SAVE $3.40 | ••-.:•-' P i -\ ; , , i, | , Our annual subscription Is only $7.00 — mailed directly! • • • '•' f •• : !• i • :.V r to your home every Thursday — as compared to $10,40 If | '" i.' •• C • P, ; i - , \ J purchased by you each week. Just call our Circulation S ". 7 ' 7 v Dept. today at 322.5266. I SCOT CH PLAINS VOLUME 19 NUMBER 29 SCOTCH PLAINS • FANWOOD, N. j, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1977 20 CENTS Two Mayors Seek invocation Of Laud The Maintenance Code A group of homeowners, who have labeled themselves the Scotch Plains Community Action Group, petitioned the Township Council Raider Nine on Tuesday for action in cleaning up two proper!ies in their neighbor- Mayor Anne Wodjenski of hood. The group appeared at a regular monthly meeting of the Scotch Scotch Plains visited the Fan- Plains Council to make their plea personally as well. wood Borough Council last The petition refers to 2352 Wednesday, to join Mayor Ted Morse Avenue, where the peti- too high taxes, and we are going Trumpp in distributing plaques lioners claim there is debris, to make sure that this doesn't to the members of the varsity garbage, excessive dust, and a happen in our neighborhood." baseball team at Scotch Plains- junk car lot. They cited a multi- Is there hope? Yes, Mayor Fanwood High, The Raider nine colored bus on the premises as Anne B. Wodjenski told the won the Group 4 state cham- well as the junk ears. They petitioners. She referred the pionship this year, further asked that the property question to Township Manager at 2359 Morse also be cleaned up "What you've done for the James Hauser. There were a Scotch Plains-Fanwood educa- forcibly. There, the homeowners number of valid points in the tional system and the high said, the lawn has not been cut complaints, Hauser said. He school is going to give a great and garbage lids are left un- noted that the case has already deal of needed school spirit to covered. Garbage isn't always been referred to both the build- classes that follosv after you for placed in proper receptacles. In ing inspector and the police two or three years," Trumpp yet another section of their peti- department, and the property said. "We needed something like tion, they ask the township itself owners in question had already the baseball team. We've had to weed and clean up city owned been notified, Conditions have problems, no doubt about it, property along Morse Avenue. already improved at the loca- IUZABITH academic and otherwise, but yoi> Mrs. John W. Currie read the tions, Hauser said, hut pledged a FEDERAL • boys arc w.nncrs and we are sa petition. She represented a num- coinimiirv. •_•( I'urt. SAVINGS pleased." ber of homeowners who live e»ii Bruiser said the township has Coach Jim Sochan echoed Ternay Avenue, which intersect!, a proper.}, maintenance code, Trumpp'.s sentiments. Only Morse. which is usually implemented adverse publicity hits the head- "We are simply not going to only where the building inspec- lines, Sochan said, and the win let this happen," one home- tor or township officials note has brought a change in attitude. owner said when interviewed glaring offenses, or when neigh- "Winning is one thing, but outside the public meeting. "We bors petition, as in the case of instilling a spirit of accomplish, have worked very hard to keep the Ternay Avenue residents, ft Ymat Of Extremes mem, walking tall, having our properties in good repair, Hauser said the code in question and if you have one property mandates upkeep, trimming of Yes, folks, there WAS a time when it was cold. The year 1977 may go people talk proudly rather than which is not taken care of, it lawns, etc. He said dilapidated down as the year of extremes. This week, thermometers hit well o\er negatively," were things Sochan 1 lower* property values and homing would have to be 100 degree ; all over 'own, Contrasts somewhat with the memorable cireci marks the beginning of a neigh- repaired under the provisions of minus 6, jus! six short months ago! "I've never seen anything in this Council room I'm more borhood decline. We pay much the code, fence-, would have to proud of than tonight," Continued On Page 2 Trumpp said. There was also praise for the spirit of uniiy evi- denced by the visit of Mayor Wodjenski, Fanwood Council Meeting The Borough Council or Fanwood has received a recommendation Need Youth The Fanwood Borough Council tabled action which would have set that a Cultural Committee be formed in the borough to oversee Summer Help? limitations on where recreational vehicles may be parked on residential restoration, renovation and preservation of the Carriage House. properties, after hearing objections to the borough's roning proposals Mayor Ted Trumpp moved |p..u Wednesday to create such a five- Under provisions of a feder- from two recreational vehicle owners. Council will now haw the member committee, and he named Hie membership. ally funded youth work pro- borough building inspector go out and photograph every recreational The small house, which once - -- ._- gram, employers in the Scotch vehicle in town, on site, and bring back information. Council will also housed carriages in olden times,, cultural arts center when Plains-Fanwood area may hire wait until at least September to act on the fabled section of the zoning is located on the Slocum proper- restored, according to sugges- local teenagers, with half the pay ordinance, to enable vacationing recreatioini; \ chicle owners to return reimbursed by the federal from vacations to voice opinions. ly. I'he building uijui.i LULOIHC a tions received by Council from Lucille Kluckas and Delores government. Peter Hoskey, a The law would have stated teacher at Scotch Plains- that vehicles bearing a "T" UiiiifiiiiiiiKiiiitlilliiliiiniiiMiliiinniiiiiiiniiu O'Brien, The interior would lend ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu. itself to use as a gallery, Fanwood High who is heading license place, and seven feet or I Calendar I museum, workshops and the youth summer work pro- more in height must be screened, meeting house to serve citizens gram, explained that commercial and located behind the front line | Thursday, July 21 — Hearings, i of Fanwood and would be par- businesses may hire the people, of a home. It also set a ten-foot | chcerleading controversy, | icularly appropriate for use by who are 14 to 21 years of age and sideyard clearance between t will then receive half the salary property line and trailers, and CHITCHAT 10 I Somerset County Supennten-1 the borough's youth and senior CLASSII IED ADS . .. 29 | dent's Office, Somerville, | citizens, Kluckas and O'Brien they pay the youths. disallowed parking of the EDITORIALS . ..'. 4 The employees are able to do vehicles in front of a home ENGAGEMENTS 10 I 10am. said. They are members of the LECAL5 ... •.. 25 I I Environmental Commission, just about anything, Hoskey between 8 am and 4 pm. said, and he is on hand mornings The sideyard clearance REAL ESTATE . 2? I Thursday, July 21 — Board of f The question of the future of the RELIGIOUS SERVICES, IB at Scotch Plains-Fanwood High, appeared to bring the objectors SERVICES , 30 |I RfiupofinEducationn , msntmmeetinog u-itwith nniiVpolices £| Sloeum House was addressed to 889-8607, to answer any ques- them for recommendations by to the microphone, One from SPORTS 21 | chiefs, Administration Build- I tions. He invited any private Willoughby Road said he has 2-1 | ing, 8 pm. I the Mayor last month. business owners to telephone for never had a complaint from rr 11 n 11111 n! i i; r' M •;; m 11!! 11: r * i. s 11 • H 11111 r i r f: Continued On Page 5 informaiion on the operations. Continued On Paae7 Tiill.'U , .,- flllilllMllflllllllllllllUIIKIK; JULY 21-22-23 Brigade of the American tory. The Awards presentation and 'I oi., Miller, Frank zation and clearance of streams Revolution, and honored guests, touk place Sunday, June 26 in Minninii, Joe Somerville, Maintenance,,. A third appropriates $5,000 For A lew medals are available for a new basketball court. Basel Hall. UCTI. Anthony Mastrocola, Barry Continued From Page 1 Wilson, Glen Spiegel, Scott purchase by calling the Board Mayor Wodjenski named Dunn, From Troop 130, Wat- office in Cranford, 272-3140. Peter Sorino as Scotch Plains' M be repaired if broken, etc. chiiiig Council, were scouts X representative for the Memorial Students from this aieu who Property maintenance has Day Parade committee. Origi- received certificates and medab Andrew Levine, Neil Mills, and arisen very recently in Famvood, nally, in agenda discussions, it for their dioramas, depicting Otic Delfino. where then: is no such code. had been planned that she would events relating to the Baltic ol Officials there defeated a also name representatives of the The Short Hills or interiors o< Medals and certificates were property maintenance code, 5-1, Legion and V.F.W., but she 18th century room;, wee. Keitl also awarded to members of the three years ago. The Council changed her mind on that ufter Hafcr, Rf.'.i'Tt M:i!cr, NV.'ncIli members have requested a copy discussion with Fanwood parade Sperber and Hric Erb from tin. of Scotch Plains' code as a first representatives. Now, all com- Shackamaxon School, Also or step in formulation of some munity agencies, including display was a model of the proposed legislation for V.F.W, and Legion, will be con- Scotch Plains stage coach inn, ro/vvs PHARMACY Fanwood, tacted and will work together tc built bv Henrv A. Kiep 111, In other matters before Coun- plan the parade.
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