A2 WA/2019/1610 - Erection of a new dwelling (revision of WA/2019/0001) at Land At 18 Moor Park Lane, Farnham GU9 9JB Applicant: N Hibbert Ward: Farnham Moor Park Case Officer: Philippa Staddon Neighbour Notification Expiry Date 09/01/2020 Extended expiry date 10/07/2020 RECOMMENDATION That, subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED 1. Summary The application has been brought before the Area Committee at the request of the Local Ward Member. The application proposes the erection of a detached two-storey dwelling to the south west of no. 18 Moor Park Lane. The application follows a previous refusal at the site for the erection of a detached dwelling and garage. This application was refused on the basis that the design, scale and bulk of the dwelling would be out of keeping with the character of the surrounding area, the ASVI, the setting of an adjacent listed building and the potential Conservation Area. It is important to note the principle of a dwelling at the site was considered to be acceptable. However, the proposed design, scale and bulk of the previous proposal was considered to be unacceptable. This revised scheme reflects an early 20th Century arts and crafts building in keeping with the existing dwelling at no. 18. The scale and bulk have been reduced and a garage is no longer proposed. On this basis, Officers consider that the previous concerns have been addressed and the proposal is considered to result in development that would be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area and ASVI, would have an acceptable impact on the setting of the adjacent listed building and the potential Conservation Area. The proposal would have an acceptable impact on neighbouring residential amenity and would provide a good standard of accommodation and amenity space for future occupiers. No concern is raised with regard to highway safety and sufficient parking would be provided. Page 1 of 20 2. Location Plan 3. Site Description The application site is located to the north of Moor Park Lane, on the island within the centre of the Shepherd and Flock roundabout. The site is located to the west of 18 Moor Park Lane, a detached two-storey dwelling, within the applicant’s ownership. The site forms overgrown scrub land. The site rises from south to north. The area is semi-rural in character with a linear cluster of residential properties to the west and a single dwelling, 18 Moor Park Lane to the east. A bridleway runs to the south of the site along Moor Park Lane. This access does not form part of the public highway network 4. Proposal The application proposes: The erection of a detached, 2-storey, 4-bedroom dwelling. It should be noted that a separate application has been submitted for the erection of retaining walls and associated changes to land levels. Page 2 of 20 Proposed Block Plan Proposed Elevations Front (southern) elevation Rear (northern) elevation Page 3 of 20 Side (western) elevation Side (eastern) elevation Proposed Floor Plans Ground Floor First Floor 5. Relevant Planning History WA/2020/0212 Erection of retaining walls and Pending decision associated changes to land levels (revision of WA/2019/1909). WA/2019/0001 Erection of a new dwelling Refused 26/02/2019 6. Relevant Planning Constraints Developed Area of Farnham / Built Up Area Boundary ASVI Potential Non-Designated Heritage Assets Ancient Woodland 500m Buffer Zone Page 4 of 20 Thames Basin Heath SPA 5km Buffer Zone Wealden Heaths I SPA 5km Buffer Zone Potentially Contaminated Land 7. Relevant Development Plan Policies and Guidance Waverley Borough Local Plan (Part 1): Strategic policies and sites (adopted February 2018): TD1, ST1, SP1, SP2, HA1, RE3, NE1, NE3, CC2 Farnham Neighbourhood Plan 2013-2032: FNP1, FNP9, FNP10, FNP12, FNP13, FNP30, FNP31 Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002 (retained policies February 2018): D1, D4,D7, C5 South East Plan: Saved policy NRM6 Other guidance: The National Planning Policy Framework 2019 (NPPF) The National Planning Practice Guidance 2014 (NPPG) Residential Extensions Supplementary Planning Document 2010 (SPD) Council’s Parking Guidelines (2013) Surrey Vehicular and Cycle Parking Guidance (2018) Farnham Design Statement (2010) National Design Statement (2019) 8. Consultations and Town/Parish Council Comments Farnham Town Objection to the erection of a new dwelling and extensive Council excavation at the site: - Application goes beyond previous permission - Not compliant with FNP1 in size and scale - Does not respect contours of the site - Negative impact on public realm - Would like to see results of enforcement action Natural England No objection subject to mitigation. South East Water No response received. Southern Water No response received. Thames Water No response received. Utilities County Highway No objection. Authority Council’s No objection, subject to conditions. Environmental Health Officer – Contaminated Land Page 5 of 20 9. Representations 18 letters (from 9 addresses) have been received raising objection on the following grounds: Design and heritage Bulk and scale will result in material harm to the appearance of the area and street scene and the Area of Strategic Visual Importance. Substantial harm to the setting of the nearby listed building and heritage aspects i.e. the Battle of Moor Park, 1897. Highways, Right of Way and Parking Increase in traffic on and off the roundabout. Insufficient parking causing on-street parking. Moor Park Lane is an unmade bridleway. Applicant has no rights of access along a privately owned bridleway, see Land registry SY697841. Conflict with Bridleway usage. Lane is already badly damaged. Application form and submission Photographs presented with the access statement are not part of the Applicants site and are owned by another party. Policy Proposal conflicts with the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018, the Local Plan 2002, the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan 2017 and the NPPF. Biodiversity Proposal is in conflict with the biodiversity of the area. Loss of mature trees. Other Owner has a history of planning violations including, unauthorised building and engineering works; using the unauthorised outbuilding for residence. Large quantities of soil removed on site. Disturbance to the existing ground and ground levels causing drainage and stability problems. Proximity to similar care home. Page 6 of 20 Planning Considerations: 10. Principle of development Policy SP2 sets out the spatial strategy for the borough up to 2032 and seeks to focus development at the four main settlements. The proposal is in the developed area of Farnham and therefore accords with the spatial strategy. 11. Planning history and differences with previous proposal The planning history is a material consideration. Planning permission has been previously refused for the erection of a detached, 2- storey dwelling with adjoined single garage to the south-east of the site. The difference between the current proposal and that application is that the design has been revised to reflect an early 20th century arts and crafts building, not too dissimilar to no.18. In addition, the current proposal does not include an adjoined garage. The test is whether having regard to the changes, the current proposal has overcome the objections to the previously refused scheme and is acceptable in its own right. 12. Housing Land Supply The Council published its Five Year Housing Land Supply Position Statement in July 2019, with a base date of 1 April 2019. The document sets out a housing land supply of 5.2 years including an additional buffer of 20%. During the planning appeal for Land at Windacres Farm, Rudgwick, the Council acknowledged a few factual errors exist in the Five Year Housing Land Supply Position Statement. This resulted in the overall housing land supply reducing to 5.19 years. In some recent appeal decisions, including the decisions relating to the Land at Cox Green Road, Rudgwick and Land at Windacres Farm, Rudgwick, Inspectors felt that the evidence before them did not point to five years’ worth of housing supply. These appeal decisions are material considerations. On 13 February 2020, the Government released the latest Housing Delivery Test results. Waverley achieved 85% delivery against its housing target. As a result the Council is no longer required to include a 20% buffer in its five year housing supply. Instead a 5% buffer has now been applied and this results in the Council having 5.9 years’ worth of supply. On this basis, the Council maintains its view that it has five years’ worth of housing land supply. Page 7 of 20 13. Changes of use of the land The site forms overgrown scrub land and is in the same ownership as the adjacent dwelling 18 Moor Park Lane. Given the land is within the developed area of Farnham officers are satisfied that the loss of this open land would not in itself be unacceptable, however, do not consider the site to form previously developed land and it therefore does not form a priority site for development. This does not mean, however, that the site is unacceptable for development in principle. In addition, the principle of development on this site was previously found acceptable. 14. Undesignated Heritage Asset The site has been identified as part of a potential non-designated heritage asset forming the Shepherd and Flock roundabout. The area has a unique form (within a roundabout) which has preserved its rural feel. This now differs from the development around it which has evolved and developed over time. It is one of only a few known places in the UK where drivers drive on the right side of the road, in order to gain safe entrance into the area from the busy roundabout surrounding it. The construction of the roundabout has preserved within it what the wider landscape would have bene like 100 years ago.
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