also visited Moorabbin, A series of moves with interesting aircraft has culminated in the HUITIIG PEECIVAL JET PEuVOST 2 G-AOHD (ex A99-UO1), minus engine, arriving in the Aeronautical Engineering School of Sydney Technical College recently. Eresumbly it will he used as an instmctional airframe by the School. Meanwhile^ th© two SPITFIEES irhich were preTiously owaed by the -Aajronautioal School (see page 1.62) hare moTed again. SUPEEIAEIIE SPITFIEE EeF.YIII MY154 was noted on the grass at Baiikstown on 20,5.61 and was th© subject of imich photographic attention by enthusiasts. It is belieTed that the oimer^, A.J* Oates^ hopes to restore the aircraft to flying condition so that it can be flo'wij^ on a limited C of A at air pageants. The other aircraft^ which ms preTiously in crates^ has been assembled and is now the pr<^©rty of S.D. Marshall^ an aircraft operator in Sydney who owns a number of interesting aircraft. This machine is a SUPEKMARIIE SPITFIRE H.F.YIII MY239 and it was transferred from Bankstown to Marshall's property for storage on E8.5.61. - 37 - The Departmen't of Supply has presented an E«T *¥» IE Experimental Socket to the Sydney M-dseuia of Applied Sciences and the easing on one side will be removed so that the internal equipment will be visible* The rocket ■tms broxight by road from W.R.E.^ ffoomeraj, South Australiaj idiere it had been used for upper atmospheric research and tracking. On 26*5*61, the Minister for Air (Senator lade) announced that sixty members of the BAKF would take part in advanced navigational exercises to Mew Zealand, One flight of three DOUGLAS DAE.OIAS departed on 28,®5e61 and was due to return on 2»6,61, while a second flight of three DAIlOTAs left on 29,5*61 and was due to return on 4,6,61, The aircraft flew from MmF Station East Sale to EAiiF Station Amberleys, Hueensland, then to Horfolk Island and the El^ZAF Station at Wigram, Each aircraft carried two student navigators of the advanced navigation course who took turns in navigating the aircraft. On 22*4,61, the following AVEO LIlCuM ME-.31®s of Ho,10 Squadron, BAiiF, were noted at Garbutt, Queensland s A73-60^ 62, -6§-, 66, 67 and 68, None of these aircraft is flying at present, Another LINCOLN ME, 31 A73-61vwhich 6j" is on the squadron strength is the only one still flying. It appears that a fault has been detected in the wing spars of the LINCULMS and^ in view of the imminent delivery of the HEPTUNES next year (page 11,20), the EAAF elected to ground the aging aircraft rather than expend funds in effecting repairs. Dur­ ing 1959-60., all of the other LINCOLNS still in service at that time were flown to Archerfisldj BrisLanes where they were offered for sale as scrap. These aircraft were dismantled^ stripped of useful parts, and melted down. On 22,5,61,, LOC&IEED U-2 56-6705, piloted by i^jor E. Schueler, made a low run over Melbourne at 2,30 pm while returning'from a-sampling mission over Tasmania, On 29,5,61, at the conclusion of the current upper air survey, the MAHl'IH NB™57*s and DOUGLAb 8C~54*s departed from East Gale for Amberley, Queensland, where they wmited until SlssS^Sl when the three LOCEEEED D=.2’s departed from East Sale direct to Hadi^, P'iji, Contributions' to the Monthly Ibtes have been made by E. Allen, T, Boughton, B* P’oley, N« Follett, D, Johnson and P, Picketts, ATALON IHTEEIATIOML AIE PAGEANT? JlDDEHDA The following list of aircraft which were noted at Avalon on Sunday, 26th, Febmary, has been supplied by G, Hayward to supplement the list given on page 11,13 HOT PEESEHTs CAC CEEPiS -VH-SSIsI CESSNA 172 TO-B¥ifJ| SAiiB SAFIE YH-AHA ADDITIOHAL s CESSNA 172 ra~EJE 172B YH-CFB SKILAEIL YE«G11 D.H, TIGER MOTH Yli-SSH (Spray demonstration in lieu of ’SSY) PIPER TEIPACEE TH-BMD, MOP, STC - S8 PHOTO PAGE - 2 (1) C.A.C, CA27 SABEE F»52 A94~S58g Eighth of the extension contract for 21 aircrafts this SABRE carries the markings of lo,75 (F) Squadronj EAAF_c Photo, at RA&F Station, Williamtowa;—RS# Sources C,A» Lynch FBimch (2) DE EA¥ILLM3) DHA-g DROVER Mk«5 VH-FDA; The first of six DEOVEiiS to be re-engined with 180 hp Lycoming 0-360AiA engines for the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (see page I»44) Sources E«A* Allen Photo, at Banlcstowp, HSW (s) C.A«C. CA16 WIEltAWAY III FH-SSG g This WIREAWAY (©x A20-696) was one of the two to be added to the civil register# Superspread Aviation equipped them for crop-spraying but they were found to be unsuitable and were de­ leted in mid-1956.
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