Thursday, May9,2019 TipperaryLive.ie Vol24Issue 10 Queen Street, Clonmel Tel 052 617 2500 email: [email protected] [email protected] Newdementia supportgroup launching in South Tipperary at Place4u on MortonStreet, helpfulifitwere available.At- BY DYLAN WHITE rently 55,000 people living e-mail: [email protected] Clonmel. The meetings will tendingasupportgroup is withdementianationwide Twitter: @TipperaryLive also featureguest speakers one wayofmeetingpeoplein and that 11 people aredia- whowillgiveshortpresenta- asimilarposition. The value gnosed daily.There areap- Anew dementia support tions on topicschosen by the of peer supportisrecognised proximately 1,100 with group forSouth Tipperary group. as keytoadaptingtoadia- dementiainSouthTipperary, “Getting adiagnosisofde- gnosisandlivingwellwithde- afigureexpectedtorise to will be officially launched at mentia even wherethe mentia.” Clonmel Town Hall on May 2,087 by theyear2031. person mayhavesuspected it TheLivingWell withDe- Anyone interested in at- 10. can come as ahugeshock and mentia service, whichis tending theLet’s Talk Tip- Let’sTalk Tipperary can be upsetting forthe basedat theMemoryTechno- perary Memory Support Memory SupportGroup will person and theirfamily,” logy Libraryonthe grounds Group is askedtocontact offer people in theearly local dementia nurse spe- of SouthTipperary General Anne/Mary on 087-0550050. stages of dementia (and cialistAnneQuinntellsSouth Hospital, is helping to setup family/friends) achance to Tipp Today. thegroup.“Thegroup will gettogether in asocial set- “People in theearly stages alsocreateaspacewhere ting to chat,share practical aregenerally managing well peoplecanmakeconnections Tipp local advice, discuss interests and andmaynot needformalsup- that cansupportinvolvement supporteachother. ports,but manyconsistently in community groups, clubs Starting May15, thegroup saythathaving somebodyto and activities,”Anne con- elections race will meetevery Wednesday talk to in asimilar position to tinues. between 10am and 12.30pm themselves would be very Anne says thereare cur- is hotting up Seventy-nine people have enteredthe race forelection to TipperaryCounty Council and the municipal author- ities. Nominations closed last Sat- urdayatnoon in thebattle to fill the40seats on Tip- perary County Council. The elections will be held on Friday,May 24. In recentweeks anumber of developmentshavemade thebattlefor seatsinTip- perary an interesting one. Patrician Presentation SecondarySchool, Fethard, students and staffvisited Notre-Dame in Paris, twodays before amajor fireengulfedthe cathedral SEE MORE ON PAGE 2 7O’Connell St,Clonmel Tel: 0526121205 Sans Soucis MakeEar Up Range Now Piercingin Store Now Available 2SOUTH TIPP TODAY www.tipperarylive.ie Th ursday, M ay 9, 20 1 9 Have you got news for South Tipp Today? N EWS Contact [email protected] or 052-6172535 Seventy-nine candidates seek forty county council seats CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Tipperary, have decided not ployedAction Group)and up against newcomer Máirín seats with 12 candidates. The Tony Black (SF). to go forwardfor election Catherine Carey (Sinn Fein) McGrath (Ind), PJ English and experienced sittingcouncil- The other electoral areas The decision of Fine Gael after long political careers. will be up against Garret Anita Lonergan (FF), and lors TomWood and Denis in Tipperary are Thurles(four general election candidate Two members co-opted Ahearn, DavidShanahan Danny Carroll (SF). Leahy arenot seeking re - seats),Nenagh (five seats),Ro- Garret Ahearn to run in the during thelifetime of thelast (FF), Niall Dennehy In Carrick-on-Suir, there election while thedecision of screa Templemore (five seats) Clonmel electoral area, the council, Cllr Mark Fitzgerald (Indp),Teresa Johnson are 11 candidates forfive the March4Tipp protest and Newport (four seats. departure ofCllr Martin (FG),who was copted after (Workers and Unemployed seats. Outgoing councillors group to put forward three A number of former Lonergan from the team of Cllr John Faheypassed away Action Group), Eoin O' Fla- Kieran Bourke and Imelda candidateshas added anew public representatives are Deputy McGrathand thein- and Cllr Kevin O’ M ea ra ( I n d ) , herty (Ind) and Martin Goldsoro (FF), Mark dimension to the election in seeking re-election. troduction of the TD's co-opted after his father Duggan (Aontu). There is no Fitzgerald and Louise thearea. Five sitting council- They include a former daughter Máirín into the Eddie passed away, will go be- Labour candidate running in McLoughlin (FG), Kevin lors - Michael Fitzgerald, mayor of Clonmel Niall Den- political arena, and the fore the electoratefor the Clonmel where theparty was O’Meara (Ind), and David Mary Hanna Hourigan and nehy, and threepeople run- emergence of the March4 first time. fou n d e d . Dunne (SF), will be up against John Crosse (FG), Roger ning in Carrick electoral area Tipperary candidates in the In Clonmel, there areel- In Cahir, there are eight MargaretCroke (FG), Sarah Kennedy (FF), and Martin Pierse O Loughlin,Sarah Tipperary/Cashel electoral even candidates in therun- people looking for the four Dunne (Labour), Joanne Ivors Browne (SF) - will be chal- Dunne and Margaret Croke. area has generated great in- ning forsix seats. Outgoing seats available.Outgoing (SF), Michael Cleere (Worker lenged by March4Tipp can- In the eight electoral areas terest in the contest. councillors Richie Molloy councillors Andy Moloney and Unemployed Action didates Annemarie Ryan, there are only four Labour Two of the longest serving (Ind), Michael Murphy(FG), (Ind), Martin Lonergan Group) and Pierse Lisa McGrath and Barry party candidatesincluding councillors, Tom Wood of Siobhan Ambrose (FF), Pat (Ind),MarieMurphy (FG) and O’Loughlin (Ind). Walsh, Jacqui Finnan (FF), sittingcouncillor Fiona Bon- Cashel and Denis Leahyof English (Workers and Unem- Michael Anglim(FF) will be In Tipperary Town/Cashel Robert ODonnell (Labour), f ie l d . electoral area, there are seven Declan Burgess (FG), and Official launch of County Tipperary ‘Broadband deal will Business Awards this week transform rural County Tipperary Chamber media partner The Nation- Cashel, Nenagh and Tip- in Business, BestCSR or Con- I re l a n d ’- Ahearn of Commerce will launch the alist, Tipperary Starand Tip- perary Town, aswell as the tributionto theCommunity, perary Live;and associate Mid-Western Business Net- Best Services Provider Busi- 2019 County Tipperary Busi- sponsors Beat FM, is de- wo rk . ness, Best Sports, Arts & Cul- Every home, business and ness Awards on May 9 at lighted to be once again These fantastic awards are ture Business, Best Food and farm across County Tip- 5.30pm at the Questum Ac- hosting sucha wonderful open to businesses of all sizes, Agricultural Business, Best perary can now look for- celeration Centre, Ballingar- event, which will highlight industries and sectors and Employer: TalentDevelop- ward to high speed rane Science and Technology and commend the abund- gives them the opportunity to ment, Training and Wellness, broadband no matter where ance of talentin business in tell their story and receive the Best in Retail Business, Best Park, Clonmel. the community. recognition that they deserve Tourism and Hospitality they are located, Fine Gael Details will be announced As in previous years, the for theirprogressive contri- Business, and Best Social En- Local Election Candidate aboutthe awardcategories, aim of theawards ceremony bution to the growth of Tip- te r p r i s e. Garret Ahearn has said. nomination process and the is to showcase the finest busi- perary as a respected hub for There is also an overall “The National Broadband awards ceremonynight. ness talent throughout the c o m m e rc e. Business of the Year award Plan is the largest invest- 2018 saw the superb success county and encourage net- Awards will be given to the and thePresident’s awardfor ment in rural Ireland since of the annual awards at working amongst the busi- best in thebusiness foreach contribution to enterprise, rural electrification. It is Clonmel Park Hotel. ness people,entrepreneurs of the following: innovationand business life, just as important to the fu- County Tipperary and leaders of Tipperary. Best Start-Up or Emerging which will be announced on ture as electricity was then,” Chamber, along with this The event would notbe New Business, Small or Me- the night of the awards. Mr Ahearn said. yea r ’s main sponsor ABP possible only for the collabor- dium Enterprise, Best Family This year’s event will be “Byinvesting inbroad- Foods; innovation and educa- ative workefforts of the Business, Best Large Busi- held at Clonmel Park Hotel on band, we are ensuring that tion sponsors LIT;chief chambers in Cahir,Thurles, ness, Best Use of Social Media October 18. County Tipperary has the Local elections candidate Garret same opportunities as those A h ea r n living in urbanareas, ser- areinvestingto end thedi- viced by commercial oper- gital divide and ensure people ators. Thatmeans flexible in rural communities getthe and remote working, smart same opportunities as those farming, digital learning and livinginour towns and cities. education, online health ser- €120 million is being invested vices, and reliable electronic in Tipperary over the next 25 payments and bookings. years to bring broadband to “We do not want rural Ire- 83,963 homes, farms and land to be left behind so we bu s i n e s s e s ,” he added. DEADLINES TOP BRANDS •BUDGET TYRES 4x WHEEL TRACKING FOR ADVERTISING LOCKNUT REMOVAL
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