PONTEFHACT. WEST RIDING YORKSHIRE. 906 BOROUGH ~IAGISTRATES. Stubbs, Darrington, Eggborough, Elrnsall( North & South I, John Rl1ndes (mayor) Charles Grabham M.D Faix·burn, Featherstone, Ferrybridge, Poulby, Garforth, Wal!Pr Hurl:lt Harher (ex- Henry M us croft Gla!<!s Hough ton, Hard wick (East & West), Heck, Hems­ rnnvnr) l\1 ark Pearson worth, Hensall, Hessle, Hill Top, Hillam, HudJle~ton­ Geor~e ~cott Robson William Booth CURl-Lumby, Huntwick and Nostell, Hut Green,Kelling­ Jol1n Moxnn \\'illiam E. Carter ley, Kellington, Kippax, Kirkhy (South), Knottingley, John Hartley Ledsham, Ledstone, Methley, l\licklefield, Milford, Monk Rohert Ox IPV• Da v 1d Lon~rstaff Williarn Mathers · Frystone, Monkhill, Newmarket, Newton-in-the- Willow~, John Routliti!!e . Newthorpe, Pontefract, Preston (Great & Little), Jlurs­ Cl,·rk, Ed ward TJ enr~· Colernan ton J aglin, Roall, Skelbrooke, Smeaton (Kirk & Littlt), Sittings held in the Town hall every monday, or daily it Stapleton, Stubhs Walden, Suttun, Tanshelf, Thorp Aud­ nece:;sary lin, Toll Hill, Tranmoor, Upton, Wentbridge, Whitley, Whitwood, Womersley & \Vragby f'OHPORATION. Burial Board, James Goddard, clerk & registrar Jt,fayor, John Rhodes esq. Dispensary, Southgate, T. W. Tew J .P. treasurer; W. Recorder, Heaton Cadman esq. Harrison, resident surgeon; Mr:0. Elizh. Addy, matron Fire Brigade, Paul Lindley, superintendent .Aldermen. Fire Engine, at Water works, Tanshelf, James Turpin, John Moxon John Rout1idge manager George Sco1t Robson William Geld er Inland Revenue Office, ' Green Dragon ' Edwin Gott John Andrew Phillips Borough Police Station, Town hall, Edwin FearnsiJe, superintendent; medical officer, H. Muscroft; sergeants, 1'ou·u Council. Joseph Millett & John Huntington; & 5 constables West ·ward. Public Baths, Tanshelf, J ames Turpin, manager Stamp Office, 'Advertiser' office, Rd. Holmes,distributor William Fost.Pr John Rhodes William R. Maud Thomas Wordsworth MILITARY, William Mather:~ Richard S. Blackburn Brigade Depots 7 & 8 (depots of 51st, 65th, 81th & JO."Jth South Ward. Foot Regiments).-Head-quarters, CQ].. Frederick Hard.'", commanding brigade depots; Capt. E. R. Bromheac.J, Franci~ WUJiam Pease Robert Marshall acting adjutant; Major G. Hlurton, paymaster J ames Thackray Charles Addingley West York Militia (1st) (Rifles).-Head-quarters, Col. Francis Stephenson Edward Wordsworth Alex. Aitken, lt.-col. commandant; Capt. J. L. Reid, ill­ .North Ward. structor of musketry; Capt. N. H uskisson, adjutant; Henry Pangbourn, quartermaster; Surg.-~lajor Henry J ames l\I ox on Walter Hurst Barker l\I uscroft, medical officer Reu twn \V uss George• Barstow W11st York llfilitia (3rd) (Light Infantry).- Head­ William Conder George Grandidge quarter!', Col. Edward Prothero, lieut.-col. commandant; Town Clerk, Edmund Henry Colemau, Ropergate Captain J. R. Bottomley, instructor of musketry; Captain Cl~;1k ot th ... Peace, Johu Foster Arthur H. Luck, adjutant; Richard Southwell, qnarter- Tn:asurera, M essr·~. Leatham, 'few & Co 1 master; Surgeon-Major Henry M uscroft, medical officer Borouyh .. 1 ccuuntant, ~tuart Lowden Eighth (A. Company) West Riding Yorkshire Rifle Borouyh Rat~; Coll~;ctor, :-'tnart Lowden Volunteers, Captain Waiter B. Arundel.; Rev. James J. Boruuyh 11 ater Hate Collector: Stuart Lowden Christie, acting chaplain School AttY-r1dance U.f{ict!r, C. A. Swale~ PONTEFRACT UNION. Baili.lffor the Honor of Pont~>fract, Charles A. Swales, , Tan~lielf The Union Workhouse was erected in 1864, at a cost o I' Insp~;ctor of Common Lodging Houses, Weiyhta ~ £11,000; it is situated on a declivity north of the town, Mra.•ure~ .re. Edwiu Fearn~ide & is a handsome & spacious building, capable of contain­ Boruuyh ( hiP.f' Constahle, Edwi11 Fearnside, Town Hall ing 200 inmates. The union comprise;, the followir.g •.,·uperiuten'ifm.t of Police ji1r the Upper Division of places, vi;:.: Ackton, Balne, Beal or Beaghal, Birkin, o.~yolrlcros~. Thomas \"1-. hiucup, Sessions house Brotherton, Burton Salmon, Byram-cum-Pool, Carleton, Sup ... rint~11dent of Waterworks, James Turpin Castleford, Cridling Stubbs, Darrington, Eggboroug-h, .ME:UBgRt; OF PARLIAMENT:- Fairbairn, Feathcrston, Ferry Fryst,m, Gl11ss Houghton, Rt. Ho11. Hugh Cuilmg Eardley Cllilders P.c.,J.P. 17 East Hardwkk, Heck, Hensall, Hillam, Kellingtun, Prince's gardens s.w.; & Athemeum & Brooks's club, Knottingley, Methley, Monk Fryston, Monkhill, Ponte­ LorJdon s.UJ fract, Pontefract Park, Purston Jaglin, Snydale, Staple­ :-;' dne~ W oolf e~q. Ferry Bridge house, Knottingley ton, Sutton, Tanshelf, "Whitley, Wuitwood & Wormsley; Returniny Ujjicer, The Mayor gros~ estimated reutal,£253,036; rateable value,£:21.5,873. }NSURANC~; AGENTS:- Board day, alternate saturdays, 10 a.m. at the Board room County /-'ire~ Provid~;nt L~/e,Foster &Raper,Ropergate at the workhouse. (hm~;ral, C. 1'. Richards, He,·k's court Clerk to Guardian.~, William Savile Wood, Corn market Uresham Lite, T. Harker, Northgate Deputy Clerk, Wi\Jiam Abbott Glover, Highfield,Pontefraet Hand in lia11d, S. Lowden, Ropergate Treasurer, Gemge II. Locking esq. Leeds & County Bank, Lancashi.,.e, L{. Holmes, Market place Pontefract Liverpool~ London~ Glohe, J. Walker, Market place Assistant Overseerfor Pontefract Township, Stuart Low­ London A .~.~urance Corporation, Anmdel &Son, Hopergte den, Ropergate J.llauche.~l~;r F1re, R. S. Hlackburn, jun. Market place Collector fur the Township, Stuart Lowden, Ropergate ~'Vorth B-ittsh ~ llftrcantil~;, W. J. Booth, Leeds & R~;lieving Officers, Thoma" Leng, Tanshelf (for .No. 1 dis­ County tnw k trict), Fredk. Lindley, of Castleford (for No. 2 district) l•/orwtch Unwn Fire, J. Kaberry, Ropergate Jlfedical O.fjice1·s, H. C. Grimwood, Pontcfract; Erasmu~ Pha:nix Fire, A. Wordsworth, Market place Stone, Knotti11gley; J a me~ Hanks, Snaith & J ame,o . Royal, C. C. Hpink, Market pi.; W. Vaughan, Northgate Edward Wales, Hrotherton (for No. 1 district), E. \Y. Scuttish Equitable L'lj'e, W. J. Booth, Leeds & County Kemp, Castleford; Alexander Buncle, Purstan & G. \\'. Hank Wigin, Methley (for No. 2 district) Scottish Union~ National Fire ~ Life, T. Whiteoak, Public Vaccinators, H. C. Grimwood, Pontcfract (for No. l\ ati"••al ~c:houls; & J. Smith 1 district), Alexander Buncle, Purston Jaglin (~o. 2 di·­ Scottish Widows' Fund, W. R. Mauu, .Market place; J. trict), Thomas Percival Knottingley (No. 3 district), A. Plliilit'B, Elm grove James Edward Wales, Brotherton ( N"o. 4 district), Thos. Sun Fire, J. A. Pllillips, Market place Perci val, Knotting·ley (No. 5 district), Ebe11ezer Walker »"t".•f minsler Fire, T. Hark er, N orthgate Kemp, Castleford (No. 6 district), & Thomas Taylor, York.,hire Fire~ L~fe, W. & W. S. Wood, Corn market Methley (No. 7 district) PUBLIC E,.TABLISHMENTS :- VacC?.natwn Ujficer, Stuart Lowden, Ropergate Cuunty Court, Town ball, F. A. Bed well e8q. judge; John Sup1rintend~;rd Registrar, Wm. Sa vile Wood, Corn market \\ill mm San~ster, r~:gistrar & high bailitf; W. A.Chappel, Regist·rar of llfarriages, J ames Deacon, Corn market 8S'listar1t. r~:git~trar. The court is held monthly; the di,;­ Registrars of BirthiJ ~ Deaths with their Districts:- trict cumprr,.es the following places, viz.: Aketon, Ack­ Thomas Leng (residence, Tanshelf); Ackton, Carleton, worth, Allertou Bywater, A,tJey, Hadsworth, Halne1 Heal Darrington, East Hard wick, Feather::~tone, .Muukhill, or Heaghall, Birkiu, Hracknell, Brotherton, Burt.on Sal­ Pontefract, Puntefi:act Park, Purston, Snydale, Stapletoa own, Hyram-cum-Poole, Carleton, C~stleford, Crjdling & Tanshelf .
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