Notes and references* page 2 http://tinyurl.com/4tfhgvo. 1 Rubin, J. (2009) Why Your World is About to 10 You can read the script in full at http://tinyurl. Get a Whole Lot Smaller: What the price of oil com/69mgfhj. means for the way we live. Virgin Books. 11 Which you can read at http://tinyurl.com/2cgnlll. 12 A very touching film celebrating the project’s Introduction first birthday can be found at 1 Alexander, C., Ishikawa, S. & Silverstein, M. www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWDerzFiqOo. (1977) A Pattern Language: Towns, buildings, 13 You can read a write-up of the day at construction. Oxford University Press. Alexander’s http://tinyurl.com/yjtv3bt. observation was that any built environment is like a ‘language’, it is composed of different Chapter 2: Why Transition initiatives do what identifiable elements, some obvious, some subtle, they do and like any language, it can be used to write 1 www.transitionnetwork.org/blogs/steph-bradley. beautiful poetry or doggerel. Alexander put it 2 Snyder, G. (1974) ‘Four changes’, in Turtle like this: “the elements of this language are Island. New Directions Publishing, p.101. entities called patterns. Each pattern describes 3 Most clearly and forcefully set out in Wilkinson, a problem which occurs over and over again in R. & Pickett, K. (2010) The Spirit Level: Why our environment, and then describes the core of equality is better for everyone. Penguin. the solution to that problem, in such a way that 4 Ibid. you can use this solution a million times over, 5 Figures from David Strahan at without ever doing it the same way twice.” http://lastoilshock.com/map.html. 6 www.worldenergyoutlook.org/docs/weo2010/ PART ONE WEO2010_es_english.pdf. Chapter 1: The emergence of an idea: 7 Owen, N. A., Inderwildi, O. R. & King, D. A. a potted history of Transition (2010) ‘The status of conventional world oil 1 www.kinsalefurthered.ie. reserves – hype or cause for concern?’ Energy 2 The ‘grandfather’ of peak oil, and the first to Policy, 38(8): 4743-9. repopularise the work of M. King Hubbert 8 Vidal, J. (2011) ‘WikiLeaks cables: Saudi Arabia through a 1998 paper co-authored with Jean cannot pump enough oil to keep a lid on prices: Laherrère called ‘The End of Cheap Oil’, US diplomat convinced by Saudi expert that published in Scientific American, 278(3): 78-83. reserves of world’s biggest oil exporter have 3 Can be downloaded from http://tinyurl. been overstated by nearly 40%’. The Guardian, com/4s9z7y5. 8 February 2011, http://tinyurl.com/6dqnjnq. 4 The Kinsale part of the early story of Transition 9 Hirsch, R. L., Bezdek, R. & Wendling, R. (2005) is told in more detail in The Transition Handbook: Peaking of World Oil Production – Impacts, From oil dependency to local resilience (Green mitigation and risk management. National Energy Books, 2008). Technology Laboratory, US Department of Energy. 5 http://thelewespound.org. 10 http://tinyurl.com/3a2ec9d. 6 Which you can watch in full at http://vimeo. 11 http://tinyurl.com/2a6xp9n. com/8029815. 12 http://tinyurl.com/2fpwjm4. 7 www.transitionnetwork.org/news/2011-04-05/ 13 ‘New study links severe storm increases, global announcing-movie-transition-20. warming’. Pasadena Star News, 27 December 8 You can read Miliband’s reflections on the 2008. experience at http://tinyurl.com/5u4gn6k. 14 http://tinyurl.com/2e85q46. 9 There is a short film about Open Space which 15 Shakhova, N., Semiletov, I., Salyuk, A., Yusupov, captures the spirit of the 2007 conference at V., Kosmach, D. & Gustafsson, O. (2010) http://tinyurl.com/63q4ule; a film about the ‘Extensive methane venting to the atmosphere 2008 conference at http://tinyurl.com/6d28yzo; from sediments of the East Siberian Arctic’, and Part 1 of a film about the 2010 conference at Science, 327(5970): 1246-50. * Available in PDF format with live links from http://www.greenbooks.co.uk/Book/403/The-Transition-Companion.html. 298 The Transition Companion 16 ‘Even soil feels the heat: soils release more 29 Homer-Dixon, T. (2007) The Upside of Down: carbon dioxide as globe warms’. Science Daily, Catastrophe, creativity and the renewal of 25 March 2010, http://tinyurl.com/6a9ratd. civilisation. Souvenir Press. 17 Bellamy, P. H., Loveland, P. J., Bradley, R. I., Lark, 30 Smith, R. A. ‘Carpe Diem: The dangers of risk R. M. & Kirk, G. J. D. (2005) ‘Carbon losses from aversion’. Lecture to the Royal Academy of all soils across England and Wales 1978-2003’. Engineering, 29 May 2007. Reprinted in Civil Nature, 437: 245-8. doi: 10.1038/nature04038. Engineering Surveyor, October 2007. 18 http://tinyurl.com/6khm46t. 31 http://tinyurl.com/62z6z6g. 19 Grudgings, S. (2011) ‘Amazon drought caused 32 Jackson, T. (2009) Prosperity Without Growth: huge carbon emissions’. Reuters, 2 February Economics for a finite planet. Earthscan 2011, http://tinyurl.com/5slxs6g. Publications. 20 Kolbert, E. (2007). Field Notes from a Catastrophe: 33 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/ A frontline report on climate change. Bloomsbury 7766057.stm. Publishing. 34 http://postgrowth.org/japan-the-worlds-first- 21 Meinshausen, M., Meinshausen, N., Hare, W., post-growth-economy. Raper, S. C. B., Frieler, K., Knutti, R., Frame, D. J. 35 Farrell, S. (2011) ‘King says living standards may & Allen, M. R. (2009) ‘Greenhouse-gas emission never recover from the crisis: Bank of England targets for limiting global warming to 2 degrees C’. Governor strikes dovish note on timing of Nature, 458: 1158-62. interest-rate increase’. The Independent, 22 Helm, D., Smale, R. & Phillips, J. (2007) ‘Too 2 March 2011, http://tinyurl.com/4flddvj. good to be true? The UK’s climate change 36 You can hear the talk she gave at the 2010 record’, www.dieterhelm.co.uk/sites/default/ Transition Network conference at http://tinyurl. files/Carbon_record_2007.pdf. com/23p4uxc. 23 Sample, I. (2010) ‘UK import emissions are the 37 Daly, H. E. (1977) Steady-state Economics: The highest in Europe, figures show: Study finds economics of biophysical equilibrium and moral 253m tonnes of CO2 are released annually in growth. W. H. Freeman and Company. the manufacture of products bound for UK 38 For more on this see http://tinyurl. shores – mostly in the developing world’. The com/6he37v6. Guardian, 8 March 2010, http://tinyurl. 39 Shields, R., ‘Moss’s £60 high street frock is com/6estzj6. named Dress of the Year: the model beats 24 Munich Re Insurance (2010) press release, fashion greats such as Galliano and Gaultier’. 27 September 2010: ‘Two months to Cancun The Independent, 3 May 2009, http://tinyurl. climate summit / large number of weather com/cza6er. extremes as strong indicator of climate change’, 40 Nordhaus, T., & Shellenberger, M. (2009) Break http://tinyurl.com/5r4socu. Through: Why we can’t leave saving the planet 25 Rubin, J. (2009) Why Your World is About to Get to environmentalists. Mariner Books. a Whole Lot Smaller: What the price of oil 41 Seyfang, G. (2009) ‘Transition Norwich: A fine means for the way we live. Virgin Books, p.206. city in Transition’. Report of the 2009 Member- 26 Rushe, D. (2011) ‘Oil prices may threaten global ship survey, University of East Anglia, economic recovery, says energy agency: as http://tinyurl.com/63vnakr. crude oil prices hit $95 a barrel, it is in a 42 Thompson, S., Abdullah, S., Marks, N., Simms, “danger zone” which may derail recovery, says A. & Johnson, V. (2007) The European unHappy chief economist at Paris’s IEA’. The Guardian, 5 Index: An index of carbon efficiency and well January 2011, http://tinyurl.com/4befnje. being in the EU. new economics foundation. 27 Porritt, J. (2005) Capitalism: As if the world 43 http://tinyurl.com/6c59gae. matters. Earthscan Publications, p.63. 44 The UK Office for National Statistics, 28 Monbiot, G. (2008) ‘Population bombs’, www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=206. www.monbiot.com/archives/2008/01/29/ 45 See, for instance, Putnam, R. D. (2000) Bowling population-bombs, 29 January 2008. Notes and references 299 Alone: The collapse and revival of American Books. Curry, A., Hodgson, T., Kelnar, R. & community. Simon & Schuster. Wilson, A. (2005) Intelligent Future Infrastruc- ture: The scenarios towards 2055, Foresight, Chapter 3: Where we might be headed: the Office of Science and Technology. FEASTA power of future scenarios (2006) Energy Scenarios Ireland, FEASTA. 1 One of the most active proponents of this position, a largely North American phenomenon, Chapter 4: Resilience and localisation is Michael Ruppert, who made the film Collapse 1 Walker, B. & Salt, D. (2006) Resilience Thinking: and publishes www.collapsenet.com. Sustaining ecosystems and people in a 2 John Michael Greer’s concept of the ‘Green changing world. Island Press, p.9. Wizard’, again in the US, is about the gathering 2 Adger, W. N., Kelly, P. M., Winkels, A., Huy, L. Q. and spreading of advice and insight, much of it & Locke, C. (2002) ‘Migration, remittances, from the original 1970s oil shock period, which livelihood trajectories and social resilience’. saw a huge flowering of research and practice in Ambio, 31(4): 358-66. terms of practical sustainability. 3 Adger, W. N. (2003) Building Resilience to 3 For example, Alex Steffen at Promote Sustainability: An agenda for coping http://worldchanging.com, or Stewart Brand’s with globalisation and promoting justice. IHDP Whole Earth Discipline: Why dense cities, Update. Newsletter of the International Human nuclear power, transgenic crops, restored Dimensions Programme on Global Environ- wildlands, radical science, and geoengineering mental Change, February 2003, p.3. are necessary (Atlantic Books, 2010). 4 Edwards, C. (2009) ‘Resilient Nation’. DEMOS, 4 http://tinyurl.com/6dorbu9. p.18. 5 http://tinyurl.com/38kg8u5.
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