Design & Access Statement North Lodge Farm, Forest Road Hayley Green, Warfi eld FOREST ROAD Reserved Ma� ers Planning Applica� on April 2021 Contents 1.0 Introduc� on 4.0 Design Process 1.1 The purpose of this document ............................................. 4 4.1 Objec� ves ........................................................................... 28 1.2 Site loca� on .......................................................................... 4 4.2 Ini� al pre-applica� on discussions ...................................... 28 1.3 Planning background ............................................................ 5 4.3 Pre-applica� on submission ................................................ 29 2.0 The Exis� ng Site & Context 5.0 Proposals 2.1 Site descrip� on ..................................................................... 8 5.1 Design Concept ................................................................... 32 2.2 Site photographs ................................................................ 10 5.2 Layout ................................................................................. 34 2.3 Local context.................................................................. 12-14 5.3 Amount ............................................................................... 36 2.4 Topography ......................................................................... 15 5.4 Scale ................................................................................... 38 2.5 Ecology ............................................................................... 16 5.5 Access ............................................................................ 40-45 2.6 Flood Risk ........................................................................... 16 5.6 Appearance ................................................................... 46-55 2.7 U� li� es ............................................................................... 17 5.7 Landscape strategy ............................................................. 54 2.8 Trees ................................................................................... 18 5.8 Drainage strategy................................................................ 56 5.9 Crime preven� on and community safety ........................... 57 3.0 Design Framework 5.10 Inclusiveness - access for all ............................................... 57 3.1 Introduc� on ........................................................................ 20 5.11 Sustainability ...................................................................... 58 3.2 Na� onal Planning Policy Framework .................................. 20 3.3 The Na� onal Design Guide ................................................. 20 6.0 Conclusion 3.4 Local planning policy .......................................................... 21 6.1 Conclusion .......................................................................... 62 3.5 Other design guidance ....................................................... 21 3.6 Site constraints ................................................................... 22 3.7 Site opportuni� es ............................................................... 24 3.8 Site access .......................................................................... 26 20041 : March 2021 Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number 100007327 2 Team Applicant and Planning Consultant: Vanderbilt Homes Tel: 01494 685930 www.vanderbilthomes.co.uk Architect: OSP Tel: 01252 267878 www.osparchitecture.com Landscape Consultant: ACD Environmental Tel: 01666 825646 www.acdenvironmental.co.uk Drainage and Transport Consultant: Odyssey Tel: 01256 331144 www.odysseyconsult.co.uk Arboricultural Consultant: Greengage Tel: 0203 544 4000 www.greengage-env.com North Lodge Farm, Forest Road, Hayley Green, Warfi eld | Design & Access Statement 3 Strong foundati ons Vanderbilt Homes was founded in 2004 in the Oxfordshire market town of Woodstock. We have grown substanti ally since then, building homes across the South-East. Our rapid growth and relentless focus on quality has cemented our reputati on as one of the leading independent housebuilders in and around the Home Counti es. Our Vision Our vision is to put excepti onal quality at the heart of every home. From the highest standards of design and fi nish to the excepti onal level of customer service we provide, our enti re focus is on creati ng the perfect homes for our customer. Examples of Vanderbilt’s previous projects 4 1.0 Introducti on 1.1 The purpose of this document 1.2 Site locati on 1.3 Planning background North Lodge Farm, Forest Road, Hayley Green, Warfi eld | Design & Access Statement 5 1.0 Introducti on 1.1 The Purpose of this Document This Design & Access Statement has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of This Design & Access Statement has been the The Town and Country Planning (Development prepared by OSP Architecture for Vanderbilt Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Homes to accompany a reserved matt ers planning as amended and The Nati onal Design Guide applicati on for the development of land at North (September 2019). Lodge Farm, Forest Road, Hayley Green, Warfi eld to accommodate 19 dwellings. The Nati onal Design Guide sets out the three cross-cutti ng themes for good design from the In accordance with the outline applicati on, the NPPF (character, community and climate) and proposed site layout will provide: from that 10 characteristi cs that work together, in more detail, to create well-designed places, • 19 new high quality family homes, 4 of nurture and sustain a sense of community and which are aff ordable housing (21%). positi vely address environmental issue aff ecti ng the climate. • Vehicular and pedestrian access from Forest Road. This statement sets out the analysis of the existi ng site and context, evoluti on of the design and the • Retenti on of existi ng trees and hedges proposed concept for the development of the site. on the boundaries. N W E S Site context plan (not to scale) 6 1.2 Site Locati on 1.3 Planning Background The applicati on site is located adjacent to the An outline applicati on (ref: 17/00656/OUT) for eastern boundary of the sett lemen at Hayley “the residenti al development of 19 no. dwellings Green and lies approximately mid-way between (including aff ordable housing) including Warfi eld and Winkfi eld Row. It is approximately associated access, open space and landscaping 2.5km north of Bracknell Town Centre. following demoliti on of existi ng buildings, The site lies on the western edge of The Limes structures and hardstanding” residenti al close, on Forest Road, between the was approved in April 2019. All matt ers were juncti ons with Strawberry Hill to the west and reserved except access. Hayley Green Road to the east. N W E 64.2m S N F O R E S T R O A D 0 10m 20m W E 0.852 Ha Total Site Area S El Sub Sta Boundary Details 1 Application Site Boundary Line Ownership Boundary North Lodge Farm 4 T H E L I M E S Site locati on plan (1:1,250) North Lodge Farm, Forest Road, Hayley Green, Warfi eld | Design & Access Statement 7 Ordnance Survey (c) Crown Copyright 2021. All rights reserved. Licence number 100022432 REV. DATE REVISIONS: BY STATUS: North Lodge Farm, Forest Road, CLIENT: Vanderbilt Homes PROJECT: A 22/04/21 Boundary revised RPO Hayley Green, Warfield SCALE: 1:1250 (A4 ORIGINAL) DRAWING: Site Location Plan Planning architecture planning masterplanning Broadmede House, Farnham Business Park, DRAWN: PG Weydon Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8QT. 20041 S101 A [email protected] www.osparchitecture.com DATE: 29.01.2021 Tel: 01252 267878 O'Keefe Scanlon Limited. Company Registration No. 2878091 This drawing may be scaled or cross referenced to the scale bar for planning application purposes only. Do not scale for any other purpose, use figured dimensions only. Subject to site survey C COPYRIGHT EXISTS ON THE DESIGNS AND INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING and all necessary consents. All dimensions to be checked by user and any discrepancies, errors or omissions to be reported to the Architect before work commences. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all other relevant materials. OS Licence No. 100007327 8 2.0 Existi ng Site & Context 2.1 Site descripti on 2.2 Site photographs 2.3 Local context 2.4 Topography 2.5 Ecology 2.6 Flood Risk 2.7 Uti liti es 2.8 Trees North Lodge Farm, Forest Road, Hayley Green, Warfi eld | Design & Access Statement 9 2.0 The Existi ng Site & Context 2.1 Site Descripti on The site covers an area of approximately The site comprises a single dwellinghouse with 0.96ha (2.37 acres) and is located within the associated buildings and ground from which administrati ve boundary of Bracknell Forest the current owner runs his landscape business, Council. with adjacent farm buildings and an area of The wider landscape consists of farm land, with undeveloped land. the town of Bracknell to the south and the small The area encompasses a mix of nati ve and non- villages of Newell Green to the west and Winkfi eld nati ve tree and shrub species both within and Row to the east. Directly to the west of the site is directly adjacent to the site boundary. These tree a small lake within the grounds of Westmorland and vegetati on areas include groups of trees, Park. hedges and grouped vegetati on. N W E ❶ ❷ S Forest Road ❺ ❸ ❹ The Limes The ❻ Westmorland Park Existi ng site aerial photograph 10 1. Forest Road 2. Forest Road 3. Werstern access towards existi ng house 4. Eastern
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