Commitment of Top Management Sustainability Management Environment Social Governance ESG Data Social Contribution Activities FY2019 Materiality Targets and Results : As planned : Delayed Self- Details of Main Initiatives FY2019 Target Indicator FY2019 Results Evaluation Undertake activities in cooperation with local Social contribution expenditure: 1�0% of ordinary income*1 Social contribution expenditure as a percentage 3�28% communities, NGOs, and other organizations *1 Ordinary income for MMC on a non-consolidated basis of ordinary income Breakdown of Social Contribution Expenditures*2 Social Contribution Activities Policy Social Contribution Activities Policy (¥ million) To address diversifying social issues, MITSUBISHI FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 In April 2020, we formulated a wider-ranging social MOTORS carries out its STEP social contribution activ- Society 132 116 118 contribution activities policy to help address increas- ities, focused on four main themes, standing for the Traffic safety 10 8 21 first letters of Society, Traffic safety, Environment and Environment 135 37 32 ingly diverse global social issues� In addition to con- People 206 225 169 People� Based on this policy, we will continue to con- tinuing with ongoing efforts, the policy calls for us to Support for tribute to society by utilizing each and every employ- step up activities through alliances in key markets� disaster-strick- 25 62 60 ee's skills and know-how as well as our technologies en areas To make more people aware of these activities, we and products, aiming to create a better society where Other*3 33 33 43 have coined a new phrase for communications, “STEP people can hope for a better future� Total 540 480 442 to the future,” and established a logo mark� expenditure *2 Social contribution expenditures including donations as well as Logo Mark for Social Contribution Activities in-kind benefits, employee activities, and free use of company facilities converted into monetary equivalents� However, it does The figure shows how our circle of activity in STEP not include fund-raising and volunteer activities individually areas expands outward from the center� conducted by employees� Figures for FY2017 and FY2018 are for MMC on a non-consoli- dated basis� Payments in FY2019 are on a consolidated basis� *3 Including support for sporting activities, donations to the Mit- subishi Foundation, etc� MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION Sustainability Report 2020 ◀ 75 ▶ Back to Contents ▶▶ Commitment of Top Management Sustainability Management Environment Social Governance ESG Data these efforts are Supporting Measures to Address COVID-19 MITSUBISHI MOTORS STEP Funds and gaining traction� By Matching Gift Program building a library To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, at overseas and assembly hall, subsidiaries we provided vehicles so healthcare The MITSUBISHI MOTORS STEP Funds, introduced in we have provided workers to travel to medical institutions� We also April 2009, is a structure through which employees can a place for regular contributed protective clothing and masks� continuously participate in social contribution activities gatherings� Decorations that incorporate In Japan, MITSUBISHI MOTORS plants produced by voluntarily donating fixed sums to the funds� Through this children’s ideas face shields, which we donated to local governments These funds are then used for to support activities in support, we aim and medical institutions� developing countries and areas struck by the Great to provide a place for diverse activities that will help By taking advantage of the expertise we have East Japan Earthquake, in line with the children enjoy prosperous growth� cultivated in the development and production of purposes of MITSUBISHI MOTORS’ social * A community group for children that is promoted and support- automobiles, as well as by making use of factory contribution activities� The company ed by World Vision� In addition to such life skills as reading and facilities, we are working with national and local writing, the forum provides an opportunity to discuss school also matches donations made by the and regional issues and a venue for social participation activities governments as well as related organizations around MITSUBISHI MOTORS STEP Funds� leveraging regional management� the world on ongoing measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19� Support Recipient ”Forest Wooden Building Block Project” for children World Vision Japan The concept of this project is to present nurseries and OISCA International (The Organization for Industrial, kindergartens with cozy wooden building blocks for Spiritual and Cultural Advancement-International) enhancing the children’s creativity through block play, The MICHINOKU Future Fund which are made of Japanese cypress comes from Kindergartens, Nursery schools, elementary schools, etc�, near MITSUBISHI MOTORS workplaces forestry thinning operations mainly in Hayakawa-cho, located in the prefecture of Yamanashi, where we Providing vehicles to the Donated face shields Department of Transportation carry out our forest conservation activities� in the Philippines Support for Construction of a Children’s Forum* In addition, we have newly started “Employee Pre- Measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 Library and Assembly Hall senting Project” through which our employees hand https://www�mitsubishi-motors�com/en/sustainability/contribution/ With cooperation from World Vision Japan, an inter- society/relief/covid-19/ out the set of forest wooden building blocks through national NGO, we have supported the construction of our internal donation funds to a nursery or kindergar- a library and assembly hall for the Children’s Forum in ten of their choice� the city of Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia� In fiscal 2019, we presented An increasing number of people are participating blocks to 70 kindergartens in Children’s Forum activities, which are recognized and nursery schools� The as positive examples of leading regional change, and blocks have been donated to Building blocks made from MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION 325 kindergartens since 2010� thinned cypress Sustainability Report 2020 ◀ 76 ▶ Back to Contents ▶▶ Commitment of Top Management Sustainability Management Environment Social Governance ESG Data Helping to Build a Bridge along a School Com- Society Environment muting Route in Vietnam Mitsubishi Motors Vietnam Co�, Ltd� (MMV), in cooper- Donating an EV as a Regional Patrol Vehicle ation with the Vietnam Red Cross Society, participated Forest Preservation Activities We donated a MINICAB-MiEV electric vehicle to the in a project to build a bridge for children on a school MITSUBISHI MOTORS is collaborating with OISCA to Kitano School District in the city of Okazaki, Aichi Pre- commuting route in Thới Lai District, contributing 926 preserve forests in Hayakawa-cho, Yamanashi Pre- fecture, located near our Okazaki Plant� The vehicle is million Vietnamese dong (around ¥4�2 million) toward fecture, while interacting with the local community being used as a “blue-light safety patrol” car� construction costs� In the past, elementary school through volunteer activities� These activities aim This car patrols the neighborhood to help prevent children crossed the river in small boats� The new to protect metropolitan water sources and spread crime and play a role in bridge, built by the Viet- awareness of the environment among our employees� safety activities� Its bat- nam Red Cross Society to In fiscal 2019, under the direction of the Hayaka- help reduce the number tery can also be used as wa-cho forest union, 97 volunteer employees and of accidents and make an external power source their family members travel to and from school at events or to supply trimmed undergrowth, safer, was completed in electricity in emergencies� Ceremony for the donation of March 2020� A bridge on the school com- while 80 new employees muting rout uniquely wrapped vehicle worked on thinning and Dissemination of maintaining sidewalks Traffic Safety Information for Children within the forest� Traffic safety Website for Children “Do You Know the Answer? Traf- Trimming undergrowth in planted areas fic Safety Quiz” Joint study in Indonesia Using EVs Traffic safety around business sites On the “Why? Why? Car Development Research Employees regularly serve as traffic safety sentries on Group” website that was designed to provide infor- In August 2019, MITSUBISHI MOTORS participated in a the roads around our business sites, helping to ensure mation on the automobile industry to elementary joint study on renewable energy management being safe commutes to school and work� school age children, there is a webpage about traffic carried out by Indonesia’s Agency for the Assessment In fiscal 2019, employees in our business sites par- safety using a quiz format to introduce traffic rules and Application of Technology and Kyudenko Corpora- ticipated in such activities 39 times in total� and manners they should follow when walking or rid- tion on the Indonesian island of Sumba� We participated ing a bicycle in their day-to-day activities� In April 2019, a team of Mitsubishi safety sentries in the study with an i-MiEV electric vehicle and a quick In 2019, we aug- took part in the Ieyasu Pro- charger� On remote islands, where sourcing gasoline mented the daytime cession in the city of Oka- can be difficult, we are schemes with evening contributing to efforts to zaki, Aichi Prefecture, help- scenarios, which present help Indonesian people ing to secure the safety of new
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