Rector’s Decree n. 662 THE RECTOR GIVEN THE Statute of Politecnico di Bari issued with Rectoral Decree n. 175/2019; HAVING REGARD TO the Regulation of the Politecnico di Bari concerning Ph.D. programs, issued with Rector’s Decree n. 286 dated July 1, 2013; HAVING REGARD TO the Italian Ministerial-Director Decree dated 13/09/2019, n. 1747, Call MIUR PON RI FSE-FESR “Research and Innovation 2014-2020” Action I.1 “Industry oriented Innovative Ph. D. programs for the Academic year 2019-2020, which aims at promoting and strengthening doctoral studies consistently with the needs of the national industrial system and with the Italian strategy for smart specialization 2014-2020 supported by the European Committee by means of additional doctoral scholarships and their actuation protocol; HAVING REGARD TO the Dean Decree n. 68/2019 about the appointment of the selection Committee for the admission to Ph.D. in ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING - XXXV cycle; HAVING REGARD TO the Dean Decree n. 24/2019 about the appointment of the selection Committee for the admission to Ph.D. in DESIGN FOR HERITAGE: KNOWLEDGE AND LANDSCAPE - XXXV cycle; HAVING REGARD TO the Dean Decree n. 67/2019 about the appointment of the selection Committee for the admission to Ph.D. in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT - XXXV cycle; HAVING REGARD TO the Dean Decree n. 51/2019 about the appointment of the selection Committee for the admission to Ph.D. in RISK AND ENVIRONMENTAL, TERRITORIAL AND BUILDING DEVELOPMENT - XXXV cycle; HAVING REGARD TO minutes of the selection Committees about results of the evaluation for admission the above-mentioned Ph.D. courses; HEREBY DECREES Art. 1 to approve the results of the public competition for the admission to Ph.D. programmes – XXXV cycle – of Politecnico di Bari: - “Mechanical Engineering and Management” - “Electrical and Information Engineering” - “Risk and Environmental, Territorial and Building Development” - “Design for Heritage: Knowledge and Landscape”. Art. 2 to approve the following general ranking list of candidates for the admission the above-mentioned Ph.D. programmes: 1 Ph.D. in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Belonging to the Doctoral School of the Politecnico di Bari Offered by the Department of Mechanics, Mathematics and Management. Coordinator: Prof. Giuseppe Pompeo DEMELIO TOTAL NUMBER OF AVAILABLE POSITIONS: 16 Intervi Place of Date of Qualificatio Total SURNAME FIRST NAME ew birth birth n score score score Modugno 1 NINNI DAVIDE 16/09/1993 34 60 94 (Ba) Santeramo 2 STANO GIANNI 22/03/1994 37 55 92 in Colle (Ba) 3 TIRRI* ANTONIA Salerno 26/10/1995 31 61 91 4 ATTOLICO MICHELE ANGELO Bari 11/04/1993 35 55 90 MASTRANGE 5 MASSIMILIANO Bari 22/09/1993 29 60 89 LO * Grottaglie 6 FIORENZA GABRIELE 27/12/1986 40 47,5 87,5 (Ta) San Giovanni 7 PATRONELLI MARIKA 12/06/1990 30 57 87 Rotondo (Fg) Grumo 8 ERRICO VITO 18/07/1994 35 50,5 85,5 Appula (Ba) DELL'AVVOC 9 GIUSEPPE Bari 09/12/1987 36 48 84 ATO 10 CAVALLO* DANIELA Bari 18/05/1994 28 55,5 83,5 FRANCESCO 11 LAGRASTA Terlizzi (Ba) 05/01/1993 33 50 83 PAOLO 12 LUCCHESE ANDREA Bari 14/01/1993 35 47 82 13 ZAZA* VALERIA Terlizzi (Ba) 11/04/1994 30 51 81 14 VULPI * FABIO Bari 21/12/1995 33 47,5 80,5 15 CEGLIE VITO Bari 07/12/1986 31 49 80 Wiesbaden 16 CALO' GIUSEPPE 28/12/1985 34 45,5 79,5 (Germania) San Giovanni 17 AUCELLO* LEONARDO 27/08/1987 24 55 79 Rotondo (Fg) Termoli 18 CATENA ROBERTO 24/01/1979 35 43,5 78,5 (Cb) Saint-Malo 19 JOUIN * ANTOINE 05/11/1996 23 55 78 (Francia) Castrovillari 20 CILIBERTI FRANCESCO GINO 06/04/1987 35 43 78 (CS) 2 21 SANTORUVO DONATO Terlizzi (Ba) 16/03/1993 30 47,5 77,5 22 CALABRIA NICOLA FULVIO Bari 15/12/1984 32 45 77 Santeramo 23 NUZZI ANGELA 08/05/1989 32 44,5 76,5 in Colle (Ba) Triggiano 24 GRANIERI LUCA 31/03/1975 39 37 76 (Ba) 25 FACCILONGO FABRIZIO Bari 24/12/1993 32 43,5 75,5 PIERLUIGI Putignano 26 ARGENTA 20/10/1990 34 41 75 ALESSANDRO (Ba) DEMARINIS 27 ANNAMARIA Bari 15/12/1981 31 43,5 74,5 LOIOTILE 28 MACINA GIUSEPPE Bari 28/12/1975 37 37 74 Chaloos 29 HEIDARPOUR FARHAD 29/09/1990 27 45 72 (Iran) Soke 30 KARASOGLU MUTLU 23/10/1987 24 47 71 (Turchia) *under condition of obtainment of degree within the 31/10/2019, according to art. 2 of competition notice Ph.D. in ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING Belonging to the Doctoral School of the Politecnico di Bari Offered by the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering Coordinator: Prof. Alfredo GRIECO TOTAL NUMBER OF AVAILABLE POSITIONS: 25 Qualifica Place of Date of Interview SURNAME FIRST NAME tion Total score birth birth score score 1 Bitonto 03/02/1988 PARISI FABIO (Ba) 31,50 60,00 91,50 Acquaviva 2 SCARPETTA MARCO delle 07/06/1993 31,66 58,00 89,66 Fonti(Ba) ANTONELLA 3 LOCONSOLE Bari 16/10/1993 30,48 59,00 89,48 MARIA Ceglie 4 GALLICCHIO GIANVITO Messapica 30/03/1994 29,00 57,00 86,00 (Br) MATTIA 5 RAGOLIA Milano 26/03/1992 27,00 56,00 83,00 ALESSANDRO 6 CUTUGNO FRANCESCO Gubbio (Pg) 24/08/1993 22,03 60,00 82,03 Terlizzi 7 MEZZINA GIOVANNI 23/021991 39,32 42,00 81,32 (Ba) Acquaviva 8 ANTENORE ANTONIO delle Fonti 25/07/1995 24,18 57,00 81,18 (Ba) 9 IACOVELLI GIOVANNI Bari 05/10/1995 26,00 55,00 81,00 BIANCOFIOR GIOVANNI Mariscovet 10 05/05/1993 25,75 55,00 80,75 E MARIA ere (Pz) 3 SARDAR Kotli Ajk 11 HUSSAIN 02/02/1993 26,38 54,00 80,38 MEHBOOB (Pakistan) 12 POMO CLAUDIO Andria (Bt) 25/08/1988 36,18 44,00 80,18 13 MARASCO * ILARIA Foggia 06/08/1994 24,88 54,00 78,88 Cisternino 14 RODIO CARMINE 22/12/1986 28,27 50,00 78,27 (Br) San 15 NIRO * GIOVANNI Giovanni 16/10/1994 24,13 54,00 78,13 Rotndo (Fg) SCARABAGG Altamura 16 PAOLO 03/08/1994 22,12 56,00 78,12 IO * (Ba) Terlizzi 17 TRICARICO* GIOACCHINO 16/01/1993 26,11 52,00 78,11 (Ba) Castellanet 18 PERNISCO GAETANO 09/11/1991 17,69 60,00 77,69 a (Ta) Teheran 19 NAZARY * FATEMEH 05/09/1989 16,14 60,00 76,14 (Iran) 20 SURIANO * ANTONIO Foggia 29/12/1994 26,02 50,00 76,02 21 MANFREDI GIOACCHINO Bari 24/06/1994 31,50 44,00 75,50 22 PIACENZA * GIUSEPPE Bari 25/08/1994 25,46 50,00 75,46 Martina 23 ALTINI NICOLA 08/03/1995 27,00 48,00 75,00 Franca (Ta) NICOLA 24 CALABRIA Bari 15/12/1984 34,77 40,00 74,77 FULVIO CAPODIVEN 25 PIERLUIGI Bari 15/05/1989 24,50 50,00 74,50 TO 26 BUSCICCHIO ALESSANDRO Taranto 15/09/1988 28,34 46,00 74,34 27 PORTOSI VINCENZA Taranto 06/06/1971 38,00 36,00 74,00 Macerata 28 CICLOSI FRANCESCO 16/03/1976 36,75 37,00 73,75 (Mc) 29 FLORIO * ANTONELLO Bari 22/03/1995 28,73 45,00 73,73 Mesagne 30 DE SUMMA SIMONA 27/07/1982 31,55 42,00 73,55 (Br) 31 QUERCIA * VITO ANTONIO Corato (Ba) 24/06/1994 25,53 48,00 73,53 32 IAVAGNILIO ALESSANDRA Foggia 29/06/1988 26,30 46,00 72,30 Terlizzi 33 PASCULLI GIUSEPPE 04/06/1987 25,00 47,00 72,00 (Ba) Dera Ghazi MUHAMMAD 34 KARIM Khan 31/12/1989 27,72 44,00 71,72 RASHID (Pakistan) COMITANGE Terlizzi 35 GIUSEPPE 16/04/1995 19,49 52,00 71,49 LO * (Ba) *under condition of obtainment of degree within the 31/10/2019, according to art. 2 of competition notice 4 Ph.D. in ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING Belonging to the Doctoral School of the Politecnico di Bari Offered by the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering Coordinator: Prof. Alfredo GRIECO 2 number of position for apprenticeship, advanced studies and research Total FIRST Date of Qualification Interview SURNAME Place of birth score NAME birth score (/40) score (/60) (/100) 1 FASCIANO * CORRADO Terlizzi (Ba) 28/03/1994 20,69 60 80,69 2 LOFÙ * DOMENICO Monopoli (Ba) 07/12/1989 22,91 54 76,91 *under condition of obtainment of degree within the 31/10/2019, according to art. 2 of competition notice Ph.D. in RISK AND ENVIRONMENTAL, TERRITORIAL AND BUILDING DEVELOPMENT Belonging to the Doctoral School of the Politecnico di Bari Offered by the Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry Coordinator: Prof. Michele MOSSA TOTAL NUMBER OF AVAILABLE POSITIONS: 12 Place of Date of Qualificat Interview Total SURNAME FIRST NAME birth birth ion score score score 16/02/19 1 COLETTA VIRGINIA ROSA Bari 29,62 58 87,62 95 19/12/19 2 CARLUCCI FRANCESCO Bari 25,97 60 85,97 89 23/07/19 3 COROPULIS * STEFANO Bari 26,06 55 81,06 96 17/05/19 4 CONELLI DANIELE Matera 23,82 57 80,82 91 07/06/19 5 MARAGLINO DOMENICO Taranto 21,37 57 78,37 88 Corato 09/01/19 6 D'ORIA ALDO FABIO 21,27 57 78,27 (Ba) 94 Molfetta 30/06/19 7 GADALETA GIOVANNI 26,21 52 78,21 (Ba) 95 Hasaka 07/09/19 8 ALALI * QOTADA 19,25 58 77,25 (Siria) 90 ELHUSSEIN MOHAMED Cairo 06/12/19 9 AHMED FOUAD 23,10 54 77,1 (Egitto) 92 MOURAD HUSSEIN Mola di 04/06/19 10 ANTONICELLI MARICA 24,03 53 77,03 Bari (Ba) 91 15/06/19 11 MARINO STEFANO Foggia 26,47 50 76,47 91 5 Barletta 18/07/19 12 CAPORUSSO GIACOMO 23,36 53 76,36 (Bt) 82 Bitonto 03/02/19 13 PARISI FABIO 27,69 48 75,69 (Ba) 88 Monopoli 03/01/19 14 BRIGIDA SILVIA 26,61 49 75,61 (Ba) 84 Modugno 12/05/19 15 MORELLI ANTONIO 23,32 51 74,32 (Ba) 89 10/10/19 16 DE SARIO SIMONA Foggia 17,69 56 73,69 90 Terlizzi 24/05/19 17 CHIEPPA RICCARDO 23,55 50 73,55 (Ba) 94 14/10/19 18 FREDA MANUELA Foggia 23 50 73 93 Erbil 07/11/19 19 IZZADDIN * ARAS 20,71 52 72,71 (Iraq) 88 Putignano 18/04/19 20 BIASI MARIKA 21,54 51 72,54 (Ba) 92 01/03/19 21 VOZZA GABRIELE Taranto 23,41 49 72,41 86 Abu Dhabi (Emirati 21/11/19 22 RAZA KHAN QASIM 21,38 51 72,38 Arabi 90 Uniti) PAOLO 03/06/19 23 CARBONE Bari 24,10 48 72,1 MICHELE 94 Terlizzi 03/01/19 24 STRAGAPEDE MARIANNA 19,69 52 71,69 (Ba) 84 02/12/19 25 DI SPIRIDIONE STEFANO Bari 19,97 51 70,97 90 Teheran 20/11/19 26 RAZDAR BABAK 15,86 55 70,86 (Iran) 81 Mola di 06/10/19 27 FIORE DANIELE 19,85 51 70,85 Bari (Ba) 88 Putignano 27/07/19 28 SALAMIDA FRANCESCO 19,84 51 70,84 (Ba) 91 Lahijan 17/09/19 29 POURSALIMI NORA 16,84 54 70,84 (Iran) 89 SHAWKAT Giza 02/03/19 30 HASSAN BASEL 16,76 54 70,76 (Egitto) 93 MOSTAFA GAMAL Sohag 01/08/19 31 ABOUZIED ABDELNASSER 17,62 53 70,62 (Egitto) 92 ALLAM 15/07/19 32 CAROFIGLIO MARCO Bari 17,48 53 70,48 94 15/09/19 33 DURANTE CARLO Taranto 15,36 55 70,36 87 6 Martina 25/12/19 34 GENTILE ROBERTA Franca 15,31 55 70,31 94 (Ta) 08/06/19 35 SCHIRONE * DAVIDE Bari 11 59 70 91 *under condition of obtainment of degree within the 31/10/2019, according to art.
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