4, 5. 2004 o : 4oAM FP.OM ; Jobo With Juotice Job" l<llth •J>.!ot~ce TO : +1 (.;•17) 357-9611 PAGE; DOl OF 003 Subject: Weekly Workers Right s Calendar MASSACHUSETTS JOBS WITH JUSTICE Weekly Workers' Rights Calendar Monday Apri I 5th, 2004 Check out our website for more information about these events: www. massjwj.net Inclusion in the calendar does not necessarily indicate JWJ endorsement. *****•**************************** * ************~********************~*** If you rea a this ca lendar, take a moment to fill out the Jobs w1th Justice "I'll Be There" pledge on our website, 'MWI. mass1w1 r:et I ***•***************~**** * *********** ** **~ • • • ******** * * * ***** • ** * ****•** * Calendars will be released on Monday of every week. All submissions for the calendar should be in by Friday at 3:00 PM Tuesday, Apl'il 6th, 2004 Health Care for Massachusetis Campaign will be holding a Public Hearing on the Health Care Constitutional Amendment Initiative, from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm at Gardner Auditorium, Massachusetts State House. This is a Legislative Hearing Convened by the Joint Committees on Health Care, Insurance, Medicaid, Federal Financial Assistance, and Ways and Means and Lobby Day. For more information , call 617-868-1280 or visit http://www.healthcareformass.org \\'ednesday, April 7111, 2004 THE sm ANNUAL IMIVIIGR.\NTS' DAY AT THE STATE HOUSE: Gardner Auditorium 9:30-11 :OOam Meet with your representatives and senators from 12:00-3:00pm Advocate for immigrant access to : Health Care Education Worker's Rights Educate your representatives and senators about issues affecting the immigrant community, and build a strong voice for immigrants. Together we will put a human face on the hardworking, taxpaying immigrant community. Saturday, April lOth, 2004 Nine Year .A.nniversary and Fundraising Dinner ofthe Brazilian Immigrant Center; Nine Years organizing and Empowering Brazilian Immigrants at the Holiday Inn Boston/Somerville 30 Chinese Progessive Association NonProfit Org. 33 Harrison Avenue, 3rd Floor US Postage Boston, Massachusetts 02111 PAID Boston, MA Permit No. 54534 Vote November 5th {; ·ft ·fr {i· "Crisis in the Nursing ·~ 0 t~;. v ··~"· ~ Home Industry" c~~ '\? :g You are invited to attend a ~ ~ ~~ hearing of the Massachusetts t t'~ Workers' Rights Board. i{( ~ ~ %. Come hear the testimony of nursi11g ~ t home workers, seniors, community, and ~ ~: health care advocates, as they talk about ~ g the crisis facing the elderly and their ~ ~ caregivers in Massachusetts. ~ ~ ~ t Tuesday, April13t\ 2004 ~ ·:if~ 12. : 00 PM 4·~ ~} ~ ~· Massachusetts State House Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hearing Room B1. ~ ~ ~ '~' Questions? Want to get more involved?: cW) ~· Boston jobs with)ustice '!? {~ 33 53 Washington St. Boston, l\M OZ 130 Phone: (61 7) 524-8 778 v ~l Contact: Jennifer Doe {!: ·~· ·www.massjwj.net {f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 "- "'- "'- "- "- ~ .2._ fl... A .!". A A fl... /2._ .fL.. .!" .fL.. -" .fl-.. A A fL. A A A P. A £. .l>- .u.. -~ )l.. A ;.. :;;_ 2. a o ..::· \.r ':.u' ·t.:.' 'W' '1,;." 'W' "..t 'lu' 'W" 'W" 'W' v -w v 'W' w 'W' 'iJ v 'W' 'W' V w "W' w 'W' w 'Jr ·~/ -..r w -w• ~W" 'It "W" w "?' v Chinese Progessive Association NonProfit Org. 33 Harrison Avenue, 3rd Floor US Postage Boston, Massachusetts 02111 PAID Boston, MA Permit No. 54534 Vote November 5th Subject: Nu~sing Home Workers Need Your Support ! Chinese Progessive Association NonProfit Org. 33 Harrison Avenue, 3rd Floor US Postage Boston, Massachusetts 02111 PAID Boston, MA Permit No. 54534 Vote November 5th 4nSi2004 3:43 M FP.OM : ,Tcb liith Ju,t>ee ,Job, IIIith Juotice TO: +1 (617) 357-9611 PAGE: 002 (;f 003 Washmgton St- Somerville. To register or co-sponsor: (617) 783-8001- ext. 5 or [email protected] C ISIS IN THE NURSING HOME INDUSTRY! Join Workers, patients, seniors, and activist as they give testimony on the state of the nursing home industry to the Workers' Rights Board. At 12:00 PM at the Massachusetts State House hearing room B1 . For more information see our website or call Jenn at (617) 524-8778. Please fill out the pledge on our website at Y.NNJ. massjwLnet S-0-S Health! Rally and Lobby Day! The United We Stand for Public Health and MassHealth Defense coalitions are calling on the legislature to reject the Governor's budget and responsibly fund health care and public health. Join us for a rally and then lobby your legislators! 11 :00 AM. Outside of the State House. Worcester Health Care Forum The event is co-sponsored by MASS-CARE, Mass Senior Action Committee, National Association of Social Workers, and Mass Nurses Association. At the Worcester Senior Center, 128 Providence St, Worcester, MA 01604, from 1: 00-2:30 PM. Please contact MASS-CARE at masscare@aol. com for more information. Wednesday, April14, 2004 Health Care Action Committee Meeting. They will be discussing the upcoming bridge march on June 191h.Committee always meets the second Wednesday of the month . 4:00pm a UFCW Local 1445 at 30 Stergis Way, Dedham MA. If you want to suggest other agenda items, please call or email Rand Wilson (617-989-8045 I [email protected]) or Paul Cannon (617-268-6855 I [email protected]). Tuesday, April 20th, 2004 The next meeting of the Global Justice Coalition will be meeting at 6:00 (location TBA) to discuss May 8th Day of Action and Boston Social Forum Participation. For more information contact Jobs with Justice at 617-524-8778 Tuesday, April 27th, 2004 Jobs with Justice Solidarity Committee Meeting will be taking place from 6:00 PM to 8:00PM at the Jobs with Justice Office at 3353 Washington St in Jamaica Plain. On the Agenda wil l be upcoming campaigns in the Nursing Home Industry and Commercial Cleaning . Thursday, April 29th, 2004 Chinese Progessive Association NonProfit Org. 33 Harrison Avenue, 3rd Floor US Postage Boston, Massachusetts 02111 PAID Boston, MA Permit No. 54534 ... ~ .. Vote November 5th 4.'U"C04 3 : 4 3 AN l'ROM : Job~ tilth Juot1c• Jabo \11th Juotice TO: +l (617) 357-9611 PAGE : OG3 OF 003 Suds & Solidarity at Doyle's at 6:00PM on Washington St. in Jamaica Plain. Join fellow workers' rights activist for a drink and discussion of local campaigns! Suds and Solidarity is the fourth Thursday of every month . .... Save the Dates.... ae~mMed 2004, ApiillJ-15, Philadelphia: Decision makers from across the health care industry will meet here to discuss trends and celebrate successes in the growing movement to reduce the environmental harms of health care. To register and for full agenda: www.cleru.uned.org. Union Organizers Wanted !! Boston Training April 23-26 . The AFL-CIO Organizing Institute trains and places committed activists interested in helping workers build power in their workplaces and communities. Get paid to fight the boss and work for justice! ! No union experience required. Must be Willing to travel and/or relocate. Starting pay $28,000 to $35,000, full health benefits. Learn more and apply on line at INWW.organize.aflcio.org or call Seth Anderson-Oberman at 800-848-3021 ext. 5302. Women, People of Color and multi-linguists strongly encouraged to apply! Solidarity Alert! SLAP: Tufts Students are asking for community support, especially in the Somerville/Medford area, with a Call-In to Tufts University Vice Presidents John Roberto and Mary Veka to let them Tufts Janitors deserve health benefits, higher wages and more paid sick days. Tell them you're calling to convey your disappointment at the administration's lack of response to a student and faculty petition in support of the janitors that had over 1600 signatures. 617 627 3334 John Roberto VP of Operations 617 627 4220 Mary Jeka, VP of Relations If the VP isn't available, make sure to ask if you can leave a voicemail. Chinese Progessive Association NonProfit Org. 33 Harrison Avenue, 3rd Floor US Postage Boston, Massachusetts 02111 PAID Boston, MA Permit No. 54534 Vote November 5th "Crisis in the Nursing Home Industry" You are invited to attend a hearing of the Massachusetts Workers' Rights Board. Co111e hear the testi111ony of nursing ho111e workers, seniors, com.m.unity, and health care advocates, as they talk about the crisis facing the elderly and their caregivers in Massachusetts. Tuesday, April 13th, 2004 12:00 PM Massachusetts State House Hearing Room Bl. Questions? Want to get more involved?: Boston Jobs with Justice 3353 Washington St. Boston, MA 02130 Phone: (617) 524-8778 Contact: Jennifer Doe www .massjwj.net Greater Boston Interfaith Organization Phone: 617-825-5600 • Fax: 617-825-5400 • E-mail: [email protected] Action Meeting Agenda ~~-wnJ 0,:w(_ · May 24 2004 ~ #fort&ble ~ ' (3 ,A~ " )Jk'. l .f1r..-. ~-> r Opening Music I Musique d'Ouverture A Besere Velt (A Better World): Yiddish Community Choir of the Workmen's Circle Roxbury Presbyterian Church Praise and Worship Team Meeting Chair: Deacon Ron Bell, Greater Love Tabernacle .I. Call to Order and Opening Prayers I Rappel a l'Ordre et Priere d'Ouverture Bishop Othon Noel, Church o] God of Boston Rabbi Moshe Waldoks, Temple Beth Zion II. Theological and Political Context I Contexte Theologique et Politique Rev. John Heinemeier, Resurrection Lutheran Church III. Organizational Rounds and Recognition of Guests Revues des Organisations et Salutations aux Invites \ L..v 0 IV. N urstng. H orne C are I ruttattve. I I nztzatzve... des M azsons. deRetrazte · ew-- j Ms. Fran Godine, Temple Israel 1' Ms. Daphne Germain, First Haitian Baptist Church \ Ms. Margareth Arecy, Free Pentecostal Church of God Elected Officials and Administrators / Mandataire Officiels et Administreteurs Ms. Emande Exantus, Boston Missionary Baptist C~ Ms. Barbara Reid and Mr. Jean Alfred Sandaire,~O V. Organized Money Campaign I Campagne d'Organisation des Fonds Rev. Hunnon Hamilton, Roxbury Presbyterian Church Elder Eddly Benoit, Temple Salem Mr.
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