www.ukrweekly.com fiCJf"C І. Г- - д сл 3" га Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! rainian Weekly Vol. Lil No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1984 25 cents Moskai installed as bishop Marchenko gets 15 years of newly created eparchy NEW YORK.— Ukrainian human- rights activist Valeriy Marchenko was PARMA, Ohio - Bishop Robert M sentenced in Kiev on March 14 to 10 Moskai was recently installed as the years in a labor camp and five years' first bishop of the newly created Ukrai­ internal exile, reported the External nian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat Representation of the Ukrainian Hel­ reported. The Way, a Ukrainian Catho­ sinki Group here. lic weekly published in Philadelphia. Mr. Marchenko was found guilty of The installation-took place at the St. "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" Josaphat Astrodome on Wednesday, under Article 62 of the Ukrainian February 29, amid blizzard conditions Criminal Code. The charges stemmed which left the Greater Cleveland area from his alleged activities while impri­ covered with' 18 inches of snow. The soned in a labor camp from 1973 to weather prevented Apostolic Delegate 1981. Pio Laghi and other Catholic hierarchs The witnesses against the 36-year old from attending the historic ceremonies. author and translator included labor- However, Metropolitan Stephen camp administrators and agents of the Sulyk of Philadelphia received full KGB, the secret police. The verdict was authorization from the papal delegate read by H.l. Zubets, an assistant to and conducted the official ceremonies chairman of the Kiev city court. creating the new eparchy and installing The 15-year sentence was the the new bishop. maximum allowed under the statute for a repeat offender. , The day began with a procession of Vateriy Marchenko school children, members of Ukrainian .Mr. Ma,rchcnko is said to be extre­ youth organizations, faithful, clergy mely ill. A March 12 court session was the proceedings. and hierarchy into the auditorium. reportedly postponed for a day because According to the external Repre­ According to America, the Ukrainian of the defendant's poor health. Mr. sentation, Mr. Marchenko suffers from Catholic daily, over 1,300 people at­ Marchenko was reportedly unable to high blood pressure brought– on by a tended the installation and liturgy. stand and remained seated throughout serious kidney ailment. ..After Metropolitan Sulyk read the official Roman decree, the Revs. Leo Adamiak and Ivan Tylawskyj read the papal bulls concerning the new eparchy. KGB investigator in Marchenko case After the readings, Metropolitan Sulyk installed Bishop Moskai as the first involved in 1978 death of dissident eparch of the St. Josaphat Eparchy. NEW YORK - A KGB investigator, nally ill with cancer, was reportedly Following the ceremonies, the divine already responsible for the death of at killed for renouncing an alleged recan­ liturgy was celebrated by the new least one Ukrainian political prisoner, is tation. eparch. Concelebrants included: Bishop assigned to the case of recently sen­ Mr. Marchenko, a well-known U– Michael Hrynchyshyn of Paris, Byzan­ tenced dissident Valeriy Marchenko. krainian author and translator, was tine Rite Metropolitan Stephen Kocisco according to a March 19 appeal issued sentenced on March 14 in Kiev to 10 of Pittsburgh and Auxiliary Bishop John by the External Representation of the years in a labor camp and five years' Bilock; Passaic Auxiliary Bishop An­ Ukrainian Helsinki Group here. internal exile after being convicted of drew Pataki, Latin Rite Archbishop The group reported that the investi­ "anti-Soviet agitation and propa­ Daniel F. Pilarczyk of Cincinnati; gator in the Marchenko case, a Kiev ganda." Bishop Anthony M. Pilla of Cleveland KGB officer named Slobozheniuk. is The External Representation's ap­ and Auxiliary Bishop A. Edward Pevec; the same man responsible for torturing peal was addressed to leaders of govern­ Bishop James R. Hoffman of Toledo; \o death imprisoned human-rights ments that signed the Helsinki Accords, and Philadelphia Auxiliary Bishops activist Heli Snehiriov in 1978. Mr. human-rights organizations, religious Bishop Robert Moskai (Continued on page 13) Snehiriov, who at the time was termi– leaders, professional societies of physi– c ,s. writers and journalists, and people of good will. The appeal also included the text of a Ukrainian Research Program started at U. of Illinois March 17 telegram sent by Mr. Mar– chen!.o's mother. Nina, to Pope John URBAN А, Щ. - After much prepa­ can be independent scholars and pro­ on Ukrainian subjects at the University Paul II in which she asked the pontiff to ration and negotiations with authorities fessors of collegesand universities of the of Illinois; and further developing the help save her ailing son. of the University of Illinois at Urbana– United States and other Western coun­ Ukrainian collection at the University Champaign, a Ukrainian Research tries, who specialize in Ukrainian of Illinois Library. "My son is a practicing Christian who has never broken any precepts of the Program has been established at this studies. The URP executive committee will Christian faith," wrote Mrs. Mar­ university. A meeting that officially The executive committee of URP cooperate with other Ukrainian and chenko. "He has been sentenced a started the program was held oh consists of– the following professors: non-Ukrainian scholarly and academic second time to 15 years of imprison­ February 20. Nicholas. Britsky, Nick Holonyak, Jr., institutions, especially those that are ment and is dying in prison." The Ukrainian Research Program Wolodymyr J. Minkowycz, Bohdan involved in research and studies on (URP) will function as an autonomous Rubchak, Roman E. Tymchyshyn and Ukrainian subjects. Mr. Marchenko, 36, is said to be in institution with its own executive Dmytro M. Shtohryn, who is the chair­ The need for a research institution on failing health due to a kidney ailment. committee, research advisory council, person of the program. Ukrainian subjects at one of the Mid­ He was previously imprisoned from and associates. The URP will concentrate mainly on: western universities has been apparent 1973 to 1981. According to its by-laws the pro­ organizing scholarly conferences and for years. It.was especially widely The External Representation also gram's executive committee consists of publishing their proceedings; support­ discussed during the past two confe­ said that Mr. Marchenko's mother was the faculty members of the University of ing its associates and other scholars, as rences at the University of Illinois. As a not allowed to see her son following the Illinois, while its associates and mem­ well as graduate students in research on result of those discussions and numerous trial. After appealing to Soviet leader bers of the research advisory'council Ukrainian subjects; supporting courses (Continued on page 13) (Continued on page 2) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1984 No. 13 Two Western journalists Disabled prisoners in USSR grilled by Polish authorities victimized by penal system WARSAW - Polish authorities on could not reveal my sources of informa­ March 19 questioned two news corres­ tion, and they seemed to accept this," JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Although suffers form chronic pneumonia, pondents — an American and a Briton Mr. Ruane said. the first article in the Russian SFSR sclerosis of the aorta, total atrophy of — in the investigation of a human- Mr. Kifner said that during an hour Criminal Code and the criminal the left eye and partial atrophy of the rights lawyer who is accused of "slander­ of questioning he declined to disclose codes of the union republics state right eye. Although during his first ing the state," reported the Associated any information about possible contact that prison sentences do not have as incarceration he was released early Press. with Mr. Sila-Nowicki. their objective the infliction of physi­ due to illness, he was rearrested in The reporters, John Kifner of The He added that the interrogating cal suffering or the degradation of 1981 for "pension violations" and is New York Times and Kevin Ruane of officers reminded him that refusal to human dignity, many disabled and not due to be released until 1994. the BBC, were questioned about their answer questions was punishable by up ailing prisoners may be found " When Yuriy Lytvyn is released contacts with the lawyer, Wladyslaw to five years' imprisonment, but they languishing in the USSR's labor and in 1987, he will be close to 55 years Sila-Nowicki. did not press the point. prison camps, according to a recent ol"d, and will have spent some 23 Mr. Ruane, the BBC reporter, was Mr. Sila-Nowicki was questioned for Radio Liberty research report. years in Soviet penal camps, serving questioned two hours and was asked 30 minutes on March P, but so far The report states that invalid five terms. Mr. Lytvyn, a member of how he obtained a copy of a letter formal charges have not been brought prisoners may be found in every the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, first addressed by Mr. Sila-Nowicki to Gen. against him and he remains at liberty. camp as well as in special camps for fell ill in 1974 when serving a term for Wojciech Jaruzeski, the Polish leader. The Polish press often criticizes invalids. Very often, dissidents who "slandering the Soviet state." He In what Mr. Sila-Nowicki later said individual - foreign reporters for their entered the camps in good health then underwent surgery for a per­ was an "open letter," he protested to dispatches from Poland. The interroga­ become invalids as a result of incar­ forated ulcer. He continues до, suffer Gen. Jaruzelski that another lawyer had tions today were the first of Western ceration, harsh work conditions, from a variety of stomach disorders been jailed to block him from present­ journalists since a United Press Inter­ poor quality of food, lack of medical connected with his ulcer surgery.
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