Campagne de souscription CapitalCampaign de l'UniversiteConcordia Concordia University Batisoons ensemble ~ Building together Senate halts as students walk out By Carole l{leingrib Senate's first a ttempt to debate the five Calling the Phase II report a " mother­ poss ible m issions fo r Concordia men­ hood statement," the students said the tioned in the Ph ase 11 report of the Univer­ document should be re-written in order to ' sity's Mi ssio n and Strategy-Development " re-focus its direction ." Study never got off the ground last Friday· On another front, Division I Dean Don because 13 studen ts senators walked out, T addeo presented Sena te with his own forcing the cha irman to adjourn for lack "ana lys is o f the situa ti on and interpreta­ of quorum. ti on of the Phase II report" . Speaking " not T he student senators had earlier pres­ as a member o f the Phase II Steering ented two motions, one calling for the Committee nor as Dean of Div ision I, bu t Phase II report to be re-written; the otheF rather as a member of Sena te," Taddeo requesti n-g that stud ents. a n d fa culty expressed his concern abo ut wha t he feels members be repn::sented on the Committee is the lack o f any cl ear context for d iscus­ on Institutional Strategy formed to over­ sion of the•Mi ~sion Study issue, see implemen tation of the Miss ion Study, Taddeo suppli_ed da ta o n Concordia 's The first motion was defeated; the second place in the Quebec unive rsity network, was ta bl ed. drawing on a March 1982 study conducted by the Direction generale de l'ense igne­ 11 11 1111111 ment et de la recherche universitaires. Working from the data, T addeo expanded ~ 11111 111111111111 o n three of the opportunities from Phase Constitu tion expert David Milne, a Political Science professor at the University of • 1111111111111111111 II, namely a commitment to educa tion for Prince Edward Isla nd, will talk on " The Making of the New Canadian 111111111111111111111 the entire community; provision of a per­ Constitution" ,.on February 9 at 3:15 p.m. in the Bryan Building, R oom 204, L oyola sonal education in two distinctive set­ Campus, and oi:z February JO at 10:15 a.m. in th e H all Building, room 820, SG W · 11111 11111 tings; ·and provision of quality research Campus. M ilne is the author of a recently published book, The New Canadian 11111 000 11111 and services to the Quebec community. By Constitution (L orim er, 1982). H e also participated in the constitutional negotiations do ing so he said he hoped to provoke a as a m_ember of the PEI delegation. · 11111 000000 11111 serious debate and "arrive at a clear image 11111 000000000 11111 ,of what Concordia University will be in 11111 ·000000000 11111 the year 2001/2002." T addeo's attempt to spark discussion 11111 0000000 11111 got bogged down in a long procedural Geography prof. to publish 11111 0000000 11111 debate, however, invo lving Senate Steer­ 11111 0000000 11111 ing Committee Chairman, J.P. Brunet, student senators Paul Arnkvarn and Glen World War II experiences 11111 0000000 11111 Murray, Division IV Provost Martin Sin­ 11111 0000000 11111 ger and Rector John O 'Brien . By Ray Antrim lltll 0000000 11111 Among other things the student sena­ There have been many allusions to the Commonweaith Visiting Forces Act of tors wanted to know who specifically not-so pleasant side o f Canada's relation- 1933, Canadian Rersonnel pay Canadian 11111 0000000 11111 would be responsible for the preparation ship with England. Sam Steele· told the taxes. And because we were serving over­ 11111 0000000 11111 of Phase III of the Mission Study, They English where to get off when they wanted seas, we were exempt fr om Canadian in­ 11111 0000000 11111 also expressed their concern about what to break up the Canadian Army in World -.... come taxes, " he recall ed. they perceive as a lack of student partici­ War I, and in World War II, General The RAF m an was unmo ved. " So I got 11111 0000000 11111 pation on such a fundamental issue as McNaughton had to fight the battle a ll off a letter to Vincent Massey, o ur high 11111 0000000· 11111 planning for the University's future. over again. commissioner. I got a letteF back saying: • 111110000000000011111 O 'Brien 'later stepped down from the But what mattered more to Canada's 'You are right Sergeant. You an · not to pay Chair to issue a statement about the gen­ 73 ,000 airmen in the war was the valiant British income tax.' " 111110000000000011111 eral confusion surrounding the purpose defence of their pay packets in a singular But the RAF was unmoved by a directive 11111 11111 of the strategic planning process. action at.an RAF station outside of Lon- from Canada House. ' 111111111111111111111 O'Brien summarized the events leading don. The hero of the day was none <1ther "So I sent another letter to Vincent Mas. 1111111111111111111 to the creation of the Fahey Committee than Concordia geography professor Do- sey and a nother to my MP in Eglington. and th-e involvement of the Peat.Marwick nald Fraser, then a 24 -year-old sergeant• Three days later I was called to headquar­ 11111111111111111 consultants in the planning process. Ac­ pilot. ters and the squadron leader said: 'Special 11111111111 cording to the Rector much of the confu­ Fraser, now 65, had just spent 23 days signal from Air Ministry. All tax deducted crossing the Atlantic from Halifax via ice- from Canadian aircrew refurided·soonest.' " 'The Birth of God by Lionel Keams, sion existing today derives from the fact land. "They handed us three quid and I The incident was illustrative of the see the interview with Concordia's that "the Peat Marwick and Fahey ap­ Writer-in-Residence, page 5. proaches emerged separately and inde­ said: 'Just a moment. I reckon we should plight of the RCAF in World War II. Can­ pendently, yet in the same time frames." get 12 or 15. And the guy says: 'Sorry, we adians as well as other Commonwealth O'Brien went on to say that the Fahey kept the difference for British income tax.'" personel, were kept in the ranks when they • Businessmen Peter Committee (established because the Uni­ What the British didn't know was that should have become officers. Bronfman, Jean de versity seemed to be heading at that time they were dealing with a former Canadian The RCAF was founded in 1922. In Grand pre & R. T Riley t~ward a financial crisis) 11as been "a great infantry officer steeped in military law 1939, two Toronto squadrons of ~ysander disappointment," because it made no re­ and a science graduate frorn the Universit)'. bombers were sent of to England to fight explain -Why they are com!llendations about University priori­ of Torono. The only n'ason Fraser was a the "Phoney War" before Dunkirk. But helping Concordia, ties for. the l980's, concentrating instead . sergeant was that it was the fastest way for after that most Canadian aircrew fell into on organizational and administrative a Canadian to become a pilot. some thing ·called the British, Empire- page 4. matters. " ! told him that under the British Commonwealth Air Training Scheme. See "SENATE" page 2. Ser " FRASER" pag<' 6. 2 The Thursday Report J acques bangevin was born in Mont­ SEN A TE cont/nued fro_m page I. real. He grew up in Outremont, mixing easi'l y in the English- and French­ " Now", O 'Brien continued, "for. the speaking distric t.. " I learned most of my Referring to the Mission Study Phase I first time ever we .have a proposal before us Eng)ish from my English-speaking group, the Rector explained that these for a Concordia University Mission, a nd friends in {he neighbourhood. From "outsiders" were asked to prepare a prop­ we can either adjourn deba te for another · there the family moved to the East End osal suggesting what the University might six months or consider these principles when I was eigh t, but my capacity to do in the future, based o n their so unding and find out whether we agree with them speak the language springs from that of internal and external interests. Apart or no t. " According to O 'Brien, Senate time. It's my feeling that for someone to 1rom a few weaknesses, the consulta nts must register its position on something acquire bilingualism you have to start met the~r mandate, O 'Brien said, adding and present a report to the Board of Gov­ at an early age." tha t, unfortuna tely, " the exercise p roved ernors by April. H e now resides on the South Shore once again that the outside world, repres­ When asked by Communication Studies with his ·wife and three children. ented here by Peat, Marwick and Partners, Associate Professor William Gilsdorf if he In his spare time, Langevin gets is no t adept at communicating with the wou.ld guarantee that students and faculty Jacques Langevin away from work's hectic acti vity, in­ academic world .. .a nd the University, in would have input in the wording· of the Director, Division II, volving himself in downhill s~iing, or turn, is not very open to what ou tsiders . fina l document, O 'Brien replied that rec Distribution hunting moose up in the wilderness say." presentation is assured through Senate, near Parent, Q uebec.
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